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Protecting Their Home (To Love And Defend Book 4)

Page 8

by Daniella Starre

  To cover the sound of her hands shifting to claws, she moaned, “Hurry up.”

  Now frantic, too excited, he dropped both hands to his pants. He wasn’t even looking at her as she elbowed the back of his head. He fell to his knees, and she swiftly moved around to stand behind him. Her claws slashed against this throat, and the werewolf choked on his own blood. He fell to the ground, a puddle forming beneath him.

  Feeling smug, she wiped her claws and then her fingers against his shirt and straightened. At the end of the alley’s dead end was a dumpster, and she dragged his body there. Hardly struggling, she managed to lift him in. There. Deed done.

  Olivia turned to leave when she spied two figures barring the exit. She took one step and was now close enough to recognize them as two of the goons. Howard Dybee and Darnel Dartles. Or one of those and Louis Dough. Either way, she had company.

  Chapter 11

  The alpha didn’t recognize his life. For so long, he had clung to his mansion, to his isolation. It was a shield. Throughout the day, he would put on a mask and do whatever he needed to do to serve his werewolves, to help them, to provide for them. The nights, though, were his. He reveled in reliving the happy memories from when his wife still lived.

  The past two days with Olivia, and he was already beginning to miss the excitement of the parties, the mingling, the talking to everyone, the laughs, the food, the music, the drinks, the company.

  All of his life, Grayson had been a talker. He could talk his way out of any situation, could talk his friends into committing all kinds of crazy acts. He had drawn people in, and he had never lacked for friends.

  After his wife had died, people had given him space, but he hadn’t truly realized how much he had been affected by now. People had tired of trying to get him to be like his old self. He wasn’t the man who could make everyone laugh anymore. Until Olivia came around and started to ask him about his wife, he hadn’t been in the mood to tell stories. Everyone else knew his wife personally. Being able to talk about Patty to someone had been surprisingly refreshing. It almost made her feel alive again.

  For a fair amount of their dates, Grayson would drive Patty around, and they would just talk. Tonight, instead of reaching for a bottle after he ate dinner by himself, he opted to go for a ride. The night was hot, and he rolled the window down. The delicious, mouth-watering aroma of food from the various restaurants he passed nearly blocked out the stench of blood and death.

  Wait. What?

  Grayson slowed his car and took a deep breath. The smell was already familiar to him. Olivia was nearby. Maybe she hadn’t eaten yet, or if she had, maybe she would like some dessert. The smell of blood was disconcerting, though.

  He pulled over and parked. Quickly, trying not to be worried, hoping he wasn’t going to come off as a stalker, he followed her scent to an alley.

  Where three werewolves were fighting, clearly two on one, the one being Olivia.

  Without hesitating, Grayson stalked down the alley. Before he had gone two steps, he had ripped through his clothes and was his wolf. A low howl slipped through his lips, and he swiped at the backside of one of the wolves.

  The injured wolf yelped and whirled around to face him. Grayson had expected that, and he had his paw ready and waiting and slashed the wolf across his face. The wolf whimpered and lunged forward to bite Grayson, but the alpha sidestepped the wolf and dug his claws into his foe’s side. The wolf growled and snarled, but Grayson had sunk his claws in so deep that he forced the foe onto his side. Swiftly, the alpha placed his paws at the foe’s throat. Although the wolf tried to break free, Grayson wouldn’t let him. Gradually, the foe’s struggles lessened to the point that the wolf died.

  Worried, frantic, eager and ready to kill the other wolf, Grayson glanced around wildly. A blood-covered Olivia was naked and changing into her dress. She had already taken care of the other wolf.

  Grayson changed back into his human and rushed over to her. He hugged her, pressing against her, his cock stirring again. The excitement from battle, the need to reaffirm that life was worth fighting for, nothing more.

  He pulled back and looked her over. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine,” she said. “We might want to get rid of the bodies.”

  She pointed to a dumpster.

  “Already put on in there,” she said with a grin.

  “Damn, you’re almost too capable to be alpha female,” he joked. “They just might want you to be alpha and me the alpha male.”

  Olivia grinned. “You’re probably right. I mean, you didn’t even strip down before you shifted.”

  Grayson glanced down. Shit. She could see his erection.

  He shrugged, trying to downplay it. “If those precious seconds had allowed one of those wolves to hurt or kill you, I would never forgive myself.”

  “Ye of little faith,” she scoffed. “I was doing just fine without you.”

  “I’m sure.”

  His gaze wandered over her body. Despite the growing darkness, he could see bruises already forming. The blood on her didn’t seem to be hers.

  “Besides, I have more clothes in my car.”

  “Ah, so you often shift without stripping then?”

  “You can’t say you haven’t.”

  “Being a teenager is one thing. You’re how old?”


  “I’m almost thirty.”

  “When’s your birthday?”

  She grinned and whistled the wedding march.

  He gaped at her. “Why didn’t you tell—”

  The wind shifted, carrying the stench of blood and death. Swiftly, Grayson lifted the bodies and added them to the dumpster. Then, he texted Edward, begging him to take care of the bodies for them.

  Finally, he turned back to Olivia. “Will you come home with me?”

  “I do have an apartment,” she said.”

  “I know, but I don’t like the idea of leaving you alone tonight. Not after what happened.”

  She hesitated. “Why don’t you come to my place then?”

  “Do you have two beds?”

  “No. A couch but you’re right. Why not go to your place when we can both sleep in beds?”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to force you to come over—”

  Olivia moved to stand beside him and laid her head on his shoulder. “I’m sure. You aren’t forcing me to come over. I don’t want to be alone tonight either.”

  It was a good thing she moved away then because he had been two seconds away from grabbing her and kissing her and lifting her up and dropping her onto his still-hard cock.

  “Where are you clothes?” she asked, holding out her hand.

  “In my trunk.” He handed her his keys.

  She took them, and he might’ve felt something when her fingers brushed against his palm. A drop of pre-cum oozed out, and he might’ve stroked himself a few times before she returned with a bag filled with clothes for him. He dressed in a flash, and fifteen minutes later, he had driven them home. Along the way, he’d run into the grocery store and bought an apple pie.

  The two drank wine and talked and laughed while the pie cooked in the oven. After it cooled, they indulged, sitting next to each other instead of across.

  Grayson pointed to the left of his mouth. “You missed some.”

  “I did?” She licked the right side.

  “No. The other side.”

  She tried again, and the sight of her tongue drove him nearly insane. Grayson wasn’t sure what entirely got over him, the fight or the alcohol or the need to connect to someone, but he leaned over and licked the apple pie crumbs for her. Then, she turned toward him, and their lips connected. His tongue was invading her mouth, and the next thing he knew, she was sitting on his lap, grinding against him.

  Olivia broke off the kiss, bit his lower lip, and then pulled away, stilling her wonderful rubbing.

  “Do you want this?” she asked softly.

  He gripped her ass and rubbed his c
ock against her through their clothes. “You tell me.”

  “Thank the moon,” she murmured with a laugh.

  She reached down and lifted her dress over her head. Her black lace bra had a rose between the two cups.

  Expertly, he reached around to unclasp her bra. Even though he hadn’t needed that skill in over a decade, he still had the touch. Her bra slid down her arms, and she tossed it to the side, maybe landing on the dress, maybe not. Grayson wasn’t paying attention. He was too busy licking and nibbling on one of the exposed nipples.

  Olivia threw her head back. “If you don’t stop…”

  “What will happen?” he growled before turning his attention to her other nipple. They both deserved love after all.

  Love. Olivia. Should he be doing this?

  “This.” Her hand slid down between them and she began to rub her clit.

  “Am I not giving you what you need?” he asked.

  Her eyes were half-lidded. “You’re a giant tease,” she grumbled, rubbing against him harder.

  “Oh, I’ll deliver,” he promised.

  He lifted just enough to slide his pants down over his butt and freeing his erection. She helped to push them down farther on his legs, not quite at his ankles.

  Olivia grabbed his cock and pumped it tight but not too firm. Just the way he liked it.

  “I should… I should get a…”

  Fuck. Did he even have condoms?

  “Hold on.”

  She reached backward to grab her purse. He drew her close and sucked on her exposed neck. She gasped and squirmed on his lap, and he nearly came undone.

  “You’re going to be the death of me,” he muttered.

  She grinned. “Maybe I want that.”

  She rifled through her purse, brandished a condom like it was a prize from the bottom of a cereal box, and ripped it open. In no time, she expertly unrolled it on him and eased herself down on him.

  “You ready?” she asked, breathless.

  He grabbed her hips. “Are you?”

  In answer, she began to ride him, easing up and slamming back down, both soft and gentle and then rough and hard. It was such a mindfuck, and he began to thrust with his hips, begging her to go harder, faster. When she squeezed her walls on him, he gasped and nearly blew his load right then and there.

  “What are you… doing to me?” he groaned.

  “Did you like that?” She smirked.

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  “What, this?” She squeezed again.

  “Really are,” he muttered. “The death of me.”

  She grabbed his shoulders and flung her head back. He kept one hand on her perfect ass and teased her nipple with the other. A few more squeezes from her walls and he knew he was close. He slid his hand up from her ass to the back of her neck and kissed her deeply. His body felt like it was on fire, and she was the oxygen he needed to keep his flames flickering.

  The next time she clenched, she groaned into his mouth, broke off the kiss, and shrieked, “Fuck!”

  The force of her climax proved too much for Grayson. With a moan and stilted breathing, he buried himself as deeply as he could into her tight hole and came.

  She continued riding him up and down a few more times, squeezing him twice more before stopping completely, melting into his arms.

  “I feel better now,” she murmured, her words having a slight slurring quality to them that they had earlier, before they had sex. Previously was because of the drinking. Now, he suspected was from fatigue.

  He gathered her into his arms and cradled her to his chest as he carried her to her bed.

  Then, he started for his bed, turned around, and collapsed on the second guest bed. He felt too guilty to sleep in the bed he’d shared with Patty after sleeping with another woman, even if Olivia was to be his wife.

  Wife in name only, he tried to remind himself, but he had a feeling that his cock was going to forget that again and again.

  Chapter 12

  The next morning, Olivia woke up with a wide smile. She sat up and stretched, reveling in the soreness of certain muscles. She had never had sex with an alpha before, and honestly, she didn’t want to go back to having sex with regular werewolves again.

  Grayson hadn’t been timid. He hadn’t done much either, but she hadn’t expected him too. Last night had been about him and thanking him for helping her. She hadn’t need him to rescue her, and he seemed to understand that. His accepting that she could protect herself meant so much to her.

  Of course she had seen his erection after. Honestly, she had wanted to jump him right then and there. That was why she so quickly put on her clothes even though it meant leaving him to pick up and deal with the bodies. She didn’t trust herself.

  Because she had been worried that he hadn’t truly wanted her.

  At his house, though, the way he had licked her, that drove her so wild. Kissing him again, asking him if he truly wanted this… His body had definitely been willing, but she wanted to make sure he was ready mentally.

  Emotionally? She had definitely fit incredibly close to him, but had he? Now that the sun had risen, she wondered and worried if the wine they had consumed had played a part. She hadn’t intended for them to have sex. While she didn’t regret it, she was afraid he would.

  Like a thief in the night, she quietly gathered her things. There wouldn’t be breakfast made this morning, something she regretted, but she wasn’t going to see him. Not yet. Let him think things over. Decide what he wanted.

  If it were up to her, she would love to do that again.

  She slipped out of the house after leaving him a note that she had to get started on her blog articles. Which wasn’t a lie. Olivia really did have to get back to work.

  The drive home was lonely. She had followed Grayson back to his place last night. The entire drive then and now too actually, all she could think about was Grayson and how amazingly hot he looked in the moonlight last night, chest heaving, covered in blood and sweat, naked as the day he was born, his cock at attention. She bit her lower lip and squeezed her legs. Damn it. She was so horny right now.

  A cold shower. That was what she needed. Then, she would write some. After that, maybe she would round up Alexis and go wedding dress showing. Er, no. Mandy and Claire would throw a fit if they weren’t here for that. Shit. She hadn’t even told them she was engaged yet.

  Maybe she should hold off, just to make sure that Grayson still wanted to after last night.

  Olivia parked and rushed inside the building and up the stairs to her floor. If she weren’t careful, her new neighbors would realize that she wasn’t spending the night there. She was constantly leaving and then returning the next day in the same clothes. I should just pack some for Grayson’s place. Or just leave a change or two in the car. That’s smart on his part.

  Swiftly, she raced down the hall and then slowed to a stop.

  The door was ajar.

  Glancing all around, anxious and uneasy, she approached her door and hesitated, inhaling deeply. She didn’t smell a strong enough presence to suggest someone remained inside.

  She threw open the door and walked in to see an absolute mess. The place had been trashed, furniture overturned. Nothing was broken, but she hadn’t been there enough to be able to tell if anything had been stolen.

  Should she call the police? A few more sniffs and she opted against it. The handiwork was definitely from a werewolf, either the last goon or ASS. She recognized the faint stench.

  More angry and frustrated than worried, she called Grayson. Alexis had given her his number and address, but Olivia had wanted to tell the alpha in person about those assholes.

  “Missed me already?” he joked when he picked up.

  “I miss living in a city where I feel safe,” she said and then winced. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “What happened now?”

  “They ransacked my place. I think it’s just supposed to be a sign that they know where I live.”
/>   “But why go after you? Because of what we did?”

  “Maybe but I don’t understand how they could’ve learned where I lived.”

  “Who knows? Maybe your scent was enough for them to find you. Listen, Olivia, I know you probably won’t like this, but I want you to move in with me.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she said.

  “You’re going to have to if we’re going to get married,” he reminded her. “Plus, I would feel better. I could protect—”

  “No. I’ll consider moving into your mansion on one condition. I do not want you to be overly concerned with protecting me.”

  He exhaled. “You’re in danger because those werewolves are invading my city.”

  “Exactly my point. Let’s protect Detroit,” she said firmly. “Let’s protect your home.”

  Chapter 13

  Olivia’s call had woken Grayson. He’s been confused at first. The phone call infuriated him, waking him up entirely. While he waited for her to drive over to his place, he quickly jumped into the shower.

  Protection. An alpha’s job was to protect all of his wolves. He had failed Patty. No way would he fail Olivia too.

  It frustrated and perplexed him that she had left this morning. He had started to enjoy their breakfasts together. The mansion seemed smaller when she was here. Well, yes, the mansion, but then his cock was getting bigger. Just remembering how she had rode him had him all hot and bothered again.

  So ridiculous. He didn’t truly know her yet. He certainly didn’t know her. It was just sex.

  Before Patty, Grayson had dated around. He had slept with more women than he wanted to admit.

  But this was different. He was supposed to marry Olivia. Sleeping with her would only murky the waters.

  Did he feel guilty about sleeping with her? Yes.

  Did he regret it? After a moment’s hesitation, he could honestly say no.

  Right now, he had pushed everyone away. The only werewolf he saw with an regularity was Edward, and his beta didn’t count. Now that things were the bleakest and darkest they had been since he became alpha, he needed to establish a personal connection, and he had, with Olivia.


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