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Diamonds and Spurs [The Callens 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “I never heard of anything like that.”

  “Me neither, but I made enough that both my uncles invest with me.”

  “Does anyone else invest with you?”

  Vince wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her stool closer. “Don’t worry. I’m not running a Ponzi scheme.”

  She let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “Good to know.”

  “Now eat.”

  Once they finished, Vince kissed her cheek. “Gotta do some work in town. Cam will stay here with you.”

  She hated to be a bother, but having one of the men with her at least until tomorrow helped keep her from freaking out. “Okay.”

  As soon as Vince left she went into the living room and flipped on the television. After searching through the channels, nothing appealed to her. She muted the sound and leaned her head back on the sofa. She wanted to recreate the few minutes at the Callen party. Something might have caught her eye that she hadn’t realized at the time was important. While a ton of people were in attendance, she would have noticed Craig. The possibility he’d located her was slim, but her ex-husband was a resourceful man. Money bought a lot of information.

  For the right amount, he could have hired someone to shoot her. Or had he meant to just scare her into returning? A silencer implied a professional. A professional wouldn’t have missed, though. Then there was Sharon. She’d shown up, but women in general didn’t use a gun to harm someone, or so she’d read. Poison was often the MO. However, Sharon, too, could have hired someone.


  Footsteps sounded. “You say something, angel?”

  “That was me being frustrated.”

  Cam sat next to her. “You want to talk about it?”

  No. She faced him. However, she needed to broach another topic. “As much as I appreciate you wanting to protect me, it won’t work.”

  “What won’t work?”

  “Me being here for long. I can’t stay holed up forever. Even Vince said Intrigue didn’t have a sophisticated crime lab. Your sheriff won’t find the guy who did this. If Craig is behind this, he’d have hired some local who may be long gone.”

  Cam smoothed the hair away from her face. “Then you have nothing to worry about.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Craig will hire someone else until he’s successful. He hates to fail at anything.”

  “You really think he wants you dead?”

  She shook her head. “If he thinks I know anything about his illegal activities he might.” She sucked at picking men.

  No, you don’t.

  Cam picked up her hands. “How about a horse ride to take away your worries?”

  Excitement filled her. “Really?”

  “You bet. But is your leg good enough?”

  The pain had subsided. The bullet had grazed the right side of her right leg, which wasn’t the side against the horse. “Yes.”

  “Great. Let me log out of my computer and we’ll go.”

  She smiled for the first time since the shooting.

  * * * *

  As much as Vince appreciated Sheriff Will Sutton and trusted him to find the culprit, sometimes knowing the right person was the key. And Vince Callen knew a lot of the right people.

  It wasn’t quite 2:00 p.m., so he was able to park in front of the Raging Bull Bar with ease. The fact a large portion of the potential clientele were at the Callen Ranch either donating or participating in one of the events helped.

  He pushed open the swinging door and took a second to let his eyes adjust to the darkness. As always, the place smelled of peanuts, beer, and a bit of mold. He inhaled and smiled.

  Jenny’s husband owned the place and was tending bar. Vince slid onto a stool. “Jackson.”

  “Vince. What can I get you?”

  “A Bud.”

  “Jenny called and told me what happened.” Jackson drew a beer and placed the glass in front of him.

  “Damnedest thing. We’ve never had an incident at my aunt and uncle’s house for as long as I can recall.” He sipped the cold brew. It hit the spot. “I was wondering if you’d heard any scuttlebutt about someone wanting a gun for hire.”

  His brow rose. “Can’t say I have, but ask Tara. She seems to attract the talkers.”

  Vince tossed a five on the counter, and with beer in hand, headed over to the server who was wiping down the empty tables. Only two others were in the bar. It was some couple he didn’t recognize. From the brochures in front of them, they were probably tourists.

  “Tara, you got a minute?”

  She glanced at her boss, who nodded. “Sure. What do you need?”


  She motioned to the booth. “How can I help?”

  He wasn’t quite sure the best way to word his request. “Did you hear about the shooting today?”

  Her face filed with concern. “Jackson told me. I’m glad the woman’s okay.”

  “I have a few suspects, but I’m betting neither one personally pulled the trigger. Has anyone come in bragging about coming into a lot of cash lately?”

  She shook her head. “Not that I recall.”

  “I was thinking maybe someone was hired to take a potshot at Mandy.” Damn. “Can you think of someone desperately in need of cash, someone you might not think is even capable of harming anyone, but who would under the circumstances?”

  She glanced to the side for a moment. “The only one who comes to mind is Darby Atkins.”

  “I know Darby. What about him?”

  “His son needs a new kidney. Kid’s on dialysis and it’s draining their funds. If they don’t find a kidney soon, they might not be able to afford the treatment.”

  “That’s terrible.” His family had a fund to help those in need. He’d speak to Uncle Josh about lending a hand.

  The door swung open, and the boisterous laughter caused Vince to turn. “What do you know? It’s Darby himself.” Vince didn’t believe in coincidences.

  Tara slid out of the booth. “I’ll wait on him and let you know if I find out anything.”

  “Appreciate it.”

  Vince slid into a booth and nursed his beer. He tried not to watch the possible suspect.

  The man shared a joke with Tara. Something got him in a good mood. She stood there smiling and laughing before placing the order at the bar. After retrieving and delivering the drinks to Darby and his friend, she sidled over to Vince, ostensibly to see if he needed a refill.

  “Did Darby tell you why he’s in such a good mood?”

  She shrugged. “Apparently, the insurance company issued him a policy.”

  Could be because he paid them. “Let me ask you this. Has Sharon Lipman been in here recently?”

  She cocked a brow. “Sharon, as in your ex-fiancée?”

  “That would be the one.”

  “Once, maybe three days ago. I wouldn’t have noticed except all the whistles drew my attention.”

  That didn’t surprise him. “Was Darby here at the time?”

  “Sorry, it was so busy, I couldn’t keep track.”

  “That’s okay. Thanks.” Vince left half the glass on the table, and handed her a large tip. “Keep your eyes and ears open. Call me if you see them together.”

  She smiled. “You can be sure of it.”

  Next step was to investigate Craig Clairbourne and the Indulgent Spa. If Mandy’s ex thought he had long arms, he hadn’t met the Callens.

  Before he headed back to his office, though, he stopped by the sheriff’s office to pass his theory by Will. The sheriff ushered him into his office and Vince took a seat.

  “I don’t have anything concrete for you, Vince. To be honest, I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to match the bullet to a particular gun.”

  “I figured. I have a theory.” He told him about the two people who benefitted from driving Mandy out of Intrigue. He didn’t want to think about that person wanting her dead.

  “You know Sharon as well as
anyone. You think she’d do something like this? She has a lot to lose if she’s caught.”

  “The operative word being caught. Sharon wants what she wants without regard to the consequences.”

  “What about Mandy’s ex-husband?”

  He told him about the Ponzi scheme and what he had to lose if Mandy testified against him.

  “Sounds like either one could be involved.”

  “In two days, we’re heading into the wilderness. All I ask is for you keep an eye and an ear out for anyone who has come into money or who asks too many questions.”

  “Will do.”

  They shook hands and Vince left, determined to get to the bottom of the issue.

  Chapter Eleven

  Mandy was going crazy sitting in Vince and Cam’s home for the last couple of days and not working. Both men seemed to find reasons to avoid her like she was the criminal instead of the victim, even though neither was rude. In fact, they went out of their way to make sure she had her privacy, but not once did Cam invite her into his bed. Vince had ample opportunity to put the moves on her, but he didn’t.

  As for Cam, it was almost as if he was waiting to find the shooter before he pursued her. She considered confronting him, but her head wasn’t in the right spot to start a new relationship.

  Right now, she looked forward to going on the two-day outing and being out of their house. Trinity would serve as the lead. Mandy was there to observe, and Vince came to protect. According to Sam there never had been an incident that required the man to defend them, but Mandy was glad Vince would be there just in case.

  The seven women in the group were amateur photographers and the eighth was their teacher. Apparently, they’d completed a three-day photo seminar to learn about their cameras and this was their reward at the end of the class. The only camera she’d ever used was her iPhone. Now that phone was a distant memory stuck in her former home’s flowerpot. Her burn phone had no such capabilities.

  Vince came into the kitchen. “Ready to test your outdoor skills?”

  “I’ve been ready for days. My calf is good and I’m really looking forward to camping.” She tapped her daypack. The horses would carry the heavy equipment.

  “Let’s go.”

  When Vince wrapped an arm around her waist, her worries disappeared. She had high hopes for this adventure on many levels. Trinity had prepped her for how she ran the excursions, and Mandy was confident all would go well. Because Trinity was the lead, she would be the one to discuss leaving no trace, how to go to the bathroom in the woods, fire safety, purifying the water, and the safe way to light a camp stove.

  All of them gathered around the horses. Trinity spent close to thirty minutes going through her explanation.

  “Vince, Mandy, and I will help you set up your tents the first night. Then you’re on your own for night two. Any questions?”

  The women shook their heads. One of the ladies kept staring at Mandy, making her a bit uncomfortable and she failed to push down the strange feeling. The three of them made sure the ladies were well situated before mounting their horses.

  In the beginning of the trip, the wide plains afforded them to ride side by side.

  An hour into the trip, the curious lady pulled up next to her. “This may sound odd, but I swear I know you. Have you ever been to Denver?”

  Mandy’s heart sank. She could lie. Taking a good look at this woman, she recognized her. She’d attended one of the investor’s parties. Sooner or later Ellen would remember the event, too. “Yes.” Mandy waved a finger. “You’re Ellen Flowers, aren’t you?”

  “Why, yes. Where have we met?”

  “At a party at the Indulgent Spa.”

  She sucked in a breath. “That’s it. When Trinity said your name was Mandy, I kept wracking my brain, wondering where I’d met you.”

  “That’s me.”

  “Whatever are you doing here?”

  If she told a short version of the truth, perhaps she could convince the woman not to let the information leak back to Craig. “Craig and I divorced.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  Mandy imagined not many did. “I’d appreciate it if he didn’t know I live here now.”

  Ellen did a zipper motion with her lips. “Count on me. Mum’s the word.”

  Relief washed through her. “Thanks.”

  Ellen rejoined her group and Mandy spent the next hour enjoying Vince. The first day’s ride was only three hours, which included many stops. Each time the women rubbed their rears, but few complained. As soon as they reached their campsite, Trinity gave them a quick lesson on how to set up a tent and prepare for possible rain. Once the women decided on the two trees to string their rope between, they set up two A-framed tarps.

  Mandy stepped next to Vince. “Where are you sleeping?”

  “With you.”

  She liked the idea but wasn’t sure it was appropriate. “I thought I’d be sharing a tent with Trinity.”

  “Trinity always uses a one-man tent. We get the three-person one. That’s you, me, and the gear. You okay with that?”

  “Like I have a choice?” She opened her mouth wide and planted a palm on her chest, acting as if she was a prude.

  “I can be good if you want.” He moved close and looked down at her with lust in his eyes.

  “We’ll see about that.” She smiled.

  He tossed her a grin in return and retrieved the tent from the saddlebags. He handed her the shock-corded tent poles. “Let’s do this.” He winked. “We’ll have complete privacy.”

  “I might like one of the open A-frames better in case anyone sneaks up on us at night.”

  “Not to worry, darlin’. You got the number-one bull rider in your tent.”

  She laughed. “Like that’s going to help?”

  “I have a knife and a gun. No worries.”

  That made her feel a little better. Trinity jogged over. “You two want to start dinner for the ladies while I help them waterproof the tent?”


  “There’s a laminated card with the meal choices packed with the stove.”

  When Trinity left, Mandy stepped close to Vince. “I haven’t used a camp stove in ten years.”

  He brushed her cheek. “Stop worrying. You’re with the pro.”

  * * * *

  After chef Vince prepared the beans-and-rice dish, Trinity had some of the women collect firewood while the rest were put in charge of cleaning the pots. Mandy offered to find and whittle the sticks for the marshmallows. They were going to make s’mores.

  In less than twenty minutes, not only had Trinity built a wonderful fire, but the women had collected a stack of wood ready for burning. Most of the group sat around the fire. Some grabbed a ground cloth to sit on while others used ground-hugging camp chairs.

  No surprise, many of the women took photos of the fire and of each other. Two had brought tripods and were trying to photograph the stars. When they passed around the camera to show the result, Mandy had to admit their shots were fabulous.

  Shortly before bedtime, Trinity asked for the ladies’ attention. “As is the tradition at the Circle Bar ranch, we like to have each of you tell us one thing you’re going to remember about the trip. I call it a snapshot. No pun intended. I’ll go first. I’m going to remember how after Sarah, Ellen, and Carla finished putting up their tent, they went over to the other ladies’ tent and gave them guidance. Being in the wilderness to me is all about cooperation.”

  The women nodded and murmured.

  “We’ll go in a circle. Carla, you’re up next.”

  “My favorite part was capturing the fading sunlight streaming through the trees.”

  Mandy had seen the shot and had to agree.

  “My memory,” Sarah said, “was when I was trying to work the water pump and Mandy came over to give me a hand.”

  “Aw, thanks.” This was such a great group.

  Ellen rubbed her rear. “I’ll remember how sore I am.” The group la
ughed. Many joined in with the same issue.

  Around nine, the fire had burned low. Trinity stood. “Time to crawl into your sleeping bags. We’ll be getting up early tomorrow.”

  A few of the women groaned. Mandy smiled.

  After the women snuggled in their beds, the three leaders made sure the food was securely hung to prevent the bears and other varmints from stealing their next meal. Vince then made certain the horses were watered and fed.

  “Good night, Trinity,” Vince said.


  As soon as they entered their cozy tent, Vince and she blew up their air mattresses.

  “You know, darlin’, it would be a lot warmer if we put your bag on the bottom, mine on top, and we snuggle.”

  She laughed. “Like we’d get any sleep?”

  He pulled out his bag and stretched it across their mattresses as if she’d already agreed. “Who says I want to sleep?”

  “You have to get some shut-eye. Maybe we can take turns staying up.”

  “I was only kidding. I’m a light sleeper. I’ll wake if anyone comes near. The horses will be the first to notice an intruder, anyway. You’ll be safe.”

  She wanted to return to his first comment. “Are you telling me you could sleep next to me and keep your hands to yourself?” If he said, yes, she’d be disappointed. More than that, she’d be depressed.

  “Just watch me.”

  We’ll see about that. She slid next to him, and he covered them with the other sleeping bag. Practicality intruded. “Where are your gun and knife?”

  “By the flap. You’re safe. Now close your eyes and go to sleep.”

  She didn’t want to sleep for many reasons. She’d never been afraid of the woods or its creatures until now. The gunshot had changed all that.

  “Hold me?” Her voice wavered, but she didn’t care if he guessed she was scared.

  Without a word, Vince pulled her tight and kissed her so gently her heart ached. He’d worked nonstop to discover who was after her. For that, she’d be forever indebted to him.


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