Book Read Free

Tempting Tessa

Page 9

by Samantha Lind

  “I need you inside me,” she moans as I capture her nipple in my mouth.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll get there. I need to finish worshiping your body with my mouth first,” I answer back and kiss my way down her stomach, reaching her center. I can see how aroused she is and it makes my blood start pumping even more than it already is. I finally give her the contact she’s seeking when I lick her center. Her hips jerk up seeking the contact. I smile knowing I’m driving her crazy. I suck her clit into my mouth, pulling moan after moan from her. I slip a finger and then a second inside her, seeking that pleasure spot I know so well. Between my fingers in her pussy and her clit in my mouth, I send her over the ledge of her orgasm.

  “Fuck, Jake, don’t stop,” she pants out as her body pulses around my fingers.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m just getting things started. That was only orgasm number one for the night.”

  “Fuck,” she pants out. “I need you inside me now.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I reply as I stop to drop my boxers and grab a condom. Once I have taken care of both, I move up her body, kissing as I go. I align our bodies, and with one thrust enter her until I am balls deep inside her. She lets out a deep moan, “mmm...” and I stop so she can adjust to the invasion I have made on her body.

  “You are so fucking tight, baby,” I moan into her neck. I don’t know how I’m going to make it very long with how she feels wrapped around my cock. I feel her relax around me, so I start to move until I find a rhythm that has us both ready to crest over the ledge in no time.

  “I need you there, babe,” I tell her. I don’t want to fall until she does, so I reach my hand down between us and flick her clit with my fingers. This causes her to explode with her orgasm, and I follow right along with her.

  “That was amazing,” she tells me once we have both come down from our orgasms. I get up to dispose of the condom and Tessa gets up to use the bathroom. We lounge in bed just enjoying each other’s bodies, talking about anything and everything.

  We make love on and off all night and it’s amazing. Tessa and I just fit together like we were always meant to be together. We sleep in due to our sleepless night and finally are both awake around mid-morning.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” I say to her as she stirs awake in my arms.

  “Good morning, handsome,” she says as she lifts up to kiss me.

  “Mmm…I could get used to waking up like this,” I tell her.

  “I know, so could I. Maybe we can test out the waters of you sleeping over sometime when Ty is home,” she says, catching me off guard. I wasn’t expecting for Tessa to be ok with that for a while down the road.

  “If you’re sure, then I’m willing to give it a try,” I tell her.

  “How about some breakfast? I’m starving and I’m sure that you are as well.” I smack her ass, and she starts to get out of bed.

  “That sounds amazing. I’m starving too,” she says as she stands and stretches, showing off her beautiful body to me. I drink it all in and admire how beautiful she is.

  We get up and make our way to the kitchen, where we make breakfast together. Once we are finished eating we clean up. “I’m going to go take a shower, do you want to join me?” I ask her.

  “Sure, but no shower sex this morning. I’m a little sore from all our fun last night.”

  I pretend to pout. “But, but, but…you know it will make you feel good to come again.” I try and argue my case as she cups my cheek and lifts up to kiss me.

  “Nice try, mister. I can either shower with you and you can keep your hands to yourself or we can shower separately. Your choice.”

  “Ok, if I must, I will obey and keep my hands to myself,” I tell her as I drag her toward my room.

  Once we are out of the shower and dressed, I know exactly what I want to do this morning. “Hey, babe, do you think you could help me go through all the paperwork I have? After our discussion last night, I want to see if I can find the paperwork on my donor’s family.”

  “Sure. Let me just text my mom quick to see what time they need me to pick up Ty.”

  “All the paperwork from my accident and recovery is in the back bedroom that I’ve set up as a small home office. Just come find me in there once you are done.”

  “Ok, will do,” she says as she walks out to go text her mom.

  I head for my office and start pulling out the boxes of paperwork that have to do with my recovery. If I remember correctly, the donor information was in a large yellow manila envelope. I’m hoping my memory serves me right and this is an easy find.

  Tessa comes back a few minutes later to help me look. “How are your parents and Ty this morning?”

  “They’re good, Mom spoiled him with his favorite breakfast like she always does. She said they didn’t have any plans today and he’s having fun. She said to come whenever we’re done with what we have going on.” She pauses, looking around at all the boxes I’ve pulled out. “Ok, where should I start looking?”

  “The boxes are kind of all randomly put together, so I would just say to pick one and start looking through it. If I remember correctly it’s a yellow manila envelope that is sealed shut. Hopefully I am remembering correctly. That way it will be easier to find in the mix of everything.”

  “Ok, I’ll start over here and you start there. I’m glad that you are doing this. I think you’ll be surprised how it will feel if we can locate the information and you can meet the family.” She plops down and starts her search through the boxes.

  We are both quiet as we start searching the boxes. We’ve each looked through multiple boxes and I’m starting to think we will never find this envelope. When I open the next box I’m shocked to find just what I was looking for. “I think I just found it.” I hold up a yellow envelope that has Confidential - Donor Information – Confidential typed across it.

  “Really! Open it!” She stands, but can’t get over next to me due to all the boxes.

  I open the envelope and start reading the enclosed paperwork. When I reach the information on the donor, I about fall off the chair I’m sitting on.

  “Um….what does it say?” Tessa asks me, noticing I’ve gone quiet and probably look like I’ve seen a ghost.

  “Tessa, sit down,” I tell her.

  “What’s wrong, you’re scaring me. Is something wrong?” she asks, sitting back down.

  I don’t know how to tell her that the paperwork states I received her dead husband’s kidney. The thought never crossed my mind this entire time. I don’t know how to tell her, so I just hand her the paperwork so she can read it herself. “Here, you read it.”

  She takes it and starts reading. I know the second she reads Matt’s name. I can see the emotions move across her face. I get up and pull her to stand so I can hold her in my arms. I’m sure this news is just as earthshattering to her as it is to me. What are the fucking chances that the woman I’m falling in love with’s dead husband is the one who ultimately saved my life?

  “Holy shit, I don’t know what to say,” she says into my chest.

  “Well, at least you don’t have to wonder anymore if the person is doing ok,” I say, trying to break the mood that has settled over us. I’m not sure what she is really thinking about the news we just discovered together. My comment pulls a small chuckle from her, but I can tell she is still in shock about the news.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” I ask her. I need to know she is ok with this. It isn’t like I can change any of it but I need to know.

  “Um, sure. I guess. I just don’t know where to start or what to talk about. I’m just shocked is all. It never crossed my mind when you told me the timeline last night that your transplant would have been around the exact time that Matt died, so I never considered that you could have possibly received his second kidney.” She pauses as we walk out to sit on the couch. “Now that I think back over everything it all makes sense and was right in front of us this entire time. The surgery taking place just over 5 years ago,
you having never met your donor, me not having met one of the kidney recipients. It’s obvious when you look at it that way. I know logically there are transplant surgeries that take place all the time and they fly the organs all over the country. I guess if we would have discussed specific dates maybe we would have made the connection before now?”

  “Maybe, but are you ok with it and still being here with me? This doesn’t change things between us, does it?”

  “No, why would it?”

  “I just want to make sure. I love you, Tessa and I can’t imagine my life without you in it.” I hadn’t planned to tell her that I was in love with her like this, but it just felt right since it’s the God’s honest truth. I can’t see my life without her and Ty in it and I will do anything to prove that to her.

  “I love you too, Jake. And to answer your question, no, this doesn’t bother me at all. It almost feels like Matt sent you to me. Maybe that’s why I have felt so at peace about moving on and being willing to date you. Like I’ve told you, before you, I haven’t been interested in dating anyone else, but you changed that as soon as you entered my life. I felt an immediate connection to you, and at the time I couldn’t explain it. Now I think this was part of it.”

  “Do you think we should tell our families and friends?” I ask her as I rub her back as we sit next to each other on the couch.

  “Yes, Matt’s parents met all the other recipients with me and I think they would like to know I found the only one we didn’t already meet. It will probably shock them some that it’s you. They have encouraged me to move on and find someone to be happy with again knowing that me not moving on isn’t going to bring Matt back to us. After my birthday, I called and had a nice conversation letting them know we were dating and they were happy for me, for us.”

  “Has anyone in your family been worried about my spot in Ty’s life? I would never try and take Matt’s position in his life, but I also don’t mind being that role model for him, if that is what you want.”

  “No one has expressed any concern to me about it. And to be honest, all the males have been doing their best with stepping in to fill the role, but I think that what Ty really needs is a dad figure at home. Having uncles and grandfathers that do things with him occasionally is great, don’t get me wrong. But I also think he seeks that connection at home. I think that is one of the reasons he practically attacks you when you’re over and becomes your shadow. That and you include him, and for that I am eternally grateful. That has been one of my biggest fears about dating as a single mom. I don’t want my child to feel like he’s being replaced in my life as he is and will always be the most important person in my life.”

  “I would never try and make him feel any different. I enjoy having him around, and playing with him. You’ve done an amazing job raising him, Tessa. Don’t you ever forget that.” I place a chaste kiss on her lips.

  “Thank you for that, Jake,” she says and then leans in to give me a kiss. I’m so thankful with how this has all transpired. When I read that paperwork, I didn’t know if it was going to be the end of this great relationship that we have built. Leave it to Tessa to make everything better and handle the news with class.

  “Since we found the paperwork and have talked it all out, how about we take off and go get Ty? We can tell your parents if you want. I think I would also like to swing by my parents’ house and tell them the news. Do you want to come with me when I do that?”

  “Sure, let me go get changed and then I will be ready to go.”

  We both get ready to leave and head out to my truck. My mind is still going crazy mulling over all the information that has come to light this morning.

  “Where should we go first?” I ask her as we walk out to my truck.

  “It doesn’t really matter to me.”

  “Actually, let’s go to your parents’ house first. My parents have been bugging me about when they get to meet Ty. We can pick him up and then go to my parents’ house.”

  “Sounds good to me,” she replies as she climbs up into my truck.

  We drive over to Tessa’s parents’ house and find them inside getting ready to start making lunch. Now that I think about it, I’m getting hungry. “Do you guys want to join us for lunch?” Teresa asks us.

  Tessa looks at me with a questioning look. “I’m fine with that if you’re hungry,” I reply, pulling her closer to my side.

  “Sounds like we are staying for lunch,” she replies to her mom.

  “Ok, lunch will be ready in just a few minutes. Ty, go wash up. Can you guys set the table?” Teresa asks us.

  Once we are finished eating lunch with Jim, Teresa and Ty, Tessa turns the conversation. “Hey, Ty, why don’t you go play for a little bit. I need to talk to Grams and Gramps about something.”

  “Ok, can I watch a movie while I play?” he asks her, making his puppy dog eyes at her that he has mastered.

  “Sure can, why don’t you go pick out what you want to watch and then I’ll come start it for you in a few minutes?” He hops down and goes to pick his movie. I can tell that Jim and Teresa are curious about what Tessa needs to talk to them about, but I understand her not wanting to do it with Ty around. She gets up to go turn his movie on and returns to the table.

  “So, Jake and I have some news.” I think she caught how that sounded as soon as she said it because she said, “No, I’m not pregnant and no we are not getting married.”

  “Ok, so what’s going on?” her mom asks.

  “Well…” I can tell she doesn’t quite know how to start the conversation so I try and take the lead.

  “Tessa helped me sort through a bunch of the medical paperwork from my time in the hospital. After we talked about organ donation – her being on the families’ side as the donor and me being on the other side as a recipient, she encouraged me to find my donor’s family. We located the paperwork this morning and Matt was my donor.”

  The shock on her parents’ faces pretty much matches the shock that both Tessa and I had just a few hours ago. “Wow, that’s pretty amazing,” her mom says on a shaky breath.

  “Yes, it is,” I reply.

  “And how did you take the news, Tessa?” her dad asks.

  “I was shocked but I’m fine with it. It isn’t like Jake knew. When he was presented with the option of meeting his donor’s family he turned it down due to where he was at in his recovery. He never even thought about it until we were talking about it and I told him how much it helped me heal and how it brought some closure to losing Matt. I almost feel like Matt sent him to me in a way,” she tells her parents.

  “And you guys never had any inkling that you received Matt’s kidney before finding the paperwork this morning?” Teresa asks.

  “No, it never even crossed either of our minds.”

  “Well, it sure is a surprise and what a small world it is. But I’m glad that you guys figured it out,” Teresa says as she pulls Tessa and then me into a hug.

  We talk with her parents for a while. I still want to stop over at my parents’ house, so we pack up and head over the few blocks to their house. I had texted them earlier to make sure they would be home, so they are expecting us this afternoon.

  “Hello,” I yell as we walk into their house, and my mom comes down to the entryway to meet us.

  “Hey, how are you guys this afternoon? Is this Ty? It’s so nice to meet you!” my mom says to him, kneeling down to his level. “I’m Jake’s mom, Amanda. I’m so glad to finally meet you, Ty.”

  “It is nice to meet you too,” he replies to my mom. Tessa has done a fantastic job teaching him manners.

  “Well, come on in, Dad is just finishing something out back. I’ll go let him know you guys are here and we can all visit. Jake, you know where the beverages are, so make sure everyone is comfortable and has anything they need,” Mom says over her shoulder as she goes to let my dad know we are here.

  “Yes, Mom,” I tell her as she walks outside.

  “Would you like anything to drink?” I
ask Tessa as we walk towards the living room with her by my side.

  “Some water would be great.”

  “What about you, Ty, do you need anything?”

  “Nope, are there any toys here I can play with?” he asks as he looks around my parents’ living room.

  “I’ll see what I can find for you, otherwise I can probably find a movie you can watch on TV.”

  I head to the kitchen to get Tessa’s water and grab one for me as well, then go to see what I can find for Ty to play with. Since my sister and I haven’t had kids yet, my parents don’t have grandkids to spoil and I’m not sure if they will have anything he can play with. I think a movie or show will have to keep him entertained while we are here.

  When I make it back to the living room, my parents are both back inside and talking to Tessa and Ty. It appears his 6-year-old charm has already worked its magic on my parents and they are just soaking it up. They’ve bugged me since my accident to settle down and give them grandkids. I wasn’t ready for any of that until just recently and now it sounds amazing.

  We chat with my parents for a while before I bring up the kidney news. They are shocked just like everyone else, but also think it isn’t really anything we need to worry about going forward.

  Before we know it, the afternoon has slipped away and we need to get Ty home and fed dinner before it’s bedtime. My parents offer to order pizza, so we end up staying for dinner with them. We head back to Tessa’s for the remainder of the evening. We only stay over at my house when Ty isn’t with us, and I have yet to stay over at her house when Ty is home. I hope that we can change that sometime soon, as I really hate leaving her at night.


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