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Claimed: Death Dealers MC Book 3

Page 16

by Sapphire, Alana

  She drops her shopping bags on the floor and walks farther into the room.

  “Hey, Dr. E!”

  “Hey, beautiful. I hope that was his money you were spending and not yours.”

  “Of course! But don’t worry, baby. I got you something, too.”

  She turns to me and her smile fades. Her eyes widen and then slide down my body hungrily. My dick starts rising to the occasion.

  “Uh…I’ll see you two later.” E chuckles and leaves, locking the door behind him.

  Raven licks her lips and moves toward me slowly. “I just wanna lick the sweat off you.”

  She stops, reaches under her skirt, and pulls her panties down. I watch as she kicks them off along with her shoes. She resumes her journey, removing her top along the way. She’s naked by the time she’s standing in front of me. My hands are twitching from wanting to touch her, my dick hard as a rock. She places her hands on my hips and trails her tongue from my sternum up to my neck. That does it.

  I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck. I move to the chair and she adjusts her legs so I can sit.

  “I love how you smell, even when you’re stinky.”

  “I stink?”

  She giggles. “I love it. Let’s call it…‘musky’.”

  “Okay, why don’t you sit on my musky dick?”

  “Eww. That is not sexy,” she giggles.

  “You said it, not me.”

  “Fine. I take it back then.”

  “Fine with me. Now can we get to the part where you’re riding my dick?”

  “Dick.” She rolls her eyes.

  “Yeah. You love it.” I wink.

  I reach between her legs and after only a few strokes on her lips, she’s dripping wet. God, I love how responsive she is. How she responds to my touch.

  “Whose pussy, Raven?”

  “Yours,” she moans, her head falling back.

  Goddamn right, it’s mine. Always will be. I suck on a nipple and slip a finger inside her tight pussy. She clenches around it and applies pressure to the back of my head. I suck harder.


  I need to be inside her. Now. I free my dick from my sweats and guide her hips toward me. Slowly, she sits, her tight, wet heat gripping me. She slides up and gradually back down until I’m buried deep. The little whimpering sounds she’s making are killing me. I pull her in close, sliding my hands around her as I kiss her neck. She moves back and forth, grinding her hips against me as I sit back and allow her to set the pace. She tightens her arms around me, crushing her breasts to my chest.

  “God, you feel good…fucking incredible,” I whisper.

  Her tongue glides up my neck and she nips at my earlobe. A shiver darts up my spine. Physically, I swear I’ve never felt anything like the way Raven makes me feel. Every time I touch her it’s like a new experience, like I’ve never fucked a woman before.

  And I can’t get enough.

  She stands and I groan in frustration when I slip out of her. Turning her back to me, she positions my dick at her entrance and slides down once more. Breathing hard, she leans into me, and settles in. She shivers as I slide my hands gently up her stomach and cup her breasts, massaging the supple flesh. I tighten my grip when she starts to move, circling her hips the way she does when she’s dancing. Fuck, yeah. Faster and faster she moves, using me the way she wants to. I let her. I give in to her completely. She’s in control. I pinch her nipples and she moans, reaching behind to grab my hair.

  “Fuck, baby,” she groans.

  I love any nickname she calls me but right now, I don’t want to hear any of them.

  “My name. Say my name.”


  She puts it on repeat, saying it every couple of seconds. All the dirty talk in the world can’t measure up to the sound of my name coming from her lips. She begins to move up and down, her soft, wet walls clutching my dick. Then she totally blows my mind. She leans forward, bracing her hands on my knees, and does that bouncing/twerking thing that makes her juicy ass jiggle. Fuck.

  “Jesus, Raven. You keep doing that, I’m not going to last much longer.” She just moves faster. “Fuck!”

  I grab her hips and watch as her body crashes into mine, my dick sliding in and out of her. I revel in her moans and cries of pleasure. She tightens around me, and it takes me past the breaking point. I pull her against me and reach around to find her clit. She resumes her grinding motion, whimpering as I make circles on her sweet flesh.

  “Oh, Gage.”

  This time, when she clenches around me, I know it’s because she’s about to come. “Come with me, babe.”

  “Oh, my God!”

  We come together. As she spasms around me, I empty myself inside her. Shivering breaths rack her body as she trembles in my arms. She goes limp, her head falling on my shoulder.

  “Fuck. I need to try musky dick more often.” She giggles, turning her head to kiss me softly.

  “Anyway you want it, doll. It’s yours.”


  We’re lying in bed, wrapped up in each other, just enjoying being close. My head is on his chest, my left leg resting between his. His fingers are slowly sliding up and down my arm while mine are doing the same to his stomach. Bliss. That’s the only word I can think of to describe what I’m feeling. After our little scene on the chair, we showered together and fell into bed – naked.




  “Not nothing. What?”

  “No, really. I just wanted to hear your voice.”

  “You’re so weird.”

  I tap his chest playfully and he chuckles. “I am not weird.”

  “You’re the only woman I know who constantly sniffs me and wants to hear my voice.”

  “First of all, I’m the only woman who should. And second, I appreciate the small things.”

  “Small things, huh? What about the big things?”

  Pervert. His tone of voice tells me exactly what he’s talking about. I will never understand the fascination men have with their dicks.

  “Oh, I appreciate the hell out of the big things, but the small ones are…comforting.”

  “You know what’s comforting for me? Coming home to you every day and holding you in my arms.”

  I tighten my arm around him and place a gentle kiss on his pec. God, I love him. “That works perfectly because we can do this. You can hold me while I sniff and listen to you to my heart’s content.”

  “Is that all you want to do?”

  I smack his chest again and he laughs. “Fiend.”

  “How can you blame me, babe? I’ve wanted you since the second I saw you. When you went off on me, all I could think about was throwing you over my shoulder, locking you in this room, and fucking you into submission.”


  “Yeah. You were trying to be all hard, but I knew you wanted me.”

  “You think every woman wants you.”

  “But they do.”

  This time, I punch him in the side. He grunts then shakes with laughter.

  “Hey! Okay, okay.”

  I sit up and gaze down at his smiling face. “Because it’s the big things they’re interested in.”

  “And you’re interested in my smell and my voice?”

  I place my hand over his heart, hoping he’ll get the message. He loses the smile and tightens his arm around me.

  “All of you.”

  He doesn’t speak. Not a word. Not with his lips, anyway. The look in his eyes is worth a million words. He’s breathing harder and his fingers are digging into my hip. I know I’m not the only one who feels this connection between us. I know it. He probably just doesn’t recognize it for what it is. He loves me, too. I’m sure of it.

  “I want all of you, Gage. Your body, mind…heart, and soul. Because that’s the way you have me.”

  He pulls me to him, his palm at the back of my n
eck, and crushes my lips to his. His tongue forces its way between my lips and I open up for him. One hand fists in my hair while the other grabs my hip. I slide my leg over and straddle him, keeping our lips connected. Crazy little sensations race up my spine as his fingers trail up my back. I nip at his bottom lip, pulling on it before snaking my tongue into his mouth. He moans, meeting it with his. His dick is now at attention, resting on my ass cheeks. I sit up and reach behind me to wrap my fingers around it. He groans, lifting his hips.

  “My turn,” I say with a hint of mischief.

  I kiss my way down his chest, licking at his tats. He buries his hand in my hair, gently nudging me. Settling between his legs, I grip the monster.

  “Lick it.”

  As I slide my tongue over the tip, I smile up at him. He drags a breath through his teeth. I follow up with a swirl around the head before taking him into my mouth.

  “Jesus,” he groans.

  I tuck my hair behind my ear and suck him as I move up and down his length. His hand tightens in my hair. I take him to the back of my throat and try to go farther still.

  “Fuck, babe.”

  Pulling back, I catch my breath while I stroke him with my hand. He’s so wet, my fingers glide easily.

  “Time for some nuts.” With a wicked grin, I lick one of his balls. His head falls back on the pillow. I suck it into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it, and then move to its twin. “Guess I’m not allergic after all.”

  Moving back to his dick, I lick him from base to tip then close my lips around him. I suck him hard, showing no mercy, just like he did to me. I have both hands wrapped around him now, stroking and sucking simultaneously.

  “Fuck!” he yells, pulling on my hair.

  He tries to guide my movements, but I push his hand away. His hips jerk as I lightly slide my teeth along the shaft. I place it between my breasts, pushing them together to grip him. He rises up on his elbows and watches me with hooded eyes. I start to move, but I only manage a few strokes before he grabs my shoulders and flips me onto my back. He straddles my chest and I push my breasts back together as he slides his dick between them.

  “Love your tits, babe.”

  I watch his face as he fucks my boobs. Somehow, it seems as if he’s getting as much pleasure from it as when he’s inside me. I fucking love it. I stick my tongue out so every time he pushes forward, I lick his tip. He groans and grunts, pumping faster as his orgasm draws close. I release my breasts and grab his dick, sucking on the head while I jerk him off.

  “Fuck, Raven, I’m –”

  I cut him off when I suck harder. He pulses beneath my fingers and then I feel his warm cum hitting the back of my throat. I swallow each spurt, still sucking as he jerks above me. It’s not that disgusting.

  “Jesus Christ!”

  He stares down at me in disbelief because I keep him in my mouth, even when I feel him start to soften. Groaning, he pulls away reluctantly.

  “Fuck. Don’t know if I love your mouth or your pussy more.”

  He moves down my body, but I wriggle away from him because I don’t think I can handle another round. He chuckles and sidles up next to me, pulling me back into his arms.

  “You done for the night?” he asks.

  “Let’s pace ourselves here.”

  “Told you you’d be begging for a break.”

  “Yeah, but you’re killing me.”

  “Hey, they don’t call me Reaper for nothing,” he replies, voice laced with conceit.

  “You know, in some cultures, the raven is considered a symbol of death.”

  He pulls me closer, his arm tightening around me. “See, doll? Just proves you were made for me.”

  Baby Jesus. This man is intent on pulling me in so deep that I have no hope of ever getting out. God, I hope these are more than just words. I would die if he doesn’t feel the same way I do.

  “I’m gonna get a beer. You want anything?”

  “Stay. I’ll get it,” I tell him.

  I put on a pair of his boxers and a T-shirt with ‘Reaper’ across the chest then head out to the kitchen. A few of the guys are playing pool while Venom is in a corner getting his dick sucked by a Hound. Hello, Venom. Shit, having a big dick must be a requirement for membership in this club. Damn. Everyone greets me, even Venom, who smiles and waves. I make my way to the kitchen, shaking my head and laughing to myself. I grab two beers for Gage and place them on the counter while I get myself a soda. When I turn around, Britney is standing there staring at me. Fuck! Why do bitches insist on sneaking up on me?

  “You think you’re hot shit, don’t you?”

  “No. Just hot.” I shrug.

  “You walk around here wearing his clothes and act like you’re the club queen or something,” she sneers at me.

  “Not a queen. But I’m Gage’s woman. You’re a Hound. Therefore, you stay the fuck out of my way.”

  “Woman? Where’s your cut?” She giggles. “He just feels sorry for you. Why would he want to claim damaged pussy?”

  Okay, now she’s pissing me off. How dare she treat what happened to me like some sort of disease?

  “At least I’m not community pussy. Every brother here has fucked you and you’re still a Hound. Face it. You’re like the heel of the bread—everyone touches it, but nobody really wants it.”

  She straightens, anger and hate in her eyes.

  “Oh, yeah? While you were on your little emotional trip, who do you think was taking care of Gage? He was with me every. Single. Night. It’s just a matter of time before he drops you and makes me his old lady.”

  Rage clouds my vision. First Lonnie, now her. Without even thinking, I lunge at her. I curl my fists and land a punch to her nose. She screams and falls back against the wall, covering her nose. The bitch tries to run but I catch up with her in the bar, grabbing her hair and yanking her toward me. I kick her feet from under her and she falls flat on her back. She should be very comfortable. Slut. Vaguely, I hear the guys laughing and hooting, but I drown them out. I sit astride her and grab her neck. Her arms flail, trying to grab me, but I’ve got her good. I squeeze and watch her eyes bug out as she struggles to breathe.

  “Not so tough now, are you, bitch?”

  Blood trickles from her nose. I squeeze tighter but then there are hands all over me. After a struggle, I’m pulled away from her and Tek helps her to her feet as she fights to draw air into her lungs.

  “Stay in your lane, slut!” I shout as I reach for her. I drag myself from the arms holding me and turn to see Gage’s confused stare. Motherfucker.

  “Don’t touch me!”

  I haul ass back into his room, pacing as anger courses through my body. That cock-sucking motherfucker! I can’t believe he was screwing that slut waffle and then climbing into bed with me every night. He walks in, still looking bewildered.

  “What the hell happened?” he asks.

  “Don’t fucking talk to me!”

  “What? What did I do?”

  “What did you do? You said I was your woman.”

  “You are.”

  “Then why does your whore think it’s okay to talk to me however she wants to?”

  “My whore?” he asks with a raised brow.

  “Yes, your whore! Or maybe I’m the whore, huh?”

  “Don’t fucking say that.”

  “Why not? According to her, you’re just with me because you feel sorry for me, and you’re going to drop me at any moment and make her your old lady.”

  “Babe, you know that’s bullshit.”

  “Don’t babe me.”

  I can’t think straight, and I can’t keep still. I need to fucking hit something. Turning to the punching bag, I let loose. Deep, deep down, the rational part of me knows she’s probably lying but it’s losing to my irrational, royally pissed-off side. He tries to grab me again, but I push him away.

  “I said don’t touch me!”

  His face hardens. Now, he’s getting angry. Good.

  “Raven, cut it out.
Right. Fucking. Now.”

  “Fuck you! Go tend to your whore. I think I broke her nose.”

  “Raven –”

  “Don’t. Just don’t.”

  Anger turns to hurt. The kind where you feel like your lungs have been ripped out and you can’t breathe. Hurt so deep you think your heart will stop at any moment because you simply can’t go on living. That’s how I feel. Tears stream down my cheeks, and I press my palm to the ache in my chest.

  “I don’t know what she told you –”

  “How could you? How could you screw her every night and then hold me in your arms like you cared?”

  “Is that what she said? And you believe that?”

  Like I expected him to admit it. I grab my backpack from the closet and start shoving some clothes in it. I can’t be here right now.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he demands.

  “What does it look like?”

  “You’re not leaving.”

  “You can’t stop me.”

  “You’re not leaving,” he repeats. This time, it’s the voice.

  I pause momentarily, almost giving in. But then I remember Britney’s words. I zip up my bag, pull on some jeans, and grab my phone from the nightstand. His eyes follow me as I remove a hoodie from the closet.

  “You walk out that door, I swear I’m going to put you over my knee.”

  I stop in the doorway and turn to him. He’s not facing me. Coward.

  “Goodbye, Gage.”


  Goodbye? She’s out of her fucking mind if she thinks I’m letting her walk out of here. That stupid bitch Britney. I should have sent her packing a long time ago. I storm after Raven and find her begging Ron to give her a ride. He looks to me nervously, seeking permission.

  “Raven,” I call to her.

  “Ugh! Forget it. Forget you. Forget all of you!” she screams.

  She rushes to the door, dialing on her phone. Who the fuck is she calling? I catch up with her outside and grab her wrist but she wrenches out of my grasp.

  “Fuck off, pendejo!”

  She starts rambling in Spanish, so I have no idea what the fuck she’s saying, but I know it can’t be good.


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