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Diamonds and Spurs [The Callens 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “Why aren’t you with her?”

  He placed the soap on the dish and rubbed his chest. “Because I don’t want to be.”

  His words took a moment to sink in. “What do you mean? I saw you two kiss.”

  When he finished working the soap into a lather, he rinsed. “You saw her kiss me. There’s a big difference.”

  Cam picked up the bar again and rubbed his hands on it. After replacing the soap, he palmed her breasts. His touch overloaded her senses.

  “Tell me what she said.” He wouldn’t be here if he cared for Sharon. He’d be in the shower with his ex-fiancée.

  “Nothing to tell.” He leaned over and nibbled her neck while he pinched her sore nipples.

  They’d made love less than an hour ago and yet she wanted him again. How could that be? “Did she want to get back with you?” Her damn voice cracked, despite her resolve to appear unaffected.

  He leaned back. “Okay. I’ll tell you.” He detailed the conversation including the ring toss.

  “Is Sharon the vindictive type?” Would the woman think to come after her?

  Cam reached around, cupped her rear, and drew her close. His hard cock made an indent in her belly. “I don’t know. Now can we stop talking?”

  His kiss proved conclusively he wanted her and not the other woman. Mandy placed her hands on his rough cheeks and slid her tongue along the seam of his lips. He opened his mouth, and instead of allowing her to explore him, he dove in like a man possessed. Their tongues danced and probed. She closed her eyes, and tiny spots floated across her lids. Their chests pressed together. They tasted and teased until they broke for air.

  “I want to take my time and bring you one orgasm after another, but you’ve made me a desperate man. Is it safe?”

  Safe? Safe from what? Ah, from getting pregnant. She did a quick calculation. “Yes.”

  He slipped a finger into her gushing hole. From the frictionless way it slipped in, she was more than ready for him. His thumb strummed her clit, and desire exploded. Her pussy cramped, and she milked his finger.

  “Your pussy is swollen. Maybe we shouldn’t.”

  She wasn’t going to let him leave now. “Fuck me, Cam.” She’d never uttered those words with Craig.

  He twisted her around and walked her one step until her back pressed against the wall. He captured her wrists with one hand and placed them above her head. His lids lowered and his mouth parted. “I need you.”

  I need you, too.

  Held captive, he grabbed his cock and slid opened her lower lips. His blistering kiss and thrust came at the same time, splintering her mind and her body. His cock stretched her swollen pussy to the max.

  “Wrap your legs around me, angel.”

  He let go of her arms and slid them under her hips. Cam gently bit the seam between her neck and shoulder as he lifted her.

  Getting into position caused his cock to sink in deeper, hitting nerves she didn’t know existed. She groaned and he held still as if he understood how the change would affect her. She dropped her head on his shoulder and kissed his neck. Every inch of the man excited her.

  When he lifted his foot and placed it on the wall to prevent her from slipping, she reached around to his back and held on. He fucked her hard and fast. Total bliss swamped her as her hormones burst to life.

  “Angel, I’m close.” He dropped back his head and grunted and groaned like a man out of mind with need.

  The next thrust nearly catapulted her over the edge. The storm inside her brewed, and the heated rapture drowned her in desire. Cam pummeled her pussy, and she let herself be swept away by the blistering climax.


  Her heart hammered and her breaths came out in tiny pants. Her mind fuzzed as her body took control and thrilled with each pulse of his heartbeat. His hot cum burned hard inside her as his cock expanded. She squeezed her thighs tight and pressed her hips forward to feel every inch.

  “Jesus, Mandy.”

  He stepped back from the wall, and she let her legs slide to the ground. Exhausted, she held on.

  She looked up at him. “We need to stop meeting like this.”

  He burst out laughing. “You are so much fun.”

  His compliment thrilled her more than if he told her she was pretty or liked the way she wore her hair. She kissed his nose. “You are, too.”

  He picked up the soap and dragged it between her legs. “We never really did get clean before.”


  They quickly washed and then dried. While he dressed, she went in search of clean clothes. Both Lilly and Trinity were in the room. Uh-oh.

  Chapter Eight

  Trinity laughed. “You go, girl.”

  Mandy shot a glance at Lilly. “I thought Cam asked you to keep watch.”

  “Trinity’s cool.”

  “Girl, if you want to make love with a horse, I’m good with it.”

  “Ew. That’s disgusting.”

  Cam came out of the bathroom and grinned. “Ladies.” He faced her. “We good?”

  She guessed he was referring to the fact she saw him and Sharon kiss. “Yes.”

  “Later.” He nodded to both Lilly and Trinity and left.

  Mandy dropped onto her bed and Trinity sat next to her. “Spill.”

  What was up with this town? She’d have to remember all actions would be scrutinized. “What do you think?”

  Trinity laughed. “You are one lucky girl.”


  * * * *

  As soon as Vince walked in the house and found Cam whistling, he made a beeline toward him. Something was up.

  “Why are you so freaking happy?”

  Cam pressed the button on the blender. It looked like he was fixing a berry shake, one of his favorite concoctions. “Ran into Sharon.”


  Cam sobered. “That’s not why I’m happy.” He told him about the rifle lesson and the subsequent sex.

  His cock twitched imagining being with Mandy. “I’m surprised. She seemed more reserved to me.”

  Cam shrugged. The blender stopped, and he removed the glass holder and waved it. “You want to share?”

  “Mandy, not the drink.”


  Vince grabbed a beer instead. “Do you think Sharon will cause any trouble or leave as quickly as she arrived?”

  “Don’t know. Anything’s possible with her.”

  Curiosity got the best of him. “So how was she?”

  Cam guzzled part of his drink. “Let’s just say, we were both idiots if we thought Sharon was worthy of spending the rest of our life with.”

  His balls tightened. “That good, huh?”

  “Yeah.” He finished his drink and dropped the glass in the sink. “Mandy needs to rest. Give her a few days before you try to move in.”

  Hope surged. “Did you mention to her we like to share?”

  Cam cocked a brow. “No. I’m leaving that up to you.”

  “Rushing her would ruin everything. Maybe we should lie low for a while and see how she responds to us, or rather me, at the fundraiser.”

  Cam adjusted his balls. “You want to wait two weeks?”

  “If she’s worth waiting for, I do.”

  Cam groaned. “Let’s do this.”

  * * * *

  The last ten days had been hard. While Sam had excused her from her chores because of the class, Mandy had spent every minute not at school studying for her exam. A lot had been at stake. If she hadn’t passed, she wouldn’t be allowed to take the women on expeditions. If she did, Sam said Mandy could be an observer. That worked for her.

  In the end she passed.

  The only downer was neither Cam nor Vince had called. Vince she could understand, but Cam? Neither Lilly nor Trinity had any explanation.

  “You’ll see them at the fundraiser,” Lilly offered.

  “True, but that’s in three whole days.”

  Lilly laughed. “You’ve got it bad, huh?”
  “I like Cam a lot.”

  “What about Vince?”

  He hadn’t tried to put in an appearance. “I liked him, but we only kissed once a few weeks ago.” She shrugged, trying to act like it wasn’t a big deal. “I don’t think he’s interested.”

  A shine sparked Lilly’s eyes. “You are aware he and Cam share their women?”

  Vince had mentioned something about sharing, but he mentioned it in reference to the Callen women. “Are you telling me they shared Sharon?” Trinity mentioned Sharon dated both.


  She waited for the shock or disgust or whatever else was supposed to come from contemplating two men with one woman, but it never came. Instead, goose bumps covered her skin at the idea of having both Cam and Vince lick her pussy and play with her tits at the same time. The concept of two cocks at once made her pussy spasm in delight. Sex in her ass was another matter.

  Lilly shook her arm. “You okay?”


  “You kind of spaced out.”

  Whoops. “So tell me about this fundraiser.”

  * * * *

  Mandy didn’t know if she was more excited to lead kids around on horses, watch the bull-riding and calf-roping contests, or see Cam and Vince. Lilly had promised to take a double shift if it meant Mandy could spend more time with the men.

  She decided all three enticed her. Be honest. Okay, being with the men would provide the biggest rush, but she didn’t like getting her hopes up.

  Trinity drove her and Lilly to Sam’s parents’ ranch. She’d never seen the other Callen estates. As they neared, she sat up and scoped out the place.

  “Oh, my.” Cars and trucks parked on the land hundreds of feet from the house.

  “Guess we’ve got to hoof it, ladies.”

  Mandy had come prepared with walking boots and a lightweight shirt. This August day was bound to be hot. As they neared the estate, music blared. “This is some affair.” About six large, white tents sat next to each other. “How many will be here, do you think?”

  Trinity glanced to the sky. “Five hundred to a thousand, maybe. Almost all who show up donate a sizable amount, unless they’re here to participate in the contests.”

  Lilly smiled. “You should have seen Sam last year. She won the calf-roping contest for the women.”

  “Her time was only a second longer than the men’s winner,” Trinity added.

  Sam was pregnant this year. “I’m hoping she’ll only be spectating this time.”

  Trinity stepped off the road to let a horse pass. “She’d better. I know some of the other women are thrilled to have a chance to win the prize.”

  Once they entered the fenced ranch, Mandy looked around for Vince or Cam, but she didn’t spot them. Finding anyone in particular would be hard in this large crowd.

  Lilly wrapped an arm through hers. “Let’s head inside the house. I’m betting that’s where Sam will be. She’ll give us our assignments.”

  “What about all the other girls?” Sam had fifteen employees.

  “Everyone has a job, some more exciting than others.”

  Being low man on the totem pole, she expected the most menial job. Inside, cool air greeted them, as did high ceilings and a huge house. “Wow.”

  “I know, right?” Lilly looked around. “What I wouldn’t give to live here.”

  “Large homes aren’t all that wonderful. Someone has to clean them.”

  All three laughed. Sam waddled out. “Hey, ladies.” A woman who looked a lot like Sam followed her, wearing an apron.

  “Mandy, this is my mom.”

  They shook hands. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Callen.”

  A threesome burst through the door laughing. “Hi, Mom.”

  Sam gave all three a hug. “You know Trinity and Lilly. This our newest recruit, Mandy Duncan. Mandy, this is my sister April and her one of her husbands, Taylor. April is in med school.” She wrapped an arm around her sister’s shoulders. “We’re all very proud of her.”

  “I have a long way to go before I get the letters MD at the end of my name. We’re looking for an extension cord for the band. The one they brought isn’t long enough.”

  “You know where it is. Help yourself.”

  The trio left and Sam faced them. She pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket. “I want everyone to have a good time. If you want to split your time between work and fun, that’s fine. Here’s the schedule. The kiddie rides will be from one to five. Decide between the three of you when you want to take your shift.”

  Mandy loved how Sam treated them with such respect. She took the flyer and glanced at the events.

  Mrs. Callen wiped her hands on her apron. “Don’t forget to grab food when it suits you. We always have leftovers.”

  “Thanks.” With their instructions in hand, the three of them left.

  “Let’s check out the rodeo setup,” Mandy said. Gunshots sounded, but they appeared to be quite far away. “Is there a sharp shooting contest?”

  Trinity leaned over. She tapped the paper. “On the north end of the property. It’s a rifle competition. I watched last year, but the bull riding is the most fun.”

  Lilly spoke up. “My favorite is the calf roping.”

  Mandy was curious. “Do either of you ever enter?”

  Lilly shook her head while Trinity nodded. “Years ago I did the calf roping, but it’s hard on the back jumping off the horse and then trying to wrestle that poor calf.”

  “Years ago? How long have you worked for the Callens?”

  “Only three, but I entered when I worked elsewhere.”

  They reached the large fenced area. Stadium seats rimmed the arena. “This is amazing. The Callens really went all out.”

  Someone tapped her shoulder and she spun around. “Vince!”

  He gave her a hug. “Come to watch me tame the bull?”

  Her jaw lowered. “You’re riding a bull?” That was barbaric. “You could be crippled for life sitting on top of one.” Craig loved to watch the rodeo. They’d been introduced to a few riders. All they talked about was how many operations they’d had for broken bones. Every one had back issues.

  “I’ll take my chances. With you watching, I’ll stay on extra long.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  As soon as he disappeared, Mandy and the girls climbed on the stands. They picked a seat high up, mostly because the lower seats were taken.

  “Popular event,” she said.

  “It’s probably the reason why most people come,” Trinity said.

  An announcer at a table in the stands across from them tapped the microphone. “Welcome to the annual calf-roping and bull-riding competition. Let’s get started.”

  Several pretty girls on horses came out in their cowgirl finery and waved. She recognized many of them as Sam’s ranch hands.

  Lilly leaned over. “Only the senior most women have the option to ride.”

  Maybe someday, she’d be one of the girls. Next up was the calf roping. First the women and then the men competed. Her gaze never left the rider, and the easy way she maneuvered the horse. Some missed lassoing the calf altogether, but of the ones who succeeded, maybe half were able to tie up all four legs. The first woman to succeed received a standing ovation.

  Mandy checked her phone for the time to make sure they wouldn’t be late to the kiddie rides. Next came the men’s turn to rope the calf. One of Sam’s husbands, Wade Watson, took his turn.

  Trinity nudged her. “He won last year. He’s amazing.”

  With rapt attention, they watched Wade race after the calf, rope him on the first toss, and upend him in seconds. The finished time was eight seconds.

  “Good luck beating that time,” Trinity offered.

  In the end Wade won, beating out Sam’s other husband, Heath. Mandy wanted to see Vince ride, and then she’d check if anyone wanted to ride a pony. Vince was the fourth bull rider. The first three lasted only a few seconds. Hooves smashed the gate, and she spott
ed Vince climb on top.

  Mandy covered her face. “I’m not sure I can watch.”

  Lilly rubbed her back. “Don’t worry. Those two men on horseback are there to see nothing happens to him.”

  The gate opened and the crowd cheered. She lifted her gaze. With one hand on the horn, Vince rode the bucking steer. Her back ached just watching the bull dip his head and spin, trying to dislodge him.

  “Go, Vince!” she yelled.

  The bull won and threw Vince. Her heart lodged in her throat as the men on horseback descended on the wild beast and led him away. Vince jumped up, slapped his hand against his leg, and waved.

  The announcer stated Vince’s time as seven point six seconds. To her, he’d ridden a good minute.

  “I’m going to check on the pony rides. I’ll take the first shift.”

  “Sure,” Trinity said.

  Mandy made her way to the ground. As she turned to go around the corral, gloved hands grabbed her from behind and lifted her off her feet. She laughed. He set her down and spun her around. “Vince. Great job.”

  He grinned. “If I win, do I get a kiss?”

  She might like to give him more than that. “You got it.”

  “I want to watch Walter Simmons take his turn. He’s my biggest competitor. Mind if we watch for a second?”

  She could afford to watch one more. “Sure.”

  “Let’s step over here. We can see from the gate.”

  They were halfway to the entrance when a sharp pain sliced her calf. “Ouch.” Mandy halted.

  Vince clasped her arm. “What’s wrong?”

  She lifted her foot to check out if perhaps she’d been bit by a snake. Blood gushed out of her calf. “Oh, my God.”

  Vince swept her up. “Carlton,” he shouted to someone nearby. “Find Jenny or the medic.”

  As he raced with her toward the house, her leg aching in earnest, she asked, “What happened?”

  “Shh, darlin’. You’ll be fine. Someone shot you.”

  Chapter Nine

  Vince rushed Mandy into the house. “Anyone here?” His heart pounded, not from having Mandy in his arms, but from the fact she’d been shot.


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