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A Bond of Venom and Magic (The Goddess and the Guardians Book 1)

Page 12

by Karen Tomlinson

  “I’m going up there to keep watch,” Jack stated.

  Hugo grunted his acknowledgment then stalked around inspecting the plants. Diamond watched him for a while, wondering what he was up to. All of a sudden he merged with the shadows, then disappeared entirely. With the gloom and her head aching so fiercely Diamond gave up searching for him. It was either magic, or she was just so tired her eyes were playing tricks. Either way, his disappearing into the shadows like that was—disturbing.

  Exhausted, she wandered over to a flat rock and lay down, letting her aching limbs rest. Dry sticks cracked underfoot as Hugo returned clutching a handful of what looked like sponge. A large knife dangled from his other fist. He sheathed it with practised ease and precision. Nervous as ever when he was near, Diamond chose to look at his boots, not his face.

  “Here,” he said sitting down next to her.

  Forcing herself upright she blinked and changed her vision. The silver strands of his energy only wavered around him now, looking depleted. She swallowed her sharp intake of breath. It frightened her to know he was getting weaker.

  “Chew this. It has moisture in it. It will help sooth your throat, just don’t swallow the sponge,” he rumbled quietly.

  Diamond took the piece of yellowish, spongy-looking plant, eyeing it suspiciously before deciding to trust him to put it in her mouth and chew. The juice was sweet and gloriously cool as it ran down her throat. She swallowed and groaned with pleasure, sensing his energy stir as he smiled a little.

  “Thank you so much,” she whispered gratefully. Warmth caressed her skin for a moment before withdrawing. It was the same feeling of belonging and security that bloomed through her chest every time he was near. Suddenly shy, she twisted a loose strand of hair around her fingers.

  Hugo turned and cocked his head to one side, a small frown creasing his brow as he watched that outward sign of her agitation.

  “Are you okay?” she blurted, not really knowing what else to say. They had not really spoken since he had found them, only the occasional word.

  His eyes widened in surprise. Belatedly she realised he probably didn’t get asked about his well-being much—if ever. The corners of his mouth tilted into a smile. “Yes—thank you, Diamond.” Her name rumbled across his tongue, soft and gentle.

  Her throat dried out, and she squirmed a little under his gaze. Every single word she knew disappeared from her head. After a moment he reached out, slowly and carefully, and caught her overworked fingers.

  “You will have to cut that bit of hair off if you keep twisting it into knots,” he chastised gently, pushing her hand into her lap. “And that would be a real shame.” His hand lingered against hers.

  Her magic stirred at his touch. A spark of heat deep inside her flared to life. She tried shuffling her position a bit to distract herself, but his energy pulsed against her exposed skin, magnifying her feelings, inciting her magic further. Diamond pulled away. If she never released her magic again it would be fine by her.

  “You, on the other hand, look completely exhausted. Why don’t you lie down? Try and sleep,” Hugo suggested, turning and gently pushing her down.

  Diamond sank onto the hard cold rock, her eyes not leaving his. Exhaustion washed over her in waves. As she drifted off to sleep Diamond was dimly aware Hugo stayed by her side. A guardian, silently watching the stars.

  A frown etched Hugo’s brow. His shoulders slumped as he rested his head on his knees. Time alone with Diamond was ridiculously precious to him.

  Jack had been goading him daily since Hugo had found them. Every time the prince had touched Diamond or slept near her, Hugo had wanted nothing more than to rip her away. His friend knew him well enough to see how Diamond was impacting his emotions, and the little prick had taken to fawning over her every chance he could just to get a rise out of Hugo. He huffed a chuckle. Damn if it was working! The trouble was he had a feeling Jack was enjoying winding him up far too much.

  Hugo didn’t mind that his friend could see how he felt. Hugo had learnt to trust Jack. Agonising guilt squeezed his heart; another ruler, another place…. He pushed those memories violently away.

  Hugo rubbed his face and glanced down at Diamond. He was utterly unprepared for the way she made him feel. Whether it was because of their magic or something far deeper, he didn’t know, but Diamond had effectively knocked down the wall of ice encasing his heart. For years he had watched other warriors fall in love, had seen them meet a life-mate and make a blood bond, an ultimate commitment that bound two souls until death severed it. Now his own world had shifted in a way he had never expected. It terrified him.

  Tipping back his head to stare over at Tu Lanah, grinding his teeth until they hurt. It did not matter what he felt or what his heart and soul craved. He had to hide his feelings. Recently matured males were possessive and confrontational, particularly around anyone they wanted; male or female, human or fae, it did not matter in the least. And he was no different. Despite all his training, Zane and Jack had seen the change in him. But both he and Diamond were in for a whole heap of heartache and misery if he couldn’t build that emotional wall back up before the Queen noticed.

  Hugo had only let himself care for a girl once, and he had been a young teenager then. Naive and lacking experience, his first, tentative love had grown into a full blown crush.

  Fear slithered down his spine. There were so many reasons he needed to distance himself from Diamond….

  Pale and gaunt, even in sleep she looked unwell. Mist swirled around his feet as he pushed himself off the rock and stepped stealthily around her outstretched legs to squat in front of her. Goose bumps covered her bare, mottled skin. He let his eyes examine her body in a way he had been unable to do whilst she was awake. Her hip bones stuck out through the remnants of her dress, making her waist look painfully thin. One arm rested across her chest, and her other hand was pushed under her hollow cheek. She was too thin and fragile to last another four days in this forest without food and water.

  Unfastening the straps of his armoured shoulder plates and arm guards, he let them fall to the ground, then he shrugged off his tunic and laid it over her. The garment was big enough to drown her, but relinquishing it gave him a sense of satisfaction he hadn’t felt in years. Its meagre warmth was the only protection he could provide from the damp and cold. His leather surcoat now adorned Jack’s shoulders.

  He pulled some tendrils of silver hair off her face and ran his big calloused fingers lightly across her cheek, careful not to wake her.

  Hugo pushed himself up with a sigh. He doubted she would understand him leaving, but he had to get help or she would not make it to Sentinel’s Cave. Hugo knew General Edo would wait for a few days, but not indefinitely. With a heavy heart, he brushed his lips against her forehead and whispered a soft, “Goodbye.” The salty tang of her sweat mixed with her sweet summery scent, which filled his senses as he licked his lips. With a soft growl, he stopped himself from kissing her again.

  He tapped into their Nexus bond and stretched out his magic, pushing through her mortal flesh, finding that tightly bound flame in her soul. He longed to free it, to let it soar and merge it with his own, to find out how powerful could they become together. But it was not a burning flame that he found, only a weak, dying ember. No. It could not give up on its host. He teased that flame, taunting it with his serpents and shadow, challenging it to break free, to be stronger.

  Her back arched, a small whimper escaping her cracked lips as she shifted her frame toward him. He pulled back guiltily. Such intimacy, even for the right reasons, was wrong without permission. Forcing himself to leave her, he went to find Jack.

  Hugo did not armour his wings when he extended them, instead he saved his energy for what he knew would be a long and exhausting flight. The exquisite hues of blue and silver seemed to absorb the silvery moonlight as he beat his wings against the cold night air. Seconds later he landed twenty feet from the prince, nodding a curt greeting.

  His relationsh
ip with Jack was sometimes strained. Jack was irritated by his coldness and reserve since Hugo had returned to serve his Queen. It was deliberate on Hugo’s part. It had to be this way for them. Hugo’s track record with friends—and his Queen—had proved dangerous and destructive. The ghosts of his past reminded him to keep his distance.

  Hugo squared his shoulders and fixed his eyes on the dishevelled prince. Hugo pressed his mouth into a tight line. He didn’t want to leave Diamond with Jack. They were already close, and relying on each other would only force them closer. Hugo scowled. Jack’s relationship with Diamond was not and never could be his business—Hugo belonged to the Queen. Even so, his gut tightened painfully as he thought of Diamond being seduced by the handsome prince.

  “I have to go.” Hugo winced at the deep growl in his voice and crossed his arms over his chest in a defensive gesture. His leather armour creaked as he moved. “If I don’t get help from Sentinel’s Cave, Diamond will die from starvation. Her body is giving up.”

  Jack cast his eyes over the horizon and down at the dead trees, still alert, still watching carefully. Hugo ground his jaw as Jack made him wait for a reply.

  “It’s alright, Hugo. I’m not blind,” Jack said quietly. “I can see she’s getting too weak to make it. Could you carry her to the cave?” he asked with a frown. “Leave me here.”

  Hugo shook his head. The thought had crossed his mind more than once, although he would not admit that to Jack.

  “No. I am too weak. I wouldn’t make it. It will take me at least a day to get there on my own. If you can keep her alive for another three days, I will bring back help. Don’t deviate from this course, prince. If you keep pushing on, I will find you again.” Hugo twisted to unstrap a long silver blade from his back and offered it to the prince. He would not leave them defenceless.

  Jack nodded his thanks as he fastened it around his body, pulling the leather straps tight.

  “Take this as well,” said Hugo, passing him another dagger. “Something is draining this forest of life; probably a large force of Dust Devils. I can’t be sure. Do you think you can avoid it until I can get back to you?” Hugo surveyed the horizon, narrowing his eyes at the glowing moon. “And watch the skies for that dragon. I don’t know how it exists or what sort of guardian it is, but I doubt the goddess is controlling it. It’s searching for you—and for her, now.”

  A dark cloud floated ominously in front of the moon, casting them into shadow. Unable to help himself he added, “Take care of her, Jack.” His voice was as heavy with meaning.

  The moon resurfaced, reflecting the feral lights in Hugo’s eyes. Jack looked down toward the shadowy quarry where Diamond slept, his face suddenly tight, his eyes hard and his voice cold when he twisted back.

  “It is nice to see you can feel something for someone, Hugo. But the closer we get to Valentia, the more I worry about the girl who saved my life. Will you protect her, Hugo, like you so desperately want to? Or will you lead her into the serpent’s lair?”

  Hugo did not answer, he could not.

  Jack sighed. “Do what you need to do to get help, Hugo. Rest assured that I am capable of keeping her safe. And after we are back in Valentia and you have returned to your Queen’s side, I will still make time for her; you, however, cannot. You know as well as I do that no matter what you feel for her, you can never have her. Whereas, if I want to, I can,” he finished, his voice heavy with meaning.

  Hugo grunted a response, not trusting himself to speak lest he punch Jack’s teeth down his throat. The prince was right. No matter what he wanted, Hugo had no business taking an interest in any woman other than his Queen. He curled his fingers into fists and stepped off the cliff before he did something he might regret. Shifting his wings against the invisible eddies of air, he armoured them as he hovered for a moment, looking down towards the sleeping girl. Without another thought for the Prince of Rhodainia, the big warrior disappeared into the midnight sky.

  Diamond careened into Jack’s back as his feet ground to a sudden stop. They’d left their pitiful excuse for a camp well before dawn. Trembling with fatigue, she was utterly depleted, unable to summon the energy to change her vision anymore. Laying down and curling up into a ball was such an appealing thought. Sleep. She wanted to sleep. But Jack was so stubborn he would just pick her up and carry her to the cave that Diamond now believed was imaginary.

  Hugo had covered her with his tunic the night he had left. It had kept her warm for the past four days, his scent enveloping her completely. When she wanted to give up—like now—she imagined those powerful arms cradling her against his chest. If she wanted to feel that again, to see him again, even if it was to scowl or to yell or to do nothing but look at him, she had to keep going.

  Inhaling deeply, the irrational anger she had fought for days simmered in her belly. Why did he leave me? Her braided hair swung as she shook her head. No, not just her—them.

  It took longer than it should have to right herself after a stumble. There had been so little food, just a handful of mouldy berries and some stagnant water from a dried-out stream bed. Its rotten taste still lingered in her mouth, making her want to throw up.

  Her eyes burned, but she had no tears, almost as if her body had dried out completely. It had been stupid to think Hugo cared about her. Diamond’s throat hurt as she swallowed. What does it matter? She was being ridiculous. Hugo owed her nothing. Damn him to Chaos and back. Why do I want him? She shook her head. Why not Jack? At least the prince was free to be with who he wanted. But instead her heart had picked a Queen’s guard, who was completely off limits and saw her as a burden he had picked up along the way.

  “Can you smell that?” Jack whispered over his shoulder, his brown locks lank and greasy, his gaunt face covered with a thick beard.

  Her footsteps immediately stilled as Jack cocked his head and listened intently. They had left the borders of the ancient forest three days ago. The trees weren’t quite so barren but the wind pushed their boughs against each other, causing them to groan and screech as if speaking.

  Diamond stared at Jack’s back, not daring to move. For a few minutes he did nothing other than tightly grasp the hilt of Hugo’s sword. Giving a nod, he indicated they should move on.

  Diamond stepped through the rotting vegetation, avoiding the twisted ropes of ground-dwelling ivy and any sticks that might crack loudly under foot. Jack’s tension grated on her nerves. The sweet, rotting stench of decaying flesh clogged her nose, stronger and more pungent than ever—that foul miasma that accompanied Dust Devils. Fear prickled her skin, tickling down her neck, stoking her magic. Diamond winced as the crystal, clutched protectively in the dragon’s claws of her necklace, absorbed that fear. It absorbed her emotions, heating until it scorched the tender skin between her breasts. She yanked it away from her body just as Jack stopped dead in his tracks.

  “Stay here. I’m just going to check ahead. Something’s not right,” he whispered without even looking at her.

  Diamond sank to her haunches, keeping utterly silent. It was difficult to hear anything above the banging of her racing heart. Wishing for Hugo right now was pointless; he was probably back in Valentia at his Queen’s side, giving Diamond no more thought than he would an insect. Lost in her turbulent thoughts she missed the sound of dead sticks cracking nearby. An explosion of movement and sound erupted around her, crashing and guttural roars coming from every direction. Diamond jerked herself up, but not quickly enough. A heavy blow landed on her jaw, knocking her off her feet. Hitting the ground with a jolt, air burst from her lungs.

  The stink of carrion overpowered her as the Dust Devil crashed down onto her chest with its full body weight. Her scream was cut off when the rotting corpse lifted its leather covered fist and, with a grunt, slammed it into her face. Colours exploded across her vision a split second before agony cascaded across her face. Her lip exploded, the metallic taste of blood filling her mouth in a nauseating rush.

  All she could hear was shouting and grunting
and swords clashing. Another heavy blow sent agony detonating through her skull. Diamond felt herself slipping into unconsciousness, her body light, floating as if her arms and legs no longer belonged to her. The Dust Devil roared with triumph, his rotten breath hitting her straight in the face. She blinked to clear her vision, but it was no good. Panic gripped her chest, stealing any sensible thought. I am going to die!

  The gloved hand grabbed at her throat, squeezing and cutting off her air supply; simultaneously his other arm moved. Diamond saw his sword glint in a shaft of glittering sunlight. No. She would not let him kill her. Not without a fight. Writhing underneath his weight, Diamond bucked, pushing her hips up to unbalance him. Fear and desperation lent her strength. She wriggled her hands free, clawing at the monster’s half-rotted face and dead, soulless eyes. Skin tore under her desperate fingers, but it was no use—his dirty hand remained fast to her throat. Diamond willed herself to stay conscious even as her lungs burned and her vision faltered. Blood pooled in the back of her throat and she gagged, unable to swallow or spit, as the monster squeezed the life from her.

  “Diamond!” she heard Jack’s voice bellow somewhere in the distance. Still fighting for her life, she couldn’t turn, couldn’t look for him. There was the high pitched whine of a sword being swung, a thump as the Dust Devil’s head hit the ground, then a split second later black dust exploded in her face. She immediately sucked in gulps of air, sobbing and choking with relief.

  “Diamond? Diamond!”

  Jack swore as he beheld her face but could do nothing to help as a blue, heavily muscled creature ran up behind them, growling and swinging a large axe.


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