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A Bond of Venom and Magic (The Goddess and the Guardians Book 1)

Page 21

by Karen Tomlinson

  Accusing faces, pale phantoms of the dead, echoed in his mind, as they often did. The Queen wanted powerful magic eradicated from her kingdom, or so she said. Hugo tried not to growl. He had seen what she really did to those with magic. She was insane, driven so by her belief in her dark god and his eventual return.

  Erebos was as much a tale of darkness and evil as Lunaria was a tale of light and goodness. The dark and the light as it always was in fairy stories and legends. Good magic verses evil magic.

  Ridiculous children’s tales. It was true his Queen allowed her Acolytes to live but, like him, that was only to serve whatever darker purpose she had in mind for her kingdom.

  For years it had been Hugo she had sent with her other guards to hunt down babies born with any other colour wing except gold. Gold meant a small amount of magic, enough to manipulate the metal in their blood and learn how to armour if the child were taught how, but not enough to be a threat. Hugo’s gut twisted painfully and the hunger he felt as he smelled the delicious royal fare suddenly turned to nausea. It wasn’t just the children he had brought before her that sickened him. No. It was every single person who had done nothing wrong except be born with magic of one kind or another and stupidly let it show.

  Hugo released a heavy sigh. Atonement for his crimes would come eventually, of that he had no doubt. Until then he would find a way to protect the one person that meant more to him than his own life ever could. Squeezing his tired eyes shut he smoothed his features back into neutrality. It wasn’t hard, he had learned at a young age to hide his feelings, to give nothing away—not even as he saw Jack brush a lock of hair from Diamond’s face and wrathful anger flared in his gut.

  Jack glanced at Hugo but he did not wink or smile as he had done in the forest, instead he brushed the beautiful comb that twinkled in Diamond’s hair and whispered something in her ear. Hugo swallowed his jealousy as she blushed prettily.

  It was nearly three years since the Queen had ordered Hugo to assist the prince with defending Stormguaard. He had not intended to become friends with Jack. But Hugo had spent two years fighting the Wraith Lord alongside the mortal prince. Spending time with Jack and the Rhodainian army had been illuminating. In fact, learning some of Jack’s men, like Gunnald, had magical gifts they openly used for war had taken him months to accept. Rhodainian fae had gifts far beyond anything Hugo had ever seen; not just golden wings but the glorious hues of green and red that were never allowed to live in Avalonia.

  Gunnald’s swiftness and accuracy with a bow had astounded Hugo almost as much as seeing people, human and fae, use magic in their everyday lives. Being so far from the shield and the Queen, he had allowed his own magic to stir. It had revelled in its freedom. Hugo had been able to hone that growing power and train it in a way he never could have in Valentia. Without fear of reprisal he had used his ability to assist Jack’s campaign against Ragor on many occasions, earning him a level of respect and friendship from Jack’s men that he had never known before.

  Despite magic, Stormguaard had still fallen to the overwhelming numbers of Ragor’s army. Jack had pulled back the remains of the Combined Army to the borders between Rhodainia and Avalonia. Together, Jack and Hugo had sought out the enigmatic Master Commander Riddeon, and joined the remains of the prince’s army with the Queen’s warrior legions.

  Commander Riddeon had welcomed the reinforcements. As one large force they fought many hard and bloody battles and had even reached the point of pushing the Wraith Lord’s forces back when the Queen had ordered her troops to withdraw. Even the stoic and professional Master Commander Riddeon had been unable to hide his shock and disagreement with that order.

  Hugo clamped his lips tight and exhaled. The more time he spent away from the cloying influence of the immortal Queen, the more unsettled he became—unsettled to the point he found himself questioning why he hadn’t deserted long ago.

  His tongue found the rough skin inside his cheek, pushing at his scar. No. He knew why. Any thoughts of escaping his miserable existence had been crushed long ago. That was until he had found himself looking into the most beautiful violet eyes he had ever seen. Diamond had entwined herself into his soul so deeply he would do anything to keep her safe. Her blood was eternally imprinted on his, just the beginning of a blood bond that he had no right to pursue. A shiver rippled through his body and he swallowed. He had marked her with his venom; even if their Nexus didn’t exist, they were connected, bound by that act alone.

  It had been so easy to sense her anger and disappointment at his inability to protect her from his Queen. He didn’t know if he should feel relief or regret that Diamond had no idea about their bonds. He allowed himself a small smile; perhaps he should feel a measure of both. He could imagine her blazing anger if she ever found out. Venom, magic and blood; an intoxicating mix, one that could destroy them both if the Queen were to find out.

  Clinging tightly to Jack’s arm, Diamond flicked yet another wary glance his way. Hurt and fear flared through their invisible link. Unknowingly, he rubbed at his chest. A group of young lords who were slightly drunk and a little loud stepped in front of him and he lost sight of her for a moment. Hugo stayed where he was, though, and let his thoughts drift back to early this morning.

  Weary and in pain, he had left Diamond’s room to take care of himself. Lord Commander Ream had been waiting. Instantly, Hugo’s senses had screamed in alarm. The Lord Commander was the coldest and cruellest fae male Hugo had ever met. He was loyal and protective of the Queen to the point of obsession. If Commander Ream deemed Diamond to be a threat in any way, he would kill her in an instant, with no regrets.

  Hugo had silently followed him and entered the Queen’s private chambers. Completely unconcerned for his wellbeing or the gash on his leg, oozing pus through stinking bandages, his Queen had bid Hugo kneel. With hard green eyes, her voice calculating, she had questioned him again and again about Diamond and her abilities. Such an interrogation had coated his stomach with ice, and hiding the overwhelming protectiveness he felt for Diamond had been nearly impossible.

  A peal of sweet laughter reached his ears, jolting him out of his reverie. Diamond’s eyes sparkled as she let go of Jack’s arm and graciously took General Edo’s. Hugo eyes narrowed. The general did not look particularly pleased. In fact, he looked almost reluctant to escort Diamond. It was an odd reaction given General Edo’s determination to help his friend’s daughter reach safety.

  A distant trumpet heralded the Queen’s imminent arrival. Squaring his shoulders, Hugo braced himself to see her. Today’s events had left him anxious to the point of wanting to grab Diamond and run. But that would be downright foolish. He was too recognisable and there were too many spies in this city for him to get far.

  Fixing his blank gaze on Diamond, he took several deep breaths. The only way to keep her safe now was to do what the Queen wanted and bide his time. Not only did he need to convince his Queen that he did not care about Diamond, he needed the goddess’ favour to outwit her immortal mind.

  Hugo watched Diamond’s face fill with fear at the sound of the trumpets before she mastered herself. Her terror seeped through to him, and he watched her already pale face drain of colour entirely. Desperately thin, she looked like she might collapse any moment; despite that, he thought she looked utterly stunning. Her ethereal looks were completely at odds with the average Valentian, as were his, but he thought her captivating. Her eyes glittered almost as much as the delicate folds of her dress, which floated around her like a twinkling mist. Her silver locks looked beautiful piled on her head in a mass of curls, braids and waves, and he stifled an overwhelming urge to walk up and pull away the beautiful comb that nestled among it. He wanted to see those silver tresses tumble down so he could run his fingers through them, over and over. The urge became almost unbearable, and he leaned up against the wall, crossing his arms to stop himself.

  Hugo realised he wasn’t the only one who had heard her laugh or was drawn to her either. His throat constricted
as he scanned the room. Guards and lords and even some of the more brazen servants glanced over at her. Curious gazes followed her, but it hurt his heart to see interest turn to hate and disgust as those same people recognised her as a half-blood. Keeping his face neutral, he hoped none of them would seek to hurt her tonight.

  A trumpet blared again, sounding the arrival of the Queen and her entourage. Hugo pushed off the wall and strode forward, glad to have an excuse to position himself near Diamond again. Her only response was a disparaging glance, accompanied by a blast of magical anger. Hugo absorbed it and glowered down at her, forgetting she had no idea what she was doing.

  Keeping hold of the general’s arm, she took no further notice of Hugo as they all waited for the Queen to be seated on the elaborately decorated dais at the far end of the hall.

  Jack winked at Diamond, glancing at Hugo as he kissed her hand before elegantly turning on the ball of his foot and marching purposefully down the hall towards his seat. Respectfully, the other guests began to take their places. Hugo addressed General Edo, who seemed more interested in his prince than the girl on his arm.

  “Sir? I will escort Diamond to her seat if you wish to accompany His Highness.” Choosing to ignore Diamond’s furious frown, he gave a slight nod to the older man.

  The general nodded, passing Diamond’s hand over without any hesitation. He did not even look at Diamond, let alone bid her farewell as he strode after Jack. Hugo kept his face impassive when hurt flickered in Diamond’s large eyes.

  Hugo did not hold his arm out to her, he did not fancy the humiliation of her rejection in front of this crowd of people. Instead, grabbing her elbow, he gently but firmly propelled her to a table not far from the dais.

  Fuming at his touch, Diamond rubbed her arm when he let go. With flushed cheeks, her bejewelled eyes only served to enhance her beauty. Hatefully, she cursed him under her breath. Jerking her, he shoved her down onto her chair, a bitter taste coating his tongue. He shouldn’t have expected anything else. He had practically delivered her to the Queen, then stood by whilst his subordinates beat her and then he, not them, had threatened to throw her in the dungeons.

  “It’s not polite to call names,” he snapped under his breath, raising his eyebrows in warning.

  “It is if you deserve it,” she shot back through gritted teeth, her back straight and her chin angled defiantly.

  “Why? Because I brought you here? Diamond, I saved your life. Do you think there was another choice?” he asked bitterly. Instantly his magic flared to life, reacting to her stormy emotions. He growled. This was an unbearable situation. It was always exhausting hiding his magic when he was with others, and right now, trying to curb the angry waves of energy pouring from him was nearly impossible. “Do it again and I’ll spank you like the ungrateful child you are,” he fumed.

  “Really? What, right now? I doubt that,” she sneered. “It would degrade you too much, especially in front of these small-minded morons—and those guards who, correct me if I’m wrong, are your inferiors. And what about your Queen? You wouldn’t dare demean yourself in front of her. Would you?” Challenge laced her voice. “No, you’ll wait until we are alone again and then attack me. Or perhaps, commander, you’ll let your friend Attion do it for you. Maybe you’ll let him do more than just grope me with his filthy hands while you grovel on your knees for your Queen,” she jeered, disgust and shame pulsing from her.

  Hugo’s heart briefly stopped as he digested those words and her emotions slammed into him.

  Attion had done what?! Rage fuelled a sudden surge of heat that seared his blood and pounded through his head. Hugo stared at her, his nostrils flaring as he fought for control, but he did not give in to his magic’s demand for release; instead, he mastered it, rolled it into a tight ball and thrust it inside a cage, not forgotten or extinguished but saved—for later.

  Hugo took some deep breaths, fighting to keep his face neutral in the onslaught of his feelings and hers—confusion, hurt, fear—but even they were overshadowed by her rage at him. Suddenly, he wanted take her up on that scornful challenge. He wanted to show her that he did not care what any of these people thought. She did not understand that bringing her here had been the only way to save her.

  In a flurry of twinkling gossamer material, Diamond twisted to face him and he released a large relieved breath, making it sound like an angry huff. Her defiance in the face of all that was happening to her lifted his heart. Her fear of him, and this court, wasn’t so great it had curbed her spirit; if anything, she was more defiant. Using his best dominant stare, he fixed a glare on her; then suddenly, out of nowhere, despite her taunts and the anger pulsing against him, he had an urge to laugh.

  Even the shadow of his Queen and the sadistic Lord Commander Ream could not prevent the corners of his mouth twitching up at the thought of throwing her over his knee and spanking her perfect rear until she squealed. He cracked a wider smile when she snorted her irritation and crossed her arms over her chest, giving him the cold shoulder.

  “Go to hell!” she hissed, clearly furious. “None of this is funny!”

  He coughed, bringing his amusement under control. His voice softened and he gently touched her arm. “No, it isn’t,” he agreed. “But I’m not laughing at you, Diamond. I’m just happy you can still find it in you to tell me to go to hell after everything that has happened today.”

  Those amazing violet eyes flicked to his and he saw her hesitant smile, then felt her desperate need to believe him. ”Are you?” she asked softly.

  “I’m sorry if I hurt your arm,” he said sincerely, sitting down on the chair next to her and leaning in close enough only she could hear him now. “And I am sorry for bringing you to this palace. It truly was to save your life. I am also sorrier than you will ever know that I am sworn to serve the Queen,” he said quietly, and although he had no idea why he uttered those words out loud to her, he found he meant them with all his heart. Apologising for his Queen could get him executed on the spot. Yet it was true. Hurting Diamond was the last thing he wanted, and it was suddenly important she knew that.

  Diamond’s dress sparkled like it was peppered with bejewelled raindrops when she turned toward him and held his gaze. Captivated, he could not look away. For a few seconds they stared at each other, lost to the people around them. Her head tilted to one side as she scrutinised him. Without thinking he pushed his magic against her, caressing her and willing her to feel the truth of his words. Her cheeks flushed and her throat bobbed.

  “I believe you are, Hugo. In which case I forgive you,” she declared with quiet dignity, then smirked coyly at him. “But only if you promise not to throw me over your knee and spank me in front of all these lords and ladies.”

  “Alright,” he breathed, swallowing his relief. “But only for tonight and only if you behave.” Eyes glittering, he cocked his head and released a throaty chuckle. “Otherwise I will whisk you away where we are alone, throw you across my knee and spank you until you beg me to stop,” he drawled, delighting in her flustered reaction.

  Seconds ticked by as he pinned her with a meaningful stare. His heart pounded as her emotions raced from doubt, to embarrassment, to anticipation before her face lit with a dazzling smile. His heart stopped. What a strange sensation to make someone happy, to make them smile…. Hugo caught his breath and tucked that beautiful image away in his heart.

  “Fine,” she agreed breathily. “I’ll behave—for now.”

  Still flushed, she dropped her eyes and gave him one last shy look through her lashes before turning away to talk to Tom, who sat next to her.

  No longer distracted by Diamond’s flushed cheeks, Hugo blew out a breath and, still smiling, glanced up. Then froze. Jack glared at him and the Queen’s green eyes regarded him with cold speculation.

  Stupid! Stupid!

  Hugo had not smiled or relaxed like that in front of anyone since he had been a child, and never in front of his Queen. Jack’s glare said it all. How could I have been so heed
less of where I was? Kicking himself he forced his blank gaze to briefly meet his monarch’s. With his heart thumping fearfully in his chest, he bowed his head in respect. Did I just condemn Diamond? Shapely, full lips twitched in the merest smile but it was that icy immortal gaze, fixed upon Diamond, that sickened Hugo. Predatory and utterly focused, it was the look a cat gave a mouse before stalking it, pinning it and devouring it until nothing but a pile of bloodied bones remained.

  The dinner seemed interminably long. Jack caught Diamond’s eye and gave her a supportive smile, then levelled his attention back to General Edo. Despite Jack’s presence, Diamond’s insides were churning. Being stuck in this hall was awful. The hateful glances from strangers, the Queen sitting elegantly poised on her dais, the guards; it was all becoming too much. Her eyes darted around nervously, not trusting anyone, not even Hugo.

  He served his Queen.

  The food arrived, beautifully presented and cooked to perfection. It was certainly more extravagant than anything Diamond was used to. Soups and terrines, followed by succulent roast chicken and vegetables. It smelled wonderful, but Diamond just nibbled.

  Hugo frowned sideways at her. “Aren’t you hungry?” he asked shortly, as she pushed a lemon tart around her plate.

  She sighed, wondering that he asked such a stupid question, given her situation. “Not really. To be honest, the thought of eating makes me feel sick,” she responded tightly.

  The look he gave her was steady and assessing before he grunted and turned his concentration back on his own food. Diamond had noticed how little he ate as well. He kept on glancing under hooded brows at the Queen. It was hard to keep up her cheerful responses to Tom’s good humour and ignore Jack’s frequent glances without begging them both to help her.


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