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A Bond of Venom and Magic (The Goddess and the Guardians Book 1)

Page 18

by Karen Tomlinson

  Shaking the towel off her head, she let her hair fall in messy tangles to her waist just as there was a brief knock and her bedroom door opened. With a jolt of surprise she stiffened and twirled to face the huge warrior striding in. Hugo stopped abruptly, his hand on the door knob as he saw her standing in a thin bathrobe with her wet hair cascading in a silver curtain down to her waist.

  Diamond was struck dumb. Her voice dried up and her heart tumbled around in her chest as though it were suddenly loose. Hugo looked so different; younger and ruggedly handsome, despite the scar that stood out on his face without his thick beard. Achingly familiar eyes regarded her cautiously. Except—her stomach dropped—there were healing burns on his skin.

  Did I do that? Diamond didn’t know what to say.

  His eyes slowly dropped, his gaze travelling over her body, taking in everything about her. A flush burned her cheeks as he inhaled. Tension simmered in the silence, his regard making her extremely aware that she was naked underneath the robe. Hunger flickered in his eyes as they lingered on the outline of her breasts but was gone so quickly Diamond wondered if she had imagined it. A shy smile curled her lips when it occurred to her he looked almost as uncomfortable as she felt.

  “Hello, Hugo.” The tremble in her voice made her cringe and her voice dried up.

  Swallowing, Hugo squared his shoulders. Newly washed and still wet, the blue streaks shimmered in his raven hair. It had been braided back from his face, accentuating the harsh lines of his jaw and neck. The black tunic he wore was embroidered with intricate whorls of blood-red silk that swirled across his massive shoulders and down the contoured muscles of his arms.

  Both his tunic and leggings were covered by a sleeveless, thigh-length leather jerkin that was imprinted with a fierce sea serpent. It was fastened tightly with thick leather straps and buckles that strained over his broad chest, cut to reveal the weapons belt circling his trim waist. Daggers hung from it, vicious and gleaming. Diamond grazed her attention across his face, then up over his shoulder to the Silverbore swords that were in place on his back. Menacing, they glinting in the sunlight that streamed through the open window.

  Breath rushed from her chest as if his overpowering presence sucked it right from her. He looked dangerous, scary and utterly stunning.

  “Diamond. I—err—didn’t realise you were not dressed. Please forgive me,” he rumbled in his rich, deep voice.

  Her knees trembled at the memory of that voice challenging her, ordering her to live. They stared warily at each other, seconds passing, marked only by the small carriage clock ticking on the dressing table. Diamond’s memories of the last time they had been together were hazy, but she knew Hugo had saved her life. She couldn’t remember how exactly, but there was utter certainty in her heart that he had. Her breath hitched. The last thing she remembered was losing control, and the terrible, consuming heat and pain that tried to rip her chest apart.

  Rose had said Hugo had not left her side for days, that he had neglected himself in order to stay with her. That voice—she swallowed a sob—she remembered her dreams so clearly. The demon lord, the dragon and that bone chilling cold. Tears glistened in her eyes. Hugo had called her back from the darkness and shadows, he had ripped her from the clutches of death more than once.

  Diamond impulsively walked forward, her bare feet silent on the rug, until she was staring up into his sapphire and silver eyes. Balancing on her tiptoes she reached up, placing one hand on his shoulder and the other behind his head. Her cool hands pulled him down. Surprise flickered in his eyes but he did not resist her gentle demand. The kiss she brushed on his scarred face was gentle, and she carefully avoided his burns.

  As her lips contacted his skin, she felt him flinch back. Realisation dawned. Her own looks had incurred enough ridicule over the years. His scar loomed close to her lips. It had never bothered her, but…. She had noticed even Tom had blanched and looked quickly away when Hugo’s face twisted as he spoke. Perhaps this tough, cold guard was not as immune to the judgment of others as he would have everyone believe.

  Pulling back very slightly, she allowed her eyes to meet his, then slowly and deliberately she leaned back in, her fingers curling into the blood-red embroidery of his tunic. She kissed him just above his mouth where his skin had knitted back together in uneven lumps. The scar was surprisingly soft under the caress of her lips, and she lingered to inhale the clean spicy smell of him.

  “Thank you, Hugo,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “I remember you in my dreams. Y-you made me live. I-I won’t forget it. And Rose—she told me you wouldn’t leave me, that you guarded me while I slept. I don’t know how to thank you,” she finished, a tear running down her cheek.

  Hugo didn’t seem able to say anything. He squeezed his eyes together as if in pain, then nodded his head. When she pulled away she was shocked to see his cheeks flushed pink. Another revelation. Still, she supposed, a Queen’s guard was unlikely to receive any spontaneous affection or thanks—ever. A quick swipe with the back of her hand dried her cheeks.

  She gently took hold of one of his freshly bandaged wrists and lightly touched a burn on his face. “Did I do that?” she asked feeling sick with guilt. “I’m so sorry…. I-I don’t remember….”

  Nodding, Hugo jerked away from her touch. “It was not your fault,” he stated roughly, then hesitated a moment before taking a deep breath as if forcing himself to speak. “But understand, you will not be able to use your magic from now on. The shield—and my Queen’s enchantments—will stop you. You lost control in the forest and flattened more than a half mile of it. It is against my Queen’s laws to use magic in these lands, and such a capacity for destruction puts everyone in this palace at risk, and that is not acceptable.”

  “I understand,” Diamond replied hanging her head. “I’m so sorry, Hugo,” she added. “I never meant to hurt you. I truly don’t remember anything of the forest other than such painful heat and-and losing control of my body.”

  She gulped down a mouthful of air, with a small sob. The calloused finger he placed under her chin scraped her soft skin as he tilted her face up again. His eyes commanded her attention—not that she wanted to look away.

  “Diamond, I don’t blame you for my injuries. Really I don’t. You have an astounding and powerful gift. It’s just that it’s wild, untamed….” For a moment his voice was soft and gentle. Then he seemed to remember who and what he was. His step back felt like a huge rift to Diamond, especially when he hardened his features again. Swallowing and taking a steadying breath, he forced his next words out.

  “I am no longer your friend, Diamond. I am a Queen’s elite guard and I follow only my Queen’s orders. You broke the Queen’s laws by using magic and, as of this morning, my orders are to stop you if you try and access your magic or become a danger to anyone in this palace. Do you understand what that means?” he asked harshly, his eyes like glittering coals.

  Diamond paled. “Yes, I understand,” she whispered, her eyes going to his blades. Hugo had made himself crystal clear. His orders were to kill her if she touched her magic again. Dropping her eyes was the only way to hide the sting of his betrayal. Trembling, the soles of her feet brushed on the rug as she shuffled backwards—away from him. Feeling small and vulnerable, her fingers twisted against her robe, pulling it tightly around her body until, dissatisfied, she folded her arms protectively over her chest.

  Her breathing hitched and sped up. She had been so stupid believing there had been any connection between them; Hugo belonged only to the Queen. He may have planned this all along. He may have saved her, only to trap her in the court of an immortal who killed people possessing magic.

  The walls of the room pressed in on her—there had to be a way out of here…. Her mind raced. She would find a way, somehow she would get away. Panting, small panicked breaths, she fixed her eyes on a pulled thread in the soft rug under her feet. Lightheaded now, her lips began to tingle madly. Failure to control her fright always rendered her useless,
and now there was no one to help her.

  Breathe. In…out…in… out, she told herself, remembering her father’s calm voice as he taught her how to control her panic attacks.

  Hugo clenched his jaw and squeezed his fists tight until his knuckles turned white. The Queen’s guard was fighting a private war with his oath of duty and the overwhelming need to explain himself to the girl cowering from him. Never before had she seemed frightened of him.

  Diamond felt him suddenly reach out with his magic. Warmth caressed her skin, his boots silent on the rug as he took a step closer. Lifting her chin defiantly, she beat back her tears and took a slow deep breath, trying to regain her equilibrium.

  “Diamond, I would never….”

  Before Hugo could finish his hesitant words, the solid oak door to her room was thrown wide, smashing into the wall. A shower of dust exploded into the air. Two heavily armed Queen’s guards marched in, their hard faces intent and predatory. In unison they focused on Diamond.

  Squealing, she spun on her heel and darted for the bathing room. At least she could lock herself in there. Light glinted off a blade as the first guard pulled a dagger and lunged, grabbing for her.

  The second guard immediately spun between her and Hugo, his sword angled and defensive as he faced the larger warrior. Still shaky and weak as a baby, Diamond didn’t stand a chance of escape. Rough fingers clenched a handful of material on the back of her robe and yanked her to a halt. The cotton ripped until she was cruelly exposed from her neck right down to her buttocks. An instant later an iron hard arm wrapped around her throat.

  Terrified, she fought and twisted and screamed but the guard kicked the back of her legs so hard numbness shot down to her feet. Collapsing in a heap on her knees, all it took was a swift slam of his boot in her back and she fell face first into the rug. The impact knocked her senseless. Before she could comprehend the speed of her capture, that same boot kicked her hard in the ribs. She bleated in agony as at least one rib fractured. In a heartbeat her captor was crushing the back of her neck with his foot, pushing her face into the floor. She couldn’t breathe couldn’t breathe couldn’t breathe….

  Panting in shallow gasping breaths her world focused only on getting air into her lungs.

  “What are you doing?”

  Diamond had never been more relieved to hear Hugo’s deep bass voice. It resonated through her panicked brain, as cold and icy calm as she had ever heard it. She tried to cry out to him, but her voice was just a pathetic whimper. He wouldn’t let them hurt her—she didn’t think.

  “The Queen ordered us to take this filthy magic wielder to the dungeons,” said the other guard’s voice, equally ruthless.

  “Then I will take her. She is my prisoner, under my control.” Hugo’s tone was superior and laced with the promise of violence. Metal chinked. A heavy footfall…then another.

  “Really, commander? And can you control her…or yourself? I very much doubt that,” the voice sneered, full of loathing. “That’s why she sent us, isn’t it? The Queen’s magic-wielding dog was let off his leash long enough to find a mongrel bitch of his own to play with. When will you learn, commander, that the only female you are allowed to covet is your Queen? Bed as many whores as you want. Force them to stare at that ugly face whilst you rut upon them, but don’t you remember? Even the Queen’s pet cannot get away with actually caring for one. Maybe this time when our mistress unleashes the Lord Commander on you both, I will get to hear her—and you scream—get to watch as he—”

  Diamond flinched at the sound of breaking bone. Summoning up the energy and courage to struggle against the weight on her neck, she wrenched her head around just as a limp body crashed to the floor beside her. Through her foggy vision she could see the guard’s off kilter jaw and bloody, broken nose. It was impossible to feel sorry for him; she felt only a fierce satisfaction that Hugo had got rid of one of her attackers.

  “Let her up, Attion—now,” Hugo ordered the remaining guard.

  There was a pause whilst her captor considered his options. Clearly he didn’t fancy his odds, and Diamond couldn’t prevent a sob as the weight of the guard’s foot lifted off her neck. Before her brain could process her ability to move again, rough hands shoved under her arm pits and hoisted her to her feet. Dishevelled and in pain, Diamond was spun around to face Hugo. Wincing she stooped forward to hold an arm across her cracked ribs, the torn material of her robe flapping open, exposing her back down to the curve of her buttocks. Hugo did not even glance her way, although Diamond could feel his magic pushing against her, wild and raging. The weight of his gaze remained fixed on the guard, wholly black and as cold as death. His eyelids did not so much as flicker.

  “You disgrace that uniform,” Attion spat, ignoring the groans of his fallen comrade. “This creature is nothing but dirt under your boot. Her blood is sullied—mixed,” he jeered, “and you attack your own brother for her? Your actions are treasonous. She deserves less than a clean death at our gracious Queen’s hands.”

  “Do not speak anymore,” Hugo warned, his voice icy. “You do not have leave to attack any prisoner without express orders from Lord Commander Ream or the Queen. Did you receive orders to beat—or kill—the girl?”

  The other guard pursed his lips, his nostrils flaring in defiance.

  “I didn’t think so. Give her to me. I will take her to the dungeons myself.”

  “No. My orders are to—”

  “And I am your superior,” Hugo growled, his dark eyes flashing dangerously. “Release her now and I will let you chase my shadow down to the dungeons like the rat you are.”

  Hugo’s hand shot out faster than Diamond’s eyes could follow. The guard seemed stunned, his mouth dropping open and his eyes popping wide as huge fingers curled around his throat, crushing his wind pipe. “She maybe a filthy magic wielder,” Hugo snarled, “but if you lay a finger on her again, I will rip out your throat and watch as you choke on your own blood.”

  He shoved his face right into the other fae’s, his voice low and menacing. “You were there all those years ago…. You watched him torture Tawne. Do not make the mistake of thinking I have forgotten, Attion,” he drawled the fae’s name with such venom Diamond cringed away.

  The guard’s lip curled in contempt, though he paled significantly. “You are a fool, Hugo. Our Lord Commander will delight in punishing you—and her—for this. Just give her to me,” he wheezed, unable to talk properly with Hugo’s fingers wrapped around his neck. “I will see she gets to the dungeons alive.”

  Fear encased Diamond’s heart. Alive? Is there a chance one of these guards will kill me? Oh, gods, I am in such deep trouble. And what did he mean Hugo would be punished for helping me? Even in her dazed state, she knew Hugo had attacked these fae out of fear for her; if she knew why he had attacked his brothers, so would his Queen. She didn’t understand why he would put himself at such risk.

  Anguished and confused, she stared at the ice in Hugo’s eyes. Cold air brushed over the bare skin of her back. She shivered violently. Attion and Hugo had both seen she was naked beneath her robe. Black eyes flickered her way. Humiliated at her helplessness and vulnerability, she dropped her gaze.

  “I expect that to be so,” Hugo replied, unfazed by Attion’s words. “Our Lord Commander can torment me at his leisure, just like he does the rest of you, but the difference between us, Attion, is that the cruel bastard cannot kill me, no matter how much he wants to. I am after all, the Queen’s dog. So…. Let. Her. Go,” he enunciated each of those last words very carefully.

  “No. Do not,” countermanded a chilling female voice from the doorway.

  The despair of a million painful deaths raced through Diamond, stopping her heart for the merest moment. It was as if all those poor lost souls screamed out for help with one gigantic voice. Diamond closed her ears and walled off her mind, grabbing on to the only thing that seemed to hold her steady. Hugo. But his magic was suddenly hidden by a vast and oppressive darkness that rippled around Diamond
, stealing her breath.

  “This disgusting creature should be grovelling on her belly in my presence, defiled as she is by the goddess’ magic. Her ghastly pale looks ridicule the darkness of our true lord. I do not wish to look on her repulsive face any longer. Guard Sarou.” Attion’s name was a command.

  Diamond knew it and went lax as Attion grabbed her wrist. In a second she was flipped face down on the floor with his knee on her naked back.

  The swish of silken material eddied around the room as the Queen of Avalonia stepped closer to her commander.

  “I sent these men to arrest this magic wielder, Commander Casimir. Tell me, why are you here—again? You gave me your report and it was duly noted you excelled in your duties by keeping her alive for my use. But do not think that my gratitude extends enough to protect you from punishment if you return to this vile creature again without my permission.”

  A soft bump vibrated the floor. Hugo knelt before his Queen his head lowered in subservience.

  “Of course, Your Majesty,” he answered, his voice impassive, holding no hint of the aggression or anger he had shown Attion.

  Diamond held her breath, as frightened for Hugo as she was for herself. He should not have helped her; it had been foolish to return to her room at all, even if he had only intended to warn her not to try and run.

  “So tell me, commander, why did you return?” The Queen’s voice held ice and steel.

  “My Queen. I came to inform the magic wielder she is now your prisoner, and if she wishes to live, she must prepare herself for a life of repentance in whatever way Your Majesty sees fit.”

  Hugo sounded so sincere, his voice holding enough disgust Diamond wondered if she had imagined him ever calling her magic a gift. The pause following his words seemed to go on forever. Diamond tried not to whimper as her spine and ribs screeched in pain. The metal shin guards Attion wore dug deep into her skin as he shifted his weight.


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