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The Better To Kiss You With

Page 16

by Michelle Osgood

When Jamie finally managed to pull back she was breathless and grinning. “I take it that’s a yes?”

  “That is very much a yes. And I think I know exactly how we can celebrate.”

  “Ice cream and Netflix?” Jamie suggested, as her fingers began to unfasten the buttons on her shirt.

  “Ha, ha,” Deanna deadpanned. “I think I’m rubbing off on you.”

  “Not yet, but you will be.”

  The terrible pun left Deanna speechless and, as Jamie tossed her shirt to the floor and lifted Deanna over her shoulder to take her into the living room, Deanna couldn’t do anything but bury her head against Jamie’s shoulder blade and laugh with the cheesy absurdity of it all.

  The mattress creaked when Jamie dropped her gently onto it, and as Jamie stood back to work her jeans down over her hips Deanna lay back to do the same with her underwear. “You know the only reason I am moving in with you is because of your bed, right?” she asked, tossing her panties to the floor before she sat up to unclasp her bra.

  “I know.” Jamie kicked her underwear to the side and crawled over the mattress to Deanna. Her hand came up to cup Deanna’s breast. “I’ll take what I can get,” she said as she rubbed her thumb over Deanna’s nipple, watching with heavy-lidded eyes while the sensitive flesh hardened. Deanna gasped when Jamie bent her head to slide her tongue over its peak; the wet drag tightened things low in her body. Jamie slid her leg between Deanna’s and rocked against her as she drew Deanna’s nipple into her mouth.

  Deanna reached for Jamie and tangled her fingers in her thick hair as she pressed herself closer, arching up into Jamie’s mouth until she felt the sharp edge of teeth close over her breast. Deanna’s lips parted on a moan when Jamie pressed her thigh more urgently against her, and when Jamie brought a hand up to slide over Deanna’s open mouth, Deanna caught her wrist, holding Jamie in place as she sucked Jamie’s thumb into her mouth. Jamie shuddered, her pupils blown wide as Deanna stroked the pad of Jamie’s thumb with her tongue.

  “God, your mouth,” Jamie groaned, her free hand digging into Deanna’s hips as she abandoned rubbing Deanna’s clit and focused on grinding against Deanna’s leg. “It’s ridiculous.”

  Deanna gave another swirl of her tongue before pulling off Jamie’s thumb. When she spoke, her voice was husky. “My mouth? Have I ever told you how many fantasies I had about yours?”

  Jamie stilled with a confused look on her face.

  Though they were well past the point where Deanna should feel embarrassed, she could feel her cheeks turn pink as she shifted, moving up until the two of them were face to face. “Your mouth,” she said, as she traced Jamie’s lower lip with her finger, “I wanted your mouth all over me. You’d smile at me and my heart would stop. It’s so wide, and your lips looked so soft.”

  Jamie gave a low laugh. She bent until her mouth was a breath away from Deanna’s. “Do you know why?” she asked, her head tilted as she met Deanna’s eyes.

  “Why?” Deanna’s eyes dropped to Jamie’s lips.

  “Because they’re all the better to kiss you with, my dear.” Jamie’s teeth flashed as she grinned, and before Deanna could decide if she wanted to laugh or groan, Jamie made good on her promise, easing her lips lightly against Deanna’s until Deanna’s mouth parted on a soft sigh and Jamie slid her tongue between them.

  Deanna let Jamie push her back against the bed. She bit back a whimper when Jamie moved from her mouth to graze the side of Deanna’s neck with her lips. It only took Deanna a moment to realize that Jamie intended to fulfill Deanna’s fantasy, because the way Jamie’s parted lips dragged over the suddenly sensitive skin of Deanna’s shoulder made Deanna keenly aware of the wetness between her legs.

  “Can’t we save that for another time?” Deanna pleaded when Jamie moved lower, her movements agonizingly slow as the press of those soft lips along the underside of Deanna’s breast made her writhe. The slow burn Jamie’s mouth ignited with every touch made Deanna hungry for more, and when Jamie ignored her, kissing her way across Deanna’s soft stomach, Deanna had to bite back a strangled curse.

  By the time Jamie had made it down one of Deanna’s legs and was well on her way up the second, Deanna was nearly mindless with need. Jamie had been careful to avoid putting her mouth where Deanna wanted it most, and at the first moist breath against her damp curls Deanna made a noise that was close to a sob.

  “Please,” she begged, hips arching toward Jamie where she lay between Deanna’s sprawled legs with her arms curled around Deanna’s thighs to keep her pinned to the mattress. For a moment she didn’t think Jamie would relent, was sure she’d continue to tease until Deanna imploded with the pent-up arousal. In Jamie’s position, Deanna would have had a hard time not seeing how far she could push until Jamie completely broke.

  Luckily for her, Jamie took pity and leaned forward, closing her mouth around Deanna’s hot flesh. She didn’t move softly or gently as she had everywhere else on Deanna’s body, and the sudden sensation of Jamie’s tongue laving intently at Deanna’s clit when she’d ignored it for what seemed like hours had Deanna rigid, every muscle in her body clenching as she came in a dizzying rush.

  When Deanna sagged back against the bed, her eyes were open and staring at the ceiling, but she saw nothing except stars. She couldn’t do more than moan when Jamie slid two fingers against her, slicking herself with the wetness from Deanna’s orgasm so she could work her fingers inside Deanna.

  At the first press of Jamie’s fingers within her, Deanna’s limp legs fell back wider, her body opened itself for Jamie.

  Though she could still feel the echoes of her last orgasm sparking through her veins, Deanna’s hips rose in response to Jamie’s questing fingers, urging them deeper. She wanted to feel Jamie everywhere, feel the press of her inside and the warmth of her as she moved over Deanna’s body.

  Jamie’s eyes were dark; her hair was pushed back from her face as she slid her fingers out of Deanna and then in again, twisting until Deanna’s fingers scrabbled for purchase against the sheets of her bed.

  “Come on, baby,” Jamie coaxed, moving her fingers faster until Deanna had to slam her eyes shut. The sensations were too overwhelming for her to do anything but arch up into Jamie, shamelessly begging for more. “I’ve got you.”

  Deanna grabbed for Jamie’s free hand, and Jamie clenched her fingers tightly around her as she began to fuck Deanna into the mattress. The force of her thrusts let Deanna know that she’d be sore tomorrow, and glad of it. Jamie gave a final twist, her fingers curling over the spot in Deanna that made her vision white out.

  When Deanna could think again, she realized Jamie had crawled farther up her body until she straddled Deanna’s shoulders. Deanna’s lips were just inches from Jamie’s clit. Deanna gave a breathless laugh. Her hands slid up Jamie’s thighs to bring her closer so that she could bury her face in Jamie, eyes closing as she inhaled the musky scent of her. Jamie was wet, and as Deanna parted her mouth and pressed her lips to the bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs, Deanna could feel her shudder and her hips rock forward to push herself farther into Deanna’s mouth.

  Deanna slid her tongue over Jamie’s slick skin; her hands moved until she could cup Jamie’s ass and feel Jamie push against her in earnest. Jamie took the invitation for what it was. Her movements sped up as she rocked against Deanna’s mouth with her hands braced against the back of the couch and sweat beading on her lower back as she fucked Deanna’s tongue. Deanna could feel the pressure building between her own legs again, and bucked uselessly against the air, wishing she’d thought to find a pillow or something, anything, to rut against as the fervor of Jamie’s movements increased.

  Taking her hand from Jamie’s ass, Deanna slid it between her own legs, working her fingers desperately against her clit as she sucked Jamie’s into her mouth, moaning against her lover when she felt herself come.

  The vibration of Deanna’s moan agai
nst her tipped Jamie over the edge. With a sharp cry she ground herself against Deanna’s face, momentarily stealing Deanna’s breath. The feeling of Jamie riding her orgasm pressed against Deanna’s mouth, with her nose buried in Jamie’s curls, had Deanna working her fingers again so that as Jamie came down, easing back so that Deanna could suck in a lungful of air, Deanna was shaking with another orgasm.

  Jamie laughed weakly and rolled off of Deanna to fall to the bed beside her. She was sheened with sweat, and as she curled around Deanna, Deanna made a halfhearted attempt to push her away. “Too hot for cuddling,” she protested. Her chest was still heaving as she tried to get her breathing under control.

  “Never too hot for cuddling,” Jamie disagreed, burying her face in Deanna’s shoulder and nuzzling closer to her neck. Deanna gave her a halfhearted shove, but didn’t have the energy to do more; her skin still thrummed with the afterglow.

  “Lesbian bed death, my ass,” she muttered drowsily.


  “Never mind.” Deanna gave Jamie’s arm, which was slung across her stomach, an absent pat. “Will we need a U-Haul to get my stuff upstairs, do you think?”

  “A U-Haul?” Jamie sounded even more confused now, and if Deanna had more energy left she would have laughed.

  “Nothing, it’s… bad joke.”

  “I thought that was my domain from now on,” Jamie pouted, though Deanna could feel her lips quirk into a grin against the side of her neck.

  “We can share,” Deanna offered, her tongue thick in her mouth as exhaustion hit. “I want to share a lot of things with you.”

  “Good.” Jamie snuggled closer, lifting the blanket to pull it over them. There was a soft thump, and the bed shuddered, the springs complaining. Deanna didn’t have to open her eyes to know that Arthur had joined them, and that he’d be looking guilty about it.

  “You’re going to spoil him.”

  “It’s sharing, not spoiling.” Jamie planted a kiss on Deanna’s shoulder. “Plus, you’ll have to get used to the idea of puppies in the bed.”

  “Huh?” Deanna couldn’t quite connect the dots there.

  “Werewolf.” Jamie shrugged, laughter warm in her voice. “You’ll get to be a den mother for real.”

  “Oh, for the love of—” Deanna summoned the rest of her energy and rolled over, trapping Jamie in a kiss that melted into a slow glide of lips and tongue. “You’re really not as funny as you think you are.”

  “But you love me.” Jamie smirked.

  “Yes.” Deanna smiled. “I do.”


  Acknowledgments |

  Thank you, Elizabeth, for listening to all of my ideas and, more importantly, telling me if they were crap. You were right; this one was pretty good. Thank you, Jonathan, for your unwavering belief in me. Thank you, Leita, Trever, Katelyn and Lowell, for being a community of writers and friends that I’m proud to be a part of. Thank you, Anthony, for giving and asking only for truth. Thank you, Kathryn, who’s promised to keep me humble but never stops being excited with me. Thank you to my family, who always encouraged my love of reading and gamely accepted the consequences.

  Thank you, Annie, for wanting the best for these characters. Thank you, Candy, for the guiding hand. Thank you, Choi, for making this feel real. Thank you, Lex—I didn’t get to know you, but your dream made mine a reality. Thank you, Nicki and Zoe, for your hard work. Thank you, Monika, for the breathtaking cover art.

  And thank you fandom. Your love of stories made this possible.

  PS: To my fellow Canadians, I apologize for the American spelling. I hope it didn’t colour your perception of the book too much.

  About the Author |

  Michelle Osgood lives in Vancouver, BC, with her partner Elizabeth and their two cats. She enjoys reading, watching, and listening to all sorts of stories, and then arguing about them loudly in a pub with her friends. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, which makes her an expert arguer, and a fondness for bubbly. Though she has no room in her tiny basement apartment for more books, she continues to buy them and thanks you for buying hers.

  For a reader’s guide to The Better to Kiss You With and book club prompts, please visit




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