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Kerr: Paranormal Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Àlien Mates Book 1)

Page 27

by Ashley L. Hunt

  I fall to my knees again. “Take my life, Gleeu. I deserve it.”

  I feel a hand on my shoulder and look back to see Kataline. “Will you please rise, Sire?”

  Her hand moves to take mine into it and then she takes Gleeu’s hand and looks at her. “Do you desire his death any longer, Your Majesty? For I can take his life now. If that is what you still wish for.”

  I steady myself, preparing to take what I have coming to me. Gleeu’s voice is calm as she says, “Hexultan, I have seen your death. I thought it would fill me with something. Anything that would end the pain and void I’ve been filled with since the day the masked man took me at your request.”

  “I understand, Gleeu. I accept my fate.”

  “You don’t seem to understand, Hexultan. It did nothing to ease my pain. And furthermore, it added to it. Your death is not a thing I want any longer. For I have done a bit of soul searching, and I know my treatment of you spurred what you did. None know of that. None know of how cold I treated you for many, many years after our son’s death.”

  I look at her and ask, “If you don’t want my death, what is it that you do want?”

  “Step down from being the King. Move out of the palace and leave me alone.”

  “I will do as you wish, My Queen,” I tell her and I have to admit this hurts far worse than death.

  Death would’ve ended my agony. Now it will last much longer. Kerr’s arm runs around my shoulders. “Come, Father. You can stay here for tonight.”

  I walk away with my son in this bittersweet moment in time and know it could’ve all ended right there, right that moment. But for some reason, it didn’t, and I make a vow to do more than I ever did as the king.

  Today a new Chapter starts in my life!


  Chapter Forty-Six



  Though things are nowhere near normal around here with all the changes we’ve made since we returned, they are better. It’s been a year since things changed.

  My father lives in a nice home in the Earth settlement. After a test to find if he did have any other type of blood running through him, it was found he does have the blood of an Earthling.

  He decided that with his new life, he’d embrace the other half of him. It seems to be working out fine. He lives a much simpler life than he did at the Palace as the King. But he seems to enjoy it.

  Mother is still the Queen though she’s stepped back, and it is Kataline and I who rule now. She’s told us her mind isn’t what it used to be, and she fears she’d make mistakes that would affect many people.

  She spends most of her time playing with our baby, Rosemay.

  As a matter of fact, she’s playing with her now, and I’m about to surprise my wife in the shower. Steam fills the small cleansing room as I sneak in.

  She’s singing away like she usually does when she thinks she’s alone. I’ve already stripped, so I pull the door open and slip inside the small cubicle.

  Her eyes are closed as she rinses her hair out, and when my hands touch her waist, she nearly hits me as her singing turns into screaming.

  Her little hands pound my chest. “Kerr!”

  I hold her close to me and kiss the tip of her nose. “Mother’s playing with the baby so I thought I’d come play with you.”

  “You did, did you?” Kataline runs her arms around my neck. “Perhaps I’m not in the mood to play, Kerr.”

  “I can fix that.” My lips touch hers and they part and bid my tongue to enter.

  Our tongues dance together as I rock her in my arms. Her legs wrap around me, and I take her out of the shower and to the dryer. The warm air that shoots up from the floor dries us then I make my way to our bed.

  Laying her back on the bed, I release her and look down at her. Trailing my fingers over her flat stomach, I smile and say, “You know that beautiful planet we found with all the snow last month? That ice cave was really gorgeous.”

  “And cold,” she says with a smile. “And the answer is no, Kerr. I want to wait a couple of years before we have another baby.”

  “A couple of years?” I pout. “That long?”

  She nods. “Now come here, Romeo. We can practice anyway.”

  I climb on the bed, moving my body over hers as her hands run over my biceps. “You like the guns, huh?”

  “I love them,” she says and then grazes her lips over the left one.

  My mouth finds one of her plump mounds, and I take it all in. Licking the nipple and sucking at it. Making her groan, I draw her legs up to bend her knees.

  The way her hands run over my back sends waves of heat through me. Her body arches up beneath mine, inviting me inside.

  I move up to watch her as I press my hard cock into her and the way her face goes into such a euphoric expression lets me know she still wants me.

  “You fill me completely, Kerr.”

  I kiss her long neck all the way up to her ear. “That’s how it’s supposed to be, Kataline.”

  Making long, slow strokes, I nip at her earlobe and caress her arms as I move in and out of her. Her body moves with mine, arching and retreating at exactly the right times.

  The way her breathing sounds has me getting more excited as it becomes deeper and faster. Her legs begin to shake as she makes this moaning screaming sound she makes sometimes.

  I pound her as she climaxes and rakes her nails over my back. Then I pull out and flip her over to her knees, yank her back and fill her again.

  This never fails to keep her orgasm going. She keeps up the moaning and drops her face to the bed to stifle the loud cries she’s making.

  Her body is clenching and pulling at my dick, and I can barely hold back. I watch as her hands fist the sheets and she’s writhing and groaning, making it impossible for me not to come.

  With a loud groan, I join her in the ecstasy and find my release. I stay still until our bodies are done, and then I lie her down and take the place next to her.

  Pulling her back to me so I can cuddle her, I whisper, “I love you, Baby.”

  She turns in my arms and looks at me as she runs her hand over my cheek. “I love you, Kerr. I always will.”

  I leave on a soft kiss her lips, and we fall asleep. Safe in the palace where everything is finally well.

  Chapter Forty-Seven



  Emerald’s long blonde locks fall around her face as she rocks our daughter to sleep. Stacy is three months old and the light of both her mother and father’s eyes.

  “She’s sound asleep, Love. Let me put her in her crib,” I say and take the sleeping baby from her arms.

  Then I go back and scoop my wife out of the chair and take her to our bed. “Now it’s time for me to rock you to sleep.”

  She giggles and kisses me. We live in the palace now as the Duke and Duchess. It’s not quite the existence I pictured, but it’s a damn bit more comfortable than the simple home at the settlement.

  I lay her on our soft bed and unbutton her dress. Her blue eyes roam over me as her hands run through my hair. “I am a lucky woman you found me, Caleb.”

  “I am a lucky man for finding you, my love.” I push the dress from her shoulders and pull it off her.

  Then I drop my pajama bottoms and climb onto the bed. Her soft body beckons me to run my hands all over it. She wiggles as my fingers flow over her ribs.

  I look up at her to find her bottom lip pulled between her teeth. And then I can’t wait any longer and take her mouth in a kiss that tells her how much I need and want her.

  Her moan as our tongues intertwine has me aching to be inside her. But I hold myself back and move my mouth from hers. Trailing kisses down her neck and over her chest. I stop and take a breast into my mouth.

  Her hands run through my hair, and I leave her breast and kiss down her stomach. She takes a breath in sharply as my lips touch her intimate area.

  “Caleb,” she moans my name, and it sends a heat through me. He
r body arches up for me to take her in deeper.

  I grip her ass and pull her up to gain better access to her delicious gift. Running my tongue up and down her folds, I tap it to her clit with each stroke.

  Her legs are moving as she obviously loves every lick, every suck, and every kiss. With nearly continuous moans and groans, she starts shaking. “Caleb! Yes!”

  Moving my mouth to taste the sweet release she’s given me, I press my tongue in to find the hot juices. Then I quickly move up her body and press my aching cock into her pulsing depths.

  I join her moaning now as well. Her hot body squeezes my hard dick as it slows the orgasm and with the last little movement, I begin my strokes. I make them hard and deep into her hot wetness.

  Her hands run over my back, and she grips it, holding me tightly to her. The way her soft breasts smash under my hard chest is like Heaven to me.

  Her long nails trail lightly over my skin and then a bit harder. Our bodies move as one to reach the place we want to go.

  The smacking of flesh against flesh fills the room along with gasping breaths. Little moans here and there mark the only change in sounds.

  “Oh, Baby,” I whisper as I feel it starting. “Oh, Baby.”

  She starts to fall apart. “Caleb! Caleb!”

  With her body contracting all over my cock I can’t hold back any longer and give it all up to her. Our loud moans as our bodies move together to the best place in the world combine to form one of the best sounds my ears have ever heard.

  I place a kiss on her sweet cheek. “Emerald, you make me happy every single day.”

  Her fingers trail over my flesh now supercharged by the climax. “Caleb, you are my hero, and you will always be.”

  I roll over and pull her to lie on top of me. “Sleep now, Love.”

  Our new lives are better than I ever imagined they’d be.

  Chapter Forty-Eight



  “Look at me Grampa, I’m doing it! I’m flying the kite!” Our oldest daughter, Rosemay shouts out to Kerr’s father.

  It’s her birthday today. She’s seven, and we all came out to Hexultan’s place in the Earth settlement to celebrate the day. He built her a pond with ducks and swans on it. My father sent them on the last shipment from Earth to the settlement.

  Gleeu and our four-year-old son, Kerry, throw bread crumbs to them as they sit by the water’s edge. Every now and again I catch her looking at her husband.

  He’s lived apart from her at her request. Hexultan has made amends for his poor behavior. His brother enjoys the bedroom at the palace where the King’s things were moved to. Hexultan left all of his belongings to his brother, Xavultan.

  Hexultan started from scratch, first living in the shack Caleb had built for his wife. It was a hideous little thing, but he used his ingenuity and what he calls his Earthling spirit to make a new life for himself.

  He farms the land, by himself and as a peace offering, I suppose, he sends bunches of the freshest and best looking vegetables to the palace each and every day. Along with a bouquet of wildflowers to place on the table.

  The flowers never fail to bring a smile to the Queen’s face. The vegetables bring a smile to mine.

  I sit on the blanket on the purple grass under a large red tree at the edge of the forest where Hexultan’s house is built. Leaning back on Kerr, as he leans on the massive tree’s trunk, he rubs my stomach swollen with our third child. Another boy for Kerry to play with as Rosemay is much too girly to play with him.

  “Look,” I say as I gesture at his father walking towards Gleeu. “He’s acting as if he doesn’t even realize she’s sitting there.”

  “I see that.” Kerr plays with my hair, and I look back to see him taking a sniff of it.

  I giggle. “Look now. He’s saying something to Kerry.”

  I hear his father say, “The black swan is a male, and the white is a female. Tell me, Kerry, what color of swans will they make for us?”

  “Probably, gray ones, Grandpa. Cause when I mix white and black paints, I get gray.” Kerry tosses some more bits of bread to the birds.

  Hexultan laughs, and so does Gleeu. Their eyes meet and then she looks away quickly.

  Hexultan kneels down beside our three-year-old. “Do you like the vegetables Grandpa sends to you, Son?”

  “I do. I like the yellow stuff the best of all,” he says and then his arms wrap around Hexultan’s neck. “Thanks for that, Grandpa.”

  “You’re welcome, big boy. You about ready to become a big brother?”

  Kerry’s head bobs, sending his shoulder-length blonde curls swaying over his shoulders. “I am ready to be a big brother. Did Mom and Dad tell you what they will let me name him?”

  Hexultan shakes his head. “No, they have not.”

  “I named him after you Grandpa. We’re calling him Hex, just like you. On account of, I love you.” Kerry spins to look at Gleeu. “Don’t worry, Grandma, I love you too, and Daddy let me get a puppy-fish yesterday and guess what I named her?”

  Gleeu smiles. “Let me guess. Gleeu.”

  Kerry shakes his head again. “Nope. Guess again.”

  She looks confused. “I have no idea then, Kerry. You tell me.”

  “I named her periwinkle. On account of Grandpa used to call you that as a nickname when you guys were young and in love cause those were your favorite flowers.” Kerry hugs her sweetly and kisses her on the tip of her nose.

  Then he runs away yelling for Rosemay to let him fly her kite. It leaves Hexultan and Gleeu alone. He looks at her for a moment and then turns to leave her alone.

  “The flowers you send each day are very nice, Hex.” I hear her say.

  Kerr stops rubbing my stomach and looks at his parents. “Did I hear that?”

  “You did,” I say.

  “Well, I am very glad you like them, Your Majesty,” he says and takes another step away.

  “I see no meadow of wildflowers anywhere near your home, Hex. Where do you get them?” she asks. She leans back on her hands and stretches her long legs out in front of her.

  “She’s kind of flirting with him, Kerr.”

  “I see that.” Kerr’s leaning up to hear better I guess. His face is next to mine. “What’s going on?”

  “No,” his father says and takes a step back toward her. “The meadow is over that hill.”

  Gleeu looks up at him. “You mean to tell me you walk over that hill every day and pick wildflowers to send to the palace? And you have done so for years now. Do you have any reason why you would get into so much trouble?”

  He kneels and looks at her. My heart lurches at his actions. “I do have a reason, Your Majesty. I do it for you.”

  She turns her head slowly to look at him. “Hex, stop calling me that. You can call me what you’ve always called me.”

  “I couldn’t do that. It wouldn’t be right.” He looks away and tosses a piece of bread he found on the ground to the waiting ducks.

  “I’m asking you to,” she says and moves her hand slowly over the ground and touches the tip of his fingers. “I miss you calling me that.”

  “Then I shall, Gleeu.” He moves his fingers to lace with hers and sits down on the ground next to her. “The suns look so beautiful each evening as they set right over this pond. It’s why I built is here.”

  “I think it’s called digging a pond, Hex. Not building it,” she says.

  “You know you’re most likely right. I have no one to talk to so I tend to say things a little wrong now and then.”

  “No one to talk to?” she asks as she looks at him.

  He turns to look at her as their faces close together. Kerr leans his chin on my shoulder. “I hope they kiss.”

  I smile at his sweet sentiment and watch as Kerry runs toward them. “Crap! Call Kerry before he ruins it, Kerr.”

  Kerr makes a loud whistle, and Kerry turns his attention to us and starts running towards us.

  “Kiss her,” Kerr whispers.
“Do it!”

  I cross my fingers and use a little of my gift to make sure things go perfectly. I make a gentle breeze blow past them. Her long blonde hair blows over one of her cheeks toward him.

  Hexultan gently pushes it back behind her ear, and her hand meets his. She kisses his palm and then leans toward him.

  “Oh my God,” I whisper as Kerry gets to us and nearly jumps on me.

  Kerr moves me quickly and catches our son in mid-air. “Whoa, slugger. Have to watch Mommy’s tummy, remember?”

  “I forgot.” Kerry squirms in his father’s grip.

  He looks back to find what I have already witnessed. His mother and father kissing and holding hands.

  “Now isn’t that something?” I turn to see a tear run down my husband’s cheek.

  I quickly run my finger over it to get rid of it or Kerry will have to ask why his big old daddy is crying. I know why, though. And my heart swells for him.

  “I wonder if things are about to change again,” I say.

  Bet they are!

  Chapter Forty-Nine



  Opening day at the new planet has people coming off the shuttle in thousands. Caleb is at his best as he greets as many of them as he possibly can and points them in different directions to check out the different areas we’ve made here to start new lives in.

  Caleb had us a huge home built near the cave we found Xavultan in. Water treatment processors were brought in. Solar converters and a few low-rises were built for the initial people who would start the inhabitation of the planet.

  The Queen named it, The Euthenian Annex. I thought that was a bit bland. Personally, I wanted it to be called something a little less traditional, like Hoagpaths. But no one knew how to say that. So the Queen got her way.


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