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Pride Before the Fall

Page 10

by JoAnna Grace

  "Yeah?" Amilynn was unable to hide her happiness. For the last six months, she had been sharing a fart-sized bathroom with Conall and Vivian. She walked into the bathroom and just stopped at the door. "Oh, I am so loving this."

  Lining one entire wall of the bathroom was a tiled shower big enough to throw a party in. Ami found her fingers tracing the marble of the sink. An ache settled in her chest. Was it guilt for being such a pest to these people who were opening their home to her? Guilt implied having a conscience. Naw, that couldn't be it. Maybe she didn't belong here, didn't deserve such luxuries.

  Before she let those emotional thoughts take her places she didn't want to go, she turned her attention back to the boy who was showing her the amenities of the shower.

  "Check it out, Amilynn, there's, like, four showerheads."

  "It's pretty awesome."

  Amilynn noticed Ezekiel had joined them, still standing back like he couldn't care less. She was no novice when it came to reading people. He could pretend all he wanted; he was watching Amilynn for weaknesses he could pounce on.

  "I tried to tell Uncle Kasey to put a litter box in here, but he said you would just have to adjust," he said snidely.

  "It's out in the car. Be a nice dog and go fetch it, will ya?" Amilynn walked out in front of him and patted him on the head as she left. "Good boy." She walked away before she could think too much about how delicious he smelled, all clean male and sexy cologne. Her cat wanted to rub it all over her.

  Yeah, that's so not going to happen, Amilynn thought.

  Nathaniel and Thomas laughed and Ezekiel hit them both on the back of the head. "Shut up, brats."

  Feeling a little more pleased to be here, Amilynn smiled and put her hands through the arms of the boys, sending them both into a mental panic. "So what's next, Mirrors?"

  "Mirrors?" they asked in unison.

  Ezekiel smirked and shook his head. He turned his back so Ami didn't see it. "Come on."

  They walked around the upper level of the house and then the Mirrors took her downstairs to the 'fun level', past the billiards tables and red and black kitchen. The two boys were actually pretty funny when they relaxed. They were both overly inquisitive. Nathaniel and Thomas went back and forth with the questions.

  "Do you play pool?"

  "You like action movies, Amilynn?"

  "I'm really good at poker, do you play poker?"

  "What's your favorite sport?"

  They led Ami to a balcony that overlooked a basketball court and gym complete with weights and all variations of machinery.

  "No fuc—" she caught herself, "uh, flippin' way. This is sweet." Amilynn jumped over the railing and landed twelve feet below in a crouch, not making a sound except the click of her heels as they hit the polished wooden floor. Two teenage boys gasped. She cringed and looked back up over her shoulder where all three boys stood, eyebrows touching their hairlines. "I bet your parents don't let you do that, do they?"

  Nathaniel and Thomas shook their heads with smitten eyes and jaws hanging open. Ezekiel had his arms crossed over his massive chest making his black tee-shirt stretch over wide arm muscles. Clearly he utilized the gym. And damn did it show nicely.


  "Way to be a good role model," Z said, shaking his head with an eye roll. His brothers got ready to follow her over the edge. "Don't even think about it. You'd just break a leg. Take the stairs like a normal person."

  The Mirrors ran down the circular staircase and over to her. "That was awesome!" Nate shrieked.

  "Your brother might be right," Amilynn begrudgingly admitted. "You shouldn't try that. I'm a cat, remember? We always land on our feet."

  "Is that your excuse for acting like a juvenile?" Ezekiel lifted a brow. "Because you're a cat?"

  Popping out a well-curved hip she smarted, "What's yours?"

  "Don't bother with him, Amilynn." Thomas picked up a basketball. "He's all pissy because his girlfriend dumped him for a human."

  "Ouch." Amilynn made a face of mock sympathy, and then grinned when he looked even more upset.

  Knowing she was messing with him, Ezekiel brushed off the comment and walked away.

  "Come on, boys," Amilynn grabbed the basketball. "Let's shoot some hoops. Hey, Z, check." She threw the ball at his back with a surge of force that would have knocked a human down.

  Without so much as looking at the ball, Z caught it one handed. He gave Amilynn a smug look of satisfaction. "I'm not really in the mood." He threw it back with just as much force. Ami caught it, much to his disappointment.

  "Fine. Come on, Mirrors, how about some two on one?"

  Amilynn turned her back and walked away. Her hips swayed with every step and he wondered just how they would look moving up and down on him. Shit. He needed to put some serious space between him and this woman.

  Amilynn had made the teenage boys' day. Their eyes lit with enthusiasm and they actually fist bumped each other. Ezekiel knew his little brothers were getting played. This was too freaking easy for a chick like her. Those two boys would have wet dreams tonight and she would be the star of the show. Hell, she might even make an appearance in Z's dreams too.

  "My brothers are star athletes." Ezekiel leaned against the wall ready to watch this frilly, girly-girl get her ass whipped.

  "Then this should be fun," she purred. She removed her tan suede jacket and threw it over a bench. The black tank top afforded a view of her generous chest and exposed midriff.

  Amilynn knew she had a good body, obviously worked hard to perfect the curves Mother Nature gave her. Z assumed many men must have fallen victim to those curves.

  To his great amusement, the blonde bombshell kicked his little brothers' asses at basketball. It was not easily done, seeing as how even at fourteen, his brothers were nearly six feet tall, at least half a foot taller than Amilynn. But she was built as agile and quick in her human form as he imagined she was in cat form. Though he had set his mind to not liking her, she was sassy and funny. Not to mention sexy as hell.

  Even though she was whipping Nate and Tom, she wasn't being cocky about it. Teasing and giving helpful hints, yes. Amilynn was teaching them and they didn't know it. They were holding back at first because she was a girl. After about fifteen minutes of getting their tails handed to them, their attitudes changed. His brothers were much like him, competitive to the bone. As the twins got fired up, so did Amilynn. She ended up kicking off the dressy boots and he realized she'd been playing in high heels this whole time.

  God, that was fucking hot.

  Her long blonde hair was waving around as she stole the ball from Nate, twirled, ducked to miss Tom, dribbled to the hoop and jumped like the jungle cat she was to dunk the ball. She grinned with a predator's satisfaction.

  "Dude, Z, come help!" Nate was out of breath. "This chick is taking us to the mats, man."

  "It's okay, boys. I'm sure he's not in the mood to get beat by a girl," Ami said, not even winded. The boys were exhausted; she was just getting warmed up. "Maybe we should get him a Frisbee instead?"

  Her tone was mocking and for some reason, it sent a shiver of heat straight to his pants. No chick was going to show him up. He rose with confidence and walked onto the court.

  "Nate, you're with me. Two on two. Can you handle that pussy cat?"

  The return hiss that Amilynn gave made his blood rush. Damn she was sexy. He wondered what it would take to make her purr.

  She turned her back and pulled a hair band out of her pocket. Ami pulled her long blonde mane into a ponytail. The action lifted her short black tank top even higher on her back and accentuated the way her leopard print pants curved over her succulent hips and fine, round ass. Up one side of her torso was a tattoo ringed in leopard spots. He couldn't read it, but it warranted further investigation.

  "Mother trucker, that kitty is hot," Nate whispered to his twin. Z shot him a look to tell him to shut the hell up.

  Amilynn chuckled keeping her back to them. "Watch your mouth,

  "She also has good hearing, dumbass." Z shook his head like he wasn't thinking the exact same thing. She was fine, more than fine. Amilynn was powerful and lethal, feminine sex appeal wrapped up in skin-tight leopard print pants. His wolf howled inside of him, wanting to come to play with the cat.

  It shook him for a moment. He'd never had his animal surface like that around a female. Most of the unmated females his age were pretty, but immature. They just didn't do it for him, much less his dominant wolf. None of them were a challenge in any way. Being the alpha's nephew and a future alpha himself, the girls practically fell at his feet. It was convenient when he needed to get laid. For the most part, it was just pathetic.

  "You know, Ami, maybe you should just go find a ball of yarn to play with," he suggested coolly. Getting her riled up was becoming sweet foreplay.

  Ami turned to face him, those green eyes boring into his skull, pinning him to the floor where he stood. He was in trouble. Yep. Big motherfucking trouble. She put a hand on her hip and gave him an eye roll. "Wow, a yarn joke. That's original. Come up with that one all on your own did'ja?"

  Tom and Nate both laughed and covered it with coughs when he glared their direction.

  "Let's just shoot hoops, pup. I'll try not to hand you your balls in a baggie."

  "Oh, dang!" Nate grabbed himself and looked at Z. "I don't know if I really want to be on your team. I don't think she's talking basketballs." He cringed.

  "No worries, I got this." Z bounced the ball that Tom passed him. "Let's see what you can do against someone your own size." He grinned, his animal seeking her as his prey.

  Amilynn crouched, ready to take him on. "Are we still talking about balls? Cause you might just be right about the size."

  Yeah, he'd walked right into that one.

  The game might have been played externally with a basketball, but Ezekiel and Amilynn were playing with a whole other game internally. Two dominant predators were sizing each other up and getting physical quickly. Ami body checked him, sending him to the floor. He rolled and ended up right back on his feet. He growled as she smirked. Amilynn was playing dirty and he loved it.

  Tom passed Ami the ball while she averted his block again. She bounced the ball between her legs, and Z crouched over her, trying to hit it out of her hands from behind. Her ass bumped into his hips and he about blacked out from the immediate urge his wolf had to use those hips for other things. With one good shove, he was back on the floor as she went for the shot.

  In perfect form she jumped, arm extended far above her head and sent the ball sailing into the basket, nothing but net. Nate and Tom were focused on the ball that slid through with a soft whoosh, but Z zeroed in on the hot pink lacy bra that peeked out from under her shirt. It gave him a preview of that leopard print tattoo, an abundant breast, and the shadow of her nipple.

  A rush of arousal punched him in the gut. His wolf wanted to mate her and wanted to mate her now.

  * * * * *

  Ami's head snapped to Ezekiel's form laying on the wooden floor the minute her nose picked up the scent. She sniffed again just to make sure it wasn't one of the two hormonal teenagers. The way Ezekiel's jaw clenched and his nostrils flared let her know it was definitely his mating scent. His eyes glowed with the needs of his animal and in that moment she realized this boy still had a wolf spirit inside.

  Dominant predatory instincts came to life and Ami's leopard roared in defiance of the thought of a wolf thinking he could claim her as a mate.

  With a graceful leap, Amilynn landed on him, one foot on his chest, pinning him to the ground. She knew that Ezekiel was seeing the cat in her green eyes, her pupils lengthened into feline slits. With a hiss she got close to his face and took a sniff. His hand went to lift her foot from his chest but she was immovable, a boulder of power crushing him. Ripples of hostility flowed off her until he knew just who and what he was dealing with.

  "Not on your fucking life," she hissed quietly at him. She leaped off, grabbed her boots and jacket, and sprang up and over the balcony.

  * * * * *

  Ezekiel was still on the floor, catching his breath and wondering what the hell just happened. Nate and Tom came over to help him up, both of them catching the scent. They stared at him with shocked eyes.

  "That's not good." Tom slowly shook his head.

  "Not cool, Z."

  "No shit." He rubbed his chest, wondering what he was supposed to do now. His wolf had spoken and there would be no other woman he would accept. And now Amilynn was mad as shit. "You two tell anyone about this and I'll have your nads."

  Nate slapped him on the back, "Let's go, man, you need to cool down before anyone else scents that." The three guys went to their family apartment and Z took an ice cold shower, scrubbing every inch with soap and hoping the scent would subside long enough to get through the day.


  Vivian could sense the tension coming off Amilynn. She was putting on her jacket as she came up the large round staircase.

  Ami gave a thin smile, but V was no fool and she knew Amilynn well. "You two surface for air?" her friend teased. Once her jacket was on, she rolled her shoulders and twisted her neck as if to stretch it.

  "Funny," Kasey replied, eyeing her warily. "Why are you all sweaty and redressing?"

  "Oh!" Amilynn gave fake laugh. "I had to teach those nephews of yours how to play ball."

  Kasey lifted his brows. "I hope you left their dignity semi-intact."

  "It's not easy losing to a chick, but I think they'll be ok. Where are the others?"

  Vivian kept her eyes on Amilynn while they walked through the house to find Bianca, Melissa and Tyrone. Sampson and Conall came into the living room, beers in hand, like old friends. The others came from the kitchen.

  "Did everyone find their rooms?" Kasey asked.

  "Oops." Samson laughed, taking a swig of beer. "That's what we were supposed to be doing." Conall and Sampson tapped their bottles together conspiratorially.

  "Luckily, Conall, you have a couple options. If you wish to stay in this house there is a room on the basement level you are welcome to or you are free to stay in one of the apartments over the garage, or we have rooms where some of the other unmated males of the Pack stay. Place is like a frat house most of the time, but it's up to you."

  "I'll take the garage apartment," Conall said cheerfully. Vivian noticed the flush of his face, the way his eyes darted around. Idiot was completely buzzed.

  "Where are my boys?" Bianca threw a worried glance at Amilynn. "You didn't have to kill them, did you? I know what trouble they can be, especially over a pretty girl."

  Only her Pride members could have caught the way Ami hesitated. "I'm sure they're just trying to sweep up what's left of their dignity in the gym," Amilynn joked in recovery. "I had to show them up a tad."

  "Fantastic!" Sampson was as buzzed as Conall. "They need an ego check every now and then."

  "They got it!" Amilynn's smirk didn't reach her eyes. No one else seemed to notice except Melissa. She glanced quickly over at Vivian, who gave the slightest shrug.

  Bianca interrupted their silent conversation. "Why don't I get the rest of the Pack here and we can start the group activities?"

  "Sounds good." Kasey nodded. He turned to Vivian and gave her a look of pure affection. "Ready to meet the Pack?" Knowing that as long as Kasey was with her, she could face anything, even a Pack of wolves and bear, Vivian dipped her head. "Good. I'd like for the Pack to meet you in animal form. I think it would be good that they learn up front what you are."

  Bianca came out of the kitchen, and announced that people were on their way and bringing food. They all went out the back doors to a covered patio. Kasey asked that Vivian and her Pride stay on the patio while people arrived. With a nod, Vivian looked to her Pride, and then shifted into the tall, glorious tiger. Conall shifted to a lion; Tyrone and Amilynn shifted to leopards: one black as coal, one a tawny brilliance. Melissa shifted to the beautiful petite sno
w leopard and went to Vivian's side. Conall took his place at Vivian's right hand and Amilynn next to him.

  "I've got to admit, my love." Kasey ran his hands through Vivian's fur. "You and your Pride are impressive." The praise in his tone made every cat beside her stand a bit taller. He might be a wolf, but her mate was just as proud of her family as she was. "What I would like to do is have everyone come in human form and I will introduce them. It puts them in a submissive position, which is what I expect of people when it comes to my mate."

  It feels as if we're on display and that's just not our style, Vivian said through their telepathic mating bond.

  "You are most definitely on display." Kasey's tone said he was not about to budge. "There are those in my Pack who do not want to see another species added to the mix. Purity of the race and all that. Most of them are the same wolves who were also against the bears merging, and that has been nothing but a positive thing. Adding you will be too. I want everyone to know how important you are to me and the future of this Pack."

  The snow leopard came to rub against him. He crouched next to Melissa, rubbing her back as she nuzzled her head under his chin. "You're welcome, honey." He stood and addressed them all, "You are part of my family now and God help anyone who treats you otherwise."

  The Pride let out a collective growl in agreement.

  "Holy crap!" Thomas came bounding out of the back door of the house followed by Nathaniel and Ezekiel. The three boys came to stand in front of the Pride to get a good look.

  "Awesome!" Nathaniel exclaimed. Vivian stepped forward and nearly laughed when the twins took a step back. She lowered her broad head to them so they knew she was being gentle. Their eyes begged to touch her. Hesitantly and carefully, each boy lifted a hand to stroke her gold, white and black striped pelt. "You're really soft."

  "Yeah, that's so freaking cool. Check it, Z. It's not every day we get to pet lions and tigers and leopards, oh my!" Thomas laughed. Ezekiel smirked but didn't move.


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