Mount Roxby Box Set

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Mount Roxby Box Set Page 52

by Aimie Jennison

  “We’re going home,” I announce.

  “You just missed the turnoff.” She laughs. “Are you still focusing on the baby?”

  I let part of the secret drop. “I said we’re going home. Not to the pack house.”

  She turns her head sharply to look at me. “What?” The word comes out loud, and she grimaces, flicking her eyes to the baby to check she didn’t wake at the sound. Selena’s shoulders relax, clearly satisfied at what she can see.

  She lowers her voice. “Have we got somewhere of our own?”

  I smile at her before focusing back on the road, making sure to take the correct turn.

  I pull to a stop outside of a family home that will be perfect for us, even as we grow as a family. I didn’t like the idea of Selena and Olivia getting stuck in a lift, so an apartment was out of the question. “Home sweet home,” I announce as I slide out the car.

  Stepping out of the car, Selena looks at the house with wide eyes. The amazement on her face makes all my work this last week worth it. “Is this really our home?”

  I nod. “I signed the papers the day after Olivia was born. It’s all ours.” After Theo heard about our disaster in the apartment, he offered to sell me one of the pack’s safe houses. Once I saw it, I knew it was the perfect home for our little family.

  Selena carefully rounds the car and wraps her arms around my middle. “I love you, Cain Wilson. We are the luckiest girls alive.”

  Leaving my car door open, I lift her into my arms and dash to the front door, fumbling with the key as I unlock it. “I love you too,” I say, carrying Selena over the threshold and then placing her gently on her feet in the entranceway before heading back to the car to collect our daughter.

  * * *

  Once we settle Olivia in her Moses basket, I finally get some alone time with my beautiful mate. I slide my arm over her shoulder as she cuddles into my side on the plush sofa. “Do you really like the house?” I ask, conscious of the fact that I chose all the paint and furnishings. “If you don’t like how I decorated, you can change it. Just tell me what you want and I’ll do it.”

  Selena runs her fingers over the back of my hand. “Cain, I love it. There’s nothing that I would change.” She lifts her head and our eyes meet. Tears well in hers. “You even had a canvas of my father and Maxie made. No one else would have thought of doing that.”

  I wipe away an escaped tear, and she turns her face to place a kiss on my palm. “Thank you.”

  “I love you, sweetheart. I’ll do everything I can to make you happy.” I place a gentle kiss on the top of her head before listening to the car I can hear pulling up on our drive. “I think we have visitors.”

  Selena lets out a small sigh before she shifts in her seat, making to move away. I tighten my arm around her. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “To get our guests some drinks,” she admits, still trying to wriggle out from out of my hold.

  I jump out of my seat and head for the kitchen myself. “No chance. You’ve just had a baby. I think you deserve to be waited on.”

  Footsteps approach the door and feeling the pack energy coming from them, I quickly invite them in without raising my voice, knowing they’ll hear me and saving them from waking Olivia up with a knock on the door. I go about making some tea and coffee while listening to Theo greeting Selena. His footsteps then get louder as they head in my direction.

  “You did a great job of decorating this place.”

  I turn to see his eyes roaming around the room as he leans back against the counter opposite me.

  “Does Bel want tea or coffee?” I ask, feeling a little bad not knowing what my alpha’s female drinks.

  “She’s a coffee girl.” Theo rubs at the back of his neck.

  I tilt my head, listening to the voices coming from the other room. “Who else is here? I can hear Eddie and…”

  “Chloe and Mum. Ruby will be arriving as soon as the sun goes down.” He gives me a guilty look as I pull more cups out of the cupboard. “I did try to talk them out of visiting, but once they heard I was coming, they all had to jump in the car.”

  I pour the drinks, coffee for everyone, except Selena. I take what I can carry, making sure to pick up Selena’s tea, before nodding at the rest sat on the side. “You might as well make yourself useful and hand those out. They’re all the same.”

  After giving everyone their drinks, I sit down on the arm of the sofa next to Selena, since Mum seems to have stolen the seat I’d vacated. Olivia’s bellowing cry comes loud and clear through the baby monitor on the coffee table.

  Selena eases up from her seat. “She’ll need feeding.” She glances around the room. “I won’t be long,” she announces.

  She takes a few steps towards the hall before turning her eyes on me. “Any chance you could come help set things up?” She solemnly raises her cast-covered arm in answer to the question that she must have seen in my eyes. She can’t lift the baby out of the cot with the cast, not safely anyway. She had an X-ray whilst in hospital, which unfortunately showed it wasn’t healed enough to be removed. I have a feeling Selena will be ringing Zainab in the next couple of days and begging to have it cut off regardless of the consequences. I see the frustration in her eyes every time she can’t do these things on her own.

  I stand and stride towards her. “Anything you need, beautiful.”

  Taking my hand in hers, she gives me a small smile.

  It only takes a couple of minutes to settle the two of them in on the rocking chair in the corner of the bedroom. “Give me a shout when you’re ready to come back through to the lounge.” I place a kiss on Olivia’s head and then one on Selena’s before heading back to our guests.

  They’re all talking between themselves as I walk back in the room. The mention of foxes catches my attention and I focus on what Theo is saying to Eddie as I sit in Selena’s empty space.

  “…foxes in town?”

  Eddie shakes his head. “No, Ruby said Dominick and his vampires haven’t seen any evidence of a skulk of foxes living in town. Which makes sense since neither have we. I’m thinking they must be just outside the territory to be able to come and go with so much ease.”

  Theo looks to me. “Are you sure it was his scent at the hospital?”

  I nod. “Without a doubt.” I wouldn’t ever forget his scent. “I’ve been checking around here every time I come home from the hospital, but I haven’t caught it. I’m hoping he doesn’t know we aren’t at the pack house.”

  “You might be right. He’s definitely been snooping around the pack house. I picked up the scent from the hospital in the surrounding bush this morning,” Eddie admits, before adding more. “He’s getting around in a car though because it just disappears at the roadside.”

  “I’m going to put a couple of wolves on patrol tonight. Hopefully we can catch him snooping and interrogate him,” Theo says before draining his cup.

  Bel stands, taking Theo’s empty cup and grabbing Eddie’s too. She walks off into the kitchen, Mum and Chloe following closely behind.

  A gentle knock sounds on the front door before it instantly opens and Ruby walks in. I glance behind her and notice it’s dark and we’re all sitting in just the light of the TV. Realising Selena must be in the dark, I give Ruby a brief hug and head back into the bedroom.

  “Hey! Are you okay?”

  “I think we’re done. I was just about to give you a shout.” I can hear the smile in her voice, and as I get close to her, I can even see it with my wolf’s eyes. I scoop Olivia out of her arms while Selena straightens her clothes.

  With Olivia tucked safely in my right arm, I offer Selena my other hand and pull her out the rocker. As we step into the brightness of the lounge, I squint against the light. Flicking my eyes towards Olivia, I watch her little baby blues squinting too.

  “Hey, princess. That nasty light is bright, isn’t it?”

  Mum jumps up off the sofa. “I didn’t think. Should I put the lamp on instead?” She steps towa
rds the light switch.

  “It’s fine, Mum. She’s getting used to it now.” I turn my attention back to Olivia whose wide eyes are looking up at me, seemingly enraptured.

  “He enthrals me too, baby,” Selena says, looking at Olivia over my bicep.

  Ruby pulls Selena into her arms. “Congratulations.” Quickly releasing Selena, she looks over my arm at Olivia. “She’s so beautiful.”

  “Do you want a cuddle?” I offer Olivia across to Ruby.

  Ruby gulps and flicks her eyes from me to Olivia. They finally fall on Selena. “You trust me?” The astonishment in her voice causes my heart to hurt.

  “Of course,” Selena says, her voice full of certainty. She gives Ruby a gentle squeeze on her upper arm as she passes her, heading back towards the sofa.

  Ruby reaches out and gingerly takes Olivia out of my arms, settling her against her own chest as she walks towards Eddie, who stands, offering her his armchair. Once she’s seated, he rests on the arm of the chair, leaning over her and talking nonsense to Olivia. They’ll never have that with their own children.

  My heart lurches in my chest at the thought, taking my breath away for a split second. Selena reaches out and takes my hand as I sit on the arm beside her, giving it a comforting squeeze, probably having caught on to my thought through the mating bond. Taking my eyes off Ruby and Eddie, I catch the warm smile she gives me as we lock eyes. “It’s back,” she says in confirmation.

  Leaning in, I give her a quick kiss on the top of the head. “I love you.”

  “Oh, I was meant to tell you…” Ruby lifts her gaze from Olivia and locks them on Theo’s. “Dominick’s sending Casanova out to hunt for the fox tonight.”

  His eyes widen in surprise. “I didn’t think he wanted to dirty his hands with mutt business?” The word mutt drips with disdain.

  Ruby smiles down at Olivia, who is gripping her finger in her little fist. “Dominick hasn’t used that word in a while. I think he’s warming to the pack.”

  Theo lets out a laugh. “Or just a certain pack member.”

  I glance up at him in surprise and catch Eddie’s sharp turn of the head in the corner of my eye. So, I’m not the only one surprised to hear that. “He’s dating a pack member?”

  He grunts and focuses back on Ruby, seeming to dismiss my question. It leaves me to wonder if Ruby is the pack member Theo is talking about, since she is one of Dominick’s now, too. “He’s mine to interrogate, so if Casanova finds him, he brings him to me.”

  Ruby nods. “Dominick understands and respects that.”

  A growl rumbles up my chest and escapes my mouth. “Mine!” my wolf demands. I clear my throat whilst pushing my wolf down. “I need to be there, Theo.” My words sound like a beg to my own ears, and seeing the sadness reflected in Theo’s eyes, he heard the same.

  Selena’s hand tightens on mine. “Stu’s still in town? I thought he’d left.” The tremble in her voice has me kneeling in front of her.

  Cupping her face in my palms, I stare into her eyes, making sure she sees I mean every word I’m about to say. “He’s not coming anywhere near you. He doesn’t even know we’re here. Okay?”

  The terror is clear on her unnaturally pale face. She nods, but not at all convincingly.

  Holding her eyes with mine, I push all the love I have for her through our mate bond in the hopes of her feeling how much I’m willing to protect her. “You heard Ruby and Theo. Everyone is on high alert, even Dominick and his vampires. You and Olivia are safe.”




  I glance at my watch and hope Cain returns from his pack business soon. He’s been gone longer than I expected and I don’t want Olivia to wake up before he returns. I wouldn’t be able to pick her up with this stupid cast on my arm. At least after tonight I should be able to look after my daughter alone. Cain has promised to take me to see Zainab, and I’ve already decided that I don’t care what the X-ray shows. I want this damn cast removed.

  A clanging noise catches my attention. I reach for the remote and mute the TV as I glance around the room, straining to hear the noise again. The hairs on my body stand on end and a sudden sinking feeling hits my gut. My instincts scream at me.

  Something isn’t right.

  Another thud comes from the direction of the bedrooms. I rise from my seat and head that way. We’d only put Olivia down a short while ago, and she’s not big enough to be making noises like that.

  I push the door open and catch sight of someone climbing out of the broken window. My heart races and my eyes immediately fall to the cot. My stomach plummets at the sight of it empty, as the world around me seems to slow down.

  “Olivia!” I scream like a banshee. “My baby. Give me my baby.”

  Climbing out the window after them, I ignore the glass cutting into my feet. Someone has my baby and I need get to her back. “Cain!” I scream, needing him here. I know he’s got no chance of hearing me from Theo’s though.

  Chasing the person through the yard as fast as my legs will carry me, they get further and further ahead. Reaching the line of trees, I fall against one, gasping for breath as I frantically search the bushes, hoping to see some sign of the person who has my baby. There’s nothing. They can’t be human.

  Helplessness overcomes me, and I fall to my knees with a wail.

  As heavy hands fall on my shoulders. I don’t even turn to see who my attacker is. If they’re going to take me too, I won’t even fight. I’d go willingly to be with my baby.

  Cain’s concerned eyes lock on mine as he drops to his knees, coming face-to-face with me. “Selena, baby. Shh… I’m here.”

  It’s only with his words that I realise I’m still screaming his name. I close my mouth and swallow past the soreness of my raw throat.

  “What’s happened? Where’s Olivia?” He looks over my shoulder at the house, and his eyes widen.

  Turning, I see Theo looking out the broken bedroom window, a grim look plastered on his face.

  “Someone took her.” Sobs wrack my body and I try to fight them, knowing they need any information I can give them. But all I can think about is my missing baby. “I just want her back.” The sobs take over and I can’t do anything to fight it.

  “I’ve picked up a scent. I’ll follow it. You look after your mate. Her feet are all cut up.” Theo’s words flow past me, and I barely take them in.

  “We’re going to get her back, beautiful. I promise,” he says, his words ending on a growl.

  I focus on his wolf’s eyes and know he’ll follow through with that promise. He loves her as much as I do. I fall into his arms as fresh tears run down my cheeks. My helplessness eases with the comfort of knowing we have a whole pack of werewolves ready to lay down their lives to get Olivia back.

  Lifting me into his arms, Cain carries me around to the front of the house. I stiffen as I spot a couple of neighbours. What do they think happened?

  “The police are on their way, but it’s okay. Mike’s a pack member. He’ll smooth it all over,” Cain whispers in my ear, having most probably picked up on my concerns through the bond.

  I reach down to the bond to feel the comfort I know will be there only to find an empty space. “Our bond?” My voice quivers and panic flows through me. I can’t handle losing that too.

  Placing me on the kitchen bench, he rubs his hands down my arms and presses a gentle kiss to my head. “It’s just a little burnt out. It’ll be back.”

  My brows crease as I frown. “How did you know I was worried about the neighbours?”

  “You stiffened the second they came into view.” His explanation brings a small smile to my face. I love how he pays attention to those little things. It’s like he understands me on a level that no one else has.

  Leaving me on the side, he fills a bowl full of warm water and adds a little disinfectant. He then reaches into the medicine cupboard and pulls out a large first aid kit.

  “They’ll find her?” My question hangs in the a
ir as I wait with baited breath for his answer.

  “Yes.” That one word has so much certainty behind it, it’s indisputable.

  I take a deep, calming breath before nodding. “Let’s get my feet cleaned up. I need to be walking when she gets back.” The stupid cast on my arm has interfered with everyday stuff, I don’t want cuts on my feet to do the same. Thoughts of the cast have me glaring at it.

  Cain lets out a chuckle. “It’s not going to run off if you glare at it enough. You’ll just give yourself wrinkles from frowning.” He presses a kiss to my forehead.

  I can tell with his joking that he’s trying to make me smile and ease my worry, but I can’t bring myself to do it. “I love you, Cain,” I tell him as I lift my feet so we can both assess the damage.

  Grimacing at the sight, he picks up the tweezers. “You just keep remembering that as I pull out all this glass, because I’m afraid it might hurt a bit.”

  I grit my teeth against the pain as he digs around, pulling piece after piece of glass out of my feet. Just as I’m about to tell him I can’t take anymore, he places the tweezers down.

  “I think that was the last of it,” he announces.

  Throwing my head back in relief, I take a calming breath. “Thank God for that.”

  A knock at the door pauses my next thought, and a familiar voice calls through the house. “Hello? Anybody there?”

  “In the kitchen, Mike. Come on through,” Cain replies, as he dabs at my feet with a cotton bud soaked in antiseptic liquid.

  “Fuuuck!” I curse, batting at his arm away. “You could have bloody well warned me.”

  He presses a kiss to my lips. “I thought you were watching me.” The anxiety on his face makes me think he must be having a hard time, being the cause of my pain. “I’m going to wrap them and then you are as good as you’ll get until your body starts to heal on its own.”

  Giving him a small smile, I brush a wayward strand of hair off his forehead. “Thank you,” I say, before turning my attention to Mike, who’s walked in with a phone to his ear.


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