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Glock (The Bad Disciples MC Book 4)

Page 17

by Savannah Rylan

  She looked at me blankly. Her eyelashes batted like butterfly wings. Her lips pushed to the side of her mouth, and finally, she sucked in a breath. “You are insane, Carina. Seriously. You are one of the most gorgeous women I know, and you’ve got one thing I wished I had. Hips and a nice ass. Every-freakin' Kim Kardashian in the world is paying for what you already have. Those damned Italian genes must be gold mines.” I rolled my eyes at her and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Carina, a night like this is what you need,” Freya said and she placed her hands lightly on my shoulders. “Get around some guys your age so they can help you realize how beautiful you are. And who knows? You may just find someone you like.”

  I pushed her on her arm. “Shut up, Freya. I am not going out to find someone. I am just going out because I know you won’t let me stay in this house.”

  “Damn straight.” She grabbed my glass and handed it to me. “Now, drink up because I’d rather not have to pay for too many drinks tonight.” I took a deep breath, then grabbed the drink. The strong stench of liquor stained my nostrils and forced me to wince as soon as it got close. Freya let out a laugh.

  A small smile spread across my face and I finally tilted the cup to my mouth. The liquor burned my throat on the way down. I clenched my eyes tight as Freya burst out into laughter.

  I smiled and put the cup to my lips again, swallowing a few more gulps from the glass. Soon after, we climbed into her car and headed for Luzano’s. It was a popular bar in downtown Chicago that most people in their twenties spent their weekends.

  The music pumped as soon as we got in. The base vibrated the walls. Lights flashed on the dancefloor as hookah smoke clouded the air. Freya grabbed my hand and pulled me close, yelling into my ear so I could hear her above the music.

  “Stay close,” she said.

  The liquor had already gotten me to a place I needed to be. My tolerance wasn’t extremely high because I hadn’t been a heavy drinker since my college days. Jade, Rhea, and Margo were seated at a table on the side of the room.

  “Oh, my god! Look who Freya pulled out of the fucking dungeon!” Jade shouted as she stood up, smiling from ear to ear. “You look good without that fucking school teacher shit on,” she said as she wrapped her arms around me.

  Jade was much shorter than the rest of us, even with her high heels on, but she was cute as a button. Long, black hair flowed to the middle of her back, and two dimples engulfed her cheeks as she smiled.

  “Not you too,” I said,

  We laughed out loud as the music thumped around us. I nestled into the booth next to Margo as she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. We all worked together at Madison Prep and had formed a good bond over the last couple of years.

  I glanced throughout the room. People held drinks in their hands as they danced on the main floor. Smiles flashed onto their faces as Freya and Jade spoke between each other. Just then, a waiter approached our table with drinks on a platter. He slid them in front of us as we all made eye-contact with each other.

  “Um, sir? We didn’t order any drinks,” Freya spoke up.

  “Yeah, I know. These drinks are on that group of gentlemen over there.” He pointed to a table of three guys. One of them waved at us as the waiter tucked the platter beneath his arm and walked away.

  “Well, ladies,” Freya smiled. “Cheers to our first drinks. But, as soon as they come over here and try to talk to us, I am married because they look like shit.”

  We all laughed and tapped our glasses together. I took a sip of my drink, but as soon as the liquor touched my tongue, I knew that as soon as I finished it, I would be as drunk as I’d been in years. I quickly sat the glass down. My eyes wandered around the room until they landed on a man seated at the bar. His hair was cut low, and his muscles bulged from beneath his white t-shirt. Even at my distance, his arms looked like boulders. The chatter around me seemed to fade. The words within the music was barely distinguishable. All I could do was look at him.

  Chapter 4


  I sat at the bar inside of Luzano’s, downing glasses of coke and rum. Captain O’Malley gave me my assignment earlier that day, and I picked up the keys to my new place, but I wasn’t expected to go undercover until the beginning of next week. My story was that I was the son of an Italian mobster looking to make some connections in the U.S. I had been living in Miami for the past few years, but as soon as I got wind of the Dellucci family, I wanted to come this way and talk business. I could play that façade with no effort involved, but for now, I just wanted to relax and take my mind off things before I went undercover because as soon as that happened, my life as Harrison was over for the time being.

  The bartender smiled at me as she leaned across the bar. Her shirt fell forward as she leaned, allowing me to see the black bra that kept her breasts in place.

  “Can I get you another drink?” she asked, lifting her voice above the music.

  After I nodded my head, she gently grabbed my glass, brushing her hand against mine in the process. I watched her walk away from me as more people filed into the bar. I didn’t go out much, but when I did, I was always alone. I didn’t have many friends that I would hang out with on a regular basis.

  For some reason, I was always more comfortable by myself. I chalked it up to my childhood. I was always a loner, and I know it had a lot to do with the fact that I was an only child. For most people, it would push them into the arms of others, but for me, I had become comfortable in my solitude.

  Seconds later, the bartender slid another glass of coke and rum in front of me. I nodded my head and just as she fixed her lips to speak to me again, another patron grabbed her attention. I could tell she was annoyed, but with as much patience as she could muster, she held up one finger towards me, then went to assist the other customer. I took a sip of the dark liquor, mixed with a hint of coke. It was strong, but I could drink alcohol like a fish and still not feel the effects of it. My tolerance was that of a giant, and for that reason, I always spent more than I wanted to when I went out.

  I felt someone bump into me from behind. I spun around with daggers in my eyes to see who it was.

  The man held up his hands, “I’m sorry,” he slurred over the music, “I’m sorry, man.” He put his hand on my shoulder and leaned closer to me. The liquor escaped his breath with each intoxicated word he spoke, “I can barely fucking keep one foot in front of the other. I’m sorry, man. Please don’t fucking kill me. You look like you would kill someone. Don’t… don’t kill me, alright?”

  I swiped his hand off my shoulder, and moments later, one of his friends walked to his side and pulled him off me.

  “I’m sorry,” he yelled. “He walked off on his own. He has had one too many drinks. Please forgive him.”

  He draped his friend's arm over his shoulder and then the two of them walked away from me. Beyond them, I saw a woman sitting at a table with a trio of other women. As soon as I looked her way, she fixed her attention elsewhere. I squinted in her direction as hookah smoke billowed into the atmosphere around me, but through the fog, I could still see her clearly. Her long brown hair cascaded over her shoulders and her red dress snuggly fit her body. I grabbed my drink and took another sip, and watched her intensely. She looked my way again, and as soon as she saw that I was still fixated on her, she quickly averted her attention again. I smirked. Her bashfulness intrigued me. Not many women were built to catch my eye, but for some reason, I couldn’t take mine off her.

  The bartender tapped me on my arm, regaining my attention. I turned towards her as she smiled.

  “Let me know if you need anything else,” she spoke in a voice that was loud enough for me to hear over the music, “I will be sure to take care of you, sweetheart.” I winked at her and nodded my head, then spun back around to find the woman again.

  In no time, three men approached the girl’s table. I could tell they were trying to pick them up, but at the same time, she came off as uninterested. I could read facial e
xpressions like a book. That was one of the things they taught me when I went through the academy. Non-verbal communication meant everything. I finished up my drink, then parted my way through the crowd to her table.

  The three men stepped to the side after I tapped one of them on the arm.

  “Excuse me,” I said as I stepped closer to the women. “I’ve been looking all over for you,” I said as I glared at the woman I came to the table for. Her eyebrows folded together in confusion. I extended my hand to help her out of the booth.

  “Come on. We can talk somewhere a little quieter.”

  Her friends looked curiously in her direction, then back towards me. “Um, excuse me?” one of them said. “I don’t think–”

  “No, no,” the woman spoke up. “It’s alright. I was looking for him, too. I um…I told him I was going to be here. Scoot. Let me out.”

  One of the guys looked at me as if he wanted to throw a punch my way. My jawbones clenched inside my mouth, silently begging him to take his shot. Two women stood up to let her out of the booth, and when she got to the edge, she took my hand.

  “Wait,” one of her friends said as she stood up. We walked a little further from the table, away from the men that gathered around them like vultures. “Listen, I know she doesn’t know you, and I also know that she has had a few drinks tonight. So, I will be keeping an eye on you, and if I see her disappear, I will be calling the cops.”

  “The cops?” I said, smiling. “Don’t worry. We will be in full view all night.”

  The woman looked at her friend, “are you sure you’re alright?”

  “I’m fine,” she said, still holding onto my hand. “I won’t get out of your sight, mom.”

  The woman chuckled, rolled her eyes, then left the two of us alone. I walked her towards the back of the bar. The music was quieter back there, and it was easier for us to hold a conversation without yelling at the top of our lungs. There were a few people scattered around in the lounge-type area. Three couches were positioned against the wall, and there were some bar stools that aligned a large, glass window that allowed you to look at the bar and onto the dance floor. We took a spot on the couch. She crossed her leg over the other. I couldn’t take my eyes off the portion of her thigh that was exposed as soon as her leg lifted up.

  “My name is Harrison.”

  “Carina. It is nice to meet you.”

  She extended her hand for a formal introduction. I shook it firmly, but still with a hint of delicacy.

  “I’m sorry, I should’ve gotten you a drink.”

  “Oh, no,” she said, sliding her hand onto my leg after we released our grasps with each other, “I don’t need any more of those. I’ve had my share for the night.” She giggled and put her hand over her mouth.

  “So, tell me about yourself? Are you single? I don’t want to intrude.”

  “Yes. I am single. I have been single for just over a year now, so it has been a while since I’ve been in a relationship. In fact, it has been a while since I’ve even gone out. My friend, Freya, the one who talked to you before you took me over here. She is my best friend, and if it weren't for her, I would probably still be at home, grading papers and whatnot.”

  “Papers?” I took a sip of my drink. “So, you’re a school teacher?”

  “Yes. I teach third grade.”

  “A school teacher? Nice.”

  “Yes. I love my little buggers.” I skimmed the surface of her body with my eyes while she pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “So,” she continued, “what do you do?”

  “I um–”

  “Oh, wait,” she clapped her hands together once. “Let me guess. Can I guess? I bet you I can get it right.”

  I smiled. “Shoot.”

  “CEO?” I shook my head. “Um, fire man?” Another wrong answer. “Stripper?”

  I chuckled. “Are you telling me what you wish I were, or are you making educated guesses?”

  Her hand found its way to my chest as she laughed. “No, no I’m not telling you what I wish you were. I mean, you just have that aura about you. And,” she licked her bottom lip, “it doesn’t help that you are so well put together.” I let out a chuckle and she blushed.

  I put my arm around her on the back of the couch and she scooted closer to me. The faint music thumped beyond the thick glass between us and the dancefloor. Comfortable silence permeated between us, which surprised me. How did being around her feel so natural? We watched men and women move around to the beat of the music. Some ground on each other while the rest danced with a little bit of space between them.

  “So, Harrison, what do you really do for a living?” Carina asked, breaking the silence.

  “I guess you can say that I have my own business. I am into stocks and bonds and things like that.” I went to my normal go to whenever someone outside of the department asked what I did.

  “Oh, really? Shouldn’t you be somewhere on Wall Street?”

  “Nah. I’m good where I am at right now. I make enough to live wherever I please.”

  “I see.”

  Just then, Freya walked into the lounge area. She smiled as soon as she saw the two of us sitting close to each other. “Wow, I didn’t expect this,” she said as she walked closer. “Are you ok, Carina?”

  “Yes, I am fine.”

  “Ok. Well, we are getting ready to go to another spot, so come on.”

  “Um,” Carina hesitated, “but… what if I don’t want to go?”


  “What if I don’t want to go… just yet.” Freya looked confused as she stood in front of us with her hands propped on each side of her hips. Carina sighed, then looked at me.

  “Hold on for one second, ok, Harrison?”

  I nodded my head, and with that, she got up and pulled Freya away from me. They stood on a couple feet away from me, talking back and forth. I couldn’t make out anything they were saying, but the whole time, I was fixated on everything below Carina’s waist. She had some curves on her, and all I wanted to do is know what those thighs felt like wrapped around my hips.

  Freya glanced at me a few times as the two of them spoke. Moments later, the both of them walked back towards me.

  “Listen,” Freya said as she pulled out her phone, “I want your name and number right now, alright?”

  I looked confused as Carina sat down next to me. Freya stood in front of me, waiting impatiently. “I’m serious. Name and number. Well, she already told me your name, so I just need your number.”

  “Good Lord, Freya,” Carina said, laughing. “I told you to let me take care of it.” She cleared her throat and looked directly at me.

  “My girls are ready to go, but I am enjoying my conversation with you. So, I told her that I was going to stay and then when it was time to go, I would just call for an Uber or something. She is vehemently opposed to that–”

  “Damn straight I am!” Freya added.

  Carina shook her head, then continued. “The only way she would be cool with it was if she got your name and number so she could call the police if anything went wrong.”

  “I need it all. Name, number, address, social security number, mother’s maiden name, what High School you went to? I need all that shit.”

  I laughed as Freya stood in front of me, completely devoid of the friendly smile that she had when she first came back here with us. I liked how protective Carina’s friends were.

  “Freya, I know this is your best friend, and I can assure you that I will not bring any harm to her. In fact, whenever she calls for her ride, I will make sure she gets in there safely. But, for your comfort, I will give you my name and address. Alright?” Freya stared at me as if she were trying to decide how genuine I was. Finally, she gave in and smiled.

  After she got my info, she glared at me, then quickly looked at her friend. “Carina, I will be calling you at the top of the hour, every hour. If you do not pick up your phone, I am calling the police. I do not want you to text me because he could just send
a text from your phone. I want to hear your voice; do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, mother, I will answer my phone.”

  “I am not playing, Carina.”

  “Ok, ok. But, I will be fine, ok? I am not drunk, so don’t worry.”

  Freya lingered in front of us for a few more seconds before she spoke up.

  “Ok. Call if you need anything.” She leaned forward and gave Carina a hug and at the same time, she sent one last threat in my direction.

  “I will have the police on your ass like wet on water. My uncle is a cop, so yeah, you better not be a fucking psycho.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Finally, she turned and left the two of us alone. I let out a loud laugh.

  “Wow. She really cares about you, doesn’t she?”

  “Yes. Yes, she does. We have been friends since middle school, and I know she would give her life just to make sure I am ok.”

  “That is a good thing. I haven’t had too many friends like that in my lifetime, so, I can’t really relate.”

  We sat quietly for the next few minutes. When I looked at my cell phone, the clock just dipped past 1 am. I didn’t realize how quickly time had gone by since we had been together.

  “You want to come with me? There is a balcony on the top of this building that nobody knows about. We really aren’t supposed to be up there, but I know a few ways around that. There is a good view of the Chicago skyline.”

  “Sure,” Carina smiled.

  I stood up as she joined her hand with mine and with that, we walked through the crowd in the bar. I held tightly to her hand, occasionally glancing back at her to make sure that she was ok. After we cleared the double doors and stepped into the hallway, we headed down the corridor and walked to the stairway.

  “Stairs? We can’t take the elevator?” she asked, looking up the twelve flights of stairs.

  “No, no elevator. I mean, we aren’t supposed to be up here, remember?” I could see the hesitation on her face and suddenly, I squatted down. “Come on.”


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