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Glock (The Bad Disciples MC Book 4)

Page 40

by Savannah Rylan

  So, this was it. We had both got what we wanted and I had no reason to complain.

  When he was done changing, to my surprise, he started picking up my clothes off the floor. He handed them back to me in a jumbled pile. I took them from him and held them tightly to my breasts, a little embarrassed of my nakedness now.

  “I live a block away. Do you want to come over? I wouldn’t want you to walk back to your place alone this time of the night,” he said and my heart nearly stopped. Gunner looked like the kind of guy who would want to have nothing to do with me, now that he had his orgasm.

  Instead, he smiled and helped me down from the counter.


  Gunner’s apartment wasn’t small but it was bare. I didn’t know anything about this man, but the least I could tell was that he wasn’t a big fan of making his place a home. There was a futon in the middle of the room which could have been a living room and I sat down on it, watching him pour me a glass of water from tap.

  “I would have offered you something to eat if I had any,” he said and I blushed and shook my head.

  “I’m not hungry,” I said to him and sipped from the glass of cold water. He sat down beside me on the futon and searched my eyes.

  “I’m sorry if I hurt you back there,” he said in a low deep voice.

  “You didn’t,” I managed to say, even though what I actually wanted to say was that I liked it. I hadn’t experienced this desperate need for sexual union with someone in a very long time, perhaps never.

  I placed the glass down on the floor beside me and sat back on the futon.

  “I’m not sure if you’ll be comfortable here but I just wanted you to be safe,” he said and I stared into his eyes. The darkness in his gaze was gone now and I imagined what he might look like when he laughed.

  Without another word, he reached for my hand. His hand was warm and large and I remembered how those fingers had slid into me earlier, and I felt a rise of that burning need again.

  “You’re a very beautiful woman,” he said and I blushed. When he looked at me, I felt like he was actually looking. And not just at my face or my breasts. Even though our relationship up until now had been entirely about sex, there was something else about him that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

  He stroked my skin and adjusted himself to sit facing me. The smile was returning to his face as he moved forward, closer to me. Instinctually, I slowly started lying down on the mattress while Gunner loomed over me. In the darkness, I could see his blue eyes glimmering and his hot breath fell on my face.

  I was hoping he’d kiss me, but he didn’t. Instead, his hands lifted up my t-shirt and he gently caressed my belly. When he bent down, I knew what he was going to do and I gasped. I heard the buttons on my jeans pop and then he was sliding them off my legs.

  It happened slowly and I could feel every scratch of the denim against my skin, the warm glow of his fingers on my skin, his breath falling on the wetness between my legs.

  “This will help you sleep,” I heard him say in the dark. I couldn’t see him anymore, and I stared up at the ceiling while his face hovered between my legs. I wanted him again, so soon…what was happening to me?

  Gunner stroked the sides of my legs as he lowered himself further. Till I felt the tip of his tongue gently graze my throbbing clit. I gasped and pulled myself up. He looked up at me and our eyes met.

  “Try and relax, Brooklyn,” he said and I positioned myself on my folded elbows so I could watch as he set my body on fire.

  Our eyes remained locked, while his mouth opened and he looked like he was about to take a bite. His lips fused with my core and I felt his tongue slide into me with a smooth velvety stroke. I moved my hips, thrilling at the sensation of having him inside me again.

  I watched him with my mouth hanging open, soft moans escaping while he pushed his tongue in and out of me and licked my clit. It was tantalizing, the tips of my fingers tingled from the sensation. He was taking it slow this time, which was a massive change from the ferocity of the bar.

  I felt light headed, like I had too much to drink and I could feel my mind swimming from the pleasure of his tongue. The soft strokes were rhythmic, almost mesmerizing as he brought me into a gentle lulling orgasm. He was right…I was going to pass out.

  Gently my orgasm built up and Gunner increased the pace of his strokes. He sucked and nibbled and thrust, using his tongue in magical ways to make me come. My wetness trickled out of me and into his mouth and he didn’t stop. I moaned loudly, holding the top of his head while my body shuddered as I came.

  Gunner released me only when my harsh breathing had subsided, after I fell back on to the futon with a plop. I felt his tongue sliding out of me and I tried to force my eyelids to remain open. But I was exhausted, and my body was at peace and I couldn’t bring myself to do anything other than fall into a deep slumber.

  I had no idea when he had laid down beside me, or when I had snuggled into his broad chest. I had woken up some time later, when the curtain-less windows streamed in bright orange rays of the morning sun. I was shocked with myself for what had happened the previous night. For sleeping with a complete stranger…not once but twice, and I gently wriggled out of his steely arms.

  As quietly as I could, I put my jeans back on and I stood above Gunner for a few moments, watching him sleep. He had his brows crossed, his face was hardened and dark and he looked like he was having a bad dream. He looked handsome but also dangerous, and I had to force myself to look away from him.

  It was time to go back home. My one night getaway was over.

  Chapter 5


  I woke up with a gasp, springing up into a sitting position and realized that I was covered in a film of sweat and was breathing hard. I’d been dreaming about Jenson again and I had to blink severely to get my normal vision back.

  Immediately, I got a whiff of a female scent in the room and memories of the previous night came rushing back to me. I looked to my side and saw that Brooklyn wasn’t beside me. I fell back on to my futon with a sigh of relief. Glad that she wasn’t there to witness me having a nightmare.

  Staring up at the wall, I tried to recall every moment of the night. How her body had smelt, how beautifully delicious her curves were, how she moaned when she came and it brought a smile to my face. It had been a long time since I could forget about everything else…my dad, Bryce, Jenson…everyone. In those few hours spent with Brooklyn, I had thought about nothing else except her body.

  My phone beeped and I got up to fish it out of my jeans. It was a text message from Glock, telling me to go to Church again. I ran a hand through my hair and flung my phone away, before walking into the bathroom for a quick shower before I left. I’d made a commitment to the club now and I had to come through on it.


  At the Rusty Pelican again, I was one of the last to arrive. The place was teeming with people, some of whom I’d been introduced to the previous night and some of whom I knew only by face. The club had at least a hundred members as far as I knew.

  Axel was sitting on a high bar stool again and he acknowledged my presence with a tip of his head, as I weaved through the crowd to find Glock. Tank, Hunter and Sniper were with him and we exchanged thumps on each other’s backs as the usual greeting. The men looked serious and ready for a big announcement.

  Around Axel, the other older members surrounded him. Ethan and Larry were in their fifties as well, and I knew had been friends with dad when he was alive. Even though I knew or knew of these men, I had never actually worked with any of them.

  “Quiet,” Axel called out and the din in the bar died out and everyone looked up at Axel’s authoritative face.

  “Firstly, lets welcome our newest member, Gunner,” he said and a few of the men clapped and Glock thumped me on my back again.

  “You’re getting the full celebrity treatment,” Glock said with a laugh and I grinned.

  “We’re proud to have you here, Gunner and now…ge
tting down to business, I have an important announcement to make, so brace yourself,” Axel continued and another round of silence fell down on the group.

  “As you all know, we’ve been thinking of making some big changes around here. Namely, finding an alternate trade other than drugs,” Axel said and some of the men around us whispered to each other.

  “Over the past year, we’ve been building contacts in the weapon’s trade and we think we might finally have something,” he continued and the whispering chatter grew in the bar.

  “Doesn’t that involve more risks, Axel?” Tank spoke up and Axel nodded his head.

  “And the rewards are even higher,” he replied with a laugh. “Now, it doesn’t mean that we’ll be stopping our drug trade completely, it just means that we’ll concentrate on weapons more,” he explained and the men around me nodded in agreement.

  “And now that we have Gunner with us, who has no doubt become somewhat of an expert in the weapons field, I’m sure we’ll manage just fine,” he added and I smiled back at Axel as he spoke, aware that there were eyes on us.

  I kept my hands thrust into the pockets of my jeans and tried to assimilate all this information. As far as I knew through my association with the club, they had always dealt with only drugs, so now we were going to push our boundaries even further.

  “This is gonna be good,” Hunter turned to us and rubbed his hands together excitedly.

  “Won’t that mean more storage space?” Sniper asked and the others laughed at him and Glock patted his shoulder.

  “So young, so naive,” he joked and they laughed some more. If Sniper was embarrassed, he didn’t show it. He was probably already used to them pulling his leg for being the youngest member anyway.

  “Quiet!” Axel called out again and we all turned to him.

  “And there is something else that I want looked into,” Axel said and I squinted at him with my brows furrowed.

  “This job is for Glock and Tank,” he added and I felt Glock stand up in tighter attention. “I’ve been hearing rumors that the Dragon Knights are running a sex trafficking ring. I will not allow that on my territory or anywhere for that matter,” Axel said, with his voice hardening.

  I could tell that this subject was serious to him. He meant every word he was saying.

  “I want you boys to find out everything you can and report back to me. This is going to stop if it’s true,” he said.

  “Yes, Axel,” Tank said and Glock chimed in.

  In this regard, I knew this would be what dad would have done as well. Dealing drugs and weapons was as far as our club would go, harming children and women was not and would never be allowed. Axel tipped his head at me again. I was glad we agreed.


  I stayed at Church for a couple of hours longer, getting better acquainted with the members of the club. I could see that Tank, Hunter, Sniper and Glock had become thick friends and I felt like I could rely on them as well. We were all in the same age group, the younger members of the Club and these guys seemed to like to joke around more than anything else. At least their chatter kept me distracted from thinking about other things, namely Brooklyn.

  When I left Church, I got on my bike and rode it directly to PJ’s. At the bar, I knew it was probably too early for her to be on her shift, but I wanted to give it a shot anyway. I needed to see her again.

  Sam was cleaning up the counter, the guy who I knew from before I left for Afghanistan. Sam had owned PJ’s for as long as I could remember.

  “We’re not open for another hour,” Sam said when he heard the door open. When he looked up and saw me, a smile spread on his face.

  “Gunner! You’re back. We’re always open for you, man,” he said and started pouring me a whisky before I even asked for it.

  I approached the bar and took the shot glass from him and drank it all in one swig.

  “Good to be back,” I said, feeling the burning sensation course down my throat.

  “How come we haven’t seen you around here yet? Did you get back today?” Sam asked, genuinely pleased to see me again.

  “I was here last night in fact,” I said to him.

  “Oh yeah, it wasn’t my shift last night,” he said and gave the counter another wipe.

  “Yeah, I know. I met your new recruit. Brooklyn,” I said, avoiding his eyes.

  “Oh yeah, she’s something isn’t she?” Sam asked and I looked up at him. Something else couldn’t even begin to explain her.

  “Hey, I was wondering if you had her phone number,” I said and Sam’s brows crossed. He looked surprised that I wanted her number. A slow smile spread across his face and he nodded his head.

  “Sure man, whatever you want. You’ve served the country,” Sam said and found a scrap of paper to scribble down a phone number. I took it from him and folded it, before popping into my front jacket pocket.

  “Thanks, man,” I said and stood up from the chair.

  “Hey, will we see you back here tonight? Brooklyn won’t be here but maybe I’ll be good enough,” I heard him call out, with a laugh in his voice.

  “Only if you dress up for me, Sam,” I said and as I walked out of the bar, I heard him break into another volley of laughter.

  Outside, by my bike, I dialed the number on the scrap of paper, anxious to hear her voice again.

  She sounded sleepy when she answered the phone on the fifth ring.

  “Hello?” she said and I felt a tremor run down my spine. I wasn’t expecting her voice to have that effect on me.

  “It’s me,” I said and waited for a few seconds to see if she realized who it was.

  “How did you get this number?” she sounded a little worried and I was already imagining what she was wearing.

  “Not important. What are you doing tonight?” I asked her. I heard her take in a deep breath before she spoke again.

  “Working,” she replied.

  “I know you don’t have a shift at PJ’s,” I said.

  “Are you stalking me now?” she snapped at me over the phone and I didn’t even try to suppress the smile that formed on my face. She was feisty and I liked that.

  “I won’t have to if you agree to meet me tonight,” I said and I could hear her breathing hard into the phone. I’d met her only once, but I felt like I knew her face by heart. I could picture her green eyes sparkling under heavy lids. Her curly long brown hair falling over her face as she tried to not look at me. Those curves. That ass. I gripped my phone tighter in my hands.

  “I’m busy tonight, Gunner,” she said, but I wasn’t about to give up that easily.

  “With what?” I asked and I could hear her thinking.

  “Things!” she snapped and I smiled again.

  “Something tells me that whatever you were trying to escape last night, has not gone away today. So, my suggestion is that we help each other forget for a little while longer,” I said and Brooklyn’s silence was encouraging.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, in a less enraged voice and I knew it would take only a few more minutes for her to agree to see me again.

  “Oh, I think you do. Eight at Temple Bar,” I said and then hung up the call because I didn’t want to give her an opportunity to refuse me.

  Satisfied with myself, I hopped on my Harley and prepared to ride back to my apartment. I knew she was going to show up. Something electrical had happened between our bodies the previous night which I knew she couldn’t deny.

  I knew this wasn’t the time in my life to get involved in anything with a woman. I had a new life to concentrate on building, and it would be unfair to drag Brooklyn into my mess. But I also knew that I had to see her again. Maybe once more and then I’d be able to get over it. One more night with her and I’d be able to move on with my duties.

  Chapter 6


  I let my hair down for the night, and styled it into tight brown ringlets around my face. I didn’t have anything new in my closet because I didn’t go out ofte
n these days, but I’d found a short leather skirt and a red chiffon blouse that I thought looked good on me. A pale pink lipstick and a shimmery eyeshadow completed the look, and I was ready to leave the apartment.

  I was stuffing some essentials into a small black clutch and my eyes fell on my phone. There was a missed call notification on the screen and I saw that Viper had called me. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at that. Did he really need to call me every day? No matter how much I appreciated the Dragon Knights and its members for looking out for me…which I genuinely did, that feeling of claustrophobia was beginning to set in. Neither Luke nor my father had ever been this controlling, and I had never been answerable to them on a daily basis.

  These guys on the other hand wanted to know where I was at all times. On my nights off from PJ’s, Viper usually made sure that I met up with them at their bar, The Bird. As flattering as it all was at first, it was now starting to become a nuisance.

  Whatever inhibitions I was feeling about accepting to go on a date with Gunner that night was quickly disappearing. I was glad for the distraction, although I knew at the back of my head that he was more than just that.


  When I walked into Temple Bar, my eyes fell on Gunner immediately. He had picked out a small circular table near one of the windows of the place and I walked towards him, weaving around the tables.

  He was in the same black leather jacket as the previous night, but freshly shaven, and his cheekbones looked sharp and high as ever. He was sitting with his arms folded on the table with a bottle of beer in front of him and our gazes locked as I approached him. That familiar feeling of wanting him was rising up in me again.


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