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Glock (The Bad Disciples MC Book 4)

Page 5

by Savannah Rylan

  “But this isn’t working, fighting them and shooting at them isn’t working, Glock,” she cried, searching my eyes wildly.

  “What else are we supposed to do? This is the only way we know to stop them, Sage!” I knew my voice was raised, and my words had come out harshly. She raised her eyebrows too, she had never heard me thunder.

  “Take it to the law. Maybe some legal action against them might work,” she said, and I turned away from her, frustrated.

  “Fuck this, Sage. I shouldn’t have come here and talked to you,” I said and ran a hand through my hair. This was getting a little too crazy for me. She was talking about taking the matter to the courts. I couldn’t get my MC involved in shit like that.

  “No, Glock, listen to me,” I heard her cry, but I had already started walking out of the kitchen. Sage wasn’t about to hold back, she was following me out.

  “I’ve passed the bar exam, remember? I can help you guys with this. If you really want to put an end to this, maybe we should try a different tactic,” I heard her say and I turned to her with a jerk, bringing my face close to hers.

  “What do you mean, we? It’s my brothers and me. You are not a part of this. You happened to stick up for a woman being assaulted and got assaulted yourself. That’s all that happened. You need to stay out of this now,” I was growling at her, and I knew she could sense the rage in my veins. I didn’t want her suggesting a thing like that again. I wanted her as far away from all of this as possible.

  “Well, like it or not, Glock, I’m in it now,” she snapped back at me, and I squinted at her with anger, gritting my teeth.

  “Stay out of this, Sage. You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I growled and walked down the hallway to the front door. She was still following me.

  “I do know what I’m talking about. Assault, sexual abuse, kidnap—these are all charges that we can make against these bastards. You have the women who can testify. We can build a case against them!” she was yelling by the time I opened the door.

  I whipped around to her again and drew in a deep breath, hoping that I could calm myself enough so that she would take my words seriously.

  “Sage, listen to me. You’re here on a break, you’re back home after ten years. Take the time to re-connect with your mother, appreciate the gift of having a life in San Francisco, and in a few days, go back there. Take Tracy with you if you have to, just never fucking come back here with your crazy ideas!” I barked right at her face. I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt this physically angry like my whole body was shaking.

  We were standing at the door now; my one foot was on the porch while Sage remained inside. She was fuming, her shoulders were heaving, and she had her arms crossed over her beautiful breasts.

  “I don’t have to listen to you, Glock. You’re not my boyfriend anymore,” she hissed, and I clenched my jaw at her.

  “I never was, Sage,” I said, in a deep growl and I stepped away from her, hurrying down the steps of the porch towards my parked bike. She was still standing at the door, watching me in horror as I jumped on my bike.

  “Stay out of this, Sage. Stay indoors as much as you can and then go back to San Francisco. It suits you,” I growled as I revved up my accelerator and sped off on my bike.

  I could hear the blood rushing in my ears. My eyes were bloodshot with rage and confusion. How could she even imagine that she could waltz back into Long Beach and bring a case down against the Dragon Knights? She hadn’t changed. She was the same aggressive, self-sufficient, know-it-all from ten years ago!

  I rode my bike hard to the Rusty Pelican. I hadn’t got any information about the woman or the DK from her. Instead, I’d stripped her panties down and made her come and then stormed out of her house because she’d pissed me off again. What else could I have expected from Sage Campbell?

  Chapter 8


  I was pacing in the living room, back and forth, unable to control the anger and frustration that was rising up in me. Who did Glock think he was? How did he dare to tell me what to do? I would leave Long Beach, and I would go back to San Francisco when I wanted to! Some asshole biker guy, who liked to slap women around, wasn’t going to scare me off. This was my neighborhood. This was where I had grown up!

  Tears started welling up in my eyes from frustration as I thought of our argument again. I knew Glock was right, I just didn’t want to admit it to myself. I had no idea to what extent our neighborhood had changed in the past ten years. I had no idea what the MCs were involved in or how they ran their operation. It was me, not them, who had abandoned this neighborhood and run away to San Francisco like a wet cat. I had deserved everything that Glock spat at me.

  Including the fact that he was never my boyfriend. I felt guilty and ashamed as I continued pacing the room. How foolish was I to think, that after all these years and after what I had done to him, Glock would still consider our three weeks together as an actual relationship.

  It had meant everything to me. I had always had feelings for him, and I was happy with him, but I needed to go. I knew back then that this area was bad and that it was only going to get worse for me if I stayed. Glock had been nothing but sweet and understanding up until now, why should I expect him to understand this too?

  I heard the front door open, and for a second I thought that it was him again, that Glock had returned. I wanted to apologize to him, I wanted him to know just how sorry I was for the way I had treated him. But it was only my mom.

  She popped her head around the door of the living room and then smiled.

  “Has Glock left already, honey?” she asked, and I tried to gulp down the lump that had formed in my throat.

  “Yes, he has, but I need to talk to him. Do you know where The Bad Disciples hang out?” I asked her, hoping she wouldn’t catch the wild desperation in my eyes.

  “What do you want with them, honey?” she asked and I smiled weakly at her.

  “I don’t want anything with them, I just want to find Glock,” I said, and she knotted her brows. Did she know I was lying? I was, in fact, hoping that Glock wouldn’t actually be there, that I’d be able to talk to the boss of the club in private. They needed to hear me out. I had ideas, and now I could really help them.

  “Okay, honey…well, I know they hang around the Rusty Pelican,” she said, and I nodded my head in a flourish. I knew exactly where that was.

  “Thanks, mom, I’ll be back soon,” I said, and I rushed past her, giving her a quick hug.

  I was going to the Rusty Pelican, and I was going to get myself a meeting with the boss.


  I sucked my gut in, as I stood in front of the doors of the Rusty Pelican. It was evening now, and the lights inside the bar were switched on. I could hear loud metal pouring out of the bar, and I realized that I had never walked into a place like this before. Even when I was growing up in this neighborhood, I had always avoided places like these.

  What was making me so bold now? Did I really want to help the women so badly? Did I really want to solve the problem that these guys had with the rival MC? Did I even really know how to?

  I took a deep breath, and I stepped up to the door and pushed it open. The music grew louder, and I was greeted by a smoke-filled dimly lit dive bar, that was chock full of tatted up men in beards and leather jackets.

  There were a few women there too, hanging off the arms of some of the men or serving drinks. I took my first step in, and like a herd of bloodthirsty jackals, the men in the bar all turned to look at me.

  It was like a sudden silent hush had fallen on the crowd. I gulped, suddenly my throat had become very dry. I didn’t know anyone here, and thankfully, Glock was nowhere in sight either.

  I weaved around the tables, towards the bartender behind the bar counter. I had to pick someone to talk to, and I picked him. He looked the least threatening to me, at least from where I was standing.

  I could sense their eyes on me, following my every step. I walked up to the
counter and stuck my chin up in the air, hoping that the others would think that I had complete confidence in myself.

  “Can I speak to the boss?” I asked, and my voice came out as a squeak. The man just stared back at me like I had asked him for a million dollars. “The guy who runs the Bad Disciples MC? I would like to speak with him. I’m Sage Campbell,” I reiterated, but the guy was still staring at me, as was everyone else.

  A door opened behind him, and I looked over the man’s shoulder to see Glock walking out of a room with a crate of empty beer bottles in his hand. He threw it down on the floor, and I heard several of the bottles crash and crack.

  He hurried around the counter and grabbed my elbow, and started pulling me back towards the room where he had emerged from.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Sage?” he growled and pushed me into the room. He stepped in and closed the door behind himself.

  “I came here to speak to your boss,” I replied.

  “Are you crazy?” Glock was thundering at me. We were in a small square room, which seemed to be the storage facility for the alcohol.

  “You seem to think I am!” I snapped back at him, and Glock ran a hand through his thick brown hair. I was watching his face closely. He was handsome, in a fashionable polo shirt and jeans. He still had that Abercrombie model look about him, that his friends used to make fun of him for.

  “Sage, this isn’t high school, and you’re not my mother. You can’t just walk in here…” he was saying, and I cut him off.

  “I’m not here to make a complaint or ask your boss if you’ve been behaving yourself. In fact, I was hoping that you weren’t here at all so I could talk to him in peace without you breathing down my neck!” I shouted, and Glock punched the wall beside my face. Our bodies were inches apart, and he was frustrated.

  I flinched and then stuck my chin up at him.

  “You can’t just ask to talk to Axel. That is not how it works,” he growled, and I arched my eyebrows at him.

  “Just a few hours ago, you were talking about how amazing your new blood brothers are, how warm and gentle they can be,” I said, and Glock brought his face close to me. His nostrils were flared, he was raging at me, and for some reason, I liked this new side of him.

  I appreciated the kind and polite version of Glock that I knew and had fallen in love with, but this growling man was kind of a turn on too. Our bodies so close together was making me weak in the knees. I was reminded again of what he was capable of doing with his tongue.

  “You listen to me, Sage. You’re going to leave this bar right now and never return. You have no business with Axel, and I’m going to make sure it stays that way,” he growled, and I leaned my face closer to his. Our lips grazed, his breath was falling hotly on my face.

  We were peering into each other’s eyes, and I could feel the electricity in the air.

  “You can’t make me do anything I don’t want to do,” I hissed, in a deep husky voice and Glock grabbed my cheeks with both his hands. His lips were on mine, devouring me with a blink of an eye. I gasped and pushed against him, and his back thudded against the door of the storage room.

  I was climbing him. He cupped my ass and lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I couldn’t believe this was happening again. Here, in this storage room at the back of a dive bar! But he was so fucking hot!

  He bit my lip, and I could feel it throbbing, and then he whirled me around and carried me to the mountain of crates at the back of the small room. His kisses were raw and wild, and I kissed him back, just as ferociously.

  He placed me down on top of the crates, and I could hear the glass bottles tinkling against each other.

  Glock pulled his lips away from me. We were both panting. His broad shoulders were heaving, and without his jacket on now, I could see the intricate tattoos on his arms and his bulging biceps. A thrill ran down my spine. He had grown into a strong man, a hard man who could carry me around.

  I parted my legs invitingly at him, and Glock stepped up and tugged at my top. My top slid up and bunched around my neck, and my pink lace bra was revealed to him.

  “I’ve been dying to see these!” Glock hissed and squeezed my breasts together. I threw my head back and laughed. Alone together, Glock was capable of turning back into that giddy teenager who was too scared to touch me. However, now, he was pulling the front of my bra down so that my bare breasts bounced into his view.

  “Fuck, Sage, I’m going to make you scream my name,” he growled, and he gasped as his mouth found my right nipple. I weaved my fingers into his hair as he started sucking. He had wedged his face in my cleavage and tugged at my nipple as he sucked. The wetness and the throbbing between my legs was uncontrollable. I felt like I was going to come right away, right like this.

  I reached for his shoulders, feeling the shape of his muscles. He had a full strong back, and I wanted to run my nails over his bronzed tough skin. As he sucked on my breasts, I reached and pulled up his t-shirt, over his head and tossed it to the floor.

  I nearly gasped at the sight of him. That sweet, lanky seventeen-year-old boy I used to have a crush on, had turned into a hulking mass of muscle. His back was covered in tattoos and chiseled.

  Glock pulled away from me gently, leaving my nipples aching and throbbing for his mouth. He was standing in front of me now, with his torso bare and his fists clenched. He was still angry with me, but he couldn’t resist me either.

  I stared up at him, admiring the muscular beast that he had become. I didn’t even want to know how many women he fucked on a daily basis. It wasn’t difficult to imagine that every girl in this neighborhood wanted a piece of him.

  I licked my lips to stop myself from drooling. His abs were ridged, and his stomach was washboard flat. Tattoos intertwined and collided on his biceps and snaked slightly over onto his chest.

  He was staring at me too, at my breasts swelling over my pulled down bra. My legs were still parted. It was an open invitation. There was no doubt between us what I wanted him to do.

  Glock placed his hands on my legs, on the insides of my thighs and pulled my legs apart even farther.

  “I wish you’d just listen to me, Sage,” he growled softly, and I reached out and touched his chest lightly, his steaming hot body.

  “You can’t make me,” I said hoarsely. My eyelids had become heavy, my breathing had become ragged. Glock started undoing his jeans and pulling them down.

  I realized that I was holding my breath, right till he had pulled his boxers down and his big throbbing cock was revealed to me. It hung erect between his legs, and I gulped.

  I’d fantasized about Glock’s cock for years, regretting my foolishness to not let him take my virginity. Ten years ago, I believed that if we had sex if Glock took my virginity; I would never be able to leave Long Beach, I would never be able to go to San Francisco and make a life for myself. Now, his cock was in front of me, the cock I had imagined and pleasured myself to all those nights. He was bigger than I’d predicted and now he was reaching for it.

  Glock stared at my breasts, my shuddering body, while he started stroking himself. His cock was thick and long, with a velvety tip and his big balls hung behind it. I wanted to touch it, I wanted to touch all of it. I wanted his cock in my mouth and his come down my throat. I wanted to watch him orgasm.

  I stood up and reached for his cock and Glock drew closer to me. We were touching each other in silence. He let go of himself and cupped my breasts, while I held his cock and started stroking.

  He groaned when I first moved my hand up and down his cock. His grip on my breasts became tighter. He was big and throbbing in my hands, and I started stroking stronger. He pinched my nipples with his fingers, tugged at them painfully, and I moaned loudly.

  While I stroked him, Glock drew his face to my left nipple and started sucking. I could feel the wetness spreading between my legs. I didn’t know how Glock was able to have this effect on my body so easily.

  I lifted my hand to my mouth
and licked my palm before I started stroking his cock again. My saliva made it easier to stroke him, slipping and sliding over his cock in quick bursts. His sucking on my nipples became wilder, he lapped at it, licked it, nibbled it, and his hand squeezed and teased the other one.

  I could feel the throbbing in my pussy, my clit tingled, and I was so ready for him. I wanted to take it slow though, I wanted him to come for me, the way he had made me come before.

  Glock pulled his lips away from my breasts and grabbed the back of my head with both hands. He was staring right into my eyes while I ran my mouth down on him. I looked up, and I could see that his face and eyes had darkened, he was gritting his teeth to control his growls, his nostrils were flared.

  His cock had grown the most it could grow, he was glaring at me angrily while I milked him.

  “Sage!” he growled, one last time before his cock exploded and his come spilled all onto my hand. Nothing had ever felt so good before, and he hadn’t even touched my pussy. I thrilled at the sight of him coming, at the sight of Glock being completely under my control now.

  He growled and moaned as he came, his grip on my hair became tighter, and his body shook. I was smiling, looking up at him from under my heavy eyelids. This was exactly what I wanted, before he actually fucked me before his cock was inside me.

  My hand was covered in his come, I could feel some of his sticky seed that had shot onto the base of my neck and chin. I gave his cock one last stroke before I released him and Glock backed stumblingly away from me like he was afraid of what I was going to do next.

  “Fuck!” he growled and ran a hand through his hair. I bit down on my lip. He was still entirely naked; his cock was hard and red and throbbing still. My nipples ached, and my pussy continued to pulsate.

  “This shouldn’t have happened,” Glock said and walked over to one of the racks and picked up a roll of tissues. I watched as he started ripping tissues out of the roll. I was smirking, I couldn’t get enough of the sight in front of me.


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