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The Last Knight (Knight Magick 1)

Page 1

by Candace Sams

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  The Last Knight

  Book 1 Knight Magick Series

  Candace Sams


  The first book in the Magick Knights series of Fantasy Romances/Action Adventures

  By: Candace Sams, Publisher

  Previously published as an anthology title in the work: Under A Celtic Moon

  This is an extended copy of the work existing in Under a Celtic Moon.

  Copyright © 2017 Candace Sams

  Cover by Josephine Piraneo

  Formatting by Glass Slipper Web Design

  Cover photos: and Renderosity

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

  Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents in this book are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. All Rights Reserved.


  About The Last Knight


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  A new knight’s appearance

  About Candace Sams…

  About The Last Knight

  Garrett Bloodnight is bound by his promise to protect the citizens of Great Britain. Through two World Wars, he has upheld the laws regarding immortality, as well as every regulation devised by politicians. For his long-revered service, and his steadfast loyalty, he has been awarded a life of luxury in the hills of Cumbria. It’s there that he hopes to live out eternity. Alone but content.

  When a young beauty enters his domain as a new immortal, Garrett is ordered to train her for service to the queen. No one told either of them that their paths were meant to cross, and in the most bizarre way.

  Whether they like it or not, Garrett and his apprentice are inexorably drawn into very old, and dangerous obligations. Secrets over a thousand years in the making come to rest on the front steps of Bloodnight Hall. For the immortals living there, destiny’s call must be answered. They have no choice. They either stand together or they will be destroyed by magic.

  My thanks to Angelique Armae for inviting me into this project. She epitomizes professionalism and I am so very proud to call her my friend.

  Thanks to all the readers who’ve stuck by me for so many years. Without your support, writing wouldn’t be possible.

  Thank you to my husband, Lee. No one gets through this life alone. You have always buoyed every endeavor.

  Wishing you Joy and Magic!

  Reach for the moon! If you fall, you’ll still land among the stars!


  Immortals – men and women who, because of some grievous injury, have approached death but who have not crossed over. They are magically gifted with non-aging immortality, great physical strength, immense perceptive powers, and agility. No human younger than their early twenties has ever achieved this state. The only way an immortal can die is by beheading, or by removal of their heart. Immortals are known to humanity, and generally feared by many, because of their greater strengths. They are also feared because many of their kind will not comply with any standard laws and regulations.

  Rogues - Those immortals not complying with laws. Rogues are often hunted by law-abiding immortals and vice versa.

  Ethereals – immortals who are gifted with magical powers to varying degrees. These beings are rare, but kept secret from humanity. Merlin the Sorcerer claims to collectively govern their ranks. To date, no Ethereal has ever known to work outside the law even though they will hide from legal registration. By hiding, they believe they can never be forced to use their magical skills for immoral purposes.

  Merlin – The ancient wizard of all wizards, Merlin is an Ethereal whose magical powers are, without question, among the greatest to have ever existed. Claiming to have come by his powers from Mother Nature, Merlin holds Ethereals superior to other immortals. He holds Ethereals superior to humankind.

  Morgan LeFey – A woman of great magical skill, with only Merlin as her equal, she unsuccessfully attempted to manipulate circumstances in the 5th century so that her son, Mordred, might become ruler of all ancient Briton. Morgan is neither immortal or Ethereal. For centuries, she has obtained her magical powers and maintained her longevity by accessing dark and dangerous spells. She has been known to seek out magical objects to bolster her powers. She is greatly feared among all immortals and Ethereals though her frightening existence has, so far, been kept secret from humanity.

  Laws Governing Immortals – these vary by country with Great Britain being among the sovereign nations who force their immortals to publicly register their status. Registration of immortals is thought to quell fears among the regular human population since governments can keep track of the supernatural comings and goings of these highly advanced and powerful beings. The governing body for immortals in Great Britain is the Paranormal Office for the Surveillance of Immortals (POSI). Legally, immortals in Great Britain must have humans watching them, and reporting as to their activities. In the United States, (per constitutional law) there is no requirement for any immortal to report their status, whereabouts, or their activities if they comply with all laws, as any other citizen. However, most immortals in the United States prefer working with the government due to the offer of special privileges. In most countries, immortals working with their respective governments are highly compensated. This is thought to encourage cooperation among their ranks.

  Clavigers – this is the name for humans who, in their respective countries, watch their assigned immortal. All immortals legally registered in Great Britain, for example, must legally have a human claviger reporting on their whereabouts.

  Chapter 1

  Cumbria, England

  Present day – Early spring

  Either his head or his heart must be removed. These were the only ways to kill him.

  Most of the world wished they had the advantages of immortality. Most of the world hadn’t lived long enough to see the firsthand travesties humanity committed.

  The world and those in it weren’t particularly getting along these days. Then again, when did they?

  This was the reason he’d chosen to retreat.

  While others might wish to be him, being immortal wasn’t all fun and games. Time crawled by with excruciating exactness. Today, it was crawling more listlessly than usual.

  Garrett Bloodnight stood in his study and gazed out the large windows, past his expansive garden. The hills surrounding his estate loomed like castle turrets. They were older than time. Older than even him.

  For some in his position, this estate might seem a prison. For him, nothing could be further from the truth. If time seemed heartlessly boring these days, at least he could be in the one place he loved.

  Bloodnight Hall was home. Despite the ghoulish name, it was one of the most beautiful estates in all Britain. At least, that was what all the magazines said. How the magazine editors would know, he hadn’t a clue.
No one from any of the gossip rags ever entered his abode, nor would they. He assumed they judged his property from outside appearances alone, as they were so shallowly want to do.

  Editors of gossip publications would be better equipped to judge if they could see the inside of his domicile. For him, it was perfection. Furnishings were the best to be had. Every nook and cranny was in order, from top to bottom. Even the old basement had been turned into a state-of-the-art gymnasium. Indeed, this was his private place away from the world. No one would ever enter without his permission even if that meant his so-called ratings in social forums went down. That crap came and went. He’d outlive it all along with the people who originated it.

  Since he never wanted to move, and would never change his name again for any covert mission, he indulged himself. He took the age-old estate title as his surname.

  The name Bloodnight seemed quite appropriate. Oddly, locals expressed pleasure over his having embraced that moniker. His presence, along with taking that blood-curdling appellation, meant permanency. Tourists. Jobs. Money. Stability. He hired and paid well for the finest staff. Almost all local. They responded with utter loyalty. They didn’t quit every time work got difficult, or if it interfered with some social engagement. No, his people were mature professionals. The newest of his employees had been with him for over fifteen years. Because of how he treated them—with respect and dignity—they responded in kind.

  A month ago, the most trusted and beloved among his staff died in his sleep, upstairs. Now, the law required him to hire another claviger. Whoever took Edmond Durington’s place would have big shoes to fill. As with many new hires, the ones who succeeded were those who fit in these surroundings. Since this replacement wasn’t his choice, this was one of those occasions when he doubted the hired individual would be on the premises long.

  He turned when he heard footsteps. His current housekeeper and general go-to for everything, Anna Gast, hesitated at the doorway. Her normally relaxed and friendly countenance was now clouded with concern. At the age of fifty, she was one of those people who’d earned every bit of trust and respect any employer could possibly bestow.

  “Sir…Tate called. He’s picked the woman up and will be home by lunch. He’s complaining about several massive trunks in her possession.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I told him to take the truck. When someone moves in forever, you expect a few nic nacs to come with them…photos, that sort of thing.”

  The tall, svelte and ever efficient Mrs. Gast simply stared. As always, her short brown hair was as in perfect order as was her tweed suit and sensible brown pumps. She was the model of efficiency. It didn’t feel right that she had misgivings about their new resident.

  Garrett—or Gart—as a few of his compatriots called him, spoke slowly. He tried to sound confident, even if he wasn’t. “When they arrive, have Tate refuel the car and clean it. Have Ben take the girl’s belongings upstairs. You get her settled. See to her lunch and so forth. Afterward, you can take the rest of the day off. Go do something with Ben. Have some fun for a change.”

  “Thank you,” Anna Gast told him as she smiled in acknowledgement. “I’ll have the kitchen staff leave food in the fridge for the larger meals, but what about tea?

  “Don’t mind me. I believe I can still open a can of biscuits and heat a kettle,” he admitted with a broad grin.

  She nodded. “Very well. Any other instructions for Miss Long?”

  He sighed heavily and put his hands on his hips. “Remind her of the house rules. She can wander where she wishes. Nothing’s off limits except my suite and staffs’ personal quarters, of course. If anything comes up, I’ll be here…going over this month’s accounts.”

  “Sir…I believe she’ll want to see you, whether you’re busy or not. And for more than just instruction in household rules. The debriefing, you see—”

  “Oh. Quite right!” He shrugged. “It’s been so long since I had a new claviger that I forgot about the formalities.”

  “I can inform her that you’re simply too busy, and that you’ll see her tomorrow morning.”

  “Perhaps that’s best. However, if the woman really wants to get down to business after her drive from London, then we’ll oblige. Just let me know, either way.”

  His general house manager hesitated for a moment longer, wringing her hands.

  “Out with it. What has you worried, Mrs. Gast?”

  “Sir, I’ve had no direct contact with this person. From what I’ve gathered…using my own sources…Miss Long seems to fit the bill. She’s said to be very intense.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  Mrs. Gast stepped much closer and lifted her chin.

  Gart had known his housekeeper for years. She got straight to points, and always made them count. If there was something amiss, then the cause was worth hearing.

  “This woman,” Mrs. Gast began, “she’s been very thoroughly vetted. I daresay every law enforcement agency in the kingdom has had a go at her personal business.”

  “Nothing new there.”

  “It takes more than a clean background check and professional bearing to do the job. This life is isolated. Mr. Durington knew that and never minded. I’ve gleaned enough of the matter to know that this is a young woman. These days, young folk…even clavigers…might find existence here rather dull. You and I both know that there are days when the internet just doesn’t work. How will she amuse herself? We have secrets to keep. You, of all people, know this.”

  “I’ve had similar thoughts on the subject, Mrs. Gast. Still, nobody’s forcing her into this. Plus, you’ll be happy to hear that I’ve been in touch with the internet provider. I’ve been told we’ll see great improvements in service.”

  “That stunning news being delivered, I’ve had word her mental suitability. That’s what I really came to talk to you about.”

  His brows shot up.

  “As you’re quite aware, sir, my friends at home office were very fond of Mr. Durington. They’re making comparisons,” Mrs. Gast affirmed.

  “I’m not sure that’s appropriate, but continue.”

  “It’s said that this woman wasn’t given the option to be claviger. She’s been told that she really has no choice in joining the agency.”

  Gart froze. “How can that happen? I wasn’t aware that home office had that kind of power or ever did!”

  She shot him a supercilious look as she simultaneously tilted her head.

  “All right. As an immortal, they own me…but I agreed to the terms of my existence a very long time ago. I’m not exactly being punished for it,” he said as he gestured to his grand surroundings. “This woman can resign her post anytime she pleases. No one can make anybody else work when or where they don’t want to. Not even an office filled with damned government bureaucrats. Why would they send her all this way against her will? For that matter, why would she agree to come?”

  “I said as much to my sources. However—”

  “Spit it out, Mrs. Gast.”

  “My people at home office tell me there’s something in her past that makes leaving the agency impossible. Whatever that issue is, it has put her in the position of being forced to take this post.”

  “Bloody Hell! Shouldn’t I have been informed of this issue sooner?”

  “Sir, I’d have told you straight away, except that the call was received at almost four o’clock this morning. You’ve been out in the hills since before dawn. By your orders, you weren’t to be disturbed…not that I could at any rate. Cell phones still don’t work in many places up there.” She glanced at her watch. “It’s barely seven. This information I’m passing along isn’t exactly on the back burner.”

  He sheepishly nodded. “Point taken, Mrs. Gast.”

  She took a deep breath before continuing. “The fact is, if the girl had no choice, then we don’t. Though I’ve only heard good things about her character, it’s her mental steadiness I’m talking about. It takes certain qualities to be a claviger in an i
solated post, as you well know. Furthermore, she’s replacing a man whose integrity was unquestionable. So, just as she’ll have to get used to this situation, we’ll have to get used to her and not judge too harshly. Otherwise, we might all be in for a very difficult life!”

  He frowned. “I don’t like this. I don’t like the secrecy or chicanery involved.”

  “It is what it is, sir. You know home office.”

  “Yes, I do,” he sarcastically admitted. “I’ll get this sorted, straight away.”

  “That might be prudent, but don’t expect a reversal of decisions.”

  “Whatever happens,” Gart told her, “I’ll be sure to lead into the subject so as not to implicate you or your chatty friends in London.”

  “I’d be very grateful, sir. Now, will there be anything else? I need to make sure the meals are squared away.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Gast.”

  As soon as the older woman left, and the door to the study was closed firmly behind her, Gart got on the phone.

  He contacted the ultra-secret part of the British government that was situated in London, as it always had been.

  Home office.

  That moniker had always sounded so much more professional than POSI, or the Paranormal Office for the Surveillance of Immortals. Someone had a penchant for the ridiculous, or a better name should have been selected.

  The phone on the other end rang, putting his mind back on the task.

  As usual when dialing the home office, his name came up for the receiving operator to see. Because of this, a secretary picked up and identified him immediately.


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