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Sefl Translation

Page 4

by Ouyang Yu

  i experience death again

  in the famous land of exiles

  a wanderer has nowhere to go

  i, a bird of passage that faces a new disaster to survive

  i, a lone wolf with his soul tied to the far corners of the earth

  i used to have two tongues

  one chinese and the other english

  i used to have two hearts

  one east and the other west

  but i have nothing left now

  only this instinct to wander again


  the poets on the earth are as numerous as the stars in the sky

  but no one will outshine the other

  the stars in the sky are as numerous as the poets on the earth

  hanging high and cold without joy

  my poetry my life

  my nonchalance my solitude

  in my starless world

  i shall burn all my poetry

  the sky without me

  the earth without me

  The Puzzle of an Unknown Poet

  till death

  i still do not understand

  why when i presented the essence of my lifetime—

  the poem that had no precedence nor following—

  to the famous poet for him to read

  he scanned it ten lines at a time

  and speaking not a word



  to me

  his eyes looking elsewhere

  i had a feeling that somehow his shoulders were slightly


  Early August Morning

  fine rain in the air

  birds calling

  sunshine penetrating leaves


  fragrance of flowers


  from no one knows where


  a person is a religion

  knowledge may be a source of non-knowledge

  don’t you see that the sky is imbued with meaning

  only when the birds are flying in it?

  whether taoism, buddhism or christianity

  it’s all soul on paper

  this heart is a primitive soil

  that remains pure, primitive and innocent

  the earth, nature and the sun

  all these may wear away

  till then everything easily decayable of ours

  may gain eternity in destruction

  My Country

  from the time when i could remember things

  it seems that i had never written anything eulogising my country

  although i had been written off over and over

  by that era

  i am now gazing at its un/familiar face

  from another corner of the world

  without feeling any sweeping passions

  or surging tears

  in fact i am watching

  a tv drama that has nothing to do with all that

  the beautiful filipino woman

  yelled for her boyfriend to take her back to the philippines

  who was a korean

  guest working with her in japan

  she was yelling:

  back to the philippines!

  back to the philippines!

  but to me it sounded like: back to china back to china!

  and i felt for that filipino servant

  and i was even that filipino servant myself

  knowing full well

  that i wasn’t half as good as her

  except for an ethnic multicultural entry-free green card

  all i have is this half face whose make anyone could

  easily tell

  so i ended up tonight smoking half a dozen extra mild malboro

  and wondering to myself why the bloody hell i should

  have been keeping away from it all for so long?

  and before i went to bed

  i went to the map of the world again

  and touched that place that i used to call home

  with a force that made myself cry:

  you bastard, my country!


  at the cruel, frightening moment

  of the night

  the maliciously-intended globe

  sheds such a light that one has nowhere to hide

  the dream is lurking somewhere close

  as i touch my teeth

  life is pretty normal

  but my heart is dying a death

  Declaration of Independence


  i cannot find you

  my language

  does not have you in it

  my pen

  does not write you

  my territory of living

  is not under your jurisdiction

  my life

  belongs to myself

  even this language

  is not your sole patent

  it used to be called chinese

  and is now a tool only

  My Two Women

  The woman I had before

  Looked a bit old

  She looked like my mother

  But was tougher than her

  She wanted me to be loyal to her

  And did not allow me to have two hearts

  If she permitted me to go to bed with her

  She made me apologize

  For what I have not done

  This woman I now have

  Looks quite young

  I jump headlong into her arms

  In spite of myself

  But this woman is always so cruel

  And remains so cold

  However deep I get into her

  I can’t get to her heart

  My previous woman was called hua

  And my current woman was called ao

  For the sake of freedom

  Both can be abandoned

  Note: hua: China; ao: Australia.


  some people are destined to be living after their death

  (trees turn into furniture)

  some, living while living

  (pigs turn into human beings)

  some become lines of poetry

  (fish enter the arts)

  some poems become lines of people

  (the cows’ milk)

  the person who lives after death

  does not have to, is not able to and does not want to

  listen to the sound of praise and appreciation

  the person who lives after death

  I think, is the way I may be like in the future

  that I now am imagining as I write this poem

  ah, the person who still lives after death

  Don’t Say

  How lonely you are

  There are so many trees around you

  Standing so apart

  That they never communicate with each other in the dark

  When you walked home late at night

  Someone shoveled up the embers from the fire pan

  You had a feeling

  That that was life

  Just as you entered the door

  Your shadow made a noise

  You looked back and saw that it was the homeless dog

  It was then that you thought of writing this poem

  Sinking into Darkness

  I can tell you

  That I may not be long in this world

  But I am laughing

  So are you

  I can tell you

  That I may not be long in this world

  But what does it matter if

  I can finish writing this poem as I am driving home

  I can tell you

  That I may not be long in this world

  I won’t know what happens after

  Only you do

  I can tell you

  That I may not be long in this world

  And that my darkness falls before you

  For which you should feel happy

  I can tell you
  That I may not be long in this world

  And that this hand that holds the mouse

  Will soon become hollow, reduced to the bones

  I can tell you

  That I may not be long in this world

  Leaving as swiftly as the cancer cells

  Soon to be larger than darkness, smaller than it, than nothingness

  Flying Close to the Earth

  As a writer

  you are no nobler or humbler

  than anyone

  You fly close to the earth at night

  eyes not bedazzled

  by the world of desires

  You talk with those who don’t read

  about things that have nothing to do with reading

  you fly close to the water

  You see every lonely heart

  moving you see the falling age

  sinking into boredom at a faster pace

  The good virus that kills better than SARS

  every patient better dressed than at any other time

  you fly close to the skin

  Listening to the dead soul dying again under the skin

  for a writing man

  being forgotten is your posthumous royal title

  The Lights

  I switched on all the lights

  In this not-too-large room

  I switched on all the lights

  Two lamps on the head of the bed

  One lamp on either side of the mirror on the opposite


  One lamp standing in a corner

  These tube-like milky-coloured lamps

  And an incandescent lamp by the bedside

  I switched them all on

  They didn’t know why I

  Switched them all on

  In this transient 4.5-star room

  The night fell fast


  Every day with me the fly suns himself

  On the window sill of this room

  Long dead is he

  But I am still alive

  It’s Going to Snow

  The typing fingers have invaded the coldness before snowing

  Snow still, snow still

  A poem across the sky

  Admired, unadmired, covering all depths

  And shallownesses

  No possibility of misreading

  Entering poetry, entering the world

  Lower than earth

  Earlier than falling

  The Story

  They are separating

  Splitting everything down the middle:

  Their money

  Their furniture after depreciation

  And their son

  Although they can’t cut him in half

  The way you treat a piece of wood

  He can live either way

  For a consented period of time

  Except that they won’t be able to transplant the tree in

  their backyard

  Which goes much deeper than their marriage

  He said: how much do you say it’s worth? I’ll give you

  the money

  She thought and said: well, let’s just have it cut down

  and have done with it

  The marriage gone, why would you want to keep the tree?

  He said: fair enough; let’s get someone to cut it down

  And we’ll share the cost—

  I was jolted back

  Into reality

  To see her plant another tree

  Zero Distance

  Human relationship

  Never reaches zero distance

  Up close

  It’s the standard thickness of a condom

  At their closest, there are two

  Beings, separated by a skin

  No Title

  When the English language comes flooding in

  I’ve lost my memory

  The 5,000-year-old structure collapses overnight

  As my tongue straightens like a penis

  In a time-honoured blankness

  Like the brains, like this country

  My eyes are flying over Australia

  Murmuring, confusedly, in a dream

  It’s the mumbling of the primitive

  It’s the dream-talking of the modern

  Walking through the encyclopedic bush

  One is stifled by the literature of swarming ants

  I’m no longer able to pronounce the word ‘nation’

  And even less able to talk about the twisted politics

  Pretty soon, I’ll forget my parents

  And brothers altogether

  Alas, in this boundless English

  That sensation of heaven and earth being swept

  I am left alone with myself

  Amidst billions of the people in the world


  Past target for attack

  Current target for research

  Forever target for alienation

  Red Green Yellow

  the night’s three-coloured pansy

  the red curtains, drawn up, never let down

  the green mosquito net, stains of blood

  if not red then green, if not green then red

  how much do I wish to die tonight


  the musical wind is sweeping across the shivering red field

  the fragrant musical notes and the sweet rhythms

  are streaming gurgling into the soundly sleeping memory

  the crickets are loud and the stars are leaping

  a string of green night dew is hanging from the long

  neck of the moon

  the whole forest is evenly echoing my own breathing

  on the silvery night vibratory with the stringed


  beautiful dream shadows disappear with the awakening

  where is the news of her wind under the icy scorching sun

  leaving only this invisible memory?

  The Bridge

  he is leaning against the sun setting on the railing of

  the bridge

  somewhere a plonk

  splashing pearls of blood

  he looks down

  and sees a head

  like the moon in the cloud

  coming out and going in

  like a dream a thousand years ago

  that has just been dreamt


  at this moment the director said

  and all the cameras closed their eyes

  The Pig Incident

  once I poured boiling water on a pig

  you know it’s only a dirty pig

  his body stinking all over and his snout smeared with

  mud and shit

  his shrieking sounded particularly pleasant to me

  the old master scowled at me with pitying accusation

  I sauntered off thinking it was only a dirty pig

  many years have gone by and I had forgotten that


  but tonight the dirty pig body has connected with the

  pitying human eyes

  I hear the sad shriek again from the heart of my hearts

  yes he’s stinking all over and his snout smeared with

  mud and shit

  he’s only a dirty pig

  but the dirty pig body has clearly grown with the

  pitying human eyes

  Moon, Rain, Night, Summer, Frost, etc.


  soundless rain

  at midnight


  every tile

  summer night

  frost on the ground as usual


  so quiet under the moonlit shadow of trees

  your face against my heart

  the tall parasol trees embracing on the sky

  and you, too, asleep in my arms

  your neck rested on my naked arm

  the moon-bud slipped inside dark leaves

  your sweet and so
ft nipple in my mouth

  as a breeze ruffled across the gurgling spring

  i inhaling your greedy breath

  two water lilies shivering in expectation

  you motionless and me

  each inside each

  “Nightingales Have Stopped Singing, Too”

  Nightingales have stopped singing, too

  A soft, mellow light of gold is flowing all over you

  I bury my thirsty mouth of long drought

  Like a crucian carp to sip the cool

  Green blades of grass are rustling beneath our buttocks

  And mulberries have dyed the nest of birds purple

  Your face flashes from behind the hill

  As I drop into the pond of deepest blue


  The wind ferociously tears at the tree

  Bending it to the ground

  Like a decaying old man

  Tossing its dense hair

  Like dispersed hoary clouds

  The hatred of the tree

  at the roots

  The wind gently whispers through the foliage

  The trunk tremulous

  Like a fingered harp

  To the last thinnest twig

  Like an electrified wire

  The love of the tree

  in the wind


  i take you

  in my arms

  as a mother

  caressing her baby

  a mature baby

  the moonlight streaming

  over the closed lids

  in harmony

  into the open heart valves

  you, a sweet candy

  soaked in my curved


  brimming with honey


  dissolved into the moon

  in transparency


  Rain, I stood on the street

  A girl in creamy clinging clothes, a flowery umbrella

  A curved breast vague on the glistening bitumen

  To and fro, endless buses, what time

  Whose face, so familiar, so strange—

  The teenagers in each other’s arms, no decaying old men

  Night, nowhere to go

  The expectation of stars so soundless, so remote and


  Bright, brighter; nearer, then total darkness

  Endless imaginings flashed up and died out, unconscious


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