Mount Roxby Box Set

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Mount Roxby Box Set Page 51

by Aimie Jennison

  Taking a deep breath, I turn my focus back to the matter at hand. “Okay, Katie, what do I have to do next?”

  “Cain, you need to hold your hands around the head and guide it out. As the neck comes into view, you need to make sure the cord isn’t around the baby’s neck. Okay? That’s really important.”

  Selena’s fear presses down on me with Katie’s words. I lift myself up and place a kiss on her lips, hoping to ease her worry. She shoves me away before I can say any comforting words.

  “I need to push.”

  I drop back on my heels and place my hands where they need to be.

  Selena bares down with a feral sound. The baby’s head moves out fractionally, and my hands itch to be wiped on my jeans. What if they’re too slippery to catch the baby?

  “You drop my baby and I’ll kill you, Cain.” Selena lets out a growl any werewolf would be proud of. “I don't care if you have fangs and claws.” Her last words are barely recognisable behind the growl, but I heard them loud and clear, suddenly realising I must have spoken my worries aloud.

  The little head pops out before my eyes, and I instantly slide a finger around its neck, looking for the cord. “The neck’s free of a cord.”

  “That’s good,” Katie says, the relief evident in her voice. “Selena, one more big push and baby will be out.”

  “Ready, beautiful?” I ask.

  She grits her teeth once more, determination written on her features. “Now!”

  I cradle the baby’s head, and the body seems to slip out once the shoulders make it through. The lift is filled with the sound of a baby’s wail, and I release the breath I didn't realise I’ve been holding.

  “That sounds like a healthy cry. I’ve just been told the paramedics are outside. They’re going to be coming through the lift doors any second now.” Katie says.

  “Hey, sweetie,” I coo to the baby in my arms. “Come and meet your mamma.” Crawling up beside Selena, I place the baby on her chest. Not moving my hands away until I’m certain Selena has a secure grip. “We have a daughter. She’s just as beautiful as her mamma.”

  I place a soft kiss on Selena’s head.

  The gaze on her tear-streaked face doesn’t leave our baby’s. “She’s gorgeous.”

  The doors creak open and two guys dressed in green drop in from about waist height, the lift having evidently stopped between floors. “Hi, I’m Marcus and this is Eric. You must be Selena and Cain. Congratulations,” one of the guys says, placing his bag on the floor.

  I step aside giving them room to get to Selena and the baby. Picking up my phone, I pocket it before anyone steps on it.

  He digs around in his bag, coming out with a couple of clips and a pair of scissors. “Dad, I’ve got one more job for you” He holds the scissors out towards me, and I take them warily.

  Eric crouches beside Selena, reaching towards the baby. “Can I have a quick look at baby? I’ll get her back to you in no time.”

  Selena nods and I watch her loosen her hold as he lifts the baby. Marcus places a clip on the cord near the baby’s tummy and another clip a couple of inches away. “Just cut right there,” he says, pointing to the space between the clips.

  Taking the scissors, I make the cut, surprised at how much force it takes. It’s tougher than I’d imagined. I smile feeling like I’ve taken the last step in making her birth official. Eric steps away, handing the baby to a fireman—who’s crouching on the floor in the corridor—before lifting himself up and taking the baby away. “Where’s he taking her?” I ask, torn between following him and staying with Selena.

  “He’s just taking her into a better light. He needs to check her colour looks good.” Marcus places a blood pressure cuff on Selena’s arm.

  I raise my eyes to her pale face and watch as her eyes roll back. My stomach sinks and I watch Marcus work feeling helpless.

  “Fuck!” Marcus places a finger on Selena’s pulse. “Eric. I need you back here, STAT!” he shouts.

  I try to listen to the pulse he’s feeling for, but I can’t hear anything over my own blood rushing through my ears.

  Eric joins us immediately, handing the freshly swaddled baby off to me. “Your baby is perfectly healthy.” He turns his attention to Marcus and Selena, crouching down beside them. “How’s mum doing?”

  “Her blood pressure’s low. We need to transport her immediately…” Marcus’s words fade off as fear grips me.




  My eyes flicker open and roam the room until they fall on Cain. He’s sitting beside the bed, his head thrown back against the wall and his hand resting in a plastic cot. The baby’s hand is wrapped around his index finger. Seeing the man who holds my heart in his hands, with my beautiful baby has me smiling from ear to ear. I didn’t think I could love anyone as much as I love the two people in front of me.

  I reach out and stroke my baby’s cheek. “Hi, gorgeous. It looks like you already have Daddy wrapped around your little finger.”

  Cain jumps in his seat, pulling his hand out of the baby’s grip causing her to cry at the loss of his finger. “You’re awake. I should call a nurse.” He pushes a button beside the bed as his eyes roam over my face. “How are you feeling? It was touch and go for a while.” He places a gentle kiss on my lips, leaving them to linger for just a moment. “You scared me to death.” He brushes back my hair before cradling my face in his hands. His face is pale and the bags under his eyes tell me he’s barely slept, so I know what he’s saying must be true.

  “I told you, surprises suck,” I say, trying to lighten his mood.

  He smiles and lifts the baby out of the cot. He looks comfortable with her, as if he’s done it a number of times already. “This little surprise didn’t suck.”

  “She’s an anomaly,” I agree. “She needs a name.”

  “Well, it’s good to see you awake. Baby can have some mummy cuddles now,” a nurse announces as she rushes into the room. She pushes a button on the machine beside me, and the cuff I hadn’t noticed around my bicep tightens uncomfortably. “Perfect,” she says, reading the numbers on the screen. “Let’s get rid of this and you can try breastfeeding.” She pulls the cuff off my arm and undoes the tie on the gown around my neck.

  Cain places the baby in my arms, carefully wedging her in against my cast. I look at the nurse dumbfound. “I don’t know how to do this.”

  “It’s instinct. Just place her little mouth near your nipple and she’ll do the rest.” She nods towards the baby. “Give it a try.”

  After pulling the gown down to expose my right breast, I guide the baby’s mouth towards my nipple, just as the nurse suggested. Her little mouth roots around for a minute searching, and I start to think she isn’t going to do it until she latches on with an uncomfortable suction. I look between Cain and the nurse, excited. “I did it.”

  “You did.” Cain gives me a proud smile before standing and stretching. “I’m going to give Mum a call and let her know you’re okay,” he says, pulling out his phone.

  “I’ll hang around until you get back, make sure Mum’s feeling well enough to keep holding baby,” the nurse offers as she takes a seat at the side of the bed with all the equipment.

  “Thank you. I won’t be long.” Cain leans down and places a kiss on my head and then the baby’s before leaving the room.

  The door has barely closed behind Cain when there’s a knock on the door and Bel’s head pops in the opening. “Hey, a little bird told me you were awake.”

  I turn my body slightly, hoping to hide my breast from Bel’s view.

  She strolls in as though she hasn’t even noticed I have my boobs out.

  The nurse glances between the two of us before standing. “Maybe we should give Selena some privacy while she feeds the baby.” She tries to tuck and arm around Bel to guide her out the room.

  Bel easily dodges her. “Privacy? We’re like sisters. There are no secrets between the two of us.” She lets out a short chuck
le. I can’t help but grin at Bel’s words. Secrets are one thing that aren’t between us any longer. I wish she really did feel like we were sisters. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure she’ll never be able to feel like that, not with the history I have with Theo. “If you have other patients you need to attend to, feel free to go. We’ll be sure to ring the button if we need anything.”

  The nurse hesitates at the door, and I give the her a reassuring smile as she weighs me up. “Make sure you do that,” she orders as she strides off.

  “I wasn’t expecting any visitors,” I say, closing my mouth quickly, trying to get over the shock of her being here.

  Bel makes herself comfortable in the seat by all the machines. “You’re pack. Of course we’re here. We arrived a little while ago. The nurses wouldn’t let us in until you woke up.”

  The baby’s suckling suddenly stops and I glance down to find her asleep. I lift her up and gently pat her back as she rests against my shoulder.

  “We?” I ask, as Bel’s words suddenly register.

  “Theo, Trudy, Billy, and Misty. Cain’s talking to them now. He was trying to get them to go home before I snuck in. He didn’t think you’d want the fuss.”

  I glance at the door wondering whether I do actually want the fuss. I’ve not had any real friends for such a long time. My heart swells at the thought of these people wanting to visit me. “I think I’d like a fuss.” My cheeks burn in embarrassment at the admission.

  The door opens and Bel stands, reaching over the bed for the baby. “I’ll take the baby while you fix up your gown.”

  Remembering I have my boobs on show, I willingly let my daughter go, and pull up the gown. I feel Cain’s energy enter the room and look up to find him holding up a bag. “They brought your bag. Do you want to freshen up before I let them in?”

  “Yes, please.” I glance at the baby in Bel’s arms as she coos at her and knowing she’ll be safe, I slide my legs out the bed and place them gingerly on the floor. I wobble slightly and lurch for Cain’s arm to steady myself as he dumps the bag on the bed and reaches out to me.

  “I’ve got you.” He tucks me under his arm and slowly walks me to the bathroom. Lowering me down into the plastic chair placed under the shower, he orders, “Don’t move. I’m just going to get your bag. I’ll be right back.” He dashes back towards the bed.

  He’s back within seconds. After hanging my clean clothes on the back of the door, he places a towel on the rail. “Do you want me to help or should I just stand by?”

  I stand and feeling steady enough, I start to strip out of my hospital gown. I’d feel embarrassed under his scrutiny if I’d thought it was sexual, especially since I feel like a complete mess, but the tension in his shoulders tells me it’s worry that’s making him watch me so closely. “I’m good, I think. Just stay close, in case.”

  The tension in his shoulders eases with my words, and a smile spreads across his face. “I’m not going anywhere, beautiful.” His words send my heart soaring as I feel more loved than ever.

  I turn on the shower and step under the spray. The thought of our baby in the other room and people waiting to see us has me making quick work of it. I turn off the taps and Cain steps up behind me, wrapping me in a fluffy towel that smells of our washing powder. “Is this from home?”

  “Yeah, I put it in your bag a few days ago. I didn’t think hospital towels would be soft enough for you, not when you probably feel like you’ve just been put through the wringer.” How did I manage to get myself such a thoughtful mate? I must be luckiest woman alive.

  Turning in his arms, I give him a quick kiss. “Thank you for thinking of me.”

  “Always.” He places a kiss on my forehead before stepping away and handing me my clothes, one by one as I pull them on.

  I run a brush through my hair and quickly plait it to keep it out of my way before opening the bathroom door and entering the room once again.

  Bel looks up from cooing at the baby and nods towards the door. “You better tell them they can come in. Theo’s impatience is suffocating me through the closed door.”

  Feeling a little weak and hoping Bel can’t pick it up with her empathic abilities, especially not while she’s being bombarded with Theo’s impatience, I sit on the bed and keep my smile plastered on my face. “Go put him out of his misery, Cain.”

  Cain gives me a long stare before striding towards the door. He pauses with his grip on the handle. “You need to remember we have a bond. I’ll tell them it’ll have to be a quick visit.” Not giving me a chance to argue, he opens the door and tells them exactly that.

  Theo playfully slaps him in the chest as he passes. “Stop being so overprotective.” Theo walks up to me and places a kiss on the top of my head. “Congratulations, Lena. Now let me have a look at our precious new pack member.” He makes quick work of crossing the room and taking the baby out of his mate’s arms.

  “How are you doing, sweetie?” Trudy’s question catches my attention, and I flick my eyes towards her. “You look shattered. We won’t stay long.” She rubs my hand with hers and calls over to Theo. “Stop being a hog, Theo. I want to hold my grandbaby.”

  Her words make my heart flutter. Part of me can’t believe that this wonderful family is accepting my baby as if she is their own blood. Seeing Cain hovering over Theo ready to jump in the second he can, makes me certain Cain will be the best father this baby could ever wish for. My heart is full to bursting with the amount of love I feel for Cain.

  Trudy carefully slips her hands under the baby and Theo releases his hold. All the while Cain’s hands hover underneath the transfer; clearly he’s concerned that the baby may fall.

  “Support the head,” he orders.

  Trudy gives him a glare as she steps out of his reach. “I have held a baby before, Cain.” She rolls her eyes before turning her attention on me. “Does this little beauty have a name yet?”

  I glance at Cain. We haven’t exactly had a chance to talk about a name yet. After doing all the silly things I could try, to predict the baby’s sex I’d been certain I was expecting a boy so I only had boy’s names picked out. “Do you have any favourites?”

  A small smile crosses his face and he lifts a hand to his chest. “Me? You want me to name her?”

  “I can’t think of anyone better than her daddy to give her, her name,” I say, hoping he can feel my honesty through our mating bond.

  He makes it across the room in two strides. His hand sliding around my neck in a possessive gesture as he crushes his lips on mine. “I fucking love you,” he says, pulling back and resting his forehead against mine. “I love Olivia too. With my whole damn heart.”

  “Olivia?” I lean back and raise a brow in question.

  “Olivia. Our daughter.” Releasing me, he steps over to Trudy and takes our little girl out of her arms, settling her small body against his broad chest. “She’s beautiful. She needed a beautiful name too.”

  I smile as he brings her towards me. “Olivia.” I test the name on my lips and as I watch her in his arms, I decide the name fits her perfectly. “It’s perfect.”

  Trudy leans over Cain’s shoulder and strokes Olivia’s hair. “The question is does my grandbaby like her name?”

  Olivia releases a loud tommy gun-sounding fart, causing us all to laugh.

  Theo looks at Cain and doubles over. After a few moments, he catches his breath enough to get a few words out. “On that note, we’ll leave you to it.” He waves a goodbye as he places his arm over Bel’s shoulder and leads her towards the door, wrapping his spare arm around Trudy as he passes her.

  “Maybe I should stay, at last to help change the nappy. I’m pretty sure that’s more than air.” She tries to fight against Theo but has no luck whatsoever as he tugs her out the room.

  “I’ll be fine, Mum. It’s not the first dirty diaper I’ve changed, and it certainly won’t be the last,” he says, digging one-handed through the bag on the end of the bed. He changes the diaper like a pro, making it clear t
o me that he actually has done it before. Many times.

  After popping the last stud on the baby grow, he lifts our complaining baby and holds her out to me. “I think this little princess wants her mummy.”

  I happily take her, glad to have her back in my arms. “Hey, Olivia, are you a little hungry again?” I ask as she searches with her mouth when I pull her against me. I glance up at Cain. “What do you think? She did fall asleep when I was feeding earlier.”

  “That looks like a hungry baby to me.” He gives me a warm smile as he sits on the seat beside the bed. I’ll have to ask him about his baby experience when I’m not concentrating so hard on feeding Olivia properly.




  I glance back at the baby seat in the rear-view mirror for the fifth time since driving away from the hospital.

  Selena lets out an amused giggle. “We haven’t even left the car park yet. Seriously, Cain, you need to calm down.” She glances at the seat over her shoulder. “She’s sound asleep and perfectly fine.”

  I sigh. Knowing she’s right, I focus my attention onto the road before me. I just want to get us home in one piece. Because of Selena’s recovery from her postpartum haemorrhage, and Olivia having some weight loss, they’ve been in the hospital for ten days. It’s been the longest ten days of my life. Having caught Olivia’s biological father’s scent at the hospital once or twice, I want to get them away from here and to the safety of our new home. I’ve been spending all the time I wasn’t at the hospital decorating. The best thing is, Selena knows nothing about it. I fucking hope this secret doesn’t turn out to suck.

  Out the corner of my eye, I catch sight of Selena straightening in her seat as I pass the turnoff to the pack house. “Where are we going?”


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