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Worlds Without End: The Prophecy (Book 3)

Page 18

by Shaun Messick

Nichelle raised her head and looked at him. “Have you ever done something you have regretted?”

  Skip laughed nervously, trying to break the tension. “All the time.”

  Nichelle smiled slightly, then turned away from him and shook her head, growing serious once again. “No. Not like this.”

  Skip reached over and touched the bottom of her chin, turning her head toward him. “What can be that bad?”

  “I…” Nichelle replied, hesitating. Sadness and regret overcame her, and she buried her head into his chest, and began to sob uncontrollably.

  Skip held her for a moment, comforting her. He noticed how wonderful she smelled as he caressed her hair. Still sobbing, Nichelle wrapped her arms around him and continued to cry. Skip sat with her in his arms, consoling her and wondering what she could have done that caused her so much emotional pain.

  As they continued to embrace, Nichelle tilted her head up toward his. Her face was within inches of his — their lips almost touching. Then, without even thinking, Skip leaned in a little, brushing his lips against hers. Immediately, she tightened her embrace and kissed him passionately. At first, Skip was surprised, but he didn’t resist and kissed her back. They continued to embrace and kiss, when they heard someone standing over them.


  Skip, recognizing the voice, immediately pulled away and looked up at a startled but furious woman. “A-Ariauna, I—”

  Ariauna glowered at the both of them and gritted her teeth as a she spoke. “No need to explain!” she exclaimed. “I knew you would be up here. John asked me to find you. You need to meet with him and Adrian in the conference room within the hour,” she said sharply. She then glared at Nichelle before turning and storming down the hillside.

  Skip was tempted to chase after her, but he knew better.

  “I’m sorry,” Nichelle said as the two stood up.

  Skip shook his head. “It’s not your fault. I’m sorry too.” He then touched her shoulder, smiled, turned, and began to make his way back down to the base.

  After another agonizing hour of worrying about Ariauna and Nichelle, he sat nervously at the conference table within the war room at Scott Air Force Base. His knee was shaking uncontrollably, not only with nervous anticipation but with foreboding over the kiss that he and Nichelle shared. Now, he feared, his relationship with Ariauna was beyond repair.

  Trying to get his mind off of the situation, he sighed and looked around the room. He had no idea why he was called into the room. All he knew was that John had a special mission for both him and Adrian.

  Skip checked his watched. 9:13 p.m. He had been waiting for a half hour. Just as he was about to get up and pace the room, the war room’s doors slid open. The first to enter was Adrian. He was pushed in a wheelchair by John. Behind them was another man Skip did not recognize.

  “I apologize for the wait, Skip,” John said, pushing Adrian next to him. “We had a meeting with President Thompson and the other American generals fighting throughout the world.”

  Skip relaxed a little, knowing that John and Adrian’s meeting was priority. He had just learned after his return to Earth that the entire planet was at war. In fact, World War 3 wasn’t an accurate description of the chaos that had flooded the world since the Gnols attacked. To make matters even worse, natural disasters, famine, and plague were devastating the planet, decimating the world’s population even further. As a devout Catholic growing up, he was well aware of Revelations and its vivid descriptions of the last days. But those descriptions didn’t do justice to the reality of what was actually happening. “It’s okay,” Skip said without hesitation.

  The other man walked to the other side of Skip and took a seat next to him. John, still standing, leaned his hands on the table. “Dr. Steven Hendricks, I’d like you to meet Dr. Eli Jacobson.”

  “Nice to meet you, Skip,” Eli said, reaching his hand out.

  Skip accepted Eli’s friendly handshake and said, “Nice to meet you as well.”

  “Eli has become quite important in our battle against the Gnols and the growing evil within their ranks. He’s a Doctor of Archeology,” John said.

  Eli seemed to recognize the glint in Skip’s eye. “I think you’d be interested to know what I’ve discovered.”

  Before Skip could respond, Adrian spoke first, “He knows where Earth’s golden tablet is located.”

  Skip turned his attention to Adrian. “Where?”

  “I’ll let Eli explain it,” Adrian said.

  Skip turned his attention back to Eli. He sat spellbound as Eli told him the entire story of how his team was put together, his theory about the Olmec civilization, and his discovery of ancient text written in the Pure Adamic Language on the bottom of a colossal head.

  Once the narrative was over, Skip muttered to himself, “The Pyramid of the Sun?”

  Eli smiled and said, “It seems too easy, doesn’t it? Sometimes, the most difficult things to find are the things hidden in right under our noses.”

  Skip nodded, speechless. He didn’t know what to say.

  John broke the awkward silence. “This is where you and Adrian come in, Skip. From my recommendation and under orders of the President of the United States, you and Adrian are to accompany Eli back to Teotihuacan and help him find the tablet.”

  “Why us?” Adrian asked.

  John’s tone then grew very serious. “Because something tells me that your knowledge about the Gnols is needed on this mission.”

  “What about Jake and Celeste, or Sage or Nichelle, for that matter?” Skip questioned. “They are the ones with Gnol abilities.”

  John nodded his agreement. “True. But Jake and Celeste need to protect Calum at all costs. Remember, not only are we trying keep that tablet from falling into the Gnols’ hands, we are also protecting Calum. Calum is the chosen one, the only one who is prophesied that can decipher the gold plates of the galaxy.”

  “Galaxy? What? There’s not just three?” Adrian asked surprised.

  John glanced knowingly at Eli and then back to the confused men. “Rather than tell you, let me show you.”

  John then made his way behind Adrian and Skip and placed a hand on each one of their heads. The minute he touched them, they were swept away into a grand vision about the golden tablets and the destiny of the galaxy.


  City of Chast, Terrest - 6 days later . . .

  The pride that Koroan was supposed to bask in was not there as the royal hovercraft meandered slowly through the streets of Chast. This was supposed to be a glorious homecoming for him, but he didn’t feel it. The past six days had been grueling, but not in a physical way. It was more of a mental anguish. For three days, he was cooped up with Macaria and Dorange Gar in a ship back to Terrest, and the next three days were spent in his palace as preparations were made for their glorious return.

  While he was glad that Dorange had come to Gnolom with a ship that would get him off of his dead home world, he would have just as well preferred to leave Dorange on that rock to live out the rest of his days, however long that was with his newly transfigured body. Despite his absolute disdain for his former son-in-law, Koroan knew that Macaria wanted Dorange alive, at least for now, so that their plans could come to fruition. What those plans were exactly, he wasn’t quite sure.

  As the craft continued to make its way to Koroan’s glorious palace, the tallest building in the city, the crowds flooded the streets with adoring applause and cheers for the triumphant return of the lord and savior, their goddess, and the hero who brought them home. Streams of confetti fluttered down all around them.

  “Weak-minded zealots,” he muttered under his breath as he glowered at Macaria.

  Sitting higher than both men, she was adorned in a stunning royal blue ceremonial gown that sparkled with dazzling light from the sun’s reflection. A long royal blue train extended down her back and past her feet. The collar of her dress was raised, touching the bottom of her jaw line slightly, with the chest op
en, revealing her voluptuous cleavage. Her black hair, cut to shoulder length, shimmered and hung loosely. A sparkling light blue diamond necklace hung from her neck. She was truly a sight to behold. For a moment, feelings that he had for his dead wife, Ciminae, bubbled to the surface. Then, without warning, a sinking feeling pressed in his chest, a feeling that he hadn’t experienced in a long time. Was it guilt for what he had done to the woman who was once the love of his life?

  Just as fast as the feelings arose, he quickly put them aside. He was Koroan Chast, a god among Gnols. The goddess herself chose him to be their savior. And for that, she promised untold power and dominion. Tightening his jaw, he glanced at Dorange, sitting to the left of Macaria.

  Both men were dressed in their all-white officers’ uniforms with black leather boots, extending up to just below their knees. Various medals of valor hung from their left breast pockets and the new symbol of the Gnol Empire emblazoned their right breast pockets. The symbol was a circle with two glowing blue swords crossing in the foreground. In the background was the horizon of Terrest with a sun flare and Gnolom encircled by rings beyond that. It was a symbol that Koroan Chast was the one prophesied who would join the people of Gnolom with the people of Terrest.

  As Macaria soaked in the adoration, fueling Koroan’s rage even more, his thoughts drifted. When Macaria was just a spirit possessing the old Mars I space shuttle, she had treated Koroan as if he were her own son. But since possessing his former wife’s body, she was condescending, aloof, and, at times, abusive, both mentally and physically. Consequently, his pride - the source of his strength and power all these years - was being chopped down bit by bit.

  Again, he wondered why. Was it to keep him in line? Or did she have other motives? Whatever the case was, the way she treated Dorange, more like a lover than a subordinate, cut him to his very soul. And although he knew that she might very well be perceiving his thoughts at this very moment, he couldn’t help but raise the questions.

  The procession continued down the main street of his glorious city, finally entering the palace gates and coming to a stop. Escorted by guards, the three were whisked away to the palace elevator. The three stood in loathsome silence as the elevator made its way to the balcony overlooking Chast and the spacious courtyard packed with nearly 100,000 citizens.

  For the first time Koroan could ever remember, his stomach churned with nervous anticipation for his address to his citizens of his great Gnol civilization; a civilization that in just a short twenty-five years since invading Terrest had exploded into nearly one billion people spread out across the planet.

  “Relax, Koroan, or your people will think you are weak,” Macaria uttered without looking at him, undoubtedly perceiving his thoughts.

  The guards escorting their savior looked at each other with confusion, but quickly assumed their positions, knowing that Koroan could rip them to shreds for any doubts about his godhood.

  Koroan looked down at Macaria, who stood a full head shorter than he, and glared. “Yes, my Queen.”

  Dorange glanced contemptuously at him. Koroan didn’t have to read his thoughts to know that his second in command was reveling in the limelight that Macaria gave him.

  Once the elevator arrived to its destination, the door opened and the six guards exited, rushing to their positions outside of the crystal glass doors. Three of the guards lined up on one side with the other three on the other. Koroan, Macaria, and Dorange lingered back, stopping short of the doors that the guards had closed.

  “Today is a day to remember, Koroan,” Macaria pronounced.

  “Yes, my Queen,” Koroan said reluctantly.

  “Remember, Koroan, who is the true deity of your people,” Macaria stated harshly. She then levitated herself to a few inches above him. “I made you, Koroan Chast, and I can break you. Remember that.”

  Like a beaten dog, Koroan bowed his head in abject humility. “Yes, my Queen.”

  A contemptuous smirk spread along Dorange’s lips.

  Macaria nodded to the guards just outside the doors. The guards opened the doors, the indication to Koroan that it was time to address his people. As he walked slowly to the pulpit at the front of the balcony, his guards knelt one-by-one, offering him the traditional Gnol salute. Each guard then retained his standing position as Koroan passed by. A deafening roar of applause and shouts erupted throughout the entire city once Koroan stopped. The entire spectacle was being televised live throughout the entire planet.

  The adoring applause seemed to last for hours until Koroan raised his hands to silence the crowd. Then, mustering the arrogance and masterful oratory skill for which he was blessed, he bellowed his first words.

  “My brothers and sisters! It has been a long and arduous journey back home. And I am proud to address you today. For today is a day that will forever be remembered in the annals of Gnol history. Today is the day that your lord and savior returns!”

  Shouts and applause thundered throughout the city.

  “I have been away for a long time, and despite the rumors of my death, I can say that I am alive and well.”

  Laughter echoed down the streets.

  Gaining more confidence, he continued. “But, my brothers and sisters, I come to you today not as your leader, but as a humble servant. For I bring to you today the true goddess of our people. The goddess of light!”

  The applause and shouts of joy became so loud that Koroan almost had to cover his ears.

  “Soon you will see the true majesty and power of her godhood. But before I do . . .” Koroan paused, feeling the lump that began to form in his throat. This next part of the speech was the part he dreaded the most. Nonetheless, he had to comply with his queen’s wishes.

  “Before the goddess of light reveals her glorious power, I need to praise the Gnol who kept our civilization intact in my absence. The Gnol, who by his very power and intellect, was able to bring me and your queen home . . . Dorange Gar!”

  Again, applause and praise resounded throughout the city.

  This was Dorange’s cue to enter the balcony, the guards giving him the same revered salute as Koroan. As Dorange walked toward him, the two made eye contact. Dorange’s face was full of pompous pride. He stood on Koroan’s left, waving to the crowd. The cheers grew louder.

  After the crowd quieted down, Koroan lowered his voice and said, “Now, my brothers and sisters, I bring you your mother . . . the goddess of light!”

  The crowd’s roar caused the glass in the building to vibrate as Macaria entered the balcony and walked slowly toward her two subordinates. As she got closer to the pulpit, the cheers began to subside until the entire city was silenced in reverence.

  The dress Macaria wore was truly a designer’s dream. As she approached Koroan and Dorange, her dress seemed to attract and reflect the sunlight. It was as if she was controlling the light herself. The guards, as well as Koroan and Dorange, had to shade their eyes. Just before she reached the pulpit, she levitated herself up into the air. The reflecting light grew brighter, almost as bright as the noonday sun.

  The people stood in awe. While it was true that many of them had witnessed Koroan’s mighty powers, particularly his demonstration when he destroyed the Terrestrian temple, never before had they witnessed such glorious power. Macaria continued to rise, the light growing brighter and brighter, until she levitated herself so high that she was now higher than the palace. Then, in a glorious spectacle of her power, white light exploded all around her.

  In a booming but soft voice she spoke, “My sons and daughters, kneel before me. For I have come to usher in a new era of peace and lordship over worlds without end.”

  Every citizen knelt in steadfast humility to their goddess mother, including Koroan and Dorange. But as Koroan knelt gazing at the spectacle Macaria performed to subjugate his people, a sick and loathing feeling entered his gut, causing him to question every decision he had made on that fateful day when he first discovered the spirit of Macaria trapped in the Mars I space shuttle.

  Scott Air Force Base, Earth . . .

  The figure, dressed completely in black, tiptoed into the shadows of the hallway within the administration building of Scott Air Force Base. The only illumination in the hallways were the emergency lights lining the walls. The intruder made sure to stay hidden. After all, the mission was vital. Dorange Gar, if he was still alive, needed to know the plans of the enemy. Most importantly, he needed to know that they knew where the gold plate of Earth was located and the location of Celeste’s child - Calum.

  The intruder’s mission was to get to the roof of the building and activate the homing beacon that would send a message through the wormhole to Terrest. So far, the mission was met without any resistance. The intruder made it to the doors leading to the stairway. The spy opened the door and closed it quietly. Turning around, however, the infiltrator came face-to-face with the night guard on duty.

  “You!” the guard said, surprised, recognizing the spy’s eyes through the slits of the black mask.

  Before the guard could even withdraw his sidearm, the spy sent the guard hurtling backwards with a kick directly into his chest. The guard’s back cracked against the stair railing. The guard, a big muscular soldier, leapt to his feet. But before he could counter the attack, the spy swept his feet out from under him. He fell, his head crashing to the floor. The intruder flipped over him, grabbed him by the head and chin and, in one final motion, snapped his neck.

  Breathing heavily, the spy stood over the dead body, surprised at how effective the training had become as well as the strength the god-gene serum induced. Cursing, the spy now had to take time to hide the body. After a short search, the intruder found a janitor’s closet in the hallway and stuffed the guard’s body into it behind a shelf of cleaning supplies.

  Careful not to encounter any further surprises, the infiltrator made it to the roof of the administration building. A shiver ran through the spy’s body. The night was cold and crisp. The intruder pulled the homing beacon out and placed it on the underside of the satellite dish, where it would be undetectable. The beacon, about the size of a golf ball, then began to do its work. The spy watched as the artificial intelligence took over. Four prongs jutted out from the center of the beacon, latching themselves securely to the back of the dish. Once secure, a drill shot out from the top of the beacon and pierced a hole into the back panel of the dish. Then the drill retracted and four wires entered the panel, weaving themselves into the circuitry of the dish.


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