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1812: The Rivers of War tog-1

Page 21

by Eric Flint

  As the sailors started to take their positions, Driscol leaned over and bestowed a smile upon them.

  "A lesson here, lads, which I've spent a lifetime learning. Never explain something on the grounds of wickedness, when simple stupidity will do the trick."

  The sailors looked dubious. Driscol nodded his head firmly. "Oh, yes, it's quite true. Brigadier Scott even told me an ancient philosopher had proved it. Fellow by the name of Ockham."

  He straightened up in the wagon seat. "The English, of course, being the exception that proves the rule."

  "You know Brigadier Scott?" asked one of the sailors. For the first time, the expression on his face and that of his mates as they looked up at Driscol was not and who is this ragamuffin?

  Before Driscol could answer, McParland piped up. The young private was sitting atop the foodstuffs stacked in the wagon bed.

  "Sure does! He was the brigadier's master sergeant. Got a field promotion to lieutenant after he lost his arm at the Chippewa." Pride filled the youngster's voice. "He was in my regiment, the Twenty-second. I was right there when he got wounded. Sergeant Driscol never even flinched. Just had me bind up the wound while he kept shouting the firing orders."

  Now they were genuinely impressed. That still wasn't the same thing as inspiration. But it was a start.

  As his ragtag little army continued toward the president's house, Driscol turned his head, to give McParland a meaningful look. He'd learned by now that the seventeen-year-old boy was quick-witted, despite his rural ignorance. McParland took the hint, and slid off the wagon. He'd walk alongside the sailors the rest of the way, regaling them with tales of exploits.

  Mostly his own, of course.

  "Whatever you do…" McParland's voice drifted forward. The boy still hadn't learned that a "whisper" addressed to a dozen people carried almost as far as a shout. "… don't ever cross the sergeant. Uh, lieutenant, I mean." A few words faded off; then: "… not sure he's really human. A lot of the fellows thought he was one of those trolls you hear about in…"

  It was all Driscol could do to maintain a solemn face.

  "… made the mistake of arguing with him over an order when I first showed up in the regiment. Next thing I knew he had me in front of a firing squad."

  Driscol didn't need to turn around. He could practically see the wide eyes of the young sailors.

  "-'strue! The muskets was loaded with blanks, o' course, or I wouldn't be here today to tell the tale. But I almost pissed my pants-and let me tell you, I never argued with the sergeant again.

  " Nobody does, what knows him. He tells you to jump into a lake, all you ask is 'how far'."

  A good start, indeed.

  "I will have those twelve-pounders, sir!" Sam Houston insisted, rising in the saddle. "What's the gol-derned use of hauling the things all the way to Georgetown?"

  After clambering aboard his own horse, William Simmons glared at him.

  "None, Captain, for all I know! But General Winder has given explicit orders for all troops to abandon the capital and rally at Georgetown. Unless you intend to be insubordinate, you must follow his orders. And so must I-and I will not have these guns fall into the hands of the enemy!"

  Sam studied the man for a moment. Simmons was an accountant for the War Department, for whom the entire day had been hours of sheer chaos. The intense heat of an August day in Washington didn't help matters. There were clouds gathering in the sky, but the humidity was as intense as ever. By now, in the middle of the afternoon, the man was a festering bundle of weariness, anger, uncertainty, and confusion.

  Unfortunately, although he was a civilian, Simmons's position gave him something in the way of authority here, for the mob of militiamen who'd gathered around the president's house. The fact that Simmons had taken it upon himself to order the mansion's sole remaining servant to bring out the presidential brandy and serve it as refreshments for the soldiers had sealed the matter.


  There was no point in pulling out lofty citations from the Iliad in this situation. That left wheedling and conniving. Sam was good at both of those, too, if his mother's opinion was anything to go by.

  Sam gave the accountant his most winning smile, then pointed to the carriage of the nearest twelve-pounder, perched beside the front gate of the president's house. "I ask you to consider something, sir. These are ornamental guns, you know. Look at the carriages. Purely decorative! Those wheels will break long before you could reach the heights of Georgetown."

  Simmons stared at the two cannons. Sam's statements were…

  Preposterous. The field guns were perfectly serviceable, and their carriages in splendid condition.

  Before he could say anything, however, Sam hurried on, now speaking quietly. "It's an explanation, after all, should General Winder ever inquire about the matter."

  For a moment, Sam thought Simmons's angry expression was aimed at him.

  "That's hardly likely!" the accountant snapped. Then, sourly: "I was dismissed from the War Department just last month, you know-after twenty years of service." His expression turned more sullen than ever. "'Twas due to a clash between myself and Secretary of War Armstrong, concerning proper accounting procedures. All the sense in the world is wasted on men like him and Winder."

  For a moment, Sam considered using Simmons's newly admitted lack of authority against him. But that wouldn't do much good with the militiamen who surrounded them. In Sam's experience, men were prone to support any fine fellow who handed out free liquor.

  Again, Odysseus was called for, not Achilles.

  "It was certainly unfortunate that Secretary Armstrong chose to place General Winder in command of the city's defenses. What could he have been thinking?"

  "What, indeed!" Simmons barked. He gazed for a moment longer on the twelve-pounders, before his eyes came back to Sam.

  "And just what do you propose to do with them, my fine young captain? Two twelve-pounders will hardly hold off the enemy."

  Truth to tell, Sam didn't really have a good answer to that question. All he knew was that the moment he caught sight of those two splendid guns, when he and his companions arrived at the president's house, he was bound and determined to do something with them.

  But this was no time for public uncertainty. "General Jackson had but a six- and a three-pounder at the Horseshoe Bend, you know. I was there, and I can tell you they gave excellent service."

  That was a black lie. The things had been completely useless, and Sam had the scar on his leg to prove it. Nevertheless, he pressed on with assurance and good cheer. "These will do well enough, Mr. Simmons."

  "And how do you even propose to use them? You told me you were an infantry officer, not an artilleryman. You're facing British regulars here, Captain, not wild savages."

  Mention of "wild savages" drew the accountant's skeptical eyes to Sam's small group of companions.

  Fortunately, Sequoyah and the Ridge children had donned American clothing that morning. Unfortunately, the Rogers brothers had done no such thing. James hadn't even bothered to tuck away his beloved war club.

  Tiana Rogers was a mixed blessing. On the one hand, she too had outfitted herself in American apparel for the occasion. On the other hand, the big girl was far too imposing and good-looking, in her exotic way, not to draw attention to herself.

  Skepticism was growing rapidly in the accountant's expression. Sam drew himself up haughtily.

  "A delegation from the Cherokee Nation, sent here expressly by General Jackson. Even includes two of their princesses."

  Nancy Ridge looked suitably solemn and demure.

  Tiana, alas, grinned like a hoyden.

  Best to distract the accountant, Sam thought hurriedly. He pointed a finger at John Ross, whose appearance and uniform made him look like a white man. "Lieutenant Ross here is a wizard with artillery, sir. Very experienced with the big guns."

  John's eyes widened. Sam ignored him and pressed forward.

  "Oh, yes," he said, chuckling. "General J
ackson gave him no choice in the matter, seeing as how the lieutenant can't hit the broad side of a barn with a pistol or a musket. But give him a proper- size gun-!"

  Wide as saucers.

  Forward, ever forward.

  "Indeed so. Ross is murderous with the big guns. He'll wreak havoc upon the enemy, Mr. Simmons, be sure of it! Grapeshot is his preferred ball, of course."

  Then, Sam decided it was time to add a modicum of truth to the matter. Just a pinch.

  "Look, Mr. Simmons," he said softly, almost conspiratorially. "I don't honestly know if the lieutenant can make good his bloodthirsty boasts. Achilles himself would be daunted by the task. But if nothing else, he and I are determined not to let the British come into the city. Certainly not without at least firing some shots. We need those guns, sir. "

  By now, a large crowd of soldiers had gathered around the two men on horseback. While they'd been arguing, a new batch of men had come up and pushed their way to the front of the mob. These looked to be under some sort of discipline, at least, even if the lieutenant in command had only one arm and was riding on a wagon instead of a horse.

  On the positive side, the newly arrived officer was glaring at Simmons, not Sam. Quite a ferocious glare it was, too. The one-armed lieutenant's face looked as if it belonged to Grendel's brother, or one of the monsters in the Grimm brothers' fairy tales.

  Simmons spotted the same ogre's glare. He threw up his hands.

  "Oh, do as you will, then! The cannons are yours, Captain Houston, if you'd be such a fool."

  And with that, he rode off.

  Driscol arrived in time to hear most of the exchange. He didn't think he'd ever heard such a magnificent pile of lies, exaggerations, and pure hornswaggling in his entire life.

  Whoever this big young captain was, he had to be a Scots-Irishman. Nobody else would be mad enough to entertain the idea of stopping the British with just two cannons and a small band of Indians.

  He was a joy to behold.

  The captain's blue eyes turned on him now, along with a grin as cheerful and confident as anything Driscol could have hoped for.

  Oh, aye, he'll do splendidly. And who knows, he might even survive. Stranger things have happened.

  Driscol returned the grin with a thin smile of his own.

  "I dare say yon 'artilleryman' Lieutenant Ross wouldn't know one end of a cannon from the other. Judging from his expression. But as it happens, sir…"

  Driscol swiveled in the seat. "Naval gunners, front and forward!" he barked.

  The sailors trotted up as smartly as you please. The lieutenant turned back to the captain.

  "Commodore Barney's men, these are, sir. They'll know how to handle the guns, once they're positioned at the Capitol."

  There wasn't so much as a flicker in the young captain's expression, even though he had a subordinate officer tacitly telling him what to do. Then, just a second later, the grin grew wider still. The captain edged his horse alongside the wagon.

  He leaned over, speaking quietly enough that only Driscol and Henry Crowell could hear him.

  "I've got no idea what I'm doing, Lieutenant, save that I will fight the British bastards." The captain gave the black driver a cool, considering look, as if gauging his ability to keep from gossiping. "So I'll be delighted to hear any suggestions you might have."

  The look impressed Driscol in a way that the ready grin, the handsome face, and the confident shoulders hadn't. The soldier from County Antrim had known plenty of young and self-assured officers, some of whom had made excellent leaders on a battlefield. Few of them, on the other hand, had been clear-eyed enough to understand that a menial was still a man, even a black one, and couldn't be dismissed with no more thought than you'd give the livestock.

  Driscol, in turn, glanced at the captain's Indian companions. There was a tale there, too, he was certain.

  He started to look away from the group, but a flash of teeth drew his eyes back.

  Lord in Heaven.

  Driscol hadn't paid any attention at the time to the big girl whom the captain had claimed to be an Indian princess of some sort. His focus had been entirely on the captain's argument with the officious clerk, and he'd dismissed the statement as just another of the captain's Niagara Falls of balderdash and bunkum. Now…

  The "princess" was exchanging a jest with a young Indian warrior who looked to be some sort of relation. That big smile, on that face-perched as it was atop a supple body whose graceful form couldn't possibly be disguised, even in a modest settler's dress It took a real effort for Driscol to tear his eyes away. This was no time for such thoughts. It was hardly as if that smile had been aimed at him, in any event.

  "I know what I'm doing, yes, sir," he growled, more gruffly than he'd really intended. "I served under Generals Brown and Scott in the Niagara campaign, and before that for some years with Napoleon. I was at Jena and Austerlitz both, and more other battles than I care to remember."

  The captain's grin shallowed into a simple smile. "Oh, splendid. I'll give the speeches and wave my sword about, then, while you whisper sage advice into my ear."

  "My thoughts exactly, sir. You lead the men, and I'll keep them steady."

  The captain examined Driscol carefully. By the time he was done, there was but a trace of the smile left. "Steady. I imagine you're good at that."

  "None better, sir. If I say so myself."

  The captain nodded. "I'm Sam Houston, from Tennessee. You?"

  "Patrick Driscol. From Country Antrim originally. That's in northern-"

  Houston clucked. "Please, Patrick! Do I look like an Englishman? My own sainted forefather, the good gentleman John Houston, arrived in this country from Belfast almost a century ago. Hauling with him a keg full of sovereigns he claimed to have earned honestly, mind you. Though I have my doubts, just as I suspect my ancestors weren't really Scot baronets who served as archers for Jeanne d'Arc when she marched from Orleans to Reims. We Scots-Irish tell a lot of tall tales, you know?"

  An impulse Driscol couldn't control took over his mouth. "Oh, aye. Tales of Indian princesses and such."

  Houston glanced back at the girl in question. "That tale's taller that it should be, I suppose, but it's not invented from whole cloth. Tiana really does come from a chiefly family."

  When his eyes came back, Driscol was surprised to see the shrewdness there. He hadn't suspected that, in such a man.

  "I'll introduce you later," Houston said. "Mind you, I'd still like to get the children off to a place of safety, but… They're all from chiefly families, and headstrong as you could ask for. Tiana most of all. So I doubt me I'll be able to shake them loose."


  Driscol shook his head, trying to concentrate on the task at hand.

  For the first time, it dawned on him that he might have gotten more than he bargained for when he seized upon this brash young captain as his chosen champion. Champions always had a will of their own, of course. So much was a given. But could he possibly possess subtlety as well?

  A little shudder twitched his shoulders. A big hand clapped down on the nearest, blithely ignoring the arm that was missing below. "And now, Lieutenant. The Capitol, you say?"

  Houston looked at the president's mansion. "I'd thought to make a stand here, myself."

  Driscol started to explain the superior merits of the Capitol as a make-do fortress, but Houston cut him off.

  "I'll take your word for it. It doesn't really matter, now that I think about it. If I survive this mad adventure, I'll eventually have to report to General Jackson. And if I had to tell Old Hickory that I chose to defend the nation's executive house instead of the legislature…"

  The captain's own shoulders twitched.

  "He'd curse me for a Federalist, see if he wouldn't."



  Sam had acted impetuously, because his military apprenticeship under Andrew Jackson had made some of the General's attitudes rub off. Right at the top of the list was Old
Hickory's intransigence in the face of an enemy. Now, though, Sam had to make good on his boasts. He was all of twenty-one years old, and the captain's epaulet on his right shoulder wasn't even official yet.

  His first step was clear enough. In point of fact, the carriages of the two twelve-pounders were in splendid condition, and the guns could quite easily be hauled the one mile distance to the Capitol simply by having militiamen and Barney's sailors haul them by hand.

  But then what?

  To make things worse, now that the impulse of the moment had passed, Sam was beginning to fret over the situation with the children. Major Ridge and John Jolly had not sent their children to Washington in order for Sam to lead them into the middle of a pitched battle.

  But what was he to do with them? There was no chance of finding a proper family in Washington who would take in the children. Certainly not at the moment. Half of the city's proper families had already fled, and the rest were huddling fearfully in their homes. That would have been true even if the children in question had been white, much less Cherokee.

  And even if he could find someone, the chances were slim to none that he could get the children themselves to agree.

  Nancy Ridge… maybe. But her brother John and her cousin Buck were at a fever pitch of excitement, the way only twelve-year-old boys can be. Whatever Sam's qualms, they were looking forward eagerly to the prospect of a battle. The tales they'd be able to tell when they got back! The status they'd achieve!

  The Cherokee weren't a "warrior tribe" in the same sense that some of the tribes on the plains were, or the fierce Chickasaws. But they bore precious little resemblance to Quakers either.

  And Tiana!

  Sam glanced at her, riding her horse not far away. The sixteen-year-old girl might be wearing modest American lady's attire, but the easy and athletic way she sat the horse would have made her Indian origins clear to anyone, even without the coppery skin tone. Not to mention the way she'd hoisted the dress above her knees, to leave her legs clear!

  Her eyes were literally gleaming. If Sam tried to place her out of harm's way she'd be likely to stab him. Nor did Sam doubt that she had a knife hidden somewhere in her pack. Possibly even a pistol.


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