Maybe This Time

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Maybe This Time Page 6

by Shawn Lane

“Oh, I almost forgot.” Randy bent down and unzipped the bag he’d placed at his feet. Reaching in, he pulled out a green and white striped gift bag with the words Happy Birthday written on it. “I know it’s not your birthday, but this is the only gift bag we had in the house that wasn’t for Christmas.” He handed it to Win.

  “What is this?”

  Randy grinned. “A sort of survival kit for while I’m gone. But don’t open it until you get home.”

  He clutched it to him, feeling vaguely foolish, but what the hell. It was the first gift Randy had given him.

  “I guess I should let you go,” Win said, reluctantly. “What do they say to dancers? Good luck or break a leg?”

  “Merde, actually.”

  Win raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

  Randy laughed. “Yeah.” He threw his arms around Win and held him close for several seconds. “I’ll see you when I get back.”

  Win watched him as he walked toward the security lines, and then turned to go back out to his car, the gift bag still tightly clutched in his hands. After a moment he loosened his death grip on it. When he got to the car, he decided to open it. Yeah, Randy had said wait until he got home, but Win used to peek at Christmas presents, too.

  Inside was a DVD in a pink plastic case with handwriting on a white label that read, Randy’s dancing. Also inside was a picture of Randy…naked. It was a picture he’d obviously taken of himself, lying on the bed.

  “Shit.” No wonder he’d wanted him to wait. Win felt his dick rise to attention in his pants. Though they were pretty simple items, Win was touched anyway.

  He pulled out his cell phone and called Gran. “Hey, it’s me,” he said when she answered. “I’m about to leave the airport. I was thinking maybe I’d take you and Molly out for dinner tonight.”

  “Oh, that sounds lovely. I’ll go ask Molly.”

  “All right, see you in a bit.”

  * * * *

  Dinner with Gran and Molly had been fun and it took his mind off missing Randy for a bit. After all, Randy had only been gone a few hours. They’d gone back to Gran’s and drunk coffee and he’d listened while they talked about the old days.

  When it became obvious Gran was tiring, Win offered to walk Molly back to her condo. She’d protested she didn’t need a chaperone, but he walked back with her anyway.

  “Thank you for dinner, Winnie,” Molly said as she opened her door.

  “My pleasure.”

  “You’re a sweet boy. I can see why Randy likes you.”

  Win smiled. “Does he?”

  “Oh, believe me he does. And no, it’s not that he talks about you all the time, though he does, or that he’s told me how he feels.”

  “Then how do you know?”

  “I love Randy. He’s very precious to me. But he’s always been, how do you say…flighty? He’s never had a serious relationship with a man. Not even before he went to New York. Oh, he’s a big flirt and had his share of, well, you know, one-night stands.” She blushed, which Win found adorable.

  “Yes, I know.” Win had been one of those one-night stands once upon a time.

  “You’re the only one that’s mattered enough for him to bother with,” Molly said rather bluntly.

  “And now he’s going to Vegas.” He tried to keep the hint of bitterness out his voice, but he was sure he’d failed when she patted his arm and smiled in sympathy.

  “He’s always wanted to dance.”

  “You share that in common.”

  She nodded. “There’s no show out there for old ladies like me, but there’s definitely opportunities for someone as good as Randy.”

  “He gave me a DVD of his dancing. I’m going to watch it tonight when I go back.”

  “Then you’ll know why he has to do this. Goodnight, Winnie.”

  “Good night, Molly.”

  He waited for the click of the lock after she went inside, then he walked back to Gran’s condo.

  Gran was in the kitchen rinsing out the coffee cups. She yawned. “I guess it’s time to turn in.”

  Win nodded. “How are you feeling, Gran?”

  “Good, dear. I went to the doctor yesterday and he said all my test results were fine.”

  “That’s good. I want you around for many years to come.”

  She laughed. “You won’t get any argument from me.”

  After he saw her off to bed, Win went into his room where he had a television and DVD player. He put in Randy’s DVD and watched it from start to finish, spellbound. Then he watched it two more times.

  Randy danced both ballet and some more modern dance in the DVD, and Win couldn’t decide which he liked better. Randy was amazingly beautiful dancing either in his opinion. He was left wondering what the hell was wrong with the idiots on Broadway. He also couldn’t believe Randy had said he wasn’t very good at ballet. Win had seen Baryshnikov and Nureyev on television enough to know what a good male ballet dancer was like.

  Finally, in the wee hours of the morning, he turned off the DVD. He knew what Molly meant when she said he’d know after watching Randy dance. Somewhere in the back of his head, Win had thought maybe he’d ask Randy to stay. To stay in Los Angeles and either try for a show there or teach young up and coming students. The thought hadn’t fully formed, but Win admitted to himself now he’d been thinking about.

  He couldn’t now. Randy had to be able to entertain people with his dance and Win would just have to let him go.

  * * * *

  Randy sat in a casino lounge people watching. And drinking a Coke. His audition was in the morning and there was no way he’d ruin his chances by having alcohol.

  For a while he’d sat in his room watching television. Randy decided Vegas sucked big time when you had no money to burn and you couldn’t have booze. What the hell good was Sin City when you couldn’t sin?

  It had occurred to him as he was sitting eating his dinner at the hotel buffet that he should have asked Win to come with him. He was pretty sure Win could have gotten a couple of days off work. Why the fuck had he been so stupid not to ask?

  He missed Win. Yep, totally.

  “Hi, can I buy you a drink?” a man with a very deep voice asked as he lowered himself into the comfy leather chair next to him.

  Randy was very close to rolling his eyes. The funny thing was, the old Randy would have been very attracted to the dude. He was rugged and macho looking with bulging muscles, as well as tattooed all over. But Randy had also seen the guy earlier at a blackjack table and at that time he’d had a gold band on his left ring finger. That ring was now absent.

  “I’m fine, thanks.”

  “Come on, what are you drinking, pretty boy?”

  “A Coke, and, really, no thank you.”


  Randy offered him a smile. “Sorry, I’ve got a boyfriend.”

  “A beauty like you, I’m sure you do.” He took a swig of his own drink, looked like whiskey maybe. He winked. “You know what they say though?”

  “What do they say?”

  “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

  “Ah.” Randy nodded. “Yeah, not for me.” And with that he decided it was time to go back to his room and get some rest before his audition. He rose from his chair. “Enjoy your night.”

  Chapter 8

  Win waited by the exit doors of the airport for Randy. According to the display screens his plane had arrived about fifteen minutes ago. Since he knew Randy hadn’t checked luggage, Win expected him to appear from within the passengers only area any minute.

  He wasn’t sure what to expect. Did they tell you on the spot if you got the part? Randy hadn’t called him, so he wasn’t sure.

  Randy came around the corner and for just a few seconds he held his breath, taking in the sight of the sweet, sexy man. Randy wore sweatpants this time and a red tank top. His hair was a bit messy and he had a smidge of shadows under his eyes, but to Win he was the most gorgeous man on earth.

  Win opened his arms without even
thinking, and Randy walked right into them, sighing against Win when his arms closed around him. “Hi.”

  Randy didn’t lift his head, just sighed. “Hi. You smell really good.”

  He smiled. “Are you hungry?”

  “No.” Randy stepped back out of Win’s embrace and it was all he could do not to pull him back. “You know what I want?”


  “I want to go home, get naked, and have you pound into me all night.”

  Win blinked, glanced around to make sure no one heard, then grinned. “Well, I don’t know if I’m capable of all night.”

  Randy smiled. “Let’s experiment and see.”

  “Deal. Did you—”

  “I don’t know yet. They’re supposed to call. I’ve got the ringer on my cell phone turned way up.”

  They began to walk toward the short-term parking lot.

  “How did it feel? Do you think you did well?”

  “Yeah,” Randy said. “It felt amazing.”

  Win nodded, swallowing. “You are amazing. I watched the DVD and I was blown away.”

  Randy blushed. “I’m glad you liked it.”

  “Liked it? I loved it.” They got in the car and Win started the short drive toward home. Like the trip to the airport, Randy had fallen silent. He lay back in the passenger seat with his eyes closed and Win decided not to disturb him. He looked totally beat.

  When they reached the condos, Win gave him a quick kiss outside Molly’s door.

  “I’m going to go tell Gran I’m home and then be right over,” Win said.

  “Great. See you in a second.” Randy disappeared inside.

  He didn’t know if he was imagining it, but Randy seemed subdued. Maybe out of nervousness waiting for the call. Win was trying to put on a happy face even though inside, his stomach churned and twisted in knots. If Randy got the part, he’d be leaving LA. Leaving Win. He could hardly stand to think of that.

  “Gran?” he asked as he stepped into the condo.

  “In the kitchen.”

  He went to the kitchen and found her making herself some bedtime tea. He kissed the top of her gray head. “Just wanted to tell you goodnight. I’m staying with Randy tonight.”

  She smiled as she steeped the teabag. “I figured as much. Did he hear?”

  “No, but he’s waiting on pins and needles.”

  “And so are you,” she said gently.

  He nodded. “Yeah. See you in the morning?”

  “Goodnight, Winnie.”

  Win made his way back over to Molly’s and Randy opened the door when he was about to knock. He put his finger to his lips for Win to be quiet, and as Win stepped in he noticed Molly sleeping on the couch, a book across her chest.

  Randy grabbed Win’s hand and led him down the hall to his room, then closed and locked the bedroom door after them.

  “You look tired,” Win said, pulling Randy close.

  “I am. It’s been a long day.”

  “You want to wait until tomorrow for sex?”

  Randy snorted. “Hell, no. I already had to go without you last night. Take your clothes off and get in the shower.”

  He grinned. “Are you ordering me around?”

  “I’m pretty sure I am. I want you thrusting inside me while water rains down on our thrashing bodies. Clothes off, babe.”

  Win yanked off his shirt and then kicked his shoes off. He was about to unzip his jeans when he stopped to admire Randy’s naked ass as he scooted his sweats off.

  “Stop gawking and get into the bathroom.” Randy shook his head, but he was grinning.

  “All right, all right, but in my defense it’s hard to look away from that ass of yours.” He finished undressing, grabbed the condoms and lube, and headed into the bathroom.

  Win slid open the glass door of the shower and twisted the knob to turn on the shower spray. He stuck his hand in the stream to check the temperature, then adjusted it.

  “Get in, get in,” Randy said, as he came into the bathroom bearing two big fluffy green towels.

  Win stepped into the shower, setting a condom and small thing of lube on the shelf, and Randy followed him, wrapping his arms around Win’s middle and offering his lips to Win.

  He groaned and lowered his hands down to cup Randy’s tight round ass, pulling him flush against him, so their erections rubbed.

  Sticking his tongue in Win’s mouth and practically down his throat, Randy slipped his hand between them and wrapped his fist around the tips of both cocks.

  Red hot lust laced through Win and he grasped the back of Randy’s head, smashing their mouths together even as his fingers yanked on Randy’s wet locks.

  Randy whimpered, his jerks on their cocks becoming harder, more desperate.

  Win pulled away, turning Randy and pushing him up against the tile wall. He growled low, nipped Randy’s shoulder, and then dropped to his knees, spreading the cheeks of Randy’s ass.

  “Ah, fuck.” Randy gasped as Win stabbed his tongue inside Randy’s hole.

  Over and over his tongue jabbed at his lover’s entrance, liberally dousing it, adding a wet finger, pressing deep.

  Randy tossed down the lube, then braced one hand on the wall, the other continuing to stroke his dick. He spread his legs wide.

  Win squirted out some strawberry flavored lube onto his fingers and added them along with his tongue as he worked to prepare Randy for his cock.

  His knees aching a bit from being on the uncomfortable shower floor, Win rose and reached for the little foil wrapper. He rubbed his cock along Randy’s crease, watching as goose bumps appeared on the bare flesh of his butt cheeks.

  “God, Randy, you are the hottest guy.”

  Randy nodded. “Fuck. Me,” he ground out.

  Win tore open the wrapper, dropped it to the floor, and rolled the latex over his leaking cock. Gripping Randy’s thighs, he spread the cheeks with his dick, then slowly pushed in.

  For just a moment he hesitated, but then Randy’s ass thrust back, and Win drove home. He covered Randy’s hand on the wall with his own, slamming into the man’s tightness. Again and again.

  Randy was almost violent as he thrust back against Win, riding the cock inside him. Not to be outdone, Win thrust harder and deeper. His whole body felt electrified with the need to come.

  His breaths grew shallow, and his chest heaved. “Oh. My. God.”

  A powerful orgasm roared through him and he pounded into Randy as cum splattered against the tile wall as Randy yelled his own release.

  “Damn, I-I missed you more than I thought.” Randy panted, leaning his head against the tile.

  Win closed his eyes and tilted his head against Randy’s back. “Me, too.”

  * * * *

  Win woke to Randy’s cell phone’s ringtone going off. Win groaned and covered his head with his pillow. Next to him, Randy patted Win’s shoulder, then rose from the bed, cell in hand, taking his sweatpants with him, and went into the bathroom.

  After a moment, Win threw the pillow aside and looked at the clock on the bedside table. It was close to nine already. He yawned and sat up. He had a feeling this was Randy’s call.

  He swung his legs out of bed and grabbed his clothes. He might as well be dressed when he got the news.

  Just as he was zipping up his jeans, the door of the bathroom opened and Randy came out, now wearing his sweatpants, smiling wide and practically bouncing.

  He squealed and then ran at Win, throwing his arms around Win. “Guess what?”

  Win couldn’t help smile, Randy’s obvious excitement was infectious. “What, sweetie?”

  “I got the lead.”

  “Ah, that’s fantastic.” He hugged Randy tight. He meant it, too. Even if his heart might be breaking just a little. As hard as it was to know that meant the end for them, he couldn’t be anything less than thrilled for his lover. “We need to celebrate, this is so awesome.”

  “I know. I can’t believe it.” Randy kissed him hard. “I’m so glad you’re h
ere with me. Your support has meant so much. I have to tell Grandma.” He kissed Win again and then ran to the bedroom door, opened it, and dashed out into the hall. “Grandma!”

  Win sank down on the bed. He could do this. He could let Randy go.

  * * * *

  “Winnie, have you got those hamburgers ready for the grill yet?” Gran asked him as she came into her kitchen that night.

  They’d decided to have a barbecue with Gran and Molly to celebrate Randy getting the show. Win had offered to take them all to a fancy dinner, but Randy had said he wanted to stay home and do something with just the four of them.

  Win’s hands formed the last patty and then he placed it on the plate. “Just now.” He walked over to the sink and started washing his hands. “Now I’ll get the vegetables ready.”


  “Hmm?” He opened the fridge and bent down to get the veggies out of the crisper.

  “They have law firms in Vegas, right?”

  “Sure.” He chose zucchini, onions, tomatoes, peppers, and mushrooms.

  “And they hire paralegals there, too?”

  Win set the veggies on a cutting board and then turned to face her. “Yeah, why?”

  Gran smiled and came to take his hands in hers. “You really like Randy, don’t you?”

  Why bother to deny the obvious? Liked him? Yeah, he liked him. He was having trouble maintaining his happy face. “Yes, I do.”

  “Then why don’t you go to Las Vegas with him?”


  She squeezed his hands. “You can get a job there. I bet you the firm you work for would give you a recommendation. You’ve been stressed out and moping around, worried about him going to Vegas. Winnie, move there with him.”

  Win bit his lip, his heart racing a little. “It’s not that easy.”

  “When have you ever felt like this before? Dean?” She snorted. “I don’t think so. You’ve spent the last several weeks falling in love. Why throw that away?”

  “Because he’s moving like five hundred miles from here.”

  Gran shook her head. “That’s not an obstacle. People move for jobs, for adventure. Why not love?”

  Why not love?

  “But what about you?” he asked.

  “What about me?”


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