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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle

Page 7

by Easton, Don

  “Back to the Black Water?”

  “You got it.”

  “Even if we do catch a member of the club with a couple kilos of speed, do you really think he would rat out?”

  “How does that old movie go? I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.”

  Jack’s voice was light and lively. Danny was learning. Jack’s cold, dark eyes said that he was anything but light and lively. Wigmore is right….

  chapter nine

  It was ten-thirty that night when Jack approached the entrance to the Black Water. His timing was lucky. Baldy came out of the bar in front of him and walked away in the opposite direction. Jack heard a short squeal of tires from the parking lot and knew that Danny had seen him too.

  Moments later, Danny quickly pulled up beside Jack and passed him a portable radio through the window.

  “Tell me you’ve had the surveillance course?” said Jack.

  “That, I’ve had,” replied Danny.

  Jack stayed behind Baldy on foot. Baldy was the cautious type and paused frequently to look around, but Jack remained elusive. Four blocks later, Baldy entered a dilapidated apartment building. Jack crept up the stairwell behind him and watched him unlock a door to a suite and step inside. He waited a moment, then got the apartment number and matched it with the name on the mailbox at the entrance to the building. Seconds later, he joined Danny.

  “You get it?” asked Danny.

  “Apartment 206. Mailbox says ‘L. Waschuk.’”

  At the office, Jack studied a mug shot of Leonard Waschuk. Baldy now had a name. He also had a lengthy record for drug trafficking and was currently on probation.

  Jack then discovered something on the police computer that made his adrenaline pump. Leonard’s last drug conviction was for a pound of cocaine. That investigation indicated that the cocaine originated from someone connected to Satans Wrath, but it wasn’t known who.

  “So we’re two steps away from the club then?” said Danny.

  Jack could feel the excitement in his body. “If I order enough to bypass Red and get to Leonard, we’ll only be one step removed. It worked with Spider. Tomorrow I’ll see if I can do the same with Red. I’ll pick you up after lunch. This time you’ll hide in the back alley to watch. If Leonard is stashing it there, I want to know where.”

  The next morning, Jack lay in bed and stared up at the ceiling. He had been awake for over an hour, but it was too soon to go to work. It was the time of day he hated. Being alone gave him too much opportunity to reflect upon events of the past. His telephone rang.

  “Susan would like you to come over for lunch,” said Danny. “She wants to meet you. I understand if you don’t have time. We are pretty busy.”

  Jack felt a sense of relief. He enjoyed being around families — especially complete families. “I’d be glad to come. I’ve been looking forward to meeting your family, as long as your kid doesn’t barf on me.”

  A few hours later, Jack couldn’t help but laugh out loud as Tiffany squealed and laughed when he made blowing sounds into her neck. When he pulled his head back, her eyes flashed and she smiled and giggled in anticipation of more. He caught the sparkle in Susan’s eyes as she watched. This is a great family … lots of love.

  Jack invited them out for dinner on Sunday night. It would be his treat. They were to include Tiffany as well. He was pleased when Susan eagerly accepted but said that she would prefer to get a babysitter.

  Danny seemed less pleased with the invitation. He looked at his watch and said, “Shouldn’t we be going to work?”

  Jack waited until they were in the car, then said, “What’s the matter? I sense there’s something you’re holding back. Are you upset with me?”


  Jack reflected for a moment, then said, “You’re worried about me buying dope without permission, aren’t you?”

  Danny didn’t respond.

  “I’m certain that nobody will find out, but if they do, I’ll swear that you had nothing to do with it. If you’re that stressed, then wait in the car and I’ll do it myself.”

  “You would protect me, wouldn’t you?”

  Jack was taken back. “Of course. We’re partners!”

  Danny was quiet for a few minutes, then asked, “How much can you afford to buy?”

  “Is that what’s bothering you? Don’t worry, I’m not that broke. I can afford dinner … plus an ounce and a half.”

  “Think it will be enough to bring out Leonard?”

  “Let’s find out. I have to stop at my bank on the way.”

  “We’ll stop at my bank, too. Two ounces would improve the odds.”

  Jack looked at Danny. “Thanks, but no thanks. You’ve got Susan and Tiffany to support. This is my fight.”

  “Look at my damned hand! I’m in this fight, too.”

  Jack felt good. It wasn’t the money. It was having a partner he could count on and trust.

  On the way to the Black Water, Danny stopped at his bank and gave Jack the money. Jack was grateful but caught the guilty look on Danny’s face.

  “Hey, have you talked about this with Susan? I don’t feel right taking —”

  “Take it!” Danny snapped.

  Jack accepted it but could tell that Danny was still troubled as they drove. He looked at Danny’s bandaged hand and said, “I really don’t mind you waiting in the car. This den of snakes, as you call it, there’s no real need for you to be there.”

  “Yeah, except to cover your ass. Like you said, we’re partners. If you’re going to wallow in that filth, then I should be there alongside you.”

  Jack smiled, then reached into the back seat and handed Danny a bag.

  “Glad you feel that way. I got you a present.”

  “A present?” Danny looked in the bag. “Coveralls and a box of latex gloves?”

  Taggart stood in the alley behind the Black Water and studied the pile of garbage that overflowed the Dumpster. He adjusted a green garbage bag strategically on the pile. The bag was ripped and coffee grounds spilled out. The afternoon sun didn’t improve the stench.

  Danny’s muffled voice came from within. “That’s enough! I can barely see!”

  “Welcome to Intelligence work,” said Jack, as he walked away.

  Red sat at a table in the back of the bar with a hooker as Jack approached. An untouched hamburger and fries sat on a paper plate in front of them. He heard them talk as he got close.

  “Damn it, Crystal! I’m sick of waitin’ around all the time for those fuckin’ whores. I want the money on time. If they can’t make it, tell ’em I said to give you the hundred bucks and you can bring it to me.”

  “Some of the girls said that it’s a lot of money to be payin’ you every day.”

  “Tough titty. Besides, you know it ain’t goin’ in my pocket.”

  Both women quit talking when Jack sat down.

  “You lookin’?” asked Red.

  Jack nodded.

  Crystal knew that privacy was needed and she immediately left the table.

  Jack told Red what he was looking for.

  “Two ounces? No problem. Wait here, I’ll be right back.”

  Red disappeared into the lobby for a minute and then returned.

  “You’re gonna have to wait. Can’t get hold of someone. Maybe try again in an hour.”

  “No problem. Let me buy ya a drink.” Jack wondered how difficult it would be to convince her to introduce him to Leonard. She didn’t bat an eye at selling two ounces. His chances didn’t look good.

  Danny watched a hooker with a customer in the back alley. The customer stood with his back to the brick wall of the hotel. The hooker undid his zipper and got to her knees. Two minutes later the alley was empty again.

  It was dusk when a young girl came down the alley. Danny figured she was between ten and twelve years old. She cautiously looked around as she walked. She approached the steel door at the back of the hotel, hesitated, then rapped lightly on the door. A moment later she rapped lou

  Red opened the door.

  “Hey, Marcie! You’re here!” Red used a chair to block open the door, then stepped outside. She handed a hamburger and fries to Marcie and sat beside her on the step.

  “Sorry it’s cold. Was expectin’ ya sooner.”

  Marcie had already started cramming the food in her mouth. “No. Thanks! It’s great!” Between mouthfuls of food, Marcie said, “And thanks for lettin’ me crash at your place last night. Some guy was hasslin’ me in the park and I didn’t want to stay there, so…”

  “Don’t worry about it, kid. Come on. Give me a big smile, that’s all I ask.”

  Marcie turned her head and looked at Red. Danny couldn’t see if she smiled or not, but he heard Red.

  “Ya call that a smile? I’ve seen dogs eatin’ shit smile better than that!”

  Red pulled a syringe out of her purse. “Tell ya what. I’ll give you a little treat. Guaranteed to make ya happy. I hate bein’ around people who aren’t happy.”

  “No, I mean I used to smoke sometimes, but…”

  “Hey. Okay by me,” said Red, cramming the syringe back in her purse. “Just tryin’ to help. Speakin’ of which, remember I told you about the guy who pays big bucks for young models? I checked and he thinks he could squeeze you in for an appointment this evening.”

  “Yeah, sure! That’s exciting!”

  “Wait here. I’ll go check.” Red kicked the chair out of the doorway and the steel door banged shut behind her. Danny watched as Marcie looked nervously up and down the alley. He felt sick, and it wasn’t the smell of the garbage.

  A few minutes later, the door opened and closed again as someone stepped outside. He recognized a hooker who frequented the hotel.

  “Hey, kid, what are you doing?” he heard her say.

  “I’m waiting for someone. Red. Do you know her?”

  The hooker nodded, then sat beside Marcie and asked, “Is she family to you?”

  “No, don’t have any family. Except for my dad. Red’s my friend.”

  “You shouldn’t be down here. This isn’t the place for you. Where’s your dad? Bet he would be glad to come and get you and —”

  “Forget that! He ain’t … touchin’ me no more!”

  The hooker patted her on the back and said, “Sorry, kid. Been there. Know where you’re comin’ from. Tell you what, after the bars close, me and some other girls meet for pizza. My name’s Crystal. If you’re hungry or need a place to sleep, I’ll help you out.”

  “Thanks, Crystal. My name is Marcie, but I already met a friend who —”

  The rear door opened again and Red stepped out and stared down at Crystal.

  “Fuck off!”

  “Hey, I’m just tryin’ to look out for this —”

  “I said, fuck off!”

  Crystal stood up and headed down the alley. Danny heard Red tell Marcie, “You stay away from her. She’s bad news!”

  A silver Acura slowly drove down the alley and stopped. It was too dark for Danny to see the driver or make out the licence plate.

  “Get in the car, Marcie. This guy will take ya to your appointment. When you’re done, he’ll bring ya back. Knock on the door again and I’ll meet you.”

  Marcie’s voice quavered slightly. “Can’t you come?”

  “Sorry, kid. I got business to take care of. This guy is all right. He’ll take good care of you. No need to be afraid.”

  Red rejoined Jack at the table. “Sorry, I don’t know where the fuck he is. Too bad you didn’t want a quarter-pound, instead of two.”

  “Two is all I can afford.”

  “That’s good. At least I know you ain’t a cop. They always have enough money.”

  “So what difference would the extra two ounces make?”

  “I know the people my friend gets it from. I’m allowed to go to them if my friend isn’t around, but not for less than a quarter. You sure you can’t spring for more bread?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” Jack let out a sigh. He then thought about Danny hiding in the garbage. “Listen, Red, maybe I better split. I might come back tomorrow.”

  “Let me try my friend one more time,” she said and went to the lobby.

  She smiled when she returned. “You’re in luck, I connected. It’ll be here in an hour.”

  Danny heard footsteps coming down the alley. They stopped beside him.

  “It’s going down,” Jack whispered. “Supposed to arrive within the hour. Make damn certain nobody sees you or it will blow everything.”

  “Christ! It’s about time! What the hell you been doing in there?”

  “Just having a few drinks … a few laughs.”


  “Take it easy. Red couldn’t connect until now. Keep your eyes peeled for Leonard.”

  “Take it easy? You sit on your ass in this filth and see how easy it —”

  “Keep it down. Someone might hear.”

  Danny listened as Jack’s footsteps faded away. A moment later, another steel door opened close to the Dumpster. Danny heard the sound of a busy kitchen. Moments later, two more bags of garbage were added to the pile. The person went back inside the restaurant and the alley was silent again.

  chapter ten

  Wizard eyed the girl casually. She probably hadn’t reached puberty yet. She had barely spoken a word in the twenty-five minutes he had been driving. Not unusual. Grown men were usually afraid to speak or make eye contact with him. He spotted The Suit’s car parked two blocks away from the motel. Always cautious, The Suit. Always cautious.

  Wizard pulled into the motel unit. It was composed of individual cabins. It was remote, which was why Wizard had chosen it. He had given The Suit the key to the room earlier.

  The kid became agitated in her seat. Soon she found the courage to speak.

  “What are we doing?” She said it as a question, but Wizard knew that her brain had already told her what she was afraid was going to happen. Her brain was not that experienced. Nothing in her imagination could prepare her for The Suit.

  “This isn’t for modelling, is it? There aren’t going to be any pictures taken for —”

  Wizard parked in front of one of the cabins and said, “Listen, kid. The guy in there, well he only likes to look. He won’t touch ya. There could be a lot of money in it for you. He does take pictures but keeps ’em for himself. You got nothin’ to worry about.”

  “I’ve heard of guys like that. He’ll put them out on the Internet or something!”

  Wizard chuckled. “Not this guy. He’s so afraid that someone will find out about his hobby that you won’t even see him.”

  “I won’t see him?”

  “He wears a mask. He’s probably more afraid of you than you will be of him.”

  “No! I think you better drive me —”

  “I didn’t bring you here for nothing! Pay me fifty bucks, then I’ll drive you back!”

  “I don’t have any money,” she whimpered.

  “Then you either get inside that room and have your picture taken, or you can stay in the car with me and I’ll take it out on trade!”

  Wizard started to undo his belt but stopped as Marcie quickly reached for the door.

  “I’ll wait and give you a ride back after. Don’t try and fuck with me! I’ll be watching! Oh, and give him this,” he said, handing her a small flap of folded paper.

  Marcie walked up to the cabin but glanced back at the man in the car. A street light cast shadows on his face, but she could see his goatee and knew he was watching. She knocked on the door.

  She noticed the curtains move, and a man’s voice said, “Come in.”

  Marcie opened the door and stepped in. The only light in the room was dim and came from a table lamp. She saw the man standing at the back of the room beside the bedroom door. He was wearing a mask of President Bush and had on a jogging suit.

  “Lock the door!”

  Marcie fumbled with the latch and locked the door.

  “You’re late!”

  “Sorry, it wasn’t my —”

  “Shut up! No talking! I don’t want you to talk at all!”

  Marcie swallowed but didn’t speak. From the sound of his voice, she guessed he was slightly older than her own dad.

  “Take off all your clothes and sit on the sofa and wait.”

  Marcie could feel her body shaking. She glanced toward the locked door but then thought of the man in the car.

  “Hurry up! Are you trying to make me angry?” the man yelled.

  “No, mister,” Marcie replied.

  “I said no talking! Now take ’em off!”

  Marcie thought about what the man with the goatee had said. He was the type who only looks. It made sense. He didn’t want her to undress in the bedroom. She placed the paper packet on the coffee table and started to take off her clothes. Her hands were shaking and she had trouble with the buttons on her shirt.

  “You are a young one, that’s real gooood.”

  She finished undressing and looked back at the man.

  “Turn the light off and sit down!”

  Marcie flicked off the light, plunging the room into darkness, then sat on the sofa and drew her knees up to her chest. The man grunted something and went into the bedroom.

  She could hear him muttering. A few minutes later she heard the bedroom door open and close, then he walked in and turned on a lamp. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open as she gawked up at him.

  He was wearing only socks, shoes, and his plastic mask. He was a thin man with wavy black hair. There was no hair on his chest and his skin was creamy white. When she saw what he was carrying in his other hand, she bit her lip and began to tremble.

  It was a leather leash attached to a choke-chain collar — the kind used to control large dogs.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not going to touch you,” he said in a quiet, soothing voice. “Let me move the hair back from your pretty face a bit.” He gently stroked her hair with his fingers.

  Marcie quivered and drew her knees tighter to her chest.

  “There, that’s a good little bitch. Sit still … that’s a girl.”


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