Gabrielle's Discipline (Bridal Discipline Book 3)

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Gabrielle's Discipline (Bridal Discipline Book 3) Page 20

by Angel, Golden

  "Very. It was lovely to see them again." She smiled. "I'll go tell Jacque that we'll be here for supper tonight and see what he would like to serve."

  Nodding again, Felix's eyes followed her as she left, heading down the hallway and humming with happiness. The Marquess had always dined with Cordelia, unless they'd been invited to an event, but Gabrielle had heard enough gossip to know that his behavior wasn't considered fashionable. Most gentlemen ate at their clubs as often as they did at home, if not more. That Felix was apparently set to be just as unfashionable made her unaccountably happy.

  So far being back in London wasn't so terrible.

  She'd felt very mature today, being the hostess for her friends, and now getting the household ready for dinner. At his parents' estate, even after they'd left, she hadn't felt completely comfortable with taking over the household duties. However, she'd become rather friendly with one of the undercooks, a Frenchman named Jacques Bernard, and Felix had offered him a position with them as their main chef, which he'd taken with alacrity.

  Gabrielle was very happy with the way their household was turning out. Molly had been promoted to their main housekeeper (although, in such a small house she didn't have anyone under her yet, but she would eventually), her husband Robert would be their head groom, Taylor was going to stay on as their butler, Jacques would be their chef, and hopefully she'd soon be able to find a young lady to take Molly's place as her ladies' maid. It was a warm and friendly household staff, which helped her feel more secure in her position as the lady of the house.

  Her happy spirit, and her slightly amorous notions after her talk with Cynthia and Arabella during the evening, made her feel rather wanton, and she dressed in her most seductive gown for the evening. It was very low cut, and normally she would have worn a fichu with it, but since they had no guests at their table she went without, leaving the creamy white flesh of her breasts completely bare. She felt very daring, with all that dark blue silk contrasting against the paleness of her breasts, and little puff sleeves setting off her shoulders. A single sapphire drop necklace drew further attention to the amount of exposed skin she was revealing.

  When Felix saw her, his eyes flared hot with desire and Gabrielle felt herself warm in response. She laughed inwardly as he rushed her through dinner, feeling a bit guilty that Jacques' efforts to please his new employers were obviously wasted. Felix couldn't be tasting a bite, he was eating so fast. In an effort to slow him, she asked plenty of questions about his day - and about his brothers once he told her that he'd spent the afternoon with them.

  She was looking forward to seeing them again, although she doubted they would be present at the Viscountess' tea tomorrow, since they were doing their best to avoid further attempts at matchmaking. Felix seemed very pleased with himself as he described his brothers' chagrin.

  As soon as she'd taken her last bite of a splendid strawberry tart with cream, Felix was already standing up and holding out his hand.

  "Come here, beautiful."

  Excitement kindled in her lower belly and she stood, placing her slender fingers in his. He drew her to him, placing his hand on the back of her neck and tilting her head back, cradling the back of her head and holding her in place. A secret thrill went through her at his easy handling and domination of her body.

  "Did you wear this dress to drive me mad?" he asked, his eyes sliding down from her face to her exposed breasts. Pressed against him, with her breathing so heavily, she felt like the fabric might slip and her nipples would be revealed at any moment.

  "Yes," she admitted, breathing the word out.

  He kissed her, holding her tightly against him, his fingers sliding into her hair, his other hand pressed against her waist. Gabrielle met his kiss with her own as she slid her hands inside his jacket, leaning into him with eagerness.

  Breaking off the kiss, he practically dragged her from the room as she laughed, nearly tripping to keep up with him.

  "I like this house," Felix announced as he pulled her into their bedroom, his fingers already unerringly aiming for the buttons down the back of her dress. "It's small enough that the bedroom is always nearby."

  "Is waiting till we reach the bedroom necessary?" Gabrielle asked innocently, fluttering her lashes. "The Marquess-"

  "Philip can do what he likes, but I'm not willing to risk sharing any bit of you unintentionally," Felix said, fierce possessiveness ringing through his voice and making her heart pound a little faster. Something on the back of her dress ripped. "Dammit."

  Laughing again, Gabrielle didn't protest as Felix made short work of the rest of their clothes before pressing her back to the bed. Taking his cravat, he wound it about her wrists, sending her arousal soaring as he made her helpless, tying them to one of the stout posts in the corner, dragging her body diagonally across the bed so that she was stretched out and completely vulnerable. She trembled with need, her pussy creaming with arousal as she tugged at the makeshift bonds and found them to be completely secure.

  "Beautiful," Felix murmured, dark eyes glowing with an inner flame. Gabrielle blushed as he looked down at her, feeling a bit like a virginal sacrifice being offered up to a dark, erotic god. Of course, she wasn't at all virginal, but the fantasy did add a certain extra edge to her excitement.

  Cupping her breasts, Felix squeezed roughly, his fingers pinching her nipples and nearly flattening them. Gabrielle cried out, her breasts arching upwards as if begging for more. The sharp pain made her body throb, the ache between her legs growing exponentially in response.

  "You were naughty today, weren't you?"

  For one shocked moment, Gabrielle thought that he somehow knew what she, Cynthia, and Arabella had been talking about while they'd visited, but his next words reassured her.

  "You wore a dress specifically to tease me through dinner, didn't you?"

  His fingers twisted and the pain in her nipples increased, making tears spring to her eyes even as her body clenched in need, the slickness between her nether lips sliding down the crack of her buttocks.

  "Yes!" She didn't know whether she was answering his question or just responding to his harsh manipulation of her tender breasts and nipples.

  "Such a naughty girl," he murmured, giving her nipples one last tight pinch before releasing them. The tender buds pulsed, sensitive after the abuse, but Gabrielle still felt a keen disappointment, until he turned her over so that she was face down. They pressed into the bed, exacerbating their soreness, as Felix straddled her lower thighs.


  Wiggling, Gabrielle moaned. Felix wasn't spanking her hard enough to truly hurt, just hard enough to make her want him even more. Hard enough to wake up the responses in her body that knew pain came before intense pleasure. With him straddling her legs, she couldn't move very well, certainly not well enough to rub herself against the bed and find relief that way.


  It was maddening and arousing, exciting and frustrating. Her nipples rubbed against the sheets as she squirmed, her bottom starting to feel quite warm under the steady, erotic assault of Felix's slaps.

  "Your bottom is so pretty when it turns pink, like watching a sunset as it become rosier and rosier."


  He spanked her until she was begging him to take her - not because it hurt too much, but because she was so hot that if she didn't find release soon, she thought she might explode. Felix flipped her over and spread her legs, his cock easily sliding into her wet haven, and pounding into her until she was screaming in ecstasy and he joined her in his own, explosive release.


  Looking down at his sleeping beauty, Felix cradled her closer, trying to reconcile the conflicting emotions he had. He was planning on seeing Philip tomorrow but, for the first time, he wasn't looking forward to seeing his friend. It bothered him deeply that Cordelia hadn't come to see Gabrielle today.

  His own mother had visited last night, two of Gabrielle's friends had done so t
oday - where was her stepmother? Even if she had sometimes struggled with Gabrielle as a stepdaughter, she had a certain amount of familial obligation... or had Cordelia washed her hands of Gabrielle as soon as the ink was dry on her wedding license to Felix?

  It made him angry, even more so because it was quite clear to Felix that Gabrielle hadn't expected any callers. She'd been delighted that two of her friends had cared enough to call on her and welcome her back, and she obviously hadn't expected a visit from her own stepmother or been disappointed by its lack. But she should have done. She deserved that.

  There were certain social obligations that needed to be fulfilled, and even if Cordelia was busy, she should have made time. If Felix saw her tomorrow, he was going to have quite a few things to say to her regarding her treatment of Gabrielle. And if she wasn't there, he was going to have to say them to Philip.

  Chapter 14

  The Viscountess looked up as Gabrielle was shown into the gardens. Several ladies were already sipping and drinking tea, seated at little tables sprinkled throughout the patio.

  The townhouse that Felix's parents were staying in was much grander than the one she and Felix had rented. Obviously the official house for the family, its foyer was expansive, with a very high vaulted ceiling and a gorgeous chandelier hanging overhead, which led to the hall Appleby had guided Gabrielle down to reach the back garden. The gardens were small but beautiful, with a marble fountain as the centerpiece to the patio.

  Standing and coming to greet her, the Viscountess looked Gabrielle over and smiled approvingly. Gabrielle had chosen a pink muslin with white lace netting and fluttering sleeves to match her white and rose bonnet, giving her an appearance of being both fashionable and demure.

  "You look lovely, my dear, just perfect."

  "Thank you, Mother," Gabrielle said, with no small amount of relief. She certainly hadn't wanted to disappoint the Viscountess or cause her to look badly in any way.

  Hooking her arm through Gabrielle's, Mother sallied forth with all the vigor of the English Navy, and just as triumphant. "Come dear, let me introduce you to my guests."


  Dunbury House hadn't changed a bit since Felix had left London, but somehow, he felt different walking through it. Maybe it was because he was no longer straining to hear some sign of Gabrielle's presence. Or maybe it was because he'd never entered the house simmering with resentment and disappointment in his friend.

  "Felix!" Philip grinned, standing up behind his desk as Felix came into the study. The butler closed the door behind Felix, leaving them in privacy. "Welcome home."

  Just seeing Philip's grinning countenance, his hazel eyes welcoming and happy, made some of Felix's more negative emotions slide away. They were still friends, even if some things needed to change, and approaching Philip in anger was surely not the best way to handle the matter.

  They clasped hands and Philip waved Felix towards one of the armchairs as he went to the cabinet where he kept his best brandies and scotches, pouring them both a drink as he spoke. "How was the honeymoon? Your parents said the summerhouse was uninhabitable, so you kicked them out of their own home."

  His eyes twinkled as he handed Felix a glass of scotch, seating himself in the armchair across from him.

  "Well it is rather hard to honeymoon with my mother hovering," Felix said, relaxing slightly. "I feel I made the right choice in leaving the capital, however. And in asking my parents to return to it. Gabrielle and I are now on good terms. She's... wonderful."

  Tilting his head slightly, Philip studied him and then nodded. "Good. I'll admit to some reservations over the hastiness of the marriage, especially because you seemed so unsure, but all's well that ends well."

  Felix had almost forgotten how seriously Philip took his responsibilities towards Gabrielle, which just made him frown. His friend looked at him in surprise, obviously not expecting that response, which meant Felix had to explain.

  "Why hasn't Cordelia come by to see Gabrielle yet?"

  Philip blinked. "She hasn't?"

  "No." Some of the tension left Felix as he realized that, whatever Cordelia's reasons, they'd had nothing to do with his friend. Animosity between the two women he could handle; if Philip had taken against Gabrielle for some reason, well it wouldn't have ended their friendship but it could hurt it. He'd felt very defensive up until this moment.

  Now Philip frowned, his expression becoming foreboding. "I thought she'd gone over there yesterday afternoon."

  "No, Arabella and Cynthia both came by, but not Cordelia."

  Muttering something under his breath, Philip shook his head and took a long draw of scotch. Feeling much more companionable now, and trusting that his friend would take care of it, Felix did the same. Philip was protective of his wife as well, of course, but he was also a stickler for duty, and it was Cordelia's duty - both social and as Gabrielle's stepmother - to visit Gabrielle immediately. If anyone knew that she hadn't... well, they hadn't worked so hard to quell the gossip about Gabrielle's quick marriage only to have it all brought up again by the seeming disapproval of the Marchesse of Dunbury upon Gabrielle's arrival back in London.


  Sitting beside the Viscountess, Gabrielle was truly enjoying herself. She'd become accustomed to the social whirl before her wedding, but now she found herself in an entirely different position altogether. No longer a debutante, she was now a wife - and not only that, a wife with several prominent allies. The Viscountess' closest friends included not one but two duchesses, several Marchesses and countesses, and one rather frightening elderly baroness who merely had to speak and everyone jumped, despite her lower position on the social scale.

  Although Gabrielle was best friends with the sister of a duke, she still hadn't moved in such rarefied circles before her marriage. Now she'd been accepted with open arms and was hearing an earful. Their gossip wasn't the petty, shallow gossip of debutantes. While they talked about many of the same things - such as bachelors and marriages - their focus wasn't on how handsome a man was or whether or not his shoulders might be padded. They were interested in his finances, his reputation, and the best possible dynastic match for him. It was a whole new world that she was learning about just by keeping her ears open.

  She was also learning quite a bit about being a hostess from the Viscountess, and feeling a bit guilty that she'd always been so resistant when Cordelia had tried to teach her... but Cordelia had been boring. She'd wanted Gabrielle to just sit and watch, passively learning from her example, whereas the Viscountess had Gabrielle by her side, greeting each guest along with her. The Viscountess also whispered little tidbits about each person afterwards, which helped Gabrielle remember them. Instead of feeling lost or resentful of having to observe her mentor's unattainable perfection, she felt involved and interested. Perhaps if she had made more of an effort under Cordelia's tutelage... but she hadn't been ready.

  Still, her guilt and recognizing her unpleasantness made her put more effort into greeting her stepmother when she arrived than Gabrielle ever had before.

  Cordelia's eyes widened slightly in surprise as Gabrielle greeted her with a sincere smile, and then even more so as she watched the Viscountess guide Gabrielle through greeting the Dowager Duchess who had followed Cordelia through the door. Gabrielle still felt guilty, but she also felt a bit smug about showing that Cordelia that she was now a mature, sophisticated wife. Not only that, but that she was worthy of being Felix's wife.

  The Viscountess shooed Gabrielle away, insisting she walk with Cordelia and make any necessary introductions. "I'm sure you'll have no trouble remembering their names," she said, with an encouraging wink.

  It felt strange to be in Cordelia's company again. Her stepmother was as beautiful as ever, in her jade green gown with matching ivory slippers, gloves, and bonnet. Gabrielle's emotions were what had changed... she still felt some resentment towards her stepmother, but it was colliding with this new sense of guilt, along with the stirrings of jealousy that she'd a
lmost forgotten about, which was tangled with a deep need for Cordelia's approval.

  "The country seems to have agreed with you," Cordelia said, with her usual gentle smile, her eyes searching Gabrielle's face - for what, Gabrielle didn't know. "I'm a bit surprised, as you were so eager to come to London."

  "It was a very nice visit," Gabrielle said, feeling a bit off kilter. She couldn't tell if Cordelia's comment had been meant to be provoking or not. Part of her felt provoked, but another, newer, more mature part of her felt as though perhaps she should extend Cordelia the benefit of the doubt. Glancing over at the Viscountess, she decided to hold fast to the latter, as she didn't want to disappoint Mother on this very important day. "The estate is lovely. They had a creek that we played in, and a wishing well, and so many puppies I couldn't even fit them all in my lap."

  Cordelia blinked at her, her hazel eyes widened in a kind of shock. "You and Felix played in the creek?"

  Despite her determination to be the consummate hostess, Gabrielle felt a small knot of unpleasant emotion curl in her stomach when Cordelia called Felix by his Christian name. It felt like only something she or his mother should be able to do. Before, it had bothered her, but it hadn't felt like this - as though something intimately hers had been infringed upon. She also didn't particularly like the surprise in Cordelia's voice. It felt derisive, as though she couldn't imagine why Felix would want to do such a thing with his wife.

  "Yes," Gabrielle said, lifting her chin haughtily, some of her old habits coming back to her as the need to protect herself from censure or mockery rose. "Every day that we could."

  "How lovely." The confused tone of Cordelia's voice was at odds with her words, putting Gabrielle's back up even more.

  "Felix enjoyed it greatly," she said sharply, emphasizing his name. Was Cordelia's confusion because he couldn't imagine Felix playing in a creek? Or because she couldn't imagine him spending time with Gabrielle? Jealous resentment pierced her stomach, emotions that had been buried since she'd gone on her honeymoon suddenly welling. She didn't even realize that her feet had ground to a halt. Their promenade had taken them to the edge of the crowd, fortunately, and no one was paying attention to their conversation. "We spent all our time together. The creek was something he wanted to share with me."


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