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Claimed: Death Dealers MC Book 3

Page 22

by Sapphire, Alana

  “Always ready for me, aren’t you, babe?”

  “Yes,” she answers on a groan.

  I circle her clit slowly, loving the way she quivers against me. “Keep ironing,” I tell her.

  “What? Are you crazy?”

  “Keep. Ironing.”

  She moans and picks up the iron, her hand trembling as she sets it on my shirt. She doesn’t even realize it’s not on.

  “Good girl.”

  “Don’t blame me if your shirt gets burned.”

  “Just keep going.” I move a little faster and she grabs the edge of the ironing board with her free hand. The one holding the iron stills, and so do I. “You stop, I stop.”

  “Gage, please.”

  “You heard what I said.”

  When she starts again, I reach down and slide my middle finger inside her. She clenches around it, squeezing tight. I wish she was doing it on my dick, but it won’t be long now. She whimpers, struggling to keep the iron moving. As I pump my finger into her, I pinch a nipple with my free hand.

  “Don’t burn that shirt,” I warn when her hand stops moving again. “It’s my favorite.”

  “Oh, God.”

  The iron moves shakily over the material, and I return my attention to her clit. She’s so wet, so slippery, I’m losing my fucking mind. I move faster, no longer concerned about the iron. I just need to feel her come.

  “Fuck, Gage. I can’t!”

  She releases the iron and it falls to the floor. As I circle her clit, I massage her breast roughly. Her thighs begin to shake, so I know she’s close. She grips the board with both hands, moaning and whimpering. Then, she goes still. I pull her to me, holding her up as she gives me what I need.


  I don’t let up, working her clit vigorously as she shakes against me. “That’s it, baby. Give it to me.”

  She reaches behind her, crying out as she pulls my hair. I love when she does that. Fuck, I love everything she does when I’m fucking her. She shudders and her grip on my hair loosens. I remove my hand from her shorts and bring my fingers to her lips.


  She parts her lips, taking my fingers in and sucking her juices from them hungrily. She groans when I pull them out and step away from her. I drop my gaze to her ass, covered by blue cotton shorts, with the word ‘pink’ printed across the back. Pink...that’s exactly what I need right now – her pretty, pink pussy.

  “Clothes, Raven,” I say as I unbuckle my belt.

  She quickly undresses and tosses them aside. I pull her to me and press down on her back so she’s leaning on the iron board. She spreads her legs and adjusts her stance, getting ready for me. I slide my fingers across her lips and stick them in my mouth to get a little taste. Fucking hell. I tease her entrance with the head of my dick and watch her wiggle her ass, trying to work it in. I give her a smack on both cheeks, grab her hips, and plunge inside her. She cries out and reaches back to grab my wrist. I remain still, tripping out on how amazing she feels. No woman has ever felt this good, not even remotely close. Her body jerks and she arches her back when I lean forward and gently nip at her back with my teeth.


  And there it is. My name on her lips is all I need. I place one hand on her shoulder and begin to move. Every time I get inside her, it’s the same; I want to go slow and drag out this feeling for as long as I can, but at the same time I want to go hard and fast so I can get to the part where I come in her sweet pussy. I don’t know what the fuck to do with myself. Especially in moments like this, when she’s grabbing onto my dick like a fucking vice. Fuck it. I slide my hand around her neck and pull her against me.

  “Trust me?”

  “Of course,” she replies instantly.

  Trust. I don’t know what I did to earn hers so completely, but I’ll do everything I can to keep it. She yelps in surprise when I grab her thighs and lift her off the floor. I position her torso on the ironing board and wrap her legs around me, keeping my hand on her throat. She holds on to me with both legs, her heels digging into my back.

  “I got you, babe.”

  “I know.”

  When I start to move, the board wobbles precariously and she grabs ahold of it. I push deep, wanting to drown myself in her. I wish I could spend my days just like this. I don’t need anything else but my dick encased in her tight, wet pussy. She tightens her grip on me, shutting down a part of my brain. I pump into her, gradually increasing the pressure on her neck.


  I remember the little gift I have for her and take her to the bed. When I lay her down and pull out of her, she quickly moves up on her hands and knees, waiting for me. Perfection.

  “Turn around, doll. I have something for you.”

  “What?” She faces me, staring up with wide eyes.

  I search my discarded jeans for the box, open it, and present it to her.

  “What’s that?”

  “Nipple clamps.”

  She smiles, motioning to me eagerly. “Put them on.”

  I clip one nipple first, adjusting the pressure to her liking, then repeat with the next, and watch as she squirms.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “No. They feel good.”

  I pull on the chain gently, testing her. She moans, throwing her head back. I pull a little harder, amazed that she’s not averse to this kinky shit. There’s so much I want to show her, but I’ll take it slowly.

  “Gage…I want you to do something.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Tie me up.”

  “What? No,” I answer, the memory of how she freaked out when I held her hands together fresh in my mind.

  “Please. I want to.”

  “No, Raven. I’m not doing it.”

  She kneels in front of me, placing her hands on my shoulders. “I understand why you don’t want to, but I need to do this. I know you want to.”

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  I can’t have her reverting to zombie land. I couldn’t handle it, especially if it was my fault. She pulls my face down to hers.

  “Tie me up,” she whispers. “Do whatever you want to me. I trust you.”

  She lies back on the bed, spreading her arms, waiting for me. I stare down at her, conflicted. God knows I want to, but how can I? I’d kill myself before I hurt her.

  “Please,” she begs.

  I take a deep breath, praying I don’t regret this decision. Heading to the bathroom, I remove the sash from her robe. When I return, I stand over her hesitantly, but she seems excited.

  “I’ll do one wrist – a simple knot. Anything happens, you either tell me to stop and I’ll release you immediately, or you can reach over and untie it yourself.”

  I wrap the material around her wrist, pausing to give her a chance to back out. She takes a deep, calming breath then gives me the go-ahead with a dip of her head. I tie her wrist to the headboard and show her how to undo it with one pull.

  “Got it.”

  I drag my shirt over my head, climb between her legs, and lean in close, our faces an inch apart. “Okay?”

  “Yes,” she answers on a shaky, exhaled breath.

  I take the chain from the clamps and place it in her mouth, telling her to bite down. Her chest rises and falls rapidly, anticipation and expectation speeding up her heartbeat. I kiss down her neck, closing my eyes at the sound of her moan. I lick around the clamp on her nipple, watching as her head falls back, pulling on the chain. She groans but doesn’t let it go. I nip at her other breast and draw a whimper from her.

  “Please.” She grabs my shoulder. “Do both hands.”

  “Are you sure?”


  I stretch the sash across and secure her other wrist. After placing the chain in her mouth once more, I begin kissing down her stomach.

  “Please, Gage. Please, fuck me,” she mumbles around the chain.

  I spread her legs wider and slide home. She tugs at the restraints but doesn’t ask me to
stop. Wrapping her legs around my hips, she pulls me deeper. Her eyes are closed, back arched, head back, lost in ecstasy. With each thrust, I become less worried. Her head is thrashing from side to side, effectively pulling on the chain attached to the nipple clamps. She’s moaning and groaning, lifting her hips to meet mine. The sight of her like this is too much for me and I slam into her repeatedly, needing to feel her come again. I find her clit with my thumb, rubbing tight circles. She starts to tighten around me, the headboard rattling from her movements.


  Fuck. I throw her leg over my shoulder, pumping into her tight heat. I feel her coming and her back arches, the movement pulling the clamps free. She screams, the spasms from her pussy beckoning my own orgasm. I shoot off inside her with a grunt.


  She watches with a grin as I twitch above her. I release her hands and she pulls me down to her, slapping a kiss on my lips.

  “Thank you. That was…” Dumbfounded, she shakes her head. “I have no words.”

  Relieved, I lie next to her, curling my arm around her as she settles on my chest. I was thinking about converting one of the bedrooms at the house into a sex room, but now I’m definitely doing it. I’m no Dom, but who doesn’t like a little kinky shit? I think I’ll try blindfolding her next.

  “Mmm,” she moans, burrowing closer. “Damn, you’re good.”

  “Yeah, I know.” I chuckle.

  “I’m not even going to argue with you. Not when I can’t move.”

  “Get used to it, babe. I plan on fucking you every chance I get.”

  “Hmm…I’m inclined to agree with that plan.”

  “It’s cute that you think you have a choice.”


  After a while, she slides out of bed and heads to the bathroom. I use the opportunity to get the other box I have for her from my jeans. I don’t know how I became the type of man who gives flowers and gifts to women, but I like doing those things for her, seeing the look on her face. Then again, her face lights up just by seeing me. That I will never understand. Lust, I know and recognize easily, but she’s the first woman who actually looks happy to see me. How does my very presence make her happy?

  “What’s that?”

  I turn my head in her direction, realizing she’s back and getting dressed. “Something for you.”

  “Ooh. Is it another kinky gift?” She gives me a bright smile and drops down next to me excitedly.

  “No.” I chuckle and hand it to her. “Open it, freak.”

  “It’s your fault. I told you you were going to turn me out and I was right.”

  She flips the lid on the box, looks at the ring inside then turns to me, her smile going from excited to flattered.

  “Gage…it’s beautiful.”

  She places it on the third finger of her right hand, extending it in front of her and admiring the ring.

  “It’s so cute. Why ropes, though? Is it because you wanted to tie me up?” She winks.

  She trails her fingers over the top. It basically looks like a length of gold rope tied into a bow. I saw it and was instantly drawn to it because I think it describes the way she makes me feel.

  “No, doll.” I pull her onto my lap, grasping her chin and directing her lips to mine. “Because you tie me up in knots.”



  I drag my tired ass out of bed, leaving Gage sleeping soundly. Between all the sex and going out with Chrissy last night, I’m exhausted. I stand in front of the sink and inspect my reflection. I definitely look tired but other than that, my neck, breasts, and stomach are covered in hickeys. There are still red streaks in my hair, too, but I’m thinking of keeping them. Gage likes it. I’m also accumulating some pretty bitching jewelry. I have my diamond earrings, ‘12 Gage’ necklace, charm bracelet, and now my cute bow ring.

  As I brush my teeth, I think about what he said last night – that I tie him up in knots. What’s he conflicted about? His feelings? Or maybe his lack thereof. Just because we’re great together and have amazing sex doesn’t mean he’s in love with me. I tried to convince myself before but without confirmation from him, I can’t be sure. If I ask him, I risk getting an answer I’m not prepared to hear. Then again, I may wait in vain if I don’t. I know he loves me – Stevie Wonder could see he does – but I need to know if he’s in love with me. It seems I’m the one tied up in knots. He warned me, didn’t he? He doesn’t do love and relationships. I knew the rules when we started this game; I can’t go asking him to change them now.

  Breathing a heavy sigh, I open the cabinet to take my pill. I reach in but see an empty spot where I usually keep the box. I search the other shelves, under the sink, the floor, the trash, but it’s not there. I know I didn’t move it.

  I’m going to put a baby in you.

  The words hit me like a bolt of lightning. Fuck. He couldn’t have. He wouldn’t. Would he? That sneaky motherfucker! I stomp back to the bedroom and shake him awake.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks in a surprised but sleepy voice.

  “Where are my pills?”

  He sits up, rubbing his eyes. “What pills?”

  “You know what pills. The ones you probably threw out.” I fold my arms under my breasts in annoyance.

  His gaze lingers on my chest and I realize I’m still naked, but I’m getting too angry to care.

  “You mean the pills you’re using to kill my babies?”

  My mouth drops open in shock and I stare at him in wide-eyed amazement. What the fuck?

  “I’m not killing anything! The whole point is prevention. You were the one who got me on them in the first place!”

  “And now I want you off,” he replies matter-of-factly. “I’m serious, Raven. I’m getting you pregnant. The sooner, the better.”

  He tosses off the covers, revealing his hard-on. I start backing away, seeing the intention in his eyes. I can’t believe him. What’s happened that’s changed his mind so drastically? He stalks toward me, stroking himself, a predatory look in his eyes.

  “Why?” I ask.

  “Why what?”

  “Why do you suddenly want to have a baby?”

  He shrugs. “I don’t know.”

  “Do you love me?”

  He stops in his tracks, giving me a deer-in-the-headlights stare.

  “Well? Do you want a baby because you’re in love with me and want us to be a family, or is this some Neanderthal move to mark your territory? Am I even your territory? What are we doing? Am I your permanent, personal Hound? Or is it temporary?”

  “You’re not a fucking Hound. You’re my –”

  “Woman. Yeah, I know. I told you how I feel about you, and now I want to know. Do you love me?”

  His shoulders droop in resignation. “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?” Tears begin to form in my eyes as I watch the man I love more than life itself, fight an internal struggle over a simple question.

  “Raven, I don’t know what love is. It sounds cliché, but it’s the truth. I care about you, more than I thought possible. The only other women I’ve cared about are my mom, sister, and aunt. I’ll take care of you and occasionally fuck you senseless. I want you and I want a baby with you, but I can’t give you all that extra shit. I’m not built that way.”

  He’s not built that way. I knew that. I knew it and I still let myself fall in love with him. My fault, I guess. As the tears roll down my cheeks, I move to the chest of drawers and get dressed. I grab my car keys, purse, and phone, then head for the door.

  “Raven –”

  “It’s okay. I understand.”

  The door clicks behind me and I try to concentrate on walking – one foot before the other. I don’t know where I’m going, but I need to get out of here. I bump into Dr. E and he stops me in the corridor.

  “What’s going on, beautiful?”

  I shake my head, words refusing to pass my lips. He pulls me into his room and
motions for me to sit on the bed.

  “Talk to me.”

  “It’s nothing,” I finally muster. “Just a little misunderstanding.”

  “Then why are you crying?”

  I don’t want to discuss my stupidity of falling for a man who claims he doesn’t even know what love is, so I broach the subject he can actually help with. “Has Gage said anything to you about wanting babies?”

  “Why?” He furrows his brows. “Are you pregnant?”

  “No. At least, I don’t think so.”

  “What did he say?”

  “That he wants to have a baby. He threw out my pills.”

  Dr. E is shocked into silence. Obviously, Gage hasn’t spoken to him about it.

  “What do you want?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know.” Would I have Gage’s child? Hell yeah. I just don’t know if now is the right time or if I want to do it without a solid commitment. That’s the least he could do if he thinks he’s not capable of love.

  “Are you using condoms?”


  “Well, if you’re not sure then you’re not ready. We can discuss other forms of contraceptives, but we’ll have to do a pregnancy test first to make sure you’re not already pregnant,” he says, going into doctor-mode.


  “I see you’re on your way out. Get a pregnancy test and come talk to me when you get back. If I’m not here, call me.”

  “Thanks, Dr. E.”

  I leave him and try to make my way to my car but run into Lonnie in the bar, talking to Deena. Just what I need. I haven’t seen her since the night she returned and was hoping she went back to wherever she’s been for the last couple of months. I try to pass her, but she calls out to me.


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