Mount Roxby Box Set

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Mount Roxby Box Set Page 50

by Aimie Jennison

  I turn back to Cain, demanding with every fibre of my body that he listens to me. “I put my hand in yours, even though I knew you were in a rage and on the edge of shifting. I did that Cain. Do you hear me?”

  I hold my breath, waiting for him to reply or even show any sign of listening.

  His eyes close and I slowly lean back in my seat, thinking he’s come to his senses. “You sound like a domestic abuse victim, blaming yourself.” His words are whispered, but at a quick glance around the table, I can see the others heard him too. And by the pitying looks on all their faces, they agree with him.

  Anger surges through me. “For fuck’s sake, it was me!” I slam my cast on the table, regretting it the second my hand starts to throb. I school my features, not wanting anyone to know about the extra pain. My drink topples over and I scoot my chair back before the liquid pours off the edge of the table and soaks into my floor length maxi dress. Cain storms off towards the bar, leaving me watching him and wishing he would just think about this rationally.

  Billy places a firm had on my shoulder as I move to follow him. “He’ll be back. He just needs a breather.”

  Cain might not be listening to reason, but I sure as hell want everyone else to take my word for it. I turn away from Cain and look at Theo. He’s the leader. If he understands, everyone else will. “It wasn’t like he’s making it sound.” Tears fill my eyes. I don’t want them to think badly of him. He’s hating himself enough for everyone.

  “Selena. Sweetheart.” The term of endearment startles me to glance in Bel’s direction, hoping it didn’t upset her. She gives me a reassuring smile as she traces a finger over the back of Theo’s hand. “We don’t blame him. Hell, if I were in his shoes, I would have probably done the same thing. You’re human. You break easily.”

  Billy strokes my forearm comfortingly.

  “But it doesn’t mean he has to like what he did,” Theo finishes. His eyes flick behind me and I know Cain is there.

  I can feel him.

  A gentle caress over my skin, like static electricity—only it’s Cain. It’s the first time I’ve felt something like this. Closing my eyes to focus better, I feel a tugging in my mind’s eye and become overwhelmed with love.

  I turn my head and pop open my eyes to find Cain looking down at me with the same love in his eyes. Sensing a pang of guilt, I know it’s coming from Cain. Excitement pours through me as I realise we really do have a mate bond. Cain’s smile grows, and I can only assume he’s feeling my excitement. I let my love pour through the bond.

  Cain places a glass of ginger ale on the table over my shoulder and slides into his chair before leaning into me, his hand wrapping around my neck and his fingers gripping the hair at the base of my skull as he kisses me senseless.

  “Fuck! It’s getting hot in here. What the hell did we just miss?” Billy picks up his pint of beer and drains the glass. “I need another fucking drink.”

  Cain doesn’t take his eyes off mine as he pulls away. “Our mate bond just kicked in, didn’t it, beautiful?” At a loss for words after that kiss, I nod my agreement as his hand snakes around my neck and he runs his thumb over my bottom lip.

  “Did I hear ya say ya needed a drink?” Misty catches our attention, and we all seem to look towards her in unison as she places a pint in front of Billy before giving him a wink. “Hi, guys. I figured I’d come and visit you while I have my break.”

  “Thanks, doll, you’re a mind reader,” Billy says as he takes a gulp of the amber liquid.

  Misty glances around, seeming to look for a spare chair. “Nope, ya just shouted loud enough for everyone to hear ya,” she states before leaning a hip on the back of his chair.

  Billy sticks his leg to the side a little. “Here.” He pats his knee. “You can’t spend your break on your feet.”

  Misty takes him up on the offer and I catch sight of Billy’s hand slide along her back. I can’t help but wonder if there may be something happening between the two of them that nobody knows about. I glance around the table and see a questioning look on Theo’s face, confirming my suspicions.

  “Well, if it isn’t my favourite people, all at one table,” a well-spoken male voice states.

  Theo growls, eliciting a playful smack from Bel. “Behave.”

  Theo sighs. “Dominick,” he greets with a slight nod. Dominick. The name rings a bell and it takes me a second to remember where from. Dominick is the king of vampires here in Mount Roxby. Misty and Bel were only talking about him earlier.

  I lean into Cain’s side a little more as I try to hide a shudder. I’m not sure I like the thought of him being a king of people who suck blood. Jesus, my sister-in-law is one of those people. I flick my eyes to Ruby before flicking them to Dominick to try and find any similarities, some sign of vampirism, but I see nothing that screams vampire. Ruby looks just as she always has and Dominick looks like a regular guy. Quite possibly a little arrogant, but there are a lot of regular guys who have that trait.

  Dominick comes to a stop behind Billy, placing his hand on Billy’s shoulder. Cain stiffens beside me, and I wonder if it’s some supernatural creature political stand, but Dominick suddenly gives the shoulder a gentle, almost intimate, squeeze before letting go. “Ruby, I haven’t seen you at the compound lately. Are you keeping well fed?”

  “I haven’t seen you at the compound lately, and considering I’ve been feeding there most days, that’s somewhat strange.” The curiosity in Ruby’s voice seems to interest everyone around the table. Theo sits forward slightly in his seat, and Bel squints at Dominick as if she’s trying to read his mind. Although she’s more likely to be trying to sense his emotions, since she’s an empath. That was something else she managed to fill me in on today. I actually learnt a world of information in just those few hours I spent with her and Misty.

  “I guess I’ve been otherwise engaged.” Dominick glances across at Bel and frowns, no doubt at her scrutiny.

  “You’re seeing someone. You actually care about them,” Bel states, sounding shocked at her discovery.

  Dominick waves a hand dismissively. “I do have the ability to care for another person. I’m not a complete monster.” He shakes his head. “Anyway, I do believe you wanted to ask me something, Theo?”

  Theo clears his throat before speaking. “Yes. Have you given permission to a fox or a skulk of them to enter my territory?”

  “Our territory,” Dominick corrects. “No, the lion was the last shifter I allowed in, and I believe after that, we agreed you would deal with shifter request from then onwards.”

  “We did, but we had a fox turn up at the pack house, and I wanted to make sure they didn’t have permission before I retaliated.” I shiver at Theo’s threat of retaliation. Stu is a dangerous man, and although I know Theo and Cain aren’t weak, the thought of them fighting with him has me scared.

  Cain’s arm around my shoulder rubs up and down my bicep. “Hey, everyone will be fine. It’s what we do,” he says, clearly catching onto to my feelings through the bond and putting two and two together.

  Misty jumps off Billy’s knee. “Well, it’s been entertaining, but my break’s up. I’ll try and catch ya’ll later.”

  “I’ll walk you back to the bar,” Dominick says, offering Misty the crook of his arm, but not before running a finger over the back of Billy’s neck. Glancing around the table, I don’t see anyone else react to the discreet move.

  Misty takes his arm and hugs it to her body. “Well, thank you, kind sir.”

  “Misty! We have a lot to talk about, girl,” Bel calls across the table as Misty and Dominick walk away. It seems she’s come to some conclusion I haven’t.

  “Sure thing,” Misty shouts.

  Eddie turns to Bel after watching Misty and Dominick walk away. “What do you know that we don’t?”

  Bel tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear and flicks her eyes away from Misty, letting them fall on Eddie, but not before they drift over Billy a second too long. “I’m sure we’ll all
find out soon enough. When it’s set in stone.”

  I lay my head against Cain’s shoulder and close my eyes as I listen to the chatter around the table. I haven’t felt like part of a family for a long time. It’s so nice to finally feel like I belong. I place my hand over my bump as the baby kicks and I correct my thought.

  We belong.




  As the weeks pass, I realise I need to get out of the pack house. Having people around constantly is too much for someone who’s been a lone wolf for such a long time. Plus I want some privacy with my mate—which is nigh-on impossible in such a busy house. With this in mind, I’ve made arrangements to take Selena to view an apartment in town. I’m hoping she’ll like it.

  “Okay. Let’s escape before I get another foot to the bladder. This baby seems to be enjoying making me suffer today.” Selena comes into view and I push off from the wall I was leaning on. “What’s this surprise you have anyway?”

  Sliding my arm around her, I lead her out the door. “You’ll find out when we get there.”

  Selena buckles herself in the passenger seat with a huff. “Surprises suck. Every time.”

  I lean over the centre console and place a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Not mine. Everyone loves my surprises.”

  She pins me with a serious look. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  * * *

  The lift doors close and I push the number eight, making the lift start its incline. Turning to face Selena, I catch sight of her wince. “Are you okay?”

  Selena takes a few shallow breaths. “Yeah. The beast was pushing on a nerve. It’s all good now.” She gives me a reassuring smile.

  The lift suddenly jerks to a stop, and I reach out to steady Selena as she jolts forward. “Fuck!”

  “Cain, tell me this lift is going to go again.” Her eyes, wide with panic, lock on mine. “I don’t want to be stuck in here.”

  I push the Emergency Call button before pulling her into my arms. “Someone will answer our call, and they’ll have it up and running in no time, beautiful.” She stiffens in my arms as her tension doubles the longer we listen to the ringing through the speaker. The speaker falls silent and I push the button once again.

  After another round of unanswered ringing, I pry my phone out of my pocket and dial the estate agent. “Hi, David. It’s Cain. You showed me round number sixteen in Sanori House.”

  “Yes, did your wife like it?” he asks, his voice high in excitement at the prospect.

  I flick a glance to Selena as she steps out of my hold and paces the confines of the lift. “She hasn’t had a chance to see it yet. We’re currently stuck in the lift, and no one is answering the emergency call. I was hoping you’d know who to call?”

  “I’ll get on with the building manager and make sure someone gets to you ASAP.” His voice is sharp and to the point, which makes me feel comforted in the fact that he’ll do all he can to get someone to us. He wants a sale after all.


  “Cain!” Selena’s panicked voice cuts me off.

  I drop the phone from my ear and focus my attention on Selena, who’s looking at me through wide eyes on a dangerously pale face.

  “I think my water just broke.” Her words send a wave of terror through me.

  I shake my head. “Maybe it was a bladder kick and you didn’t realise.”

  “I haven’t fucking pissed myself, Cain,” she snaps angrily, her hands fisting at her sides.

  My eyes drop the puddle beneath her feet. “Shit. Shit. Shit,” I chant. Pushing the Emergency Call button once again.

  Selena grabs hold of the handrail on the wall, her cast making a clanging noise as it hits the metal. She bends at the waist, all the while groaning. “Please let this be Braxton Hicks,” she pleads. The terror in her voice makes my heart sink. Focus, dammit! She needs me.

  Remembering my phone, I call the only person I know who’s been through childbirth.

  “Hello.” Mum answers on the second ring and I relax marginally at the sound of her voice.

  “Mum, Selena’s in labour.” A million questions run through my mind, but I ask the most important one. “What do I do?”

  “She’s not due for another couple of weeks. You need to get her to the hospital to be safe.”

  I rub a hand over Selena’s stiff back as she lets out another groan. “I would, Mum, but we’re currently stuck in a fucking lift.” I take a deep breath and realise Selena should be doing the same. “Breathe, Selena. Do you recall what you learnt in those birthing classes?”

  “I took her to most of them. Put me on speaker,” Mum demands, and I place the phone on the floor. “Selena, remember how they taught you to pant?” The sound of Mum panting comes through the phone and Selena joins in.

  “That’s it, beautiful. You’re doing great.”

  “Cain, you need to keep her calm and breathing, just like she is. I’m going to hang up now so you can call an ambulance. Tell them what’s happening and they’ll get a midwife on the line. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I reply to the silent phone as the line goes dead.

  Selena whimpers into the empty lift. “I can’t have this baby in a lift.”

  I turn her so she’s facing me, ducking slightly to catch her eyes with mine. “You can do this, Selena. I know you c—” My sentence is cut short as she leans into me, gripping my shoulders with fingers that feel like talons and letting out a pain-filled cry.

  I rub circles on her back until her hold loosens and I assume whatever caused the pain has passed. Picking up my phone off the floor I quickly dial 000. The call is connected immediately.

  “This is emergency services, what service do you require?”

  “Ambulance… and fire brigade,” I add, thinking about our predicament. “We’re stuck in a lift.”

  “What is the address and location of the lift?”

  I reel off the address hoping the estate agent already has someone working on getting us out. Selena lets out another pain-filled cry that tears my attention from the phone. I place it onto the floor after ensuring its once again on speakerphone.

  “Can you tell me who’s injured, sir?” asks the female on the other side of the call.

  “My wife’s in labour.” Remembering the midwife Mum mentioned, I bring it up. “She needs a midwife.”

  “Okay, sir. I have a midwife coming on the line. While we wait, let me get your names and a few details about your wife’s pregnancy.”

  “Cain and Selena. She’s—”

  “Thirty-eight weeks,” Selena says through gritted teeth.

  “I’m just going to relay your information to the midwife and then she’ll take over the call.”

  Selena slides down to the floor and reaches out for my hand with her cast-covered one. “I’m scared, Cain. What if something goes wrong?”

  I sit down beside her and brush some loose hair from her sweat-coated brow. “I won’t let it.”

  “This isn’t an enemy you can just cut down,” she snaps. Her fear is thick in the air causing my wolf to stir. He wants to protect her, but there’s nothing he can protect her from. I tell him as much as I push him back down.

  “Hello, Cain. Are you still there?” A new voice speaks over the phone.

  “Yes.” I jump forward, ready to do anything the midwife directs me to.

  “Selena, I hear your baby has decided to surprise you with an early appearance.” Her voice has a calming quality to it, which I guess is good for situations like this. “My name is Katie, and I’m going to talk you through this until the paramedics arrive.”

  I take a deep breath to centre myself, knowing I need to stay as calm as possible for Selena’s sake.

  “Cain, the first thing I need you to do is take a look and see how things are coming along.”

  I steal myself. Mentally preparing myself for what I may see. I’ve seen the videos of men fainting during childbirth, and I know I can’t do that. I�
��m all she’s got right now. I reach for her skirt as she lets out another cry.

  “She shouldn’t be in this much pain.” I wish I could take her place. I reach through our bond hoping to pull some of the pain from her, having heard it’s something mated couples can do. Unfortunately, nothing happens. Our bond is probably too new or maybe Selena’s humanity gives it limitations.

  “Cain.” The voice pulls me out of my head. “Women have babies every day. You’re both doing great.”

  Selena quietens down once again, so I decide now is the best time to take a quick look. “Beautiful, you’re doing amazing.” I rub her knee comfortingly. “I’m going to take a quick look. Okay?”

  “Hurry up, Cain. I think I need to push.”

  “Don’t push just yet, Selena. Cain needs to make sure everything is okay with baby first.” Katie says, her voice sounding higher pitched than it had been a moment ago. The sound makes my wolf stir, once again.

  Lifting the hem of Selena’s skirt, I fold it up and over her bump. I rip the edges of her underwear and part Selena’s legs to get a clear view. “Holy shit, I can see the head.” I shake my head at the sight. “It’s too fucking big. It’ll get stuck.”

  “Shut up!” Selena yells.

  “Women’s bodies are made for this. It’ll fit just fine,” Katie insists. “Can you just see the head or is it protruding?”

  I give Selena’s knee another squeeze. “Protruding. Is that what we want?”

  “Yes. Selena, when the next contraction comes, I want you to push. Okay?”

  Selena nods. “Yes.”

  “Isn’t this all too quick? I thought labour lasted hours.” My concerns are out of my mouth before I even have time to think about asking them.

  “Every woman is different, Cain. Some could have been in labour for hours and not even realise it. They could just put the pain down to indigestion,” Katie says calmly.

  Selena licks her lips and looks at me guiltily. “I’ve been having cramps all morning. I thought it was just be Braxton Hicks. It’s too early to be in labour. I was told most first-time mums have to be induced.”


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