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Kerr: Paranormal Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Àlien Mates Book 1)

Page 17

by Ashley L. Hunt

  Dark had fallen so quickly. I supposed it was due to the eclipse of the second sun. The fire made things look a little better in the flickering light. My stomach was growing tighter as I knew what was about to happen.

  Caleb’s cheeks had flushed several times as I caught him looking me over when he thought I wasn’t looking. I had to admit I had looked him over as well. His clothes hid a lot about him, I was sure. His forearms were tightly muscled, so I knew his biceps had to be nice as well.

  I had grown up on the bovine farm, I was aware of how intercourse went. It was usually fast, and the female avoided it every time in the animal world.

  Would he be quick and then it would be done?

  A naked man was not a sight I had seen. I’d seen male animals, so I had an idea of what there was to see. The sound of his boots as he walked up to the open door of the shack stopped me from thinking any further.

  He walked in and handed me a wooden cup, full of water. His smile was so big I thought he must be proud of the stuff, so I took a sip and found it refreshing. It tasted good. “It’s really good.”

  “The water here is filled with minerals and is supposed to be really healthy for you. It’s one of the reasons I chose this area to build the house. You have the forest to hunt in and the different ponds in there to fish in. You can plant a garden to get your vegetables in. I have some seeds I’ve been saving, and we can make a garden together. Maybe we can start that tomorrow after we return from my family’s place.”

  I was somewhat relieved. “It’s nice to know you’ve made a plan for us. I know we all came to Euthenia to lead a simple life, but some modern things are good too. Like a bathroom. It would be nice if we could add one, even if it’s outside.”

  He smiled and laid a blanket out by the fire. He looked at me with fire in his deep green eyes. “If you want one then you will have one, my queen.”

  “That’s nice to hear. You and I can make this happen together. I have a feeling you’re a man I can put my trust in.” He sat on the blanket and patted the space next to him.

  I went and sat with him, I was eerily calm as he made me feel a bit protected. His size could keep me safe.

  Remembering the hook and strap in all the Euthenian homes and how my father kept one in his, a thing not all Earthlings accepted about the Euthenian lifestyle, I looked around for it and did not find any.

  Tensely, I asked, “Caleb, do you not believe in the hook and the strap?”

  Caleb shook his head. “I do not! This world is so much older than ours, but that practice is positively barbaric. You need not have any fear I will be giving you lashes when you do something that displeases me, Emerald. If you and I have any things we need to work out, we can talk about them.”

  “I have to tell you that relieves me greatly. My father was fond of the strap, and my mother and I felt its sting more times than I care to recall. If that is behind me, then that is fantastic news.” I laughed and fell back on the blanket. My heart felt free with the news, and then he was over me, smiling down at me.

  My heart stopped beating as his eyes had grown very dark. “The hour is late, and we have to be up at dawn's first light. We should go to bed now, wife.”

  The gulp I made was loud, and he laughed as I blushed. “Okay,” I said in a whisper.

  He stood and pulled me up. “I’ll make this relatively painless.” He smiled after he said the words, but it did little to make me feel better about what was about to happen to me.

  Caleb unbuttoned the buttons on the bodice of my dress as I tried hard not to allow my body to shiver. His hands were large, and he was having trouble with the dainty things. “Shall I do that?”

  He gave me a nod and stepped back to allow me some space. I finished what he’d started and pushed the dress from my body, leaving the dark blue material in a heap on the ground. Red dust puffed up as it hit the floor and I coughed.

  Not a stitch was under the dress, and I stood naked in front of him. I stepped out of my shoes and went to lie on the pallet of blankets. He pulled his clothes off hurriedly and came to stand over me.

  His large cock was at full attention, and my eyes were large. “Caleb, that will never fit.”

  “Don’t worry, it will.” He moved in next to me and placed his hand on my breast. “These are lovely. May I?”

  My nose wrinkled as my face squished up as if I’d tasted something sour. “May you what?”

  “Suckle it,” he said as he looked confused. “Do you have no idea of the things that come along with intercourse, Emerald? Were you not taught by your mother?”

  I shook my head. “Guess you have to do that, Caleb.”

  “Then just lie back and close your eyes and get ready for a trip to Heaven, wife.” He smiled and squeezed my breast.

  “Heaven? So, it feels good then?” I was confused. The animals never seemed as if it felt good.

  “I guess I’ll let you be the judge of that, Emerald.” He leaned over and kissed me.

  Not like the peck he gave me after we got married. A real kiss. A solid kiss. A kiss that took my breath away. When he finally released me, I looked up at him and batted my eyelashes. “That was magnificent!”

  “You liked that, then you’re about to love this.” He placed his mouth on my breast and nipped it, making me squeal.

  Then I moaned as my tongue ran over it, and his hot mouth sucked it. He took the other breast in his hand and rubbed it, giving it gentle squeezes now and then.

  My body was building up heat, and my insides were quivering. I felt I wanted even more. His mouth was taking me to a place I’d never been. He moved his body over mine and shifted to kiss my lips again.

  I squirmed a little as I felt him pressing his large appendage to my small opening. He pushed until he moved inside me sending a white-hot pain through me. But the pain ebbed shortly afterward and an intense pleasure began.

  My body moved with his, and I was surprised by how hard we were both breathing. Moans erupted from both of us, and at least, I was unaware of them leaving my mouth.

  His hands stroked softly over my body, and his lips grazed my neck as he moved over me. Something inside me was building, and I had no idea of what was about to happen.

  When I climaxed, I found herself shouting his name over and over. His body went taut, and a wet heat filled me. I knew then it was his seed that poured into me.

  My body naturally milked his large appendage, pulling every drop of the life-giving liquid from his loins. My heart beat like never before, and my mind was quiet, nothing mattered but how our bodies responded together.

  After a deep, long breath, I managed to say, “Caleb, that was awesome. We have to do that a lot. Please say we can!”

  His deep chuckle shook my body, and he kissed me softly on my lips. “If that’s what you want, my princess.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  The Conspiracy

  I opened my eyes to find myself in complete darkness. The fire had gone out, leaving it to pitch black. Stickiness between my legs made me shudder at the thought of what I would find there once the sun came up. Deep breathing I heard next to me, letting me know my new husband was asleep.

  Caleb’s breathing changed. He turned over and threw his arm around me, holding me to him. A loud clap of thunder crashed, and the sound of rain falling hard on the thatch roof rang in the air. I stiffened as Caleb moved closer to me.

  “It’s just a storm, don’t worry, Emerald. I’m here.”

  “I’m okay. I feel safe here in your strong arms, Caleb.”

  He pulled me up onto his chest and then wrapped his arms around me, protectively. The sound of his heart beating filled my head as I lay on his chest. His breathing fell back into a regular rhythm as he fell right back to sleep.

  I will be able to hear the sound of his heart beating like this for the rest of my life. He smelled like the forest. His skin was so soft on mine. His breath was warm on top of his head, moving my hair slightly.

Before I knew it, I’d fallen asleep in the tight protection of my husband’s arms.

  The sound of thunder in the distance brought me back into a state of consciousness. No heartbeat met my ears. No soft chest rose up and down, slowly with the deep breaths of sleep my husband took. Looking over, I saw my husband was no longer in our straw bed. Then the door opened and in he walked, dressed and carrying a pail. “Good morning, sleepyhead. I brought ya some water to clean yourself up with.

  Holding the blanket to cover me and blushing fiercely, I sat up. “Thank you, that was thoughtful of ya,” I managed to choke out.

  He placed the pail down next to the bed. Sitting next to me, his long fingers reached out and touched my cheek, rubbing it as he looked at me. With his other hand, he brushed my hair back, and then leaned over and kissed my cheek.

  My body responded to his touch immediately, and I made a small moan.

  Caleb made a little groan and pulled his mouth from mine. “I’m afraid we have no time for that this morning. We have to get to my parents’ place early. I’ll give you some privacy. Don’t take too long, I want to get going. We can eat breakfast with my parents if we get there in time.” He strode from the dark home, tiny slivers of gray light filtering in through the cracks in the walls, all the light I had to clean and dress by.

  I hurried as I washed, finding myself disgusted by the mess his attention to me had left. The dried blood was worrying me, and I hoped nothing was permanently damaged. Dressed and hair brushed and braided, I walked out, finding my husband brushing his equine’s mane.

  “I’m ready,” I said.

  His eyes went wide as he took me all in, and then a smile flowed over his plump lips. “You look very pretty, Emerald. My brothers are going to be so jealous.”

  “I’m glad my appearance pleases you,” I said shyly, pulling out the hem of my white cotton dress that went to my knees. I wore a new pair of strappy white sandals, and a white ribbon held my braid in place.

  Taking my hand, he led me to the side of the wagon. The touch of his hands on my waist sent a flurry of butterflies through my stomach as he lifted me up, placing me on the seat of the wagon, and then he climbed up next to me. Our legs touched, Caleb’s eyes went to them, placing his hand on my knee, rubbing it gently. The butterflies flew higher in my stomach, threating to fly right out of my mouth.

  Caleb tapped the reins, and the equine moved, making the wagon he’d attached it to lurch forward. I grabbed his leg to steady myself. Caleb grinned and seized the moment to place a quick kiss upon my cheek.

  Blushing, I removed my hand from his leg and rubbed my cheek where he’d left the tiny kiss, smiling at the memories of our wedding night.

  How sweet he was.

  Caleb chatted away as we rode the half hour ride to his family’s place. I listened intently as he told me story after story of his brothers and their shenanigans.

  The appearance of Caleb’s family’s home let me know immediately why he considered the thing he built such an impressive work of architecture. His home was a series of small shacks, which surrounded an open area where the family congregated to cook, eat and socialize with one another. It was dirty and completely unsanitary. A large carcass of some type of animal was hanging on a line at the edge of the ungodly circle.

  There was a variety of people of various ages who lounged about the area, sitting or lying on different filthy pieces of furniture. No one had any real interest in me, the newcomer.

  Except for an old woman. She came up to me, eyeing me up and down. I looked at Caleb, realizing he was nervous. I wondered why he would be nervous. It was his mother after all.

  Looking back at the woman, whose hair was hanging in limp, oily, gray strands around her deeply lined face, I realized his mother was a bit angry. “So this thing cost you two swine and a fowl? Your brothers never paid more than a fowl for any of their wives, and that was good enough for them. You, though, you’ve always had to have things a little bit better than what we gave you. Ungrateful is what I’ve always said about ya,” Caleb’s mother said as she squinted her eyes at him.

  Surprise filled me as a giant smile found its way over Caleb’s face. “To answer your question, the wedding went great, and we are deliriously happy. Oh, and I love ya, too, Mother. Let me introduce you to my wife, Emerald. Emerald this is my mother, Matilda Booth. Is breakfast ready?”

  No smile showed on his mother’s face, yet her eyes glistened a bit. “There're sausage and bread over there on the table. Get your skinny asses over there and eat. Neither one of you has enough weight on you to keep you warm once the cold comes.”

  I was bewildered. Caleb took me by the hand, leading me to a filthy table, which had a plate with some pieces of meat on it. The same dark colored bread we ate the night before sat next to it.

  I was not hungry in the least, and I saw three of his older brothers coming towards them, with frowns upon their faces. The tallest of them said, “News has come about the uprising, Caleb and there has been talking about who they’d like to lead it. It’s between you and another man. Of course, we expressed our interest in you.”

  My eyes went wide. “Caleb, they want you to be involved? But I thought…”

  The tall brother interrupted me. “Yes, he has told us how he wants nothing to do with it. The fact is there aren’t many men here on this planet with military experience. You happen to be married to a highly decorated militant who is also a trained assassin.”

  I looked at Caleb, surprise etched over my face. “Caleb, you’ve told me none of this. Why?”

  “I’ve had enough war. I want only peace now. That life is one I left behind,” Caleb told me as he caressed my cheek. “I want a simple life filled with you and our children and nothing more.” He looked at his brother. “Jared, I don’t see the need for an uprising.”

  The tallest brother, Jared glared at him. “Caleb, we live like animals! They think of us as one notch above animals. We are not allowed to go into their cities and even trade, yet they can come out to us and trade things they think we need with the items they want from us. It’s unfair, and we need to show them who we are.”

  “I am not that man. I want simple things. This is why I came here. I thought it was why all of us came to The Euthenia Nebula. Not to take it over.” Caleb turned away and took me with him. “I’m getting my things, and I’m leaving. I want no more of this.”

  He stopped dead in his tracks when he heard his father’s voice. “Caleb, have you turned to cowardice, son? After all, you’ve accomplished, have you forgotten who you owe your allegiance to? We need you, son. You are the only one in the settlement who knows how to make the plans to come together to accomplish this. And you are also the only man who has been to the capital and met the King and Prince at the castle when we arrived here. You are our leader, whether you want to be or not. Do you understand me, son?”

  My eyes met Caleb’s as he looked at me apologetically. “I suppose I must do this, please understand and forgive me.”

  I nodded, but my heart felt heavy.

  Chapter Thirty


  The Conspiracy

  My heart was pounding against my chest as I looked down at my wife. Her long, blonde hair splayed out on the purple grass outside our little house.

  I trailed one finger over her pouting, pink lips. “It’s my duty, Love. Please try to understand. I know more about war and the palace than any other person in our settlement.”

  “But you told me you wanted nothing to do with the uprising, Caleb.” Emerald’s eyes searched mine. “What if something happens to you?”

  I smiled and kissed her forehead. “Worried about me, are you? How perfectly sweet you are. We’ve only been married for a few days, and you fear my death.”

  “You are walking right into a war. Of course, I fear your death, husband!” Her hands ran over my broad shoulders.

  The two suns shown overhead, pink clouds filled the sky as a gentle breeze blew. The red forest was in the background,
and the scene was beyond gorgeous, but all I saw was her.

  My beautiful wife lay on the purple grass, and I lay beside her, stroking my fingers back and forth over her stomach. I leaned in to kiss Emerald.

  Her hands ran through my auburn curls, and she swirled her tongue around mine as we kissed. My heart swelled with love for her, and I knew only one thing for certain. She would be at my side through anything.

  If we were able to gain control of the palace, it would be the two of us who would take over the ruling of Euthenia. A thing which hadn’t sunk into either of our heads completely.

  My fingers found the buttons of her dress, and I unfastened them, freeing her breasts. I took one of the plump mounds in one hand and fondled it.

  Her moan let me know she would like a little more than that and I pulled my mouth from hers, finding her blue eyes gazing up at me. “Caleb, I love you.”

  The heartbeats stopped, and I held my breath. She loved me. It was the first time she’d told me those words. Finally, my heart resumed beating, and I said, “I love you, Emerald Booth.”

  Kissing her again, hard, this time, I pushed the dress from her shoulders, and she unbuttoned my shirt. In no time at all, we were naked on the grass in front of our home in the Euthenian countryside.

  She sighed as I entered her and then she ran her long legs around me, holding me to her. It was obvious she enjoyed me as her body reacted to mine with excitement.

  Long strokes I made as I moved inside her. She arched up to meet my strokes and moaned at the pleasure I was giving her.

  My mouth left hers, going to her neck. She made a low groan as I nipped at it and then sucked the tender flesh just behind her right ear.


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