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Mount Roxby Box Set

Page 54

by Aimie Jennison

  “I’ve had too many close calls with you two. I wasn’t taking any risks,” I say with a wry grin.

  “Amen to that,” Eddie agrees, whilst taking a seat on the sofa against the wall. “So, what’s the plan, boss?”

  Theo sighs and runs a hand through his short blond hair. “Stu said there were only six of them staying in the next town over.” Bel strokes her fingers over his shoulders. He leans into her touch, and I watch as the tension seems to leave his shoulders. “I’m inclined to say we should take double that figure in case he’s bullshitting us. We don’t want to go in there too confident and have it backfire.”

  “I’m going.” Bel’s determined tone leaves no room for argument, and I look to Eddie in surprise—wondering if we should leave before things kick off between the alpha couple—and find him watching them with rapt attention.

  Theo takes a deep, calming breath, seeming to steel himself before speaking. “It’s too dangerous.” He shakes his head.

  “I’m the alpha-female, Theo. I’m going.”

  Theo turns his seat to face Bel, before taking her hand in his. “If you go, it’ll make things more dangerous. I’ll be distracted and so will most of the men. They won’t like seeing their alpha-female in danger.”

  “If Selena was a wolf, you wouldn’t stop her going—even if she was a distraction to her mate,” Bel argues. “I need to go for her. I need to go for the females in our pack, those too submissive to fight. They need to know any future kids they may have will be protected and fought for by their alpha pair. Not just you, Theo. You have a mate now and that changes things.” Leaning in, she gives him a gentle kiss before dropping his hand and stepping away. “I’m going to check on Selena while you guys make a plan. I’ll gather the pack mates in the meeting room as they turn up, so we can all be in on the briefing.”

  We watch in silence as she leaves the room.

  Theo takes his time turning his chair around to face us once again. “Fuck! She’s right.”

  I nod in agreement. “Sadly, she is.” I’m impressed with my sister-in-law. She’s smart enough and strong enough to step into the role of alpha female. Bel knew exactly what the submissive wolves—who are always extremely timid and too scared to fight—would need compared to the more dominant wolves, who would jump in on their own and never need someone else to protect what’s theirs.

  “What’s the plan, then?” Ed asks, once again sounding eager for action.

  “There are five foxes at the house, one of them is the alpha. They’ll have found the empty van by now and are probably making their next plan. We’ll go in quietly and end it quickly. It’s a built-up area, and we don’t want any innocents getting hurt.” Theo glances at his phone on the desk, and I give him a questioning look.

  “Billy’s doing a drive by on the address we got from Stu. There better not be any surprises.” He rubs a hand over his face.

  Seeing how stressed times like this make Theo, I’m still glad I handed the pack over to him. Despite his stress, he’s handling it well. Plus he has the perfect woman for him by his side, and that thought warms my heart. “We’re not going to rush in without thinking. Who’d you call in?”

  “Mike, Dave, Stefan, Pete, Karl, and Trevor. Do you think I made the right call?” He raises a brow as though he’s doubting his decision, which isn’t like Theo.

  “Add the four of us and Bel. We’ll be a force to be reckoned with,” I say confidently. It’s not a lie. Everyone named are great fighters, and putting us together will make us a dream team. Excitement rolls through me at the thought of a fight. I can’t stop wondering why the fox alpha wanted Olivia so soon. It’s not like she’ll show any signs of being a shifter until puberty anyway. “Who are we leaving here? We don’t want to leave and have them attacking our home.”

  Theo grunts and nods his agreement. “I’ll make that decision when Billy reports back.”

  Eddie glances out the window before checking his watch. “You realise Ruby is going to be gutted when she wakes up and discovers she’s missed all the fun.”

  “It’s not like we can hold off for the sun to set.” I step over to the window and take in the view of the yard as I try to calm my wolf down at the thought of waiting. He’s eager to get out there and fight for what is ours and, to be honest, so am I. “We need to hit them before they can arrange for more members of their skulk to arrive.”

  * * *

  Once Billy arrived and verified Stu’s confession, we came up with a solid plan and jumped into three separate cars. Trevor and Chloe were left at the pack house to protect Selena, Olivia, and Mum. Stu is still locked up and left under the supervision of another pack member. Knowing he was only following orders means he’ll be released once we’ve dealt with his alpha. Although, the thought of him getting off scot free does grate on me. Eddie did ensure me the interrogation he received wasn’t a stroll in the park.

  I watch out the windscreen, memorising the route in case anything goes wrong and I need to make my way home on foot. The silence is almost deafening, and I can only assume the others in the car are doing the same. Maybe even looking for shadows that will hide our wolves if we have to flee in our wolf forms.

  As our surroundings become more built up, I catch sight of Theo sitting straighter in his seat.

  Billy, in the lead car, pulls over down a quiet side street and as planned, Theo drives past, parking in a vacant space on the next street along.

  As we exit the car, Pete drives past in the third car, heading for the street behind the Skulk’s house. Their group will be jumping over the back fence as we join Billy’s group at the front of the house.

  Theo throws an arm over Bel’s shoulder as was walk through the street. They’d look like a regular couple on a stroll if anyone was to look out of their windows. Unfortunately, Ed and I don’t look as inconspicuous.

  Tension in my body builds with each step, taking us closer to our destination. A glance in Ed’s direction tells me he’s feeling the same from the stiffness in his shoulders.

  “Guys, you need tone it down. They’re going to feel you two coming and it’ll blow the surprise attack,” Bel states, her tone light and airy, just like her energy. I don’t know how she can be so calm knowing we’ll be walking into a fight. My wolf is chomping at the bit to get out and deal with our enemy.

  I take a deep breath, hoping to bring my energy down a notch or two. “Sorry. My wolf’s riding me hard right now.”

  Ed pats me on the shoulder. “I feel ya, buddy. The adrenaline is making my wolf practically impossible to calm, too.”

  As we get closer to Billy’s car, he steps out alone—Mike and Dave having already slinked off into the street as planned.

  Theo glances at his watch, causing me to look down at my own. “Everyone ready?” Bel slips out from under Theo’s arm and rolls her shoulders in answer as Billy, Ed, and I all give grunts of our own agreement. He drops his arm and stares up at the house. “Now!”

  Being the father of the kidnapped child, I lead our party up the pavement and to the front door. Without pausing, I send out a solid kick and can’t hold back the smirk as the door gives under the pressure of my foot.

  The sound of glass shattering throughout the building confirms the other teams are making their way in via their planned entry points.

  I’m instantly met with a female, who cowers at the sight of me. The energy playing along my skin makes me wonder why the alpha would have brought such a submissive fox on this kind of a mission.

  “We’re here for your alpha. Point us in his direction and you won’t be hurt,” I inform her, trying to tamp down the growl behind my words—my wolf close to the surface. The sudden shaking throughout her body tells me I’ve failed.

  Stepping to the side, she plasters her back against the wall, giving us access to pass by her, eyes cast down to the floor. Raising her left hand a couple of inches, she points in the direction of the back of the house.

  Bypassing the lounge to my right, I follow her directio
n. Feeling Eddie’s energy drop back behind me, I expect he’s checking the lounge for skulk members.

  Alpha energy presses against my skin with every step I take, confirming the female was pointing me in the right direction. Allowing my wolf closer to the surface, I push out my own energy. I may not be the alpha of my pack, but that is out of choice, not strength, or power.

  I step into the kitchen and catch a fist as it slams towards my face from my left side. The fucker had tried to hide beside the door. With a twist of my wrist, I wrench him around until he’s standing before me.

  “Bastard!” He spits the words out angrily, spittle hitting me in the face.

  Releasing his fist, I wipe my face clean with my hand. “That’s not how you should be welcoming guests.”

  He steps back, leaving enough space between us to ensure I can’t reach him without him seeing it coming.

  Theo’s energy presses against me, and I step aside, giving him room to enter. “I’m wondering… are we the guests or is he? He’s in my territory after all.”

  I stroke at my chin in thought. “Huh… you have a good point there. It was still rude either way.”

  Our guys walk into the kitchen through the numerous entries, having round up the other foxes. The foxes gather in the middle of the room, their eyes flit to their alpha, clearly looking to him for instruction.

  “You have what’s mine. I have every right to be here.” The determination in his voice along with the straightness of his spine tells me he’s not going to back down. He’s not going to leave without Olivia, and that means he won’t be leaving this building alive.

  “You lost any rights to claim her when you allowed Stu to kick her mother out on the street.” A growl rumbles up my chest, and I fist my hands at my sides, trying not to attack before Theo gives me the okay. He’s my alpha after all. How this goes down is his call.

  A whistle fills the air as a knife flies right for my head. Raising my hands, I clap them together, managing to trap it between them before it hits its target. I drop it to the floor and see the blood on my palms before I feel the sting of the slices it’s caused. Fucker!

  “Fucker,” Eddie calls from across the room, seemingly reading my thoughts. He starts towards the alpha, only to be held back by Billy’s arm across his chest.

  “No. This isn’t your fight,” Theo states from beside me. His words sound guttural, causing me to suddenly swallow.

  I turn to Theo, needing to see his face to understand what he wants to do next. Catching sight of Bel standing behind me, leaves me feeling suddenly grateful. If I had just ducked away from the knife instead of catching it, it would’ve most likely found a target in her.

  Theo gives me a nod, and I take that as my permission to attack. Before I can move to attack him like I’d planned, my wolf jumps forward taking control of my body. Within seconds, I’m stalking towards him on all fours. Teeth bared, a menacing growl escapes my snout.

  The female I’d met in the hall earlier cowers as I pass, eyes on the floor as she plays with the hem of her shirt in her hands.

  “You’ve made it perfectly clear you aren’t leaving without his daughter so there’s no chance he’s going to let you leave.” Theo’s nonchalant comment comes from where I’d left him by the door.

  The alpha fox takes a step back and looks at me with wide eyes, no doubt belatedly realising he just made a grave mistake.

  My wolf snarls at the sight of his prey trying to escape.

  I gnash my jaws at him, feeding on his fear that I can taste in the air. Deciding I’ve played with my food enough, I pounce, jaws wide to allow my teeth to sink into his neck when I make contact. As his blood fills my mouth and I rip at his neck, I start to relax for the first time since hearing Selena’s earlier screams.

  As the alpha fox’s heartbeat diminishes, so does the threat to what’s mine.




  It’s been a week since Cain and the others came back from chasing the foxes out of town. It didn’t slip my attention that Cain had come back wearing a completely different outfit to the one he’d left the pack house in. I didn’t question him about it at the time. He came back to me in one piece and that’s all that matters, regardless of what he had to do to ensure Olivia’s safety. But it’s been playing on my mind and I know I’ll have to ask at some point. I’ve been to visit Alyssa a few times and even took Olivia with me once, which seemed to help bring Alyssa out of her deep sombre mood, even if it was for only a few minutes. I’m hoping it’s a sign that when her baby arrives—which Cain informed me could be as soon as next week, due to werewolves having a similar duration of pregnancy as normal wolves— it’ll help her heal by giving her a new focus for her life and future.

  We’re driving towards yet another surprise. I don’t know how many sucky surprises it’s going to take for him to realise they aren’t worth doing.

  I bite my lip as I contemplate asking about the foxes.

  Cain flicks his eyes to me having taken them off the road for only a second. “Ask. I can see something’s eating away at you.” He blindly reaches out and gives my knee a gentle squeeze. “You might as well ask or it’ll ruin the whole day.”

  I release a deep breath and relax into the seat at the comfort of his touch. “What happened to the foxes? Did you kill them all?”

  “What?” His high-pitched question causes Livie to stir in her car seat. We both stare in her direction, and I silently pray she doesn’t wake up until we’ve finished this conversation.

  A second passes without her crying and Cain lets out a breath. “Do you really think we killed them all?”

  Guilt runs through me for thinking such a thing, but he’s spot on: I had thought that. “I didn’t know what to think,” I admit, feeling the need to explain more. I press on before he can react. “I know what you are and how dangerous you can be even though I haven’t seen it first-hand. You came home in a different set of clothes. It was obvious your wolf had been out and I’m betting it wasn’t to play.”

  Cain shakes his head. Seeing the unhappiness in his downturned facial features, I grab his hand, locking my fingers in his as I feel the need to touch him. To comfort him. “I shouldn’t have left you thinking like that. You’ve been with the pack for so long, I forget you’d been left in the dark for most of that time.” Cain lets out a sigh.

  I rub the back of his hand with my thumb. “Cain, it’s not your fault. I should have asked sooner. Part of me didn’t care… doesn’t care what you had to do. Whatever it is, you did it to protect Olivia, and that’s all that matters. I just wondered if anyone else was going to come and try to get her later… or heaven forbid take you away from me as payback for what you and Theo did to the other foxes.” I swallow past the scratchy feeling in my throat, suddenly overwhelmed by the heaviness in my chest.

  Cain pulls the car off the road sharply, and once the engine’s switched off, he turns in his seat. “Hey, shh.” He cups my cheek, lifting my gaze to meet his as he wipes a tear on my cheek with his thumb. “Nobody is coming for Olivia or me. I can promise you that. Okay?”

  Seeing the truth in his sparkling blue eyes, my fear dissipates. I swallow away the lump in my throat and nod.

  “Only one fox died, and that was the alpha. He wouldn’t leave without Olivia, which meant I couldn’t allow him to live.” His piercing gaze searches my face, and for a moment, I wonder what he’s looking for. A smile crosses his face, and he sits back, seemingly satisfied with whatever he sees.

  “The beta fox took charge, becoming the new alpha. He gave his word that his skulk would never come back for Olivia. If I had any doubt, I wouldn’t have let them leave, but they didn’t even want to be there in the first place, like Stu, they were just following orders.”

  I slide my hand over his cheek, feeling the slight stubble under my palm. Leaning forward, I place a searing kiss on his lips, heat floods my body and I suddenly wish we were anywhere but parked up on the side of
the road. I pull back before I end up climbing into his lap and taking what I need from him. “I trust your judgement. If you say we’re safe, we are safe at last.”

  Tempted to lean in for another kiss, I lick my lips. Cain rubs his thumb over the wetness on my bottom lip. I can see the temptation in his eyes and the way he licks his own lips.

  “Let’s get back on the road, or we’ll never get to our destination,” he says, starting the car and pulling into a gap in the traffic as he leads us once again to our surprise destination.

  * * *

  As Cain’s pulling down a dirt track road, I get a familiar sensation, like I’ve been here before. Once the fields beside us start to fill with sunflowers, I know I’ve been here before.

  “Cain,” I say, my voice breaking on the one word, unable to keep the emotion hidden.

  He stops at the side of the road beside the fourth field on the right. “I thought it was about time we introduced Olivia to your father and Maxie.”

  The thought about bringing Olivia here hadn’t even crossed my mind yet, but the fact that Cain knew it’s something I’d want, makes my heart almost explode with love for him. Tears well in my eyes, overwhelmed with emotions.

  Cain wipes at my escaping tears. “This wasn’t meant to make you sad. We don’t have to get out. I can turn the car around and go home,” he offers, putting his hand back on the keys still hanging in the ignition.

  I place my hand on his arm. “No. I’m not sad. I’m happy. So happy that you thought of what I needed before I even knew I needed it.”

  Pulling the keys from the ignition, he relaxes back into the seat. “I’m your mate. It’s what I’m here for.”

  I slide over the centre console and sit in his lap, facing him. “I love you.”

  He crushes his lips to mine and causing my somewhat rounder bottom—since having Olivia—to press against the steering wheel, setting off the horn. Olivia lets out a wail, and I press my forehead against Cain’s as I try to contain my laughter.


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