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Mount Roxby Box Set

Page 23

by Aimie Jennison

  I stand up and Theo pads over to the empty bed that Jared had been on a few minutes ago.

  Jared is now standing behind me in a protective stance.

  I notice Dominick is missing. “Eddie. Where’s Dominick?”

  “I need an invite from Theo. He’s not got the ability to give one at the minute.” Dominick’s voice says through our link. I turn and head for the door before Eddie could answer.

  “He’s outside. You seem to know that already. How?” His curiosity rushes over my skin.

  “We’ve got a blood tie. He answered me before you did, in here,” I say laughing, while pointing to my temple.

  “What?” Jared’s anger hits me like a wall. I thought he’d be jealous when any other guy is involved, but he’s angry like he’s concerned for my protection. But then again, why would he be jealous? Dominick is a vampire. He’s dead. I don’t think he’d be capable of love. I don’t think I’d be able to fall in love with someone that is dead either.

  “Am I?” Dominick asks in my head. I’m kind of getting sick of not being able to think without being interrupted.

  “Can’t you just listen to me when I’m actually talking to you? Rather than butting in on my personal thoughts. I can only hear what you want me to. How come?” I take a few steps out the door before Dominick walks into view from around the other side of the van.

  He speaks out loud this time, “If you want to drink some of my blood, then you’ll be able to listen in on my thoughts whenever you wish, too.” He tilts his head in a gesture to offer his neck to me.

  “Eww. No thanks.” That thought totally grosses me out. Although I’m not sure why? Because when I’m in wolf form I hunt and eat animals; fur, bones and all. It’s probably because Dominick’s cold and dead that it freaks me out so much.

  “I have blood running through my veins and a heartbeat. Am I really dead?” He grabs my hand and places it on his bare chest through the opening of his dress shirt, right over his heart. I feel the thud, thud. It’s slightly out of time compared to a human’s. It has an extra faster thud, thud in between the normal thud, thud. Werewolves run to a slightly different beat too.

  I move my hand away and force myself not to wipe it on my sweats.

  “I don’t know,” is the only answer I can give him.

  “I must leave now, Rosabel.” He kisses me on the forehead before I even have the chance to think about dodging it.

  “Thanks for your help tonight,” I say, pulling away.

  He smiles. “We are even now.” He disappears with a pop before my eyes. How come he can make noises if he wants?

  I turn back to go inside, only to find Jared standing in the doorway. I feel his concern tickle against my skin. “I don’t like you having this tie with him. I don’t trust him.”

  “He’s not too bad, if you didn’t nearly kill him the other day. I wouldn’t have had to donate my blood and I wouldn’t have a tie at all.”

  His face drops into a look of sadness as his guilt brushes against my skin.

  “I’m sorry, Jared. I shouldn’t have said that. It wasn’t you. It was Emmanuel.” I lean in and give him a big hug and he squeezes me back hard. He was always great to hug.

  “I miss you baby Bel, I really do.” The truth of his words is evident in his emotions. His love is just as strong as it was when we first got together all those years ago.

  “I know.” I stay in the hug to hide that I am crying. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea if he sees so it’s a good job he seems happy enough to still be hugging me. We hear a fierce growl coming from inside the shed causing Jared and I to break apart and run inside.

  I can’t see a problem with the scene before my eyes, except Theo was looking directly at me, growling. I look back at the door. He would have seen me and Jared cuddling but I can’t feel jealousy coming from him.

  The room fills with his bonding scent.

  “Jared. Stay there,” I warn as I put my hand behind me to stop him coming any closer.

  “Yeah. I get the point,” he replies as Billy, Paddy, and Alyssa walk over to where we’re standing. I head for Theo, who is still growling quietly.

  “Come on. You need to get out of here,” I hear Billy say to Jared behind me.

  “But, Bel?” He’s worried that I’m going to get hurt.

  “It’s not her he wants to hurt,” Billy tells him as Theo pounces in front of me facing Jared, growling fiercely once again.

  Jared puts his hands up above his head like you do to the police to show them you have no weapons. “It’s okay mate. I’m going,” he says, backing up and out the door.

  I start taking my clothes off. Wesley has seen me naked and I’m sure Dr Patel has seen plenty of people naked before. I need to get into wolf form so we can communicate better.

  I’ve just pulled the bra off my arm, to be fully naked, when Eddie emerges from the cupboard with what looks like some medical supplies in his hand, “Is this what…” he looks up midsentence, “…you. Wow.”

  I instantly smell his arousal and so does Theo.

  He spins around and growls at Eddie in warning, just as the room fills even more with the bonding scent. For Eddie’s sake this time.

  Billy comes running back in as I finish the shift into my wolf form; I guess he heard the growl.

  He takes in the scene. “Eddie. What have you said?”

  “Oh, Eddie. For god’s sake. You’ve seen plenty of naked people before.” He must have caught on to the scent of Eddie’s arousal.

  I trot over to Theo and wiggle my behind at him in a flirty way to distract him. “I’m all yours, Theo.” It seems to get his attention.

  “I never doubted that. You were crying. Jared upset you.” He was trying to protect me. I can’t help but smile at that thought.

  “No! He didn’t upset me, not really. He was telling me he missed me. I could feel how much he loved me still and I cried because I can’t return those feelings.”

  Theo rubs his head against the side of mine and I notice a mass of matted blood on the back of his neck, making me think there must be a serious wound there.

  “Has Dr Patel looked at this wound on your neck?”

  “Yes. It’s all healed. I just need to wash the blood off my fur, that’s all. There is one on my stomach, too. I’m healed enough to change back now, but I’d rather have you to myself like this for a while first, or maybe for the rest of the night. I’m sure the pack can cope without talking to me until morning.” Theo strides over to the corner on the gym mats. He turns around a couple of times to get comfy.

  I make the same move curling up next to him.

  “I love you, more than I knew it was possible to love someone,” he blurts. The love flowing through our bond. He meant it with all of his heart.


  I feel him chuckle in a wolfy way against my side. “Has somebody been watching ‘Ghost’ too much?”

  “Sounds like I’m not the only one since you knew what I meant.”

  We both chuckle at that. It’s great to feel him so happy, not to mention, healthy.

  “Has anyone filled you in on who the controller was?” I ask him. I guess he should be told and since I was in charge. I should be the one to fill him in.

  “No. Not yet. I guess I’ll have to bring him to justice tomorrow. Where is he?” He sounds as though he hates that part of being alpha. I don’t blame him, I do too!

  “No. You won’t. It was Emmanuel. He wanted to cause a war between the werewolves and the vampires.”

  “I know you dated him, Bel But I have to serve a death sentence. It’s the law.” He thinks I said no because I didn’t want him to hurt Emmanuel.

  I wish that was the case.

  “No, it’s already been done. I k-killed him.” My voice cracks in my head and tears well in my eyes. I don’t know if I’ll ever get over killing someone I cared for. Killing the pride members that duelled with me was a completely different thing. It was them or me. I could live with that. Emmanuel
, though. Emmanuel was different.

  “Oh, Bel. I’m so sorry you had to do that. It must’ve been hard for you.” I can feel his regret through our connection. He nuzzles his snout against my fur.

  “It was. But I had no choice.”

  “Why didn’t you just leave him to me?”

  “He knew he had a death sentence. He wanted to hold you hostage so we wouldn’t kill him.”

  “Thank you for taking over and coming to rescue me.” He gives me a toothy snarl that I think is meant to be a smile. It’s hard to tell on a wolf’s face.

  I snuggle into his fur, breathing in his scent. It’s so relaxing after such a long twenty-four hours.

  We both lift our heads as we hear the door open, to see Billy rushing in and closing the door behind him. “You guys need be quiet. Selena thinks we have a pack of wolves on the property. She’s talking about setting traps.” I start to giggle in my head. There is a pack of wolves on the property, well a quarter of a pack, not to mention the lion.

  Theo changes into human in a second flat. “What is Selena doing here?” He’s fuming. I don’t need to be an empath to know that.

  I quickly shift to human form while Theo strides to the cupboard and pulls out some sweats and a t-shirt, yanking them on quickly. He wets a towel and rubs at the visible blood on his neck and face.

  I quickly gather my clothes and throw them on.

  “She turned up this afternoon. She hasn’t said why. She just booked herself a room. Didn’t Bel tell you?”

  “No. Bel didn’t tell me,” he snaps, aiming his anger at me.

  Now wait a minute. Why are you mad at me?

  “It totally slipped my mind. I have had a lot on it tonight. I did just kill someone for god’s sake. I’m terribly sorry she wasn’t on the top of my list.” Sarcasm at its best. On the defensive, I go.

  “Sorry, I snapped. I’m mad at her not you. She has no right to just turn up.” He comes and kisses me on the top of my head. “Come on. Let’s go kick her out.” Grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers, he pulls me out of the shed after Billy.

  Just as we step out the door, I pull his body back towards me. “One thing first.” He turns to look at me.

  I reach up and put my hand behind his neck and pull his head towards me, brushing my lips against his. He reciprocates by working his mouth over mine. I pull away and press our foreheads together as we both catch our breath.

  Breath caught, we step away and find Billy standing nearby waiting for us. The three of us head for the house and enter through the glass doors in the lounge without a word. I’m too busy thinking about how great that kiss was to bother speaking.

  “No wolves on the loose out there, but look who I found making out behind the bushes.” I’m sure Billy added that last bit for Selena’s sake.

  “TED!” Ruby screams as she pounces on him, throwing her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. “You’re okay?” she adds as she drops her legs back down to the floor.

  He gives her a squeeze before breaking away. “I’m fine, Ruby.”

  Ruby turns to me pulling me into a hug. “Thank you so much, Bel.”

  “You’re welcome.” As soon as she lets me go, Theo grabs my hand again.

  I look around the room for the first time since entering. It looks so small compared to normal. I realise that’s probably because it’s full of werewolves; Wesley, Alyssa, and Paddy are all squashed together on the sofa facing the stairs. Selena and Jared are on the other one, Ruby is next to Jared. Eddie and Chloe are sitting on the kitchen bench top leaving Greg, Darren, Phil, and Dave all standing around leaning against the walls through the room. Billy walks to the kitchen and leans against the side next to Chloe.

  Everyone seems to give Theo a little nod. I think they all probably want to come over and welcome him back just like Ruby had, but I’m sure Selena would ask why everyone was so pleased to see him. Ruby’s reaction looked suspicious enough! Ruby goes back to her spot on the sofa next to Jared, who ruffles her hair as she sits down. Typical Jared.

  “Selena. What are you doing in my house? I thought I made it clear, you are not welcome anymore.”

  Theo. Just cut to the chase why don’t you?

  She stands up, walks up to us, and actually tries to cuddle him. Before she manages to get a hold of him, he takes a step backwards dragging me along with him.

  “Can we talk in private?” she asks, giving me a pointed look.

  “Anything you want to say, Selena, can be said in front of everyone here.” He waves his hand around the room. She follows his hand with her eyes falling on everyone, one by one.

  She stares down at her feet. I can see the contemplation on her face, deciding whether she should tell everyone her business. She must have decided to go with it because she opens her mouth to speak; only nothing comes out for a second while she lifts her eyes and looks at Theo. “I thought we could give our marriage another go.”

  Theo sighs shaking his head “You’re too late. A couple months ago maybe I would’ve been stupid enough to take you back, but I’m with Bel now. I’m not giving up what we have, for you. If that’s all you wanted, you can get your stuff together and leave.”

  Tears fill her eyes, but she doesn’t move. She takes a deep breath. “I’m pregnant! The dad chucked me out. I thought you...” She doesn’t finish her sentence.

  Theo’s body goes tense next to me before I hear Eddie’s whisper.

  “Oh, fuck.” If I had human ears, I wouldn’t have heard it.

  Theo squeezes my hand, too hard. I’m actually glad I have super strength or he might have broken something. Then again, if he carries on squeezing much longer he might just do that.

  Selena is once again staring at the floor.

  Theo glances at me with his wolf eyes as he releases my hand before storming up the stairs. We all hear the door slam behind him, leaving me to wonder if it’s still going to be intact when I go up there.

  “Theo?” Selena shouts as she makes a move to chase after him.

  For the second time in a few minutes I find myself extremely grateful for being a were. I reach the bottom of the stairs first and manage to block her way. There is no way she wants to go up there when he’s as angry as that.

  “Just let him calm down. He’ll come down when he’s ready to talk,” I say forcefully.

  I watch the thoughts cross her face whilst she decides whether to tell me to get out of her way or just listen to me and wait. She chooses right, going for the latter; turning and sitting on the sofa without a word to me.

  I sit down on the stairs, not wanting her to try and sneak up to him when I’m not paying attention. I don’t know why he got so angry. His anger appeared before she mentioned the father so it can’t be because he kicked her out. I’m so deep in thought that I jump a foot off the step as I feel someone’s hand rubbing my knee. I look to my left to see Billy sitting on the step beside me.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” he asks.

  I shake my head and shrug. “Just wondering what got him so mad. It’s still escalating, I can feel it.”

  “We all can. You should go talk to him. It might calm him down. Just be cautious,” he warns me.

  “Do you think he’s that angry at Selena, that he might attack me?” I really don’t think he’d hurt me no matter how angry he is, not after he managed not to attack me tonight when he was so hungry and injured.

  “I don’t have time to explain everything, Theo’s mood is affecting everyone, and we can’t risk exposing ourselves in front of Selena.”

  I look around the room at the others and he’s right; everyone is tense. Paddy is really struggling at fighting off his wolf.

  “The main cause of Theo and Selena’s arguments were because he wanted kids like, yesterday, and she never wanted them. Now she turns up pregnant. The one thing he wanted from her, she gave to someone else.”

  I have a really bad feeling in my gut. “What are you trying to say, Billy?”

  I fin
ally place that look he had in his eyes before he ran upstairs. Regret.

  “I honestly don’t know. I just figured you deserved to have a heads up.”

  I quickly kiss him on the cheek. “Thanks Billy.”

  I race up the stairs needing to know what Theo is thinking because my brain is coming up with too many scenarios I don’t like.

  Theo’s door has a crack running right down the middle and the frame is loose, but it’s intact enough to be serving its purpose. I knock on the door before opening, just to be courteous. He’ll have been able to sense me coming, not to mention hearing my footsteps. I open the door before he has time to reply to my knock and close it behind me.

  He’s pacing back and forth across the room.

  I decide to steal Billy’s line. “Penny for your thoughts?”

  He sighs and carries on pacing.

  I sit on the edge of his bed ready to wait for him, but to my surprise he joins me, putting his head in his hands. We sit in a silence that I’m not willing to break. If he wants to talk, he can. He came up here to think and calm down. I haven’t joined him to make him more tense, if that’s even possible, by asking him stupid questions like, ‘are you okay?’ when it’s blatantly obvious he’s not.

  He lifts his head out of his hands and stares at me with his beautiful emerald green eyes that are filled with nothing but love and regret. “Bel, I’m sorry,” he says, giving me a bad feeling this is a conversation I don’t want to be involved in.

  “Billy is right, isn’t he? You’re going to take her back.” It’s a statement, not a question. There is no need for him to beat around the bush to tell me what Billy already has. There are tears running down my cheeks as I look at him making him a blur. I can’t read what his eyes are saying, but I can feel his emotions loud and clear, the love, regret, and guilt.

  He’s made his decision.

  “Bel. I…”

  I don’t need to listen to him tell me his decision, not when I can already feel it. I close my eyes so I can let my body take me wherever it wants to.

  God only knows where I’ll end up!




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