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So Tempting

Page 5

by Jean Brashear

  Earl shook his head. "Not like anything I've ever run across."

  Jace studied it closer. Tiny, worked in cheap metal, the markings were indistinct, but they swirled around a cheap green stone in the center.

  The captain spoke again. "We've had higher priority cases up to now, but if there's something more than some bored social types getting high and dancing, we need to know. I want you there the next time The Club happens," Gonzales said. "But we don't have a way for you to get the location yet."

  "I bet I can get an invitation."

  His lips pursed. "All right, Detective. I'll also have Narcotics lean on their informants and see what we can turn up." Gonzales paused. "Any questions?"

  "No, sir."

  Satisfaction surged through her. This could be a big case. If she pulled this off...

  "You won't be going in there alone, Detective. I'll assign someone to be your date."

  That slapped her back on terra firma. "Who?" The squad was small. Earl would stick out like a sore thumb. Cardozo was a dick.

  Gonzales's eyes chilled. "Does it matter?"

  "No, sir. I, uh, I was just thinking that since no one's been in there yet and we don't know what to expect, maybe it's better if I go alone."

  She could feel Earl stiffening beside her. "Jace..."

  "I don't need glory hounds on this detail." The captain waited several beats while Jace inwardly squirmed. "Am I going to regret assigning you?"

  She wanted this too bad to press. "No, sir. Sorry, sir."

  "There may be no connection here. This is strictly preliminary observation. You won't be wired, there won't be a team outside. At this point, I simply want to know if there's something going on that deserves our attention. That'll be it for now, Detective."

  "Yes, sir." Jace rose from her chair. "I'll do a good job for you, Captain."

  His expression said she'd better.

  Earl followed her out. "What the hell are you doing? You know he's an old school cop."

  "And considers female officers a necessary evil, yeah, I know."

  "So what was that, giving him advice? I busted my ass to give you a shot."

  "I was afraid he was going to send in Cardozo. They're thick as thieves."

  "Even if he does, what are you going to do about it? This is bush league behavior, kid."

  "But Cardozo's blowing his case."

  "Maybe." Earl glanced at her. "He obviously doesn't know that his victim would rather talk to you."


  "I had ears in this department before you were walking."

  How had he found out? Had Gabriel talked to Earl about yesterday?

  "Cardozo won't hear it from me, but you'd better be careful when you go back to her to find out about The Club."

  Jace's head swiveled toward him. "We just met in the hallway, that's all."

  "I don't want to know. Just be careful. I'll tag you when the lab reports turn up." He shambled off.

  Jace glanced over where Cardozo held a phone to his ear, grimacing.

  Can't play with the big boys, huh, Cardozo?

  I'll show you.

  * * *

  The sky was a scattering of stars against black velvet. The cool night wind puckered her nipples beneath the tight black lace blouse she'd borrowed from Myra. Her own wardrobe was far too basic and no-nonsense to work. With the blouse, Myra had paired a red leather vest cut close to the body that cupped and displayed Jace's breasts, a matching mini-skirt, and black stilettos in which Jace just hoped she wouldn't fall flat on her ass. Scarlet lipstick finished off an outfit that was already driving Jace crazy, it was so uncomfortable.

  Earl never had to wear heels undercover. If he could see her, he'd laugh his butt off, she just knew it.

  So here she stood, required daisy in hand in accordance with Valerie's instructions, waiting for her babysitter to meet her outside the building that was the first stop in tonight's circuitous path to The Club.

  A long, slow whistle pierced the air. "Jeez, Jace, how come you never wear skirts like that to the station?"

  Jace grimaced. "Don't you dare laugh." She was relieved, though that it was David Halliday, a tall, lanky patrol officer who'd come on the force right before she'd moved out of patrol. Dressed in dark brown pleated slacks and a matching brown silk shirt with banded collar, his transformation from uniform was impressive. "I mean it, Halliday."

  "I promise I'm not laughing. I never saw you look like this."

  She punched his arm. "Damn it, I knew it. I look like I should be working the streets."

  "If you were, you'd make a fortune. Seriously hot, girl."

  "Shut up, Halliday." Not that she didn't enjoy his gobsmacked expression a little before she got back to business. "Now remember, I've got to circulate so I can see what kind of offers I get. Don't hang too close."

  "You're gonna get hit on by every man in that place, I guarantee it."

  "That's the plan."

  His jaw flexed. "I don't know, Jace. I better stick close. You're a danger to yourself in that outfit."

  "I'll be a danger to you if you screw this up by scaring anyone off." She'd get her bluff in early. "I have to talk to people, see what I can turn up. Your job is to circulate and do the same."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  Minutes later, having passed the first test with the daisy as their ticket, they were directed to the back exit of the building. There another man looked at the piece of paper they'd been given and sent them down an alley and through a dive even hardcore drunks wouldn't frequent.

  In a darkened hallway they were checked for a last time then admitted, crossing through one abandoned store and into an old warehouse.

  Before she walked through the last door, they were handed black masks and told to don them, something Valerie hadn't mentioned. Jace shrugged at Halliday and did as instructed.

  Then she walked inside to a different universe.

  Techno music soared to the pitch-black ceiling. Deep, pounding bass vibrated through the floor. A jungle rhythm sizzled under her skin, while unearthly high notes spiraled around her. Bursts of laser light in red, gold and blue punctured the inky shadows. Wisps of smoke rose in the air, weaving through glittering tendrils suspended above the dancers' heads.

  Everyone was either masked or heavily made up, something the department hadn't counted on. She and Halliday would have to be extremely observant.

  Some patrons wore costumes ranging from S&M leather and metal to gossamer fairy wings to nearly naked, though some were in street clothes, as well. One woman writhing a few feet away appeared to be wearing only gold body paint with sinuous vines wrapping one thigh, climbing up her belly and circling the opposite breast.

  Jace had never seen anything like it in her life.

  Halliday touched her shoulder. She jumped. "What?" No way could she hear him.

  He leaned down, shouting over the din. "Want something to drink?"

  She shook her head. "I'm fine."

  "You won't drink anything unless I get it for you, will you?"

  She rolled her eyes, but his caution was understandable. Places like this were perfect for drugs to be slipped into a drink when a girl wasn't looking. Such was probably the explanation for Valerie's amnesia.

  The dead girl hadn't been so lucky. Whatever she'd been given, it hadn't just rendered her easy—it had killed her. Whoever had administered it might be here tonight.

  She stood on her toes and spoke into Halliday's ear. "Come dance with me for a second while we get our bearings. Then we both need to start circulating."

  He nodded and grabbed her hand. They moved onto the crowded dance floor. Some people bore blasé expressions. A fair number were seriously wasted. In every direction, bodies rubbed, fingers stroked...much more flesh was revealed than concealed.

  Jace was anything but a prude, but she felt extremely self-conscious trying to dirty dance with the fresh-faced Halliday, so she soon nodded and released him. She loved to dance and hadn't done so in a very long time
. It was easy to fall into character and let her body move into the rhythm; more difficult was remaining alert to her surroundings when the sensory input was so overwhelming.

  A tall black man, bare-chested and wearing a dog collar and knee-high boots grabbed her hips, grinding his codpiece slowly against her, his dark eyes never leaving her breasts.

  Jace schooled her features even as she longed to knee his groin. Executing a sinuous turn instead, she slid past the couple to her left and let the crowd swallow her up.

  The place definitely created a mood. All rules of normal behavior seemed to have been suspended. The music, the lights...the rhythms of the night sang through her body. In one darkened corner a man sat with a woman straddling him, her skirt up over her hips, her garter belt a slash of midnight against pale skin. His mouth suckled her breast, his hands squeezed her buttocks. Jace stared, riveted by the shutter-click glimpses allowed her between writhing bodies.

  She'd never watched someone else have sex before in real life.

  It was erotic as hell.

  Jace gathered her wits and danced to the opposite side of the floor, resisting the temptation to look again at the couple. She couldn't help noticing the glances of approval she drew, the greedy stares. The naked invitations.

  Nobody had intimated that this was a sex club, but she understood now how someone as young as Valerie got into trouble here.

  Hands clamped on her waist and turned her. Jace tensed. A blond man near her height stood before her, friendly smile disarming. Want to dance? he mouthed, already moving with her, hands resting lightly on her hips.

  Making connections was why she was here, she reminded herself. He looked less harmful than some she'd seen. Certainly less harmful than that cokehead who'd just grabbed her ass.

  She nodded and smiled back. Dancing to the nonstop music, the atmosphere sucked her into the undertow of pulsating beat and musky shadows, the ripe, carnal scents of people focused on pleasure.

  She lost track of time as the driving techno beat spread through her body. Smoky darkness closed in, the air thickened with a mélange of heady perfumes and glistening sweat, spiked by the sharp tang of arousal. Her own body softened into languor as the backbeat hummed in the soles of her feet and searing electric guitar notes sizzled up her spine.

  Her partner whirled her, drew her to the edge of the dance floor near a corner draped with iridescent ebony fabric that sparkled where it caught the light. Over here the smoke was thicker, but she welcomed the wafts of cooler air outside the packed crowd of bodies. In the haze, Jace's vision blurred, and she blinked hard, attempting to clear it.

  Movement inside an opening in the fabric caught her eye.

  Two bodies entwined, undulating, limned in phosphorescent blue light.

  A fall of long black hair shifted, revealing the austere lines of a man's face, his mouth sliding over his partner's exposed throat, her back arched in ecstasy. Her own dark mane fell nearly to her waist. They moved as one flesh, oblivious to any observers.

  Or just not caring.

  Jace couldn't tear her gaze away.

  Then the man lifted his head. Locked his eyes on hers.

  Tiny hairs rose on her skin. His eyes...even masked, they felt like a physical caress.

  She shivered.

  His hands began to move over the voluptuous brunette, and Jace imagined those fingers stroking over her own flesh. She watched the flash of his heavy silver ring as the woman writhed to mirror needs Jace herself could feel...longings to let go, to abandon herself and the control she lived by.

  Something stirred deep within her, the yearning of a hawk to fly, to let the currents bear her away. As he watched her, she couldn't help responding, his gaze calling from her something deep and primal. Cast into a play of blue light and black shadow, his hands caressed, disappeared over curves—and Jace swore she felt every touch. Her skirt slid up her thighs, and she swayed. Rocked her pelvis, sought his hand to slip between her legs...

  Limbs heavy, body molasses-slow but exquisitely sensitive, she leaned toward him. Reached out to see if he was real...

  The beat shifted.

  Blue lights faded.

  The drapes descended.

  His hold on her snapped.

  Jace teetered as she blinked from her trance, her whole system shocked by the quick dive from arousal. Good God. What— She...he couldn't have been...what had just happened? She jerked around, rubbed her arms to get warm.

  Her partner of the friendly smile had vanished.

  She was alone.

  The music raced faster. Another man approached, his gaze too bright, his smile too jagged. Riding on the sharp edge of panic, she slapped at grasping hands and charged around the edge of the sweaty, throbbing mass. She had to get out of here and gather her wits. She couldn't wait for Halliday.

  She had nearly made it to the door when a familiar head of curly auburn hair caught her eye.

  Jimmy? Jace reversed course and plunged into the crowd after him. A hand snagged her arm. She whirled, fist cocked.

  "Jace? Whoa—you okay?"


  She recoiled from his grip. "Don't touch me."

  "What is it? Did someone hurt you?"

  "No!" Her voice was too sharp, she knew it but couldn't seem to help herself. She concentrated on sucking in one deep breath after another, staring at the floor until she could regain her composure.

  "Talk to me. What's going on?"

  She had to grab the reins again. She couldn't have Halliday reporting that she'd freaked. "One too many assholes on the dance floor, that's all," she said far more casually than she felt.

  She scanned the room for her brother. Saw not a trace of him.

  "Sure you're all right?"

  "Of course." Her head pounded, her eyes burned. What had happened in that corner? Surely she'd imagined... She shut down that line of thought. No way was she ready to discuss it. "A little dizzy. You?"

  "Getting a headache from all the smoke. I've been back here where it's not so loud, talking to people. Not as much smoke here either."

  "Find out anything?"

  "Nothing good. You?"

  No, and that was the problem. She wanted out of here in the worst way, but she hadn't been able to feel anyone out about Sam or the girl. Gonzales had only asked her to scope the place out, but she wanted to impress him with something big, at least some solid intel. "Not yet."

  "I met a couple of girls, but I haven't turned up anything yet. Then I saw you hauling ass for the door." He frowned. "It's not an easy place to make contacts. People aren't here to talk."

  She had to grin at that. "No kidding."

  "I think we have to become regulars. I mean, look at them. Who's going to admit in the light of day they're behaving like this?"

  She took a deep breath and scanned the dance floor. She couldn't let him know how badly she wanted out of here. "Good point." She tamped down her sense of urgency. "Let's give it another half-hour. I'll stay on the outskirts and see if I have better luck."

  "You got it."

  Cardozo would laugh his ass off if he knew how tempted she was to stick like glue to Halliday. The captain would figure his misgivings had been confirmed.

  So instead, she'd circle and see if she could spot Jimmy while trying once more to make connections.

  And maybe she'd check out that corner again.

  A shudder rippled down her spine.

  But maybe not just yet.

  * * *

  Gabriel answered the door in his underwear, hair sticking up, drowsy eyes coming to life at the sight of her. A long, slow whistle emerged from his lips. "Damn."

  He looked so good to her. She'd managed to stay an extra hour, but she had little to show for her night, and she was still cold inside. The mere thought of those masked eyes, those hands... Once again she felt the puckering of her nipples, the aching fullness of her breasts, the dampness between her thighs...

  Heat flashed through her body. She shook her head. She'd nev
er felt so out of her depth before, and she didn't like it. Slipping through the door, she fastened her lips on his, practically eating him alive. Her hands all over him, nails scratching at his skin, she craved oblivion.

  Gabriel reacted with speed, taking the kiss deeper, wrapping strong arms around her and squeezing her to his chest. In seconds they were both groaning, straining together in a furious battle, combatants too close to maneuver with any skill, just heat and fury and madness.

  Jace rubbed against him, struggling to pull her arms down, to get her skirt up, out of their way. Gabriel pushed her back gently. "Whoa, wait a minute. Let me see this outfit before I rip it off." He grinned, but Jace couldn't grin back. "Hey, are you all right?"

  No, she wanted to say, but that wasn't their deal. They didn't do emotions. She forced a laugh. "Of course. I just—I just want you."

  "Damn, Jace." He whistled again. "Don't lose this outfit, whatever you do. I'll try not to tear anything, but I don't mind telling you, it won't be easy."

  She should play this light, twirl around, model for him. She stepped away to do just that.

  Gabriel grabbed her and growled. "Where are you going?"

  "I thought you wanted to look."

  He jerked her close, hands slipping beneath her skirt, dropping to his knees before her. "I looked. Now I want to touch." Groaning aloud as he lifted the red leather higher, he glanced up at her, eyes so hot she thought she'd melt. "Oh hell, a garter belt, too? You're killing me."

  With a swiftness that stole her breath, one thumb yanked aside the crotch of her panties and his tongue delved inside her cleft. Stunned by the rush of heat that rose up to devour her, Jace cried out, coming violently, her mind going white.

  And while her body rippled with the shocks of Gabriel's hot mouth—

  The dark man watched her.

  Jace squeezed her eyes tighter, grabbed onto Gabriel with more force.

  He drew back with a grin. "There's more where that—" His triumph vanished. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing." She shook her head violently side to side to dislodge the image that wouldn't go away. The hands on her body...the eyes that held her fast... Oh, God, had somebody given her something and she hadn't known? But she didn't drink anything there, so how could—


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