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Forbidden Temptation

Page 9

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Hey, can you do my makeup?” Leda walked up with a handful of products.

  Roslyn snapped out of her terrifying thoughts. Leda stood before her in a ragged wedding gown. “Let me guess, zombie bride?”

  “Oh, yeah!” Leda snickered. “I’ve always wanted to go as a zombie, and then I saw this dress and thought it was perfect. It’s a little small, but it will work.”

  Noticing that Leda’s breasts were definitely squashed and pushed up, giving her an amazing cleavage, had Roslyn cocking her eyebrow. She was no prude, and the dress actually looked amazing on Leda, but she knew the protective males who would have a problem with it. Instead of saying anything and dashing the young woman’s good mood, she took the makeup from Leda. “I’ll make you the most gruesome of zombie brides.”

  “Sweet!” Leda followed her and found a stool next to the counter.

  Roslyn worked tirelessly on Leda’s makeup, enjoying the peace it gave her mind. She focused on nothing else. Stepping back, she looked at her handiwork and smiled. Leda had a classic beauty to her; it shone from the inside out and even with ugly zombie makeup and her long black hair teased in an ungodly mess she was beautiful. Grabbing a small mirror, Roslyn handed it to Leda. “What do you think?”

  Leda grabbed it excitedly and laughed loudly. “That is awesome!”

  Hearing the door open, Roslyn looked that way to see Dell, followed by the rest of the men, come inside. Dell’s eyes found her immediately, his intense stare sending a blush over her whole body. The kids excitedly showed off their costumes, and her legs went weak when Dell bent to one knee to talk to Annabell, who was six years old and dressed up as a beautiful princess. He bowed his head toward her, took her little hand in his and kissed her knuckles, making the little girl squeal in delight. She then wrapped her tiny arms around his neck for a hug before going to all the men, wanting the same treatment, which of course she received.

  These men, the Lee County men, who were fierce in battle, knelt in front of a six-year-old making her feel special. Roslyn had never seen anything like it, and her heart melted. Having to look away before she started crying, her eyes fell on Taz who was glaring at Leda. His gaze lowered to her pushed-up breasts. Happy that Leda hadn’t noticed the glaring yet, Roslyn turned to clean up their mess, and Leda hopped in to help.

  “What the hell are you wearing?” Hunter asked as he headed behind the counter to pour himself a coffee. His eyes were on Leda.

  Glancing down at herself, Leda frowned. “A wedding dress.” She looked back up. “I’m a zombie bride. Why, doesn’t it look good?”

  Roslyn felt sorry for Leda as the girl peered down at herself with a frown. Leda really didn’t know how beautiful she was, but the protective men in the room did, and they weren’t happy about it.

  “Emily, you tell her.” Hunter nudged Emily, who was frowning at him.

  “She looks fine.” Emily gave him a warning glare. “She actually makes a beautiful zombie, if that’s at all possible.”

  “Thank you!” Leda said with a huge grin.

  “It’s too tight.” Taz frowned, his eyes rising from her breasts to her face.

  “Exactly!” Hunter pointed at Taz with a nod. “It’s too tight.”

  “Well, I didn’t ask you.” Leda’s smile slipped.

  A few of the girls Leda’s age were staring, one rolling her eyes and the other giving her a sneer. Leda saw them, as did Roslyn.

  Roslyn really wanted to smack the crap out of both men, as well as the jealous girls, but felt it wasn’t her place. Instead, she stepped in front of Leda. “Come on, I think your hair can use more teasing.”

  Moving her back over to where the combs and hairspray were, Roslyn almost did exactly what she knew she shouldn’t do, which was to walk over and smack both Hunter and Taz, but she refrained. Leda’s chin wobbled, eyes wet with unshed tears and yet, she held it together.

  “Do I really look okay?” Leda finally asked after visibly getting herself under control. “I don’t want to embarrass the pack.”

  Angry that they’d made her feel this way, Roslyn grasped her by the shoulders and stood her in front of the long mirror set up for everyone to look at their final results. Roslyn peeked over Leda’s shoulder with a smile. “Do you see anything wrong?”

  Leda looked at her face. Then her eyes traveled her body slowly. She shook her head. “No.” A small smile appeared, brightening her face. “And my hair looks awesome.”

  “Yes, it does.” Roslyn chuckled, turning her around, becoming serious. “Never let anyone tell you your worth, Leda. Never let anyone make you feel less than.” Something she herself had to work on.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Leda nodded, her eyes filled with appreciation.

  “And never call me ma’am again.” Roslyn gave her a fake frown. “I’m not that damn old.”

  Leda laughed loudly and gave her a hug. “Thank you!”

  “You’re welcome.” Roslyn hugged her back. “Now strut your zombie self on over there and give Taz a big wet one. That should stop all the looks and talk.”

  Leda snorted, glancing over at the girls who were still staring at her and whispering. “I’ve tried to be nice, but—”

  “Jealousy is a wicked thing, Leda.” Roslyn walked over with Leda to clean up their mess. “You keep being nice. Karma is also a wicked thing. I’ve actually met her, and she has a nasty slap. Better karma slap them than me.”

  “You’re cool.” Leda grabbed her arm. “I’m glad you came here and stayed.”

  Roslyn glanced toward Dell, their eyes meeting instantly. “Me too, Leda. Me too.”


  As soon as Dell walked inside the coffee shop where everyone was rushing around getting ready, he automatically sought out Roslyn. It was as if the man and the wolf were in tune with her, and only her. It had been that way from day one, but he’d initially fought it. Why he fought it, he didn’t know. He had told Hunter not long ago that when he found his mate, there would be nothing to stop him from making her his own. He’d lied. He’d stopped himself from claiming her, but now that he had in all ways that a man could claim a woman, he would never let her go.

  His eyes moved from her to Leda, before he searched out Garrett. A large disapproving frown settled over his lips. No way would Garrett approve Leda leaving the coffee shop dressed like that, let alone town. Looking back, he came face-to-face with Roslyn, who was giving him a warning glare and shake of her head. She hurried toward him.

  “Don’t you dare say a word to her,” she whispered, for his ears only. “She’s already heard it from Hunter and Taz. She looks fine and is more dressed than most will be tonight.”

  “No way is Garrett going to let her leave this building like that,” Dell whispered back, his tone disapproving.

  “You guys need to ease up on the protective mumbo jumbo.” Roslyn rolled her eyes. “She’s a young woman, a beautiful young woman. You all will be there to protect her, and I promise you no hot-blooded guy is going to jump her with you badasses standing guard.”

  Dell crossed his arms and glared down at her. “First of all, our protectiveness is not mumbo jumbo, and if anyone lays one finger on her—”

  “Taz will kill them,” Roslyn added with a cocked eyebrow while discreetly nodding toward the frowning young man. Roslyn stepped back from Dell and cleared her throat as Leda made her way toward them. “You ready to go?”

  Leda smiled happily. “Yeah, I’m ready, but I really wish you would have dressed up.”

  “Nah, I’m an old lady, and my dressing up time has come and gone. This is a young person’s treat or trick,” Roslyn teased with a laugh.

  “Well tell that to Hunter.” Leda snorted and smirked.

  Dell looked over to see Hunter wearing a mask with a sword attached to his belt. Sighing, Dell shook his head.

  “What’s he supposed to be?” Roslyn asked, wearing a puzzled frown.

  Hearing their conversation, Hunter walked over. “I’m a badass mysterious shifter with a sword.�
�� He pulled the sword out from his side. “Cool, huh?”

  Dell decided to ignore that question, then turned to Leda. “You going to have a problem shifting in that… dress?”

  “No, sir.” Leda tilted her chin with a hint of defiance. “I can do my job if need be.”

  Dell gave her a nod before glancing at Roslyn, who was staring at Leda with a proud smile on her face. Thoughts of his agreeing to become alpha crept to the edge of his mind. He was definitely going to have his hands full.

  “And… she’s a keeper.” Leda leaned up and kissed Roslyn on the cheek. “Mess it up and I’ll make you regret it.” Leda actually gave him an elbow to the ribs as she passed him.

  His eyes shot open in surprise. Then he laughed loudly, causing everyone to stop what they were doing to turn and stare at him. Usually Dell never showed emotions, other than the pissed off kind, so he didn’t take the shocked stares to heart.

  Looking down at Roslyn, who stood with her hand against her lips and her cheeks blushing beautifully, he gave her a wink. Then before everyone’s eyes, his laughter stopped and Dell became all business, barking orders at everyone. Halloween night was about to begin, and he hoped to hell it went smoothly, but deep down, he had his doubts.

  Chapter 14

  Roslyn didn’t know if she’d ever smiled more in her life than she did that night. Once they arrived, it was a bit hectic with the excitement, but now watching the kids going back and forth in their Halloween costumes collecting candy was a treat all in itself. Roslyn had never heard of “Trunk or Treat,” and she herself had never really been trick-or-treating before. It was really a cool concept. Residents of neighboring towns all gathered on Halloween at the Gorge. Using one of the large parking lots, everyone parked, then opened their trunks or hatchbacks filled with treats. Some even had decorated their vehicles. It was really neat, and she was enjoying herself so much, but crowds always made her nervous, especially after leaving Cylus Kane’s pack. She never knew when someone from her past would pop out and especially now with a lot of the adults dressed up, she couldn’t tell who was who.

  Leda along with Emily, Roxy, and Janna who rolled the twins, both decked out in pumpkin costumes, walked with the younger kids as they made their way to each car. She had started with them, but stopped and stood back, watching along with Taz and the others. Hunter was a few feet away from Emily, his eyes scanning the area, but with a pleasant look on his face. Dell was also walking along with Garrett and talking to the group around him.

  No matter what she did to ignore the man, her vision always landed on Dell Farris. It was kind of nice being able to observe the man without him knowing. He was so in tune with everything around him that she always got caught staring at him. Dell was nothing short of perfection to her, but when shifted, his wolf was magnificent. At that moment her wolf stirred. She smiled, relieved that her wolf approved. Her wolf most definitely had not approved of Cylus and had made it known, to the point she’d had to separate herself from her wolf. For a shifter, that could be deadly since a wolf shifter was one with their wolf.

  “Hello.” A male voice broke into her thoughts, making her jump. So much for paying attention to her surroundings.

  Snapping her head around, she looked up into the blue eyes of a blond-haired man. “Hi,” Roslyn replied. The smile only reached her lips, not her eyes. She was cautious, always so with strangers.

  “I’m Reed McCarthy.” He stuck out his hand for her to shake and after a second of hesitation, she took it. “You must be new. I’ve never seen you around before.”

  “I’m Ross.” She reverted to her more masculine name. She felt more secure in doing that. “And I’ve been around.” She did her best to sound friendly, but her invisible line that she wouldn’t cross with strangers was up, daring them to cross it with her standoffish attitude. It didn’t seem like he was taking the hint though as he crossed her invisible line, crap. His smile grew as his eyes roamed down her body.

  “I sure would have remembered you.” His voice was smooth, but his backhanded compliment sounded fake. She didn’t like fake. “And who in the world would give such a beautiful woman a man’s name. It has to be short for something.”

  Roslyn almost rolled her eyes. If she had been on her own, she would have gagged. Instead, she remained polite. She didn’t want to make a scene and embarrass the pack. “Nope, just Ross.”

  “Well, just Ross, you make the name beautiful.” His smile remained.

  This time she did roll her eyes. She couldn’t help it. The reaction to bullshit just happened naturally. “Listen, Mr.—”

  “Reed.” His whispered interruption made her skin crawl. “And if no one has walked you through the haunted trail, I would love to escort you.”

  He was a nice-looking man, no doubt, but he was trying way too hard. And what the hell did he mean by escort? It was a haunted trail, not a formal dance. Seriously, he was starting to get on her nerves. She wondered what he would think if she shifted and bit him on the ass.

  Glancing over to where she last saw Dell, she was glad to see him gone and not witnessing this guy trying to pick her up. She really wished he’d take the hint, but it looked like she was going to have to be rude and to the point. She had a job to do, and he was an annoying distraction. Damn, she hated to be mean to anyone. “Listen, I—”

  “I won’t take no for an answer.” Reed gave her a fake and overly exaggerated frown.

  “I think that would be in your best interest,” the voice that could make her knees weak said from behind her.

  The man looked over her head and then up, his eyes widening. “Oh, hello, Dell.”

  “Reed.” Dell stepped up beside Roslyn.

  Okay, this was awkward as hell, but the possessive way Dell stood by her side made her body tingle in the most pleasant way. Glancing up at Dell, she watched a pronounced tick in his jaw as he glared at the man. She knew without a doubt that Dell could smash this guy in seconds and felt a little sorry for Reed. He was a little creepy, but that didn’t call for an ass-kicking.

  “Reed was just introducing himself.” Roslyn cleared her throat, urging Dell to stop glaring at the man and look at her. Her eyes kept watching the tick.

  Dell gave a grunt and a nod, which gave Roslyn no clear idea if Dell was going to jump the man or not. The silence between the three became unbearably uncomfortable. Finally, Dell looked away from the man, and she let a sigh escape. He stared at her for a long moment before a barely-there grin tipped the corner of his mouth, his eyes softening.

  “It was…,” Dell began, his deep voice washing over her before he looked back at Reed, “nice seeing you again, Reed.”

  And with that, Dell took her arm and led her away. She didn’t know whether to feel relieved or mortified. “That was a little rude.”

  “Don’t care.” Dell’s hand tightened slightly on her arm, but it wasn’t painful. “I said it was nice seeing him, which was a lie, and he’s still breathing. How’s that rude?”

  He had a point. “He wasn’t really doing anything other than talking and asked to walk me through the haunted trail.” She kept out the part where he made her skin crawl, but she had a feeling from here on out all men trying to pick her up who weren’t Dell, were going to make her skin crawl.

  Dell stopped suddenly and glared down at her. “And that’s enough.”

  “To kill a man over?” Roslyn’s eyes widened as she stared up at him. “Isn’t that a little over the top?”

  “No.” He cocked his eyebrow while the other one remained slanted low over his eye. “You are mine, Roslyn.”

  “Men are going to talk to me.” She now cocked her eyebrow back at him. “Are you going to kill them all.”




  Roslyn couldn’t keep a straight face. He was so serious, yet the softening of his eyes let her know he wouldn’t go as far as killing Hunter. At least she didn’t think he would.

  “Hey!” Hu
nter walked up, followed by Marcus.

  “Speak of the devil.” Roslyn chuckled, gaining a grin from Dell.

  “No, I’m a badass shifter with a sword.” Hunter frowned. “Why can’t anyone get that right?”

  “Damn, man, will you give it a rest?” Marcus rolled his eyes. “No one is going to guess badass shifter with a sword.”

  “Well, I sure as fuck don’t look like Zorro,” Hunter grumbled, then looked at Dell. “I think we’re ready for the haunted trail. Dipshit here wants to go in fours so everyone is guarded.”

  “And what’s wrong with that?” Marcus growled. “We’ll be able to keep track of everyone if we do that.”

  “If we all go as a group and the kids stay in the middle, it’ll be easier, and we won’t be separated,” Hunter replied, looking at Marcus as if he were a dumbass. “It’s worked before that way, so why change it?”

  “If you’d stop playing with your sword long enough to think, you’ll understand why,” Marcus shot back.

  Roslyn had to swallow a chuckle that almost escaped her throat. She peeked at Dell to see he was just watching them with no emotions whatsoever. How did he do that?

  “Listen, I’m a kiss kind of guy, and I think we do it like we’ve always done it,” Hunter argued, his hand on his sword as if ready to pull it out and poke Marcus with it.

  “What in the fuck…?” Marcus cursed then shook his head as if stumped. “A kiss kind of guy?”

  “Yeah.” Hunter leaned toward his brother. “As in, Keep It Simple, Stupid!”

  “Can I kill him?” Marcus looked at Garrett who had walked up. “Please give me permission to stab him with his own sword, over and over and over again.”

  “We’re doing it as we’ve always done it,” Garrett agreed with Hunter, then looked at Dell. “Sound good to you?”

  “Yes,” Dell replied with a nod. “Once they’re all together, I’ll stage them and put the recruits in position.”

  Roslyn watched Hunter give Marcus a triumphant smirk and laughed. “Do all brothers act this way?”

  “No, he’s special.” Hunter nodded toward Marcus. “That’s why I don’t beat his ass on a daily basis.”


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