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Protecting Their Home (To Love And Defend Book 4)

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by Daniella Starre

  Protecting Their Home

  To Love and Defend Book Four

  Daniella Starre

  Copyright © 2018 by Daniella Starre

  Cover Artist: Daniella Starre

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Her Wanton Howl

  Her Frustrated Howl

  Protecting Their Home

  His Sole Soul

  Author’s Note

  Other Books By Daniella Starre

  About the Author

  Her Wanton Howl

  Olivia Moreno has always been the flirty one out of their group of friends, but lately, she's been so restless. Will she ever be happy with someone? Or even alone for that matter?

  Chapter 1

  Olivia Moreno stared at her reflection in the mirror. Honestly, she couldn’t force a smile. She was supposed to be getting ready for a date with Zach Sampson tonight, and she just wasn’t feeling it. She wasn’t sick. She was a werewolf. Common colds and the flu never bothered her.

  No. It was Zach. Definitely Zach. He was a good enough guy. He loved the outdoors, was great with kids.

  But he kinda smelled. That was a turnoff. And he pecked when he kissed her. It wasn’t ever a real kiss. No long kisses with tongue and fire and passion. Just quick pecks. Peck, peck, peck.

  She hated that. Maybe she had watched too many rom-coms, but she wanted something more. A spark. A zap.

  Someone who could turn on both her and her wolf.

  Was that asking too much?

  Maybe she should ask Alexis Romero. Or Mandy Ramsey. Or even Claire Drake. They had all found their wolfy loves. Claire had even found love with the same werewolf twice. Long story.

  Alexis had just wanted out. Mandy had been trying to move forward from her husband dying. Claire, the same, only her husband hadn’t actually been dead, and she'd ended up falling for him all over again.

  Her girlfriends would all have an idea about how she could find someone. Although Olivia had been the one to push Mandy into blind dates, that wasn’t what Olivia wanted for herself. She tended to just find guys. She didn’t need to be set up.

  “Geez, Olivia,” she mumbled to herself, “technically, you’re still with someone.”

  She’d been dating Zach for two weeks now. Her longest relationship had only been five months. Not even half a year. Pathetic. She couldn’t help it that she seemed to get bored all the time. She had always been restless her entire life. Maybe if she could settle down some, she’d be happier.

  Not that she wasn’t settled. She had lived here in Toledo her whole life. She was a fashion blogger. Several times, she'd been told she should model the clothes for her blog. She would always laugh it off. She did not want to be a model, although she did enjoy the limelight.

  Maybe Toledo had grown stale for her. Maybe that was some of the problem. Maybe she should go and visit Alexis in Detroit. Could help.

  First, though, she had to go see Zach and break things off as gently as she could.

  Chapter 2

  Olivia needn't have worried. On her drive over to the restaurant to meet Zach, he sent her a text. She received the text at a red light, so she looked at her phone.

  Sorry. This just isn’t working out. It’s me. Not you.

  Yes, they weren’t even going to get together first and then go on the date. Nope. They’d gone separately.

  A car honked, and Olivia tossed her phone to the side. She continued on her way to the restaurant anyhow. After all, she still had to eat. This wouldn’t be the first time she'd eaten alone at a restaurant… although she never ended up staying alone. A friend would happen by or else she’d make a new friend.

  This restaurant was an Italian one, and the hint of spices, especially garlic, hung in the air as she walked in. Although there was a long line of people waiting to be seated, there were a few seats open at the bar. Olivia opted to sit there.

  The bartender wasn’t the friendliest, but he was pumping out the drinks and got Olivia her Sailor Jerry and Coke within a minute.

  She had hardly taken two sips when someone approached. “Is this seat taken?”

  Olivia glanced over to see a hottie. She sniffed. A hottie werewolf.

  She beamed at him. “Not at all,” she cooed.

  For the next twenty minutes, she and Greg Harrison talked and flirted. He was an architect. He loved to get his hands dirty, or so he said. He was a smooth talker, all right, and when a table opened up for Olivia, she wasn’t surprised when Greg asked if he could join her.

  They talked and flirted, and somehow, they managed to eat their food. To her disappointment, Greg had to jet out of there afterward.

  “I have to meet up with a few of my buddies,” he said.

  For the first time, Olivia got a good look at his left hand. While he wasn’t wearing a ring, he had the indentation that one only acquired from wearing one for many years.

  “You divorced?” she asked.

  Greg blinked a few times, clearly confused. “Excuse me?” he asked, sounding perplexed.

  “Are you divorced?” she asked.

  “Oh, yes,” he said quickly.

  “Hmm.” Olivia shook her head. “You’re married, aren’t you? Let me guess. Your buddies are really your wife. Does she know that you try to pick up ladies?”

  “Look, Olivia, if I wanted you, I wouldn’t have bailed out on you,” he said.

  Olivia narrowed her eyes. “Oh, I doubt that’s the case,” she said angrily. “You’re just pissed because I figured out your secret.”

  “Maybe if you weren’t so desperate,” he said with a sneer, “you wouldn’t think every guy would fall at your feet.”

  Olivia shrugged and smiled innocently.

  Instantly, Greg’s eyebrows rose. He was suspicious. “What is it?” he asked.

  “Oh, I’m just wondering how much of what you told me is true and how much is lies. Like, is Greg Harrison your name? Are you really an architect?”

  “Doesn’t matter, lady. Goodbye.”

  She waited until he'd stalked away to say, “Actually, it does because what if I can track down your wife?”

  And that was exactly what Olivia did. She wasn’t a fool, and she certainly wasn’t a home wrecker. Greg's wife had suspected he was cheating on her, and she took the news surprisingly well. Olivia was grateful for that because the wife could have easily blamed Olivia instead. Not that it had been Olivia’s fault, but sometimes, love blinded a person to their lover’s faults.

  Who’s the desperate one, Greg?

  Chapter 3

  The next week, Olivia had to go to Cincinnati for a fashion show. She did her best to keep her nose in her work, but all work and no fun just wasn’t for her. One night, she went out to the bar for a few drinks to clear her head.

  And that night, she ended up leaving with Carl Ashcraft, another hottie of a werewolf. She hadn’t meant to, but it had been trivia night, and she needed a teammate, and so did he. They hit it off right off the bat, but she knew it would only be for the night.

  Maybe because of the whole close call with Greg, but Olivia didn’t put out for Carl. Generally, she waited until the third date to sleep with a guy anyhow. Carl was a perfect gentleman about it. So much so that she couldn’t help wanting him all the more.

  They had gone back to his place, a relatively clean apartment. When she’d made it clear she
wasn’t going to sleep with him, he had put on some zombie horror flick, but Olivia wasn’t really watching it. When the music turned scary, she cuddled against him as if frightened.

  Carl wrapped his arm around her and began to stroke her back. Even though he wasn’t being overly sensual about it, her every nerve ending was on fire. She tiled his head toward her and kissed him deeply, far more passionately than Zach had ever managed.

  Within half a minute, Olivia was in his lap, grinding hard against him. Carl moaned into her mouth. He shifted her away just enough for him to undo his jeans buckle and zipper. She eagerly reached down and stroked him, waiting for him to grow.

  Only he didn’t. He was maybe four inches, and that was being generous.

  Now, Olivia wasn’t one to judge. At least, she didn’t think she was. But when she couldn’t get him in right away and then he lost his erection, Olivia bolted out of there.

  Maybe she should just take a break from guys for a bit.


  Chapter 4

  Two nights later, Olivia returned back home from her trip and realized she had a missed call from Claire. She called back as she unlocked the door.

  “What’s up?” Olivia asked as she kicked the door shut behind her.

  “Hey, Olivia, I was wondering if you’re busy tomorrow night.”

  “Need a babysitter?”

  Claire had two young girls. Both were adorable, although their mom was complaining some lately that the older one, Betsy, was beginning to develop a bit of an attitude. Which was to be expected. She was nine, after all.

  “No. I was thinking about you and how you don’t have anyone… You aren’t seeing anyone, right?”

  Olivia groaned. “Please. No. I’m not that desperate.”

  “Just hear me out,” Claire pleaded.

  “This guy your idea?”

  “Mandy’s actually.”

  Olivia frowned. “Who?”

  “It’s someone you already know,” Claire said.

  “And from the way you’re beating around the bush instead of just telling me his name is rather confirming my suspicions. I already said no about him, didn’t I?”

  “He’s changed!” Claire protested. “He’s not the same guy anymore. He helped Mandy out when she had all of her issues with Jack.”

  “Are you serious?” Olivia yelped. “You aren’t talking about Mark Harrington, are you? After what he pulled?”

  “I’m telling you. He’s changed. Give him a chance.”

  “Not happening.”

  “Just thinking about it, okay? I’m serious. I even let him watch the girls once.”

  “You trusted him to babysit?” Olivia asked, her voice dead. “He ran you off the road once!”

  “That’s not true, and you know it. He drove past me when I was pulled over with a flat and didn’t offer to help. A jerk move for sure but I did find out that he was on his way to the fire station. You do remember that he’s a volunteer firefighter, right? And besides, it’s not as if you’re the world’s best driver,” Claire said with a laugh.

  “Speeding tickets are one thing. I’ve never endangered anyone else. I’ve always had the car under control,” Olivia said. “Not the same thing at all!”

  “That’s just it,” Claire said softly. “You’re rushing through life, always going here or there. I know a lot of it is for work, but the way you—”

  “The way I what?” Olivia asked, doing her best to not get upset. She knew she had a reputation for being the flirty one. Maybe even the flighty one. She wasn’t flighty. She just…

  She didn’t know. She didn’t know who she wanted or what she was even looking for. It was becoming very clear, though, that she was looking for something.

  Or someone.

  “The way you are trying so hard to find your Mr. Werewolf Hottie,” Claire said playfully.

  Olivia blinked back sudden, stinging tears. She hated feeling this way. “Go on. Say it. I know you all think it. I’m a whore. That’s what you think.”

  “We do not!” Claire burst out, shocked. “You listen to me, and you listen good, you hear?”

  Despite herself, Olivia had to smile. Claire definitely had the “mom” voice down pat.

  “I’m listening,” Olivia said quietly.

  “You don’t want to date Mark, fine. Don’t. I’m not saying you have to date him. I just thought that he might be a good choice. He’s ready to settle down now. He’s had his fun being a jerk before. He’s grown up. He’s… Don’t tell Dan this, but he’s hot.”

  “It’s not just about looks,” Olivia said.

  “Of course! I know that. But if you don’t want to date Mark, then have you considered maybe taking a break?”

  “From guys in general?” Olivia worried her lower lip. “I’ve thought about it from time to time.”

  “And never actually done it.”

  “No,” Olivia admitted.

  There was a slight hesitation, and then Claire asked, “Are you afraid to be alone?”

  “No,” Olivia said, maybe too quickly.

  “You can have one of the girls if you are,” Claire joked. “Or both of them.”

  “I don’t want a roommate,” Olivia said.

  “What do you want?”

  Olivia hesitated. “I don’t know. I just don’t know.”

  Chapter 5

  One week. That was how long Olivia waited before she dialed Mark Harrington. She got his number from Mandy, who had been thrilled when Olivia called to ask for it.

  “He’s so sweet,” Mandy had gushed.

  “So why didn’t you date him?”

  “Because that was the whole Jack Robertson mess.”

  Mandy had gone out on a few blind dates and gained a stalker for her troubles. She had met Clint, her husband, during that time.

  “Clint just kinda fell into your lap, didn’t he?” Olivia had asked wistfully.

  “He kind of did,” Mandy had admitted. “Met by chance through tragedy. I wouldn’t recommend trying to pick up a guy at a cemetery, though.”

  They’d laughed.

  “Alexis wasn't looking for love,” Mandy had said. “I wasn't either.”

  “And Claire’s been in love with Dan since they were in diapers,” Olivia had said.

  A slight exaggeration. Claire and Dan met in kindergarten.

  “It’ll happen for you,” Mandy had assured her.

  “I hope so,” Olivia had said.

  And now, her phone was ringing as she waited for Mark to answer. Three rings. Four. Five…


  Olivia swallowed hard. “Hi. It’s Olivia.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “You do?”

  “I have your number from that whole thing with Mandy.” Mark hesitated. “I texted you about her, remember?”

  “You did.” Olivia cleared her throat. It wasn’t often that she was at a loss for words.

  “You’re calling because of your friends, aren’t you?” he asked, not sounding surprised at all.

  She blinked in surprise. “Maybe.” Olivia narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “They talked to you about me?”

  “I ran into Claire at a store, and we got to talking. She asked if I was still single, and I—I honestly laughed because she’s married and with kids, and I didn’t know how to react. She punched me for that.”

  Olivia burst out laughing. “I’m sure she did.”

  “And she told me you were single, and she was thinking that maybe if I was too, that we could go out. I’ve almost called you a few times.”

  “But you didn’t.”

  “Because I’m a coward.” He hesitated. “I bet you don’t date cowards.”

  Olivia exhaled. “Or you were just afraid of being rejected.”

  “You would reject me?” If he was aiming for mock outrage, he'd nailed it.

  She smiled despite herself. “I remember you from high school,” she started.

  “Yeah. I know. I was a jerk then. I’m not that same guy
anymore.” There was another pause. “Let me prove it to you. Over dinner. You free tomorrow night?”

  “Actually, I’m not. I have a deadline for an article, but the night after that is free.”

  “Good. It’s a date then.”

  “It’s a date,” Olivia said softly.

  Chapter 6

  Olivia tried on twenty different outfits and sent pics of each to her girls. Alexis and Mandy lived too far away to come over. Alexis was busy with her little girl anyhow. Same with Claire and her two girls.

  A new crew of girlfriends, Olivia thought with a smile.

  Well? she texted in their group chat.

  I like the first one.

  Nah. That one washes her out.

  The last one wasn’t too bad.

  I think she wants more than "not too bad."

  Do you have anything that shows more cleavage?

  The last question had been from Alexis. Olivia just shook her head.

  You guys are no help. I’ll figure it out myself.

  She tossed her phone onto the bed. With her long black hair, a pop of color would be a good choice. Within minutes, she had on a purple skirt and a white sweater that hugged her but did not display the girls.

  Normally, Olivia did dress to impress. Fashion was a part of her life. Just because she didn’t tend to buy designer brands didn’t mean that she didn’t care about how she clothed her body. Yes, a fair amount of time, she wore high slits or tight clothes or low cut shirts and dresses.

  Tonight, though, she didn’t want to. Why exactly she couldn’t say, but she wanted to be comfortable.

  After brushing her hair as quickly as she could, namely in three minutes, she applied some makeup. Purple eyeshadows and a faint plum lipstick shade.


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