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Perfectly Imperfect (Men of Whiskey Row Book 4)

Page 10

by D. A. Young

  Sidra’s eyes met Nero’s, and he seemed angry…AT HER. Completely numb, she turned away and walked back into the house. Once inside, she called her mother and told her everything. Lena was furious and told her daughter to pack her things and that she would call her back. Sidra obeyed and went to say goodbye to Tia Rocio who looked sad about her departure.

  “I’m so sorry, Sidrina. Nero made me swear not to tell you, or he wouldn’t send money back to his other aunts and uncles,” she said sorrowfully as she clasped Sidra’s hands tightly. “Never let anyone take advantage of your kindness again! ALWAYS KNOW YOUR WORTH!”

  “Take care of yourself, Tia Rocio,” Sidra said tearfully, knowing this day would be the last that she had any contact with Nero or anyone associated with him. Then Lena called back and told her to wait outside for the cab that would take her to the airport. Sidra listened to her mother’s furious voice and wrote down the flight information before going outside to wait.

  Sidra was sitting in the grass waiting when Nina stormed up to her. Sidra stood up to meet her and immediately felt awkward and gangly next to the beautiful girl. Nina reached her and tossed her black curls over her shoulder as she imperiously demanded “What the fuck are you still doing here? Get your black ass out of here!”

  “Slow your roll before I fast forward your beat down,” Sidra warned, and Nina gasped in outrage. “I’m here because my father flew me out here like he has for the last three years. Do you understand that? I’ve spent two weeks of my summers in this house for the last THREE. YEARS.”

  When Nina shook her head in denial, Sidra tried a different tactic. “Look, it’s obvious neither one of us knew about the other, so there’s no need to be hostile alright? Let’s just start over. I’m Sidra Jane Barton, and I live in Bed-Stuy, New York.”

  But Nina wasn’t trying to hear it. “Are you trying to accuse MY daddy Nero Santos of being YOUR father as well?!” Nina fumed as her hands formed claws. Sidra shifted and braced herself for the diva’s first move. “What would my father be doing slumming with some black puta when he has my beautiful mother?!”

  Lena may have been many questionable things to Sidra, but she wasn’t some “black puta”. But she was the woman who’d shown her daughter how to throw a mean right hook, which Sidra proudly demonstrated as she caught Nina in her jaw, watching with satisfaction as the older girl spun around and landed flat on her ass. “Clearly, your “beautiful mother” just sat around looking beautiful instead of teaching you some life skills. Don’t ever disrespect my mother again, bitch.”

  Nero saw the whole thing as he was walking up and so did the cab driver who arrived at the same time. “Sidra! Why would you do such a thing?! Nina, are you okay?”

  “I want to press charges against her, Daddy!” Nina cried as she stumbled to her feet. Sidra smiled with satisfaction at Nina’s jaw. She would definitely be needing an ice pack.

  “I did that to her because she had it coming,” Sidra said sweetly. “Go to hell, Nero and make it a one-way trip for all of our sakes.”

  “That sorry motherfucker,” Casey growled and Sidra glanced at him in surprise. She’d almost forgotten he was there as she spoke about her past out loud.

  “That was the last I saw of him until I was eighteen. He attended my high school

  graduation under the guise of making a donation to my school. Supposedly, he and my

  mother have made peace, but I’m not built like that.” Sidra said ruefully. “I’m more of a

  ‘you’re dead to me and keep it moving’. I briefly entertained the thought of possibly

  having a relationship with Nina, but she’s fucked on a whole other level. I’m not even

  sure Cecelia ever knew about me or my mother. Knowing Nero, he manipulated Nina in

  some way. But I don’t care. I just want to be Santos-free forever. So now you know. I’m

  the illegitimate daughter of a man that is so consumed by himself he doesn’t give a

  damn about the destruction he leaves in his wake.”

  Chapter Nine

  Casey leaned against the balcony railing, still trying to absorb Sidra’s story. Nero hid his daughter away in his guest house for three summers. It was like a modern day “Flowers In The Attic” unbeknownst to her. It explained so much of her personality and her efforts to never expose her pain or weakness. When he looked at her sitting so still in her chair, Casey could easily picture her as a little girl craving some normalcy in her home life. But this wasn’t everything, he could tell. Nero had nothing to do with him loving her and vice versa. As crazy as this story was, he knew he hadn’t heard all of it, and they wouldn’t be leaving the room until they did.

  “I’m really sorry that all of that happened to you, darlin’. If I could take your pain away, I would. I just need you to finish the rest of your story because I feel like the real reason you won’t share yourself the way you want to still hasn’t been revealed completely to me.” Casey said shrewdly.

  Sidra smiled wanly. “Oh, you know me so well, Sullivan?”

  “Inside and out, Sid,” Casey replied confidently, as she stood up and walked over to him while he enjoyed the view of the white satin robe clinging to her curves as the wind blew her curls around. She reached him, and he enveloped her in his arms. Casey loved the way she stood on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around his neck, eager to reach him. They fit together perfectly, and this is where they both felt most complete. “I. Know. You. And I’ve got you as long as you believe in me and us.”

  “That’s good because today is Sunday, and if you don’t have any other plans, I’d like us to pack up now and take a drive. I can show you better than I can tell you,” Sidra said softly and kissed his lips. Of course, one kiss was never enough, and their tongues were soon melding together as Casey untied her robe and opened it. He licked his lips in anticipation as her beautiful milk chocolate body was revealed in the morning sun. Sidra fluttered her lashes at him as her hands slid underneath his shirt and touched his abdomen. She smiled as his breath caught in response, and she unbuckled his shorts and pulled those as well as his briefs down. His long thick erection sprung into her palms.

  Casey covered her lips with his as her hands gently stroked him. Against her lips, he questioned, “What are you doin’, love?”

  Sidra nipped his bottom lip. “I’m still hungry, baby.”

  “Then take me just how I like it,” he ordered thickly, shuddering in her hands as she lightly cupped his balls. “Let me see you work that pretty mouth.”

  Sidra sank to her knees, and she was eye level with his cock and whimpered, silently marveling at the flawlessness of her man’s dick. She would easily categorize it as a wonder of the world. Thick and long, the head was coated in precum. Sidra wrapped both hands around the base and started to stroke up and down. Casey shoved his hands into her curls to hold her in place. She looked at his face and found him watching her in pained concentration. Teasingly, she stroked him and blew on the large mushroomed head, smiling as he jerked in response.

  “Don’t fuck around with me, Sid,” Casey hissed as those skilled hands drew more liquid from his cock. “Open your mouth and take your dick.”

  Sidra licked the oozing liquid from the head and closed her eyes, relishing the taste of his excitement as the fingers in her hair tightened. He tasted so good, and she couldn’t get enough of him. Casey was her nirvana, the perfect combination of happiness and horniness for her. “Damn, baby, you like it, huh?” she asked throatily, opening her eyes to meet his hooded gaze again.

  “Hell yes.” Casey’s admission was guttural as the breeze cooled the sweat forming on his back.

  “Then let me see you work my dick,” she demanded with a sultry gaze as she closed her lips over him until he hit the back of her throat. Casey gave a shout and then bit his lips as he tried to restrain himself from thrusting his dick all the way down her throat. Goddamn, Sidra was driving him out of his mind as she worked that magic mouth, he thought, feeling her skilled fingers l
ovingly caressing his balls while sliding her lips and tongue up and down on his dick, deep-throating him as far as she could, her tongue swirling round and round as she stroked him feverishly. Casey groaned, feeling the pressure building inside of him as he frantically fucked her mouth.

  Sidra stayed with him, slurping, licking, and fondling him; her eyes locked with his until he could bear it no more. The pull of her talented lips, skilled tongue, and fingers were driving him to the brink with a cringe-worthy tempo. When that time came, he threw his head back, eyes closed in ecstasy, shouting her name hoarsely as he exploded into her mouth. Sidra swallowed every drop, but he remained hard. She rose to her feet and dropped her robe because she knew what was coming next. Her man was just getting started as he dragged her to a lounge chair, lay down, and pulled her on top of him. They groaned in unison as she sank her constricted, dripping pussy onto his swollen cock and her hands slid into his thick hair. She lowered her upper body, and their lips met in a passionate kiss before they broke away and gazed into each other’s eyes lovingly. Without words, they were able to convey how important they were to each other.

  “I believe it’s my turn to see you work your dick,” Casey rasped as he surged his hips up and Sidra’s came down. Soon they were swept away again in the stormy passion of their lovemaking that could only be found with one another.


  The drive back to New York was filled with heavy traffic, yet it was a relaxing one for the couple. Before hitting the road, they stopped at a little country market store, and Sidra filled their picnic basket with Casey’s favorite strawberry Italian soda, water, lemon sugar cookies, and prosciutto, turkey, and provolone with pesto paninis.

  Casey drove and held her hand as they talked and listened to the radio. He was happy they were making progress and were now on their way to her grandmother’s house. “Are you nervous?”

  Sidra smiled calmly but kept her gaze ahead. “No, but you’re going to be the only white person there, so don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “Does that bother you?” Casey glanced at her warily before putting his eyes back on the road.

  “Boy, why would that bother me?” Sidra laughed heartily. “Is it because you’re supposed to be my ‘dirty white secret’ that I’m too ashamed to acknowledge?”

  Casey could feel the heat creeping up his face and his jaw ticked. “Well, if this whole thing hadn’t happened with Nero, would this surprise meeting even be happenin’?”

  Sidra hated to admit it, but she wanted to show him now more than ever how important he was to her. Taking a deep breath, she slowly exhaled and answered, “Honestly? No. I love you and am so proud to be your girlfriend, but I could have gone my whole life avoiding this meeting. Just know that it has nothing to do with you as a person, and you will be sorely tested.”

  “I hate how you keep saying that,” Casey snapped, pulling his hand away to navigate a turn. “Let’s not talk about it anymore.”

  “Fine, let’s talk about how I didn’t appreciate being gagged last night, ‘Christian Cray’,” she snapped back and Casey laughed at her. “I’d say turnabout is fair play. So when you wake up bound and gagged with that special toy you like to use on me in your as-”

  He turned the radio up loudly, deliberately cutting her off, and Dominick Harris’s voice filled the car as he softly sang Bison Blue’s latest hit “Breakaway”. Fucking great, Casey thought bitterly as Sidra squealed with excitement.

  “It’s our song!” She started snapping her fingers in time to the beat and sang along.

  Baby, can you break away!

  I can’t bear not seein’ your pretty face.

  I need you in my space; oh, say you’ll stay!

  “Is this the one you worked on, baby? It sounds great. I don’t care for the lyrics, but I love the beat you created,” Casey offered magnanimously. “The lyrics sound like the schmuck is conspirin’ to take what doesn’t belong to him.”

  “Thanks, boo! Dom has been really great about giving me time to feel out the music before presenting it to him. I’ve learned so much in the time we’ve been working together, and he’s incredibly supportive,” Sidra gushed.

  “I’m glad it’s all workin’ out, love,” Casey ground out as the song ended, and the female deejay spoke up.

  “I’m Kate the Creeper and that was the latest from Bison Blue called “Breakaway”! We’re so lucky that my man Dominick Harris stopped by to introduce it! Dom, always a pleasure to have you on the show; any shout outs you’d like to give before sign-off?”

  Dominick’s smooth voice filled the car, and Casey fought the urge to turn the channel as Sidra leaned forward to listen. “Yeah, I’d like to give a shout out to my band members, all my fans for supporting us, and our lovely resident deejay Sidra Barton.”

  “How ARE things with your deejay? She’s quite the looker, and there’ve been rumors plaguing you for a while now that you’re hooking up. Any of them true?” Kate The Creeper asked eagerly.

  Dominick laughed before replying in a lowered voice, “Seriously, Kate? I could definitely think of worse rumors than being linked to a woman as beautiful as Sidra…”

  “She is very sexy,” Kate agreed and added with a bawdy laugh, “Hell, I’d do her too!”

  Then she and Dominick shared a conspiratorial laugh.

  Seeing red, Casey turned the radio off and continued to drive, his mind made up. As soon as he saw that little motherfucker again, he was going to stomp his bitch-ass into the ground.

  Sidra cleared her throat and covered his fist with her hand. “He doesn’t mean anything by it, baby. I’ll address it as soon as I see him.”

  “He means exactly what he says, and I will be the one to address it with him, darlin’.” Casey’s menacing tone promised violence that he would ensure was carried out.

  “Dominick is just play-” Sidra tried to explain, but the look Casey gave her was pure savagery.

  “You really gonna try and defend him to me? Because if so, I’ll put your ass out right now, and he can come get you,” Casey offered unpleasantly and Sidra bristled.

  “Then fucking put me out because correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it just yesterday you allowed my sister to snuggle up in your arms?” Sidra snarled, and Casey shook his head in denial.

  “She threw herself at me,” Casey said defensively. “What did you want me to do?”

  “Oh, I don’t know…maybe move to the side and let the bitch eat dust?” Sidra suggested sweetly. “You know good and well ain’t shit going on between me and Dominick! Find a spot; we’re here.”

  They pulled up to a large, sprawling ranch style house, found a parking spot amongst the numerous cars already there, and silently got out of the car. Casey snatched her hand up, and she viciously pinched his. Inwardly, he winced and cursed his jealousy. They reached the house, and there were six young girls in the front yard playing. They stopped when Sidra greeted them, still holding Casey’s hand, and they just stared at him. Sidra introduced them, but they barely said a word when he greeted them. That was weird, he thought to himself as Sidra led him up the expansive porch where four older girl teenagers were talking. One by one, they too stopped talking and stared at him. Casey smiled charmingly, but they also barely spoke when introductions were made. Okaaay.

  Sidra shot them a look and they moved away and resumed their business, but still, Casey could feel their eye on him as he followed Sidra to the double-doored entrance. She knocked once and then opened one of them.

  Inside the parlor, it was the same reaction from the seven older women watching “Power”. Casey was growing alarmed at all the staring he was receiving as he realized Sidra was indeed right; he was the only white person so far. But somehow it didn’t seem to be about that…

  Sidra sucked her teeth at them. “Damn, I can expect rudeness from the kids but not you grown-ass women! Come on, Casey.”

  As she led the way to the location where all the aromatic smells were coming from, Sidra kept glancing at him,
and he realized she was waiting on him. For what, he didn’t know as they reached the large kitchen where nine women were prepping Sunday dinner. He was introduced and passed around from cousin to cousin until he got to a small older woman with long salt and pepper curls and a pretty smile.

  “Well, you must be Sidra’s man. I’m Evie Barton, her grandmother,” she said with a regal nod to her head as she held her hand out. “Are you husband material?”

  “Yes, ma’am. My name is Casey Sullivan, and I am very serious about marryin’ her, hopefully, sooner rather than later,” Casey said firmly as a collective breath was drawn at his announcement.

  “Is this true, Sidra?” It came from cousin Tonya, a hairstylist and the antagonist from Sidra’s childhood. Casey could already see her trying to compete with Sidra as a child. As soon as Sidra walked in, Tonya and two of the other cousins had shared an eye roll.

  Casey didn’t give Sidra a chance to answer because he chose to do so instead. “I’m a man of my word, and I meant what I told Ms. Evie.”


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