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Texas Hustle

Page 10

by Cynthia D'Alba

  “Where you two been?” he asked his brother as Reno climbed off the bike.

  “Took a long drive to see the leaves.”

  Darren frowned. “You’ve been gone for hours.”

  “Yeah, we stopped at a couple of stores, had some lunch, and you know how it is. Time just got away from us. Anything going on here?”

  “I’ll let you two catch up,” Magda said. “I’m going to look for Porchia.”

  “She’s at the lodge making rolls or something,” Darren told her.

  “Great. Thanks.” She planted a long kiss on Reno. “Catch you later, hunky man.” After giving Reno’s ass a couple of pats, she headed off for the lodge.

  “Man, she’s the best,” Reno said, a broad grin stretched across his face.

  “Yeah, I’m glad you two worked it out. I’m headed to find Travis about taking a couple of horses out this afternoon. Want to come along?”

  “You go ahead. I’m headed to my cabin for a nap.”

  “A nap? You sick?”

  Reno yawned. “Let’s just say that I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.”

  “Got it. Catch you later.”

  Travis was more than happy to loan Darren a couple of horses.

  “These guys need some exercise,” he explained. “I’m not worried about you, but how much riding has Porchia done?”

  Darren cocked up the corner of his mouth as he thought about it. “I don’t know,” he finally confessed. “We’ve haven’t talked about it. She seems comfortable around horses when I’ve seen her near them, but I don’t know that she’s had any riding experience at all. But we’re not going far and I’ll keep the pace at a walk.”

  “Fine. Why don’t you ride Trailblazer? He’s new to my stable and I’d love to know what you think about him. I haven’t gelded him yet. He’s young. Maybe good breeding stock for my cutting horses.”

  Darren looked at the chestnut-colored stallion Travis was indicating with his thumb. He was a beauty. A silky black mane and black socks on all four legs set off his brown coloring.

  “Love to. He’s definitely got the cocky look of most of your cutting horses,” Darren said.

  Travis laughed. “My horses have a cocky look?”

  “Oh, hell yeah. Like they all think their shit don’t stink.”

  Travis continued to laugh. “Yeah, well, I can assure you, all their shit stinks.”

  That made Darren grin. “Which one for Porchia?”

  “Hmm. I think maybe Oreo.” Travis pointed to a black and white horse standing apart from the other horses. “She’s sweet but a little timid. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with her. Caroline rescued her from a horse sale we were attending. The owners were elderly and I think she might have been mistreated or ignored. But I’d love to know what you think about her too.”

  “Great. We’ll take them this afternoon for a short ride. If Porchia does okay with the horse, I think I’ll want them in the morning. Early in the morning,” he clarified. “A daybreak ride.”


  Travis showed Darren where all the tack was and the guys spent almost an hour talking horses. It was close to three by the time Darren wandered back up to his cabin. Porchia sat in the swing, one foot tucked under her while using the other to rock.

  “You done with the rolls?”

  She nodded. “Yes. They are going through their second rise. All they’ll need is to be baked and I’m not needed for that.”

  Darren climbed the stairs. “Scoot over.” Sitting down, he ran his arm along the top board of the swing back. “You check on Heavenly Delights today? Nothing blow up?”

  She didn’t laugh or even chuckle at his joke. Instead, a look of concern flashed and then was gone.

  “I did. Tina says everything’s fine. Sales are off a little, but I think that’s because you’re here and not in Whispering Springs buying all my goodies.”

  His mouth twitched. “Well, now, I thought I was buying fritters all this time. You mean you had goodies for sale too?”

  She elbowed his gut. “Goose,” she said with a laugh. “Everything is fine. Seems odd though.”


  “Not going to work.” She set the swing in motion. “I’ve been getting up early with the bakery for years. Sleeping until the sun’s up seems like such a luxury.”

  “So you’re having fun then?” He held his breath for her answer. He knew she’d say yes because she was the kind of person who wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings. But he wanted to hear her say it.

  “I am. I’ll admit that all those Montgomery women exhaust me. Where do they get all that energy?”

  “Years of putting up with the men, I’d guess. Want to get away for a little while? Travis has a couple of horses he’d like us to exercise.”

  “Um, I guess so.”

  “Now, don’t worry,” he said, his hand on her knee. “We’ll go slow. I’ll show you everything you need to know about riding. I’m a great teacher.”

  She looked at him, her lips twitching like they wanted to break into a smile.

  “What?” he asked. “I am.”

  “Oh, I bet,” she said and hiked her eyebrows. “I’m thinking you’ve taught quite a few girls how to ride. And I don’t necessarily mean horses.”

  “Jealous?” He pulled his arm off the swing back and around her shoulders.

  “Should I be?”

  “Never. None of them ever held a candle to you.”

  Pink tinged her creeks. “That’s a sweet thing to say.”

  “Come on.” He stood and pulled her to her feet. “Put on some jeans and boots and let’s go.”

  They walked down to the stable where the tack was stored. Darren had set some out earlier, knowing he’d need it for this afternoon ride.

  “You want some help with the saddles?” she asked.

  A new rider could take forever to get a saddle on tight enough. He knew that the woman he would spend his life with would have to be able to saddle and ride her own horse, but today, he didn’t have the patience to teach her. He was in a hurry to get her alone. Maybe impress her a little with some of his riding style.

  There might be some time next week when he could spend more time teaching her.

  “That’s nice of you, but it’ll be quicker if I do it the first time. But I’ll explain what I’m doing as I go.”

  She chuckled. “Sure thing, boss.”

  Darren explained each step of the saddling process as he did it. He loved how she watched closely, following each step with fascination. She didn’t ask questions but nodded when he asked if she understood what he was explaining.

  “This is Oreo. She’s new to Travis’s barn, but she seems gentle enough. You want to stroke her neck. She’d like that.”

  Porchia climbed down from the fence railing where she’d been sitting watching him.

  “Hello, Oreo. You’re a pretty lady,” she cooed to the horse. “Tell me about your horse.”

  “That would be Trailblazer.”

  Porchia walked over to his chestnut stallion. “Well, aren’t you a handsome guy.”

  “Careful, honey. Stallions can be unpredictable and hard to handle.”

  “So I can’t ride him? But he’s so gorgeous.”

  “No, you can’t. You’re riding Oreo.”

  “Can I at least sit on him? He’s so tall. How many hands?”

  Darren looked at her. “You know how horse height is measured?”

  She shrugged. “I might have heard a cowboy or two mention it. Something about hands.”

  He nodded. “Right. He’s seventeen hands.”

  “Wow. That’s big, huh?”

  “Yep. Now, you ready to get on Oreo?”

  “You sure I can’t ride Trailblazer? He seems to like me.”

  “Damn sure.”

  She blew out a long sigh. “Fine.” She walked back to Oreo. “Not to worry. I was just pulling his chain. You’re a fine gal.”

  Darren shook his head. Women. He would n
ever understand how their brains worked if he lived to be a hundred.

  “Okay then,” he said. “Put your foot in this stirrup. Step up and lift your right leg across her back. Here. Wait. I’ll help you.”

  “I think I can do it, Darren.”

  “Still, I think you might want a little help this first time.” Wrapping his hands around her waist, he waited until he felt her begin to lift herself. Then he gave her a little boost.

  She swung her leg over Oreo’s back and settled into the saddle.

  “Great job,” Darren praised. “Let me adjust your stirrup to the right height.”

  Her stirrups were just fine, but adjusting them gave Darren the chance to run his hand up her well-developed, muscular calf. Her tight jeans showcased her legs to such a degree that most of his blood began rushing below his belt. Time to stop touching her, or else his ride would be more than uncomfortable.

  He stepped back. “Your stirrups are fine.”

  She looked at him with a knowing smile. “If you’re finished feeling up my legs, let’s go.”

  He swung up onto Trailblazer and the stallion danced a little to the side.

  “Whoa, boy,” he coaxed the horse.

  When the horse settled, he squeezed his calves and moved Trailblazer out of the yard at a walk. Porchia followed and then caught up behind him.

  “You doing okay?” he asked.

  “I am. Can we go a little faster?”

  He chuckled. “Why don’t you get used to riding and then we can.”

  “Which way?”

  He pointed to the left. “Down this lane about half a mile and then there’s a trail we can follow.”

  “Great. So tell me about growing up in Florida.”

  They rode along talking about Florida and how the family ranch in Florida differed from Texas ranches. When they came to the trail that led off the road and into a pasture, Darren noticed Porchia had no trouble getting Oreo to go where she wanted. In fact, the more he watched her, the more impressed he was with her innate horsemanship.

  “How did you end up in Whispering Springs?” he asked. “I don’t think you’ve ever mentioned your parents.”

  The look she gave him was full of mischief. It reminded him of times he’d seen something similar on his brother’s face just before they did something questionable.

  And then she was gone. Oreo was flying across the field in a full-out gallop. Porchia’s posture was low and settled into the saddle as she moved in concert with the horse.

  Darren sat stunned momentarily, then he nudged the dancing stallion and raced after her, sure Porchia was going to be furious at him for putting her on such a dangerous horse. His heart pounded painfully against his chest in rhythm to Trailblazer’s hoof beats. If something happened to Porchia, he’d never forgive himself. It’d be all his fault.

  But as he and Trailblazer closed the gap, he could hear Porchia’s laughter.

  Oreo came to an abrupt stop and, with an obviously experienced touch, Porchia whirled the mare around in a graceful arc. Her face glowed with happiness. Her laughter was high and loud.

  “Gotcha,” she said.

  Darren reined in the stallion, both his and the horse’s breaths sounding harsh. “You know how to ride.” There was no question in his comment. He was positive of the findings.

  “I do.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She arched one brow in a saucy and sexy manner. “You never asked. You just assumed I was a townie, didn’t you?”

  He shook his head, embarrassed that he had made assumptions about her without bothering to ask. But still, he had to chuckle. It was exactly like something he’d have done. “I ought to turn you over my knee and spank you. You scared at least ten years off my life.”

  “I’d like to see you try.”

  He laughed. “Travis wanted these two exercised. Want to give them a little workout? Maybe something less than a full-out run?”


  Setting off at a canter, they moved through the field, Darren comfortable that she didn’t need to be helped or monitored.

  “I suppose you know how to saddle up also?” he asked, remembering how he’d tried to impress her with all his knowledge about saddling a horse.

  “Yep, I do.” She tossed him a cheeky grin. “But I’m not as fast as you are.”

  “Well, at least that’s something. There’s a creek up ahead. Want to stop and let the horses get a drink?”


  After securing the horses, Darren tossed a blanket on the ground near the creek. Porchia grinned. “Not your first rodeo.” She sat and stretched her legs out in front of her.

  “No, ma’am,” he said as he lowered himself down beside her.

  The sun was low in the sky. The warmth of the day was fading with the dropping sun.

  Darren sighed. “A beer would be great right now.”

  “Or a bottle of wine.”

  “Or a bottle of wine,” he agreed.

  “You know, Mr. Montgomery, you’re doing a really lousy job of seducing me.” Porchia leaned back and braced herself on her forearms. The position pushed her breasts up and out, each breath moving them slowly.

  Each of her breaths pushed more blood toward his groin. Darren bent one leg and rested his forearms on his knee. The action gave him time to process her comment as well as loosen the denim over his cock, which needed the extra space.

  “Am I trying to seduce you?”

  Her smile was sly and knowing. “Aren’t you?”

  He shifted his position, moving his hands to the ground on either side of her waist, effectively trapping her between his arms. Her gaze fell first to his right hand and then to his left. When she raised her head, her eyes met his.

  “Better. Much better, Mr. Montgomery.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Porchia didn’t recognize the alien who’d taken over her body and voice. She’d never teased a man like this, but if the excited whirl in her gut was any indication, she liked it. Once Darren had her trapped between his arms, it was all she could do to not nibble on one of his bulging biceps. She swallowed as she studied them. They were like handing a fresh box of chocolates to a dieting woman…impossible to pass up.

  Seduction was not a game Porchia understood or played well. Should she lean up to kiss him? Lean back and hope he followed her down to the blanket? Would he think her crazy if she took just a little bite of his muscles that bulged with each movement? Did her voice sound sexy or like she’d been fighting a cold for a week?

  In the end, she only had to remain in place, because Darren leaned toward her. His mouth touched hers and released a string of firecrackers in her heart. And then she just stopped thinking so hard. She caught his lower lip between her teeth, bit it and then soothed the bite with the tip of her tongue.

  A deep groan rumbled out of Darren. His heavy hands landed on her shoulders and pushed slightly. Porchia unbraced her arms so she could wrap them around his neck. As she lowered to the ground, Darren followed, their mouths never losing contact.

  Her shoulder, heated from his touch, cooled in the late afternoon air when he slid his hand down until his fingertips brushed the top of her breast. Breath catching, she waited for him to caress her flesh. When his palm finally covered her breast, she pushed up, pressing herself firmly into his hand.

  He moved his mouth off hers, leaving a trail of hot kisses along her chin and up her cheek until he reached her ear. His breath was warm and damp on her neck, sending a galaxy of shivers down her spine.

  “I want you, Porchia. Let me love you like you’ve never been loved before.”

  She didn’t have time to answer or even give a thought to what she should say. A loud bell gonged from her pocket.

  “Ignore it,” he said and began nibbling on the large tendon in her neck.

  “I can’t. What if it’s the bakery? I promised I’d be available.”

  “Damn it.” He rested his forehead on her shoulder.

; Her phone gonged again before she had time to even pull it out. Maybe she could ignore it. It’d be hard to do anything from the middle of nowhere.

  As she began to dig in her pocket for the phone, Darren’s cell rang. She laughed and he rolled his head side-to-side across her clavicle bone.

  “The universe hates me,” he said and sat. He pulled out his phone and answered.

  Porchia clicked her text messages, saw who they were from and stood. She walked closer to the stream to give both of them privacy to answer the respective summons.

  The first text message was from Slade.


  The second text was from him also.


  A gun fired in close proximity to their location. Bark splintered from the tree to their left. Darren threw her to the ground and placed himself on top of her, shielding her from whatever was going on.

  Another shot fired. This time, a small limb dropped from above, landing on Darren’s legs. It wasn’t large enough to do damage but was enough to convey the message that the shooter could hit wherever he pointed his gun.

  The third bullet scattered the leaves in the tree above them, but this time only twigs fell on them.

  No more shots came. They lay there for a minute, their breaths coming in anxious gasps.

  “You okay?” Darren asked.

  “Fine. You can let me up.” When he didn’t move fast enough, she added, “I’m really okay.”

  Darren rolled to the side but pulled her up next to him.

  “I’m going to kill Cash and Singer.”

  She frowned. “Why? You think they were firing at us? Why in the world would your cousin and the sheriff be shooting guns in our direction? Besides, didn’t they make it clear what area they would be hunting in so the rest of us wouldn’t be in the way?”

  “Yes, but still. This is private property and no one else is hunting but those two.”


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