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Glock (The Bad Disciples MC Book 4)

Page 35

by Savannah Rylan

  And now he had Gabby to share all of this with. He wasn’t sure she really cared too much about the business, but it was nice having her in his life. She’d asked him if he wanted to do lunch today but he’d had to decline due to business. She seemed a bit disappointed but she was going to have to understand that as much as he might care about her or what their future could possibly hold the business was always going to be important too. It was the one thing in his life that was his and that would never leave him or betray him in any way. It was safe to say he was actually married to it and he didn’t think anyone would ever really be able to compete.

  But there were times that he thought a woman like Gabby could really change a man. And she could do it without trying. Was that something he wanted to happen? Or was he going to fight it tooth and nail? And if she did change him, would she even want him anymore?

  After lunch, he went to check out a few more properties and then he went back to the office for the meeting. His presentation went very well. They were mostly people he’d worked with before and a few new possible investors who were interested in a chain of nightclubs he was going to build. They agreed his ideas were spot on and the deal was as good as done.

  He’d just arrived back in his office after the meeting and was celebrating with a few drinks when Gabby came into the office. He was not expecting her but as always it was a pleasant surprise to see her.

  “Hey, what are you doing on this side of the building? Did I send for you ye wench?” Logan joked.

  Gabby played along. “Oh, I am but a poor peasant woman who has lost her way. Would a kind gentleman like you help me find my place?”

  Logan couldn’t help laughing. This woman had his same sense of humor and the two of them would just sit and talk for hours into the evening about anything and everything, laughing their heads off the entire time.

  “So, I just wanted to let you know I delivered that package to Charles Stanley personally. His stupid secretary tried to give me the business, but I was persistent. You would have been proud of me,” Gabby said.

  “Great job,” Logan replied. “I knew I promoted you for a reason.”

  “I was promoted? I wasn’t aware…”

  Logan laughed. It had become something of a joke that Gabby was actually still working to pay off a debt he no longer cared about.

  “Oh, that reminds me. I am currently having payroll get everything set up, but I have just made you an account manager. That is if you are interested.”

  Gabby’s face was priceless. She looked like a little kid on Christmas who actually got the pony she’d asked Santa for.

  “That’s amazing! Wow… I don’t… I don’t know what to say.”

  “Well, I hoped you’d say that you accept. I mean it’s not much, but it’s got to be a better job than the first one I gave you.”

  Logan got up from his desk and came around to give her a hug. She fell into his arms and kissed him sweetly.

  “Thank you,” Gabby said. “You don’t think the ladies out there will get jealous? I mean I’m pretty sure they know about us.”

  “Nah, they won’t get jealous. They are good at what they do; I need someone different for the account manager. It’s part sales, part organization. I think you’d be perfect.”

  Gabby kissed him hard on the mouth. Her lips were so sweet, addictive like the strongest kind of drug he had experimented with in his college days. He fell into the kiss and pressed deeper. His whole body was suddenly supercharged with total desire.

  Without saying a word or even thinking about it he let the beast take over.

  He grabbed Gabby and pressed her up against the desk, bending her over slightly. Logan quickly pulled up her skirt and yanked down her panties with one hand while unzipping his fly with the other. His hard cock practically pushed itself out of the confines of his pants. It was ready and raring to go.

  Logan entered her tight wetness and began the ride.

  “OH!” Gabby gasped as he entered her. He quickly put his hand over her mouth to stifle the moans that might have escaped her. Jessica and Kris were right outside the door; he couldn’t very well have them hearing this.

  Gabby’s wet passion was engulfing him now, sucking him in deeper and deeper as she bucked her hips backwards in time to his own rhythms. His hands were on her chest squeezing her fleshy, large, breasts and pulling them out of her shirt. He continued to pump his hips. Gabby moaned and quickly covered her mouth to stifle her cries.

  He was so close; his throbbing flesh felt like it was going to explode at any second. He just had to keep moving, even though he thought he might black out from the pressure. There was no way he was going to let that happen. He would hold on and accomplish this mission of total pleasure. Gabby’s legs started to shake and he felt her tighten around him, and he knew he couldn’t hold on much longer.

  He came right then deeply inside of her, spilling his hot seed with repeated spurts of his passion deep inside of Gabby. He could feel her pulsating against his own member just moments before he finished his own climax, which helped spur him to completion.

  Logan pulled back, tucked himself back into his pants and zipped up as Gabby rearranged herself to not look disheveled.

  He kissed her hard and pulled her closely to him. Her softness was so loving, so inviting that he didn’t know how he’d ever gotten along without it.

  “Ok, well I guess I’ll see you for dinner?” Gabby asked.

  “Yeah. That sounds great,” Logan replied.

  Gabby left the office and he watched her a moment through the crack in the door as she moved down the hallway. He loved to watch that woman walk.

  As he started to close the door he caught a shared amused glance between Kris and Jessica.

  “Stop it you two,” Logan said with a smile.

  They feigned innocence. Those two were such characters. He hated how horrible he’d been treating them and vowed to find a way to make it up to them both. Maybe a nice Christmas bonus this year would be a good start. He couldn’t wait to see their faces when that happened.

  Logan sat back down at his desk to finish his drink. He still had a few phone calls to make to the realtors of the properties he’d looked at earlier after studying some of the market statistics and conferring with his contractors about the renovation costs, but he would soon be done with the work day and then he and Gabby would have a wonderful evening.

  Ah Gabby… What was he going to do?

  Logan wanted to let her into his heart so badly, but he was still reserved. Everything was perfect with Gabby and the idea scared the hell out of him. It had been perfect with Rachel too, but then the psychopath had betrayed him and everything he held sacred.

  He was determined not to let that happen again. But should he continue to suffer by never trusting anyone and never letting someone get close to him? To do that then it was like he was still being victimized. That was a hell of a bad way to live life.

  He had to just let it go. He decided right then and there that he had to open up and let Gabby in.

  Logan wanted to do just that. He knew it was the right thing and that he needed to go ahead with his life, but why couldn’t he do it? What was it going to take for him to finally stop hurting himself that way?

  He wished he knew.

  Chapter 10


  Gabby kissed Logan goodbye and held onto him tightly for a moment, not wanting to let him go. It was getting harder and harder to say goodnight at the end of their evenings which had become an everyday thing over the past several days. It was really starting to feel right and she felt closer to him than she had ever anticipated she would feel based on her first impressions of him. But little by little she continued to pull back the layers revealing the warm heart that he seemed so desperate to hide. She wondered what pain he’d been through, what had kept his warmth so tucked away and hidden from the outside world. He would tell her eventually she knew. She would just have to wait and see.

  He walked back aro
und his car, got in, and gave her his customary smile and wave before pulling away without even waiting for her response. She wasn’t sure if that was just a genuine gesture of contentment on his part and confidence in what they had or if he was afraid to show any vulnerability and had to stop himself before it happened.

  Gabby tried not to overanalyze this thing that they had too intensely because she knew it would just send her on an even bigger emotional rollercoaster than she was already on. And that would lead to disastrous consequences. Everything would come in time.

  Gabby watched the taillights of his car fade away as he rounded the corner onto the main drive and then she slowly walked up the walkway to the front door of her father’s ranch style home. It was getting late and she knew he would probably be in bed now. His night nurse would be reading a Stephen King novel as she had been every single night this week and would be glad to finally be relieved of her duties. It was a blessing that she and Gabby’s father got along so well, which took a huge burden off Gabby’s shoulders.

  Gabby stretched slightly as she reached the small porch and yawned. She was tired. These long days at work (even though she loved the new position she was in and thought she was doing pretty well at it) combined with the beautiful nights spent with Logan were starting to take their toll. She wouldn’t have changed any of it for the world but she was really feeling a bit run down. It was time for a rest, but she did not want to rock the boat or slow the momentum down a bit, not when everything was going so well.

  She supposed for now she would suck it up and be grateful.

  “Wow, long day?”

  The voice came out of the shadows. Her father had forgotten the porch light again and she started to stumble down the two steps that led down to the sidewalk but luckily was able to throw her arm out and grab one of the beams supporting the porch roof and brace herself.

  Just then a figure stepped out of the shadows of the porch into the beam of light that was being cast by the streetlamp right across the street.

  It was Adam.

  “Jesus! You scared me to death. I almost broke my ankle,” Gabby shouted.

  “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to intrude on you and your… um… date. I thought you could see me when you got close enough.”

  Gabby stood on the steps for a moment to regain her composure and fight the urge to slap the head off Adam’s shoulders.

  “What the hell are you doing here? It’s almost midnight.”

  “I was waiting for you,” Adam said.

  His voice sounded a bit shaky and as she looked more closely at him his eyes seemed to be having a hard time really focusing on any one thing. They kept darting around to her and then the surroundings on a nonstop loop. It was odd.

  “Are you drunk?” Gabby asked.

  She took a deep breath and smelled the whiskey answering her own question.

  “No, I just wanted to see you. I mean, what am I supposed to do? You won’t return any of my calls. This is the only way I could get you to talk to me.”

  “You are drunk. I told you it was over. Adam, why can’t you just let it go? We were high school sweethearts. Our life paths are going in completely opposite directions. We just aren’t compatible anymore. I tried to let you down easy, but you wouldn’t listen to me. It is over. There is nothing else to be said about it.”

  “You are wrong,” Adam said. “We can work this out. I believe the love we have is stronger than this. I know we can make this work. You have to just trust me.”

  “Trust you? Adam, I don’t even know who you are anymore. Every time I have talked to you it’s obvious you are inebriated and just acting really out of character. I am so sorry that this is so hard for you. I never wanted to hurt you. That’s the last thing in the world I would ever want to do, but there is only so much I can hold myself responsible for. You need to talk to someone.”

  “I’m talking to you,” Adam said. “You’re the only one who can help me.”

  “Adam, you need professional help. Talk to a counselor or someone. Please, you need it.”

  Adam was tearing up a bit and he wiped at his eyes angrily causing Gabby to wince. He didn’t seem to notice that he had basically punched himself in the eyes.

  “You just don’t get it,” Adam said. “You just don’t understand!”

  He was getting loud.

  “Adam, what am I not getting? What are you talking about?”

  “You are mine; I am yours. That is all there is. And nothing you say or do will ever change that. You can’t change something that is meant to be just because of how you happen to feel today. No! You will be with me.”

  Gabby took a step to the side past him getting closer to the porch, but she did not go to unlock the door just yet. She was afraid he might freak out and attack her. It was unreal; she was actually afraid of Adam, the sweet boy next door she’d grown up with and shared so many pivotal firsts of her life with. He was scaring her to death. What in the world had happened to him? She couldn’t be totally to blame for this. Could she?

  Just then the porch light turned on and the door opened up. Her father’s nurse, Joanne was standing there looking very concerned. Adam quickly retreated down the steps to widen the distance between himself and Gabby. He put a smile on his face and tried to act like they were just having a friendly conversation.

  “Is everything ok?” Joanne asked.

  “Everything is cool,” Adam slurred. “How are you ma’am?”

  “Gabby?” Joanne asked again.

  “Yeah. Adam was just leaving,” Gabby said.

  Gabby opened the screen door and stepped inside locking it.

  “Adam, it is over between us. Do not contact me again. If I have to I’ll get a restraining order. Do you understand?” Gabby said.

  She didn’t even wait for him to respond before closing the door in his face.

  Gabby took a deep breath and leaned against the door.

  “That boy sounds like he needs some help,” Joanne said.

  “Yeah,” Gabby agreed. “He sure does.”

  Chapter 11


  Logan watched as Gabby grabbed a disposable cup and poured herself some coffee. She usually grabbed some cream and sugar with hers but today she was drinking it black and if he wasn’t mistaken this was her third cup in the past hour.

  He had been catching up on some phone conferences and doing some paperwork in his office all morning. Every time Gabby or one of the other girls grabbed coffee he would see the motion out of the corner of his eye on the security monitors. He occasionally felt a bit creepy watching her but then again, he never got tired of watching that amazing woman.

  She was typically not a heavy coffee drinker he’d noticed. Over the course of watching someone everyday he got used to their habits and routines. Gabby typically would have a cup in the morning first thing when she arrived at her cubicle and then again in the midafternoon to fight off the growing need to take a nap that typically struck those in the corporate world around that time.

  Logan smiled when he realized he was the same way.

  He watched her for a bit in her interaction with Jessica and Kris. They’d both become pretty fond of Gabby. The three of them had gone to lunch a few times and had invited Gabby out for happy hour a time or two. Logan thought it was great the three were all getting along so well, although he suspected that his assistants wanted to get Gabby alone with alcohol to loosen her tongue a bit so they could get all of the dirt about the torrid affair happening between their boss and the sexy new girl.

  Gabby usually was happy and kind of bubbly chit chatting with the girls during breaks and random water cooler times. But today she seemed different. Gabby was acting a bit aloof as if her mind was really focused on something else. It was possible she just had a headache or something but he just didn’t buy that today. There was something that was troubling her and he wanted to find out what.

  He hoped deep down that it was nothing he’d done or didn’t do. As far as he knew e
verything between the two of them was great. They’d been out together every night this week and while he suspected Gabby was getting tired of being dropped off at home at midnight instead of just spending the night in his bed and sleeping a good night’s sleep, he was concerned that something else might have been at work.

  Was her father taking a turn for the worse? Logan liked to think that Gabby would trust him enough to confide in him on that type of issue and that he could be there for her. He absolutely would be. Surely, she knew that.

  The not knowing was killing him and he was not getting anything done. It was an odd feeling for Logan to not be able to concentrate on what he needed to get done because someone else might have been in distress. He found the sensation oddly comforting. It had been so long since he’d let anyone in and now that she was there he did not want to lose that.

  Still Gabby was independent and proud; he didn’t want to force her to tell him something she didn’t want to and he didn’t want to appear overbearing with it.

  He called her into his office.

  When she arrived, he asked her to take a seat. She brought her coffee with her, sipping the warm liquid quickly.

  “What’s up?” Gabby asked.

  “Not much,” Logan replied. “I just wanted to see how you were doing. I’ve been so busy and I know you have too that I haven’t even had a chance to say anything to you today.”

  “Oh, yeah. It’s just business as usual,” Gabby replied.

  “Well, that’s great to hear,” Logan replied.

  He leaned back in his chair and drummed his fingers along the top of the back rest trying to think of the right way to word his questioning.

  Several seconds passed.

  Gabby looked at him strangely. “Is that it? I do have that Felix account I’ve got to get done today.”

  “Are you ok?” Logan asked.


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