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A Bond of Venom and Magic (The Goddess and the Guardians Book 1)

Page 29

by Karen Tomlinson

  The council members watched silently from their table as if in a daze. Only Hugo and Diamond had an exclusive view of the Queen’s beautiful, wicked face. Hugo’s massive shoulders tensed minutely, a painful tug yanking at Diamond’s chest as his magic flared defensively. It was hard to stifle a gasp. Why does he do that if he worships this hateful female so?

  The air in the room thinned, and Diamond found it difficult to breathe as those icy green eyes focused on Hugo. A silent command. Hugo immediately dropped to one knee, averting his eyes to the floor. Diamond felt her heart lurch painfully. She wanted to tell him to stand, to be the proud warrior she knew and feared, but it would be a pointless exercise. He would not listen.

  The Queen smiled directly at Diamond, her face and eyes full of malice and triumph. Her meaning was clear: Hugo was her property, one of her elite warriors that she could command at her whim. Placing her long elegant fingers under Hugo’s chin, the Queen tipped his head back and gazed down at him.

  “You may stand,” she told him. Caressing his unscarred cheek, she stepped so close that when he stood, the peak of her breasts brushed his body. Long slim fingers lingered on his face, cupping his jaw. Her blonde head tilted and watching Diamond closely. She let her long elegant fingers run slowly down Hugo’s neck. Diamond swallowed as she grazed the hard lines of his broad shoulder and chest and continued down his flat stomach, gliding along his weapons belt until her touch rested on the curve of his hip. A taunting smile curled the Queen’s ruby mouth as she slid that same hand into the small of his back, and pushed her hips against him.

  Diamond’s mask nearly slipped, her stomach churning at the intimate gesture, but she held it together. This was a test. One she must pass. If the Queen knew how deep her feelings for Hugo ran, she might very well strike Diamond down where she stood. Diamond’s violet eyes stayed unwaveringly on the Queen’s face, unemotional and steady. The Queen chuckled and conceded a step. Diamond released a breath and looked away.

  At the table a formidable-looking fae commander watched the proceedings with intense golden eyes. Feeling his regard, Diamond shifted her attention to him. He dipped his chin minutely in a nod. Taken aback by the supportive gesture from one of the Queen’s own warriors, Diamond gaped at him. A frown furrowed her brow as his eyes moved to Hugo—and stayed there.

  Another warrior protected the commander’s back. His face was handsome in a too-perfect way, marred only by the startling arrogance glinting in his eyes. Slowly, thoroughly, he ran his eyes over Diamond, causing the fine hairs on the back of her neck to prickle. She snarled defensively. A mocking smirk curled his shapely lips before he shifted his attention to Hugo. Who are they? Clearly the commander was someone of importance. But that warrior….

  The Queen raised her voice, the change in her demeanour incredible as she became the concerned, devoted ruler.

  “Ragor will soon bring his war to Valentia. By winter solstice he will have reached the wall. If he breaches that ancient bastion of protection, he will use his dead army to seize the souls of every living thing in this city. He will turn every single one of you into rotting demons that will feed his power.” She swept her hand expansively, encompassing all their intent faces. “All of your loved ones, your precious children, even the humans who are citizens of Avalonia—you will be left with nothing. Do you hear me? Nothing except a will to do his bidding. Ragor wants this city for himself. It is what he has always wanted.”

  Anxious murmurs erupted from the noble toads, the noise of their anxiety interrupting her speech. Satisfaction flashed across the Queen’s face at their reaction. She stalked towards them with swishing skirts, flourished a turn and gestured back at Diamond.

  “This—girl—has magic tainted by the goddess herself,” she told them unnecessarily. “It is a dangerous and powerful poison that runs through her veins, one that should be eradicated. However, to keep my people—our—people safe, you have all agreed it is far better to have that magic fight for us, rather than risk it being unleashed against us.” The Queen lifted her chin imperiously. “My council and I are benevolent in our judgment.”

  She gave Diamond a vicious smile that the council could not see, a smile that belied those words. Diamond held her breath in fearful anticipation. This was it—the moment she had been dreading for weeks. She grasped her own fingers, attempting to stop their shaking.

  “It is the agreement of this council that rather than being executed for possessing such corruption in your blood, you shall put that goddess-cast magic to good use. You will learn to use it and you will fight to keep the Wraith Lord and his army out of my city—or you will die trying. Prince Oden and Master Commander Riddeon need a dispensable weapon. One that can be used outside this shield. That is you. You will be taught the physical skills of a warrior, and when you have become proficient enough to kill, you will learn to control and wield your magic. If you cannot learn or you try to use it to harm me or my people, I will kill you. Make no mistake, magic wielder, you belong to me as much as he does.” She inclined her head at Hugo. “And when this battle is done—if you still live—you will still belong to me. Is that clear?”

  Diamond’s nostrils flared in horror. With her utter lack of fighting skills and magical control, she was unlikely to survive. If she did, she vowed not to return here. She would run far and fast until this despicable viper faded from her mind like a bad dream.

  Suddenly the Queen was standing right in front of Diamond. Her hand shot forwards like lightening, sharp finger nails gouging Diamond’s chest. A tearing sound and her blouse ripped down the front. Before Diamond knew what was happening, those long elegant fingers had grasped her necklace. Leaning in until her lips grazed Diamond’s ear, the Queen’s warm breath sent shivers shuddering down Diamond’s neck and spine.

  “You will learn to control your magic. You will fight for me, and you will come back to me—or I will send Lord Commander Ream to hunt you down. But I won’t let him kill you. No.” She placed her fingers against Diamond’s cheek and gently turned her face towards Hugo. “I will have you killed by him, but not before you watch him kill your handsome prince and that pathetic human boy. Maybe I’ll even get him to gut that healer you have taken a shine to. Once this battle is done and my city is safe, I will not need the mortal prince anymore than I need the locusts he calls his people. Do I make myself clear, my beautiful, young half-blood?” she asked, quiet venom in her voice.

  Diamond nodded, not daring to speak. She could feel Hugo’s magic surge against her, but he showed no outward sign of having heard the Queen’s threats. The familiar searing heat and nip of his magic disappeared almost as soon as it touched Diamond. Hopefully the Queen hadn’t noticed. Hopefully she couldn’t feel Hugo’s magic the way Diamond did.

  Blood rushed from Diamond’s head at the implications of that threat, but she willed herself to stand tall, ignoring her dizziness. This woman would kill everyone Diamond had left in the world. Perhaps dying in battle would not be such a bad thing, not if it meant they would be safe. Blood tickled her skin, running from the gouged welts between her breasts. Her torn shirt fell open revealing her skin and undergarments. Still she did not move. Not only was the Queen a depraved and manipulative adversary, she writhed with magic so powerful it stole Diamond’s breath.

  Hypocrites! screamed Diamond silently at the table of over-dressed toads who watched in silence. These idiots condemned or enslaved souls born with more powerful magic than their own because they feared it. Their ignorance was shameful when their Queen practically glowed with magic so omnipotent it could oppress the room and subdue any soul nearby into compliance.

  “This necklace is stunning. Where did you get it?” the Queen’s voice was curious. She studied the metal dragon, which seemed to clutch the crystal tighter as it lay against the Queen’s palm. A curious green light pulsed from the jewel at her touch.

  “My mother gave it me. Please, let go of it.” Diamond managed to say, impressed by the steadiness of her voice.

; “I don’t think I will,” said the immortal Queen, fixing her cold ancient eyes on Diamond.

  The blood drained from Diamond’s face completely. “W-what?” she whispered, her mask of neutrality slipping. “But this is all I have left from my home. It was my mother’s. She left it to me. You can’t take it…. I won’t let you have it!” Panic gripped her.

  “Hugo!” the Queen snapped quickly. “Relieve this prisoner of her necklace, then give it to Master Commander Riddeon.”

  Diamond whipped her head towards Hugo. “No,” she whispered, shaking. Hugo’s eyes were fathomless, endless shadow. Hopelessly Diamond swallowed her tears and closed her eyes. She could do nothing as he moved her hair gently to one side, his fingers brushing against her skin as he undid the clasp. She instinctively shrank from him.

  Hugo, intent on his task, did not seem to notice. Coiling the chain into his large hand, he strode over to the golden-eyed commander, dropping the only link to Diamond’s parents on the table in front of him. Master Commander Riddeon stared at the glowing crystal as if mesmerised. His guard, however, seemed more interested in Diamond, his predatory gaze fixing on her half naked torso.

  “I see this necklace means a lot to you, magic wielder. Such a pity.” The Queen gave a snake’s smile as she taunted, “Just think how easy it will be for me to take everything you care about. Make no mistake, girl, if you don’t do as I ask, your friends will die a horrible death.”

  Diamond stood mutely, gaping at her necklace. The threat and promise in those words so terribly clear. The jewel seemed so small and insignificant discarded on the table in front of the master commander’s tightly-clasped hands. Sudden and unbidden, anger stirred in Diamond’s belly, bursting up from her core in a torrent so deep and strong she trembled.

  Across the room, the glow in the crystal flickered then went out. Hugo shifted his obsidian eyes to Diamond’s face. She let all her rage and hurt burn through as she caught his gaze and held it. Before she understood what was happening, her magic surged through her blood, thrashing to escape.

  Not here, not now, she beseeched it, casting her eyes down to the floor. Hugo placed his large hand on her shoulder as if to restrain his prisoner. Diamond jerked away from him. Or tried; her arms and legs were as immovable as granite. It was as if he could hold her to utter stillness with just his touch. Calm washed through her body, engulfing the raging magic until it sputtered and died. Her mind felt thick, her thoughts syrupy and slow. Diamond took a deep breath and shook her head, forcing her ravaged body to life.

  She yanked her shoulder from Hugo’s grasp. His only response was to glance at her impassively.

  Immediately her head cleared.

  The Queen continued to speak.

  Gods, she’s not even done yet! thought Diamond bitterly.

  “You will need someone to oversee your training. A warrior who will keep you under control and ensure compliance with my wishes. A tutor who can school you in the art of weaponry and fighting—and killing,” said the Queen, smiling delightedly as if that should be abhorrent to Diamond. The beautiful monarch bit her lip as if considering her options. “You will also need a warrior who is powerful enough to supervise you whilst you learn to control your magic.”

  The Queen turned to Hugo, who stood silently by. Diamond’s heart soared with hope. Will the Queen allow us to be together? Diamond wanted it so much. That hope stuttered and recoiled into her heart. This cold guard was not the friend Diamond had come to long for.

  “Commander Casimir? You will instruct Guard Attion Sarou to oversee the weapons training this girl receives.”

  Hugo snapped his head back to the Queen just as Diamond’s stomach heaved.

  “My Queen, Guard Sarou is not strong enough to contain her if her magic breaks free. She would be at risk of escaping again…or causing ruination of this palace. Having Guard Sarou train her would put you at risk.” His voice remained unemotional, but Diamond knew Hugo well enough to see the dip in his brow and the minute twist to the scar upon his cheek.

  The Queen cocked her head and studied Hugo, making a show of considering his words. Diamond held her breath, unable to shift her attention away from the floor. Being forced to endure Attion’s attentions was unthinkable.

  “So be it,” the Queen conceded, giving a small satisfied smile that made Diamond wonder what game she was playing. “You will oversee Miss Gillon’s training. Inform Commander Nosco of your orders and instruct him to find a suitable squadron of Prince Oden’s men to attach her to. We can’t have her too near my fae warriors, can we? Erebos only knows how, but she seems to bring out the baser instincts in you all.” She glanced over at Fedron, who did not move his eyes off Diamond.

  “Master Commander Riddeon estimates Ragor will begin his assault on the wall a week, maybe two, before winter solstice; therefore you will train this girl hard. I will expect her to attain a sufficient level of skill to be used as a weapon within ten weeks. As such, you are relieved of your duties in the palace until I tell you otherwise. Lord Commander Ream will send for you when I am ready to observe your results. And Hugo?”

  “Yes, my Queen?” he answered unemotionally.

  “Do not fail me in this task. It would be a shame to have to dirty your hands with her death and force me to punish you before winter solstice.”

  Hugo bowed low, but Diamond could feel the resentment and violence churning through the air around them. What she couldn’t tell was if his ire was directed at her or the Queen. Diamond did not care. She pinned him with a hateful glare, her eyes a smouldering violet storm. Silently she vowed she would become a weapon; she had no choice if she wanted to survive or if her friends were to live. Let the Queen be fool enough to train her. The magic in Diamond’s blood would bend to her will eventually.

  “Master Commander Riddeon, you and your guards will take that necklace down to the palace vaults. You may choose which of the iron boxes to place the jewel in. The key will stay with the Master of the Vault,” she ordered her commander. There was no doubt in her voice that he would comply with her wishes.

  The golden-eyed commander stood. “Fedron! With me,” he barked to his warrior, who still had his attention fixed solely on Diamond.

  The warrior’s hazel eyes held such predatory fae hunger it made her skin crawl. Hugo, who had already noticed the other male’s attention, blasted a wave of invisible magic into the air. Diamond started, shocked by the ferocity of his response. She snarled at them both. She did not need Hugo’s protection from any other fae male—not now, not ever; he had made his choice—his Queen—not her. Diamond poured wrath into her eyes and stared the other warrior down.

  Amusement glinted in his eyes, and she realised he was relishing her defiance. He deliberately slid his gaze to Hugo. Challenge poured off him. It burned in his eyes and in his vicious snarl before he bowed in deference to his superior’s order. As he walked away, he flashed Diamond an insolent grin and a wink that enraged her. Hugo followed his progress with an icy gaze.

  The Queen stroked her slim fingers tenderly down Hugo’s cheek, bringing his attention back to her.

  “Ten weeks. No longer, commander. I will expect this girl to demonstrate her new skills. If she fails, well….” That sensual smile turned cruel and she glanced at Lord Commander Ream, who stood by the throne. “My Lord Commander can have whatever is left of her. If she does succeed in her test, you will take her outside the shield. Her magic is clearly wild. With your more—practised—skills you can mould it into the weapon we all need. I want Ragor away from this city before winter solstice. After all, this will be a very important celebration for both of us, Hugo.” Her voice became a sensual purr. “And we will have far more important things to occupy our time than war and inexperienced young girls.”

  Whilst their attention was fixed on each other, Diamond blinked and shifted her vision. Hugo’s energy snapped wildly against the Queen’s green confident aura. Tense seconds passed as silver serpents and sweeping green ribbons fought, but to Diamond’
s horror, the Queen prevailed. Slowly, like the coils of a snake her green magic curled around his torso, slithering down his thighs and along his arms. Outwardly he held his mask in place as she writhed around him. But it did not last. Disgusted, Diamond could only watch as those green ribbons touched him intimately. Hugo’s jaw clenched and his eyelids flickered, his nostrils flaring. The Queen chuckled with satisfaction at his involuntary response. Stretching her neck back, she closed her eyes and shuddered with pleasure.

  Seeing that magical fight made no difference to her feelings for him, or so Diamond told herself. Hugo had made his choice: he belonged to his Queen, body and soul, it seemed.

  “Oh Hugo, you should not resist me so. This winter solstice is going to be the best either of us has experienced in a long while.”

  Hatred, and something akin to jealousy, sparked through Diamond’s chest at the implied intimacy in those words. Before she could even begin to think about that, the Queen fixed Diamond with a glacial stare.

  “Now, before I let you leave, we must hold the trial.”

  Diamond jerked her head towards the Queen. “What trial?” she parroted automatically. Panic instantly squeezed her chest. When would this be over? She was already bound to servitude until she died fighting the Wraith Lord. Will I be tortured now?

  “Lord Commander, bring in the prisoner,” instructed the fae Queen with obvious relish.

  Diamond twisted her head, watching Lord Commander Ream march to the double doors. Hugo turned too, the flicker of a frown between his brows. The Queen gave Diamond a calculating smile. Dread curled inside Diamond’s stomach. What in the goddess was going on now?

  A moment later General Edo was marched into the throne room between two Queen’s guards. He thrashed and swore savagely, a maniacal glint in his eye. Fresh bruises marred his face and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.


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