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Your Captivating Love (The Bennett Family Book 2)

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by Layla Hagen

“Nadine still has a lot to unpack, and I offered to help her,” Ava says. “You four have fun.”

  As the two of them leave, I can’t help myself from glancing appreciatively at Nadine’s backside. I can proudly say I’m an ass man. I appreciate it in every shape, but Nadine’s is perfect. Every part of her is, and I’ve studied her plenty tonight. Her long, brown hair and tan complexion contrast starkly but beautifully with her blue eyes.

  Her full breasts and the swell of her hips are mouth-watering. I was hoping she’d be hot or funny, and I got both. In fact, she’s so much more than that, I can’t even describe it. She was so full of energy and passion when she spoke about her store that I nearly kissed her... to check if she’d do that with as much passion too.

  No sooner are Nadine and Ava out the door than Pippa’s stance changes. She gazes at me expectantly, her eyes wide and full of excitement. Sebastian is reading something on his phone, so at least my brother isn’t in on the charade. Alice scans the menu, so I’m clear on that front too.

  Wait a minute.

  Alice is throwing me curious glances every few seconds. Ah, man, Pippa’s dragged Alice into this matchmaking thing, hasn’t she? I’m a dead man. The problem with loving my sisters is that they’re very much aware that I do, and they take advantage of it. The women in our family have us men wrapped around their little fingers. Me, especially. Individually, I might stand a chance of fighting off their plan. When they join forces? No chance in hell.

  I was hoping to have Alice on my side tonight. Apparently not. . .

  Welcome to the Bennett clan, where alliances change faster than the wind and every sibling thinks they know what’s better for every other sibling. There are nine of us, three sisters, six brothers. I’m guilty of plenty of meddling myself. My only hope is that Summer, our youngest sister, isn’t in on this too.

  When we were kids, the alliances were straightforward. Pippa, Sebastian and I—the oldest trio—versus the younger ones. Things are more complex now.

  Pippa breaks the silence. “What did you think about Nadine?”

  “I know what you’re up to,” I reply. “Drop it. I can get myself a woman, thank you very much.” I avoid looking at her. I like Nadine a lot, but that doesn’t mean I’m right for her.

  “We disagree,” Pippa says.

  “Strongly,” Alice adds helpfully.

  “You haven’t brought anyone for us to meet since you broke up with Sylvia. That was two years ago,” Pippa continues. Sebastian remains suspiciously silent. The bastard won’t back me up on this.

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t date,” I tell them calmly. Pippa’s the only Bennett sibling who married, but I came damn close. Sylvia was my fiancée. “I keep my love life separate from my family.”

  If there’s anything the failed relationship with Sylvia taught me, it’s that women prefer it this way. I’m honest and upfront with my dates, telling them I’m not up for the long haul, just to have a pleasant time together. We spend a few months together, and I always treat them well, because I believe every woman deserves it.

  I was in high school when I decided I wouldn’t be an asshole. I made the decision after I overheard a moron saying he wanted to “tap that.” He meant Pippa. That’s when I realized every girl was someone’s sister or daughter, and it wasn’t fair to treat them in ways I’d hate anyone to treat my sisters.

  I might be an ass man, but I’m no asshole.

  So, yeah, I treat my dates right. I take them out, but I don’t let them in. It’s easier that way. Do I want to keep it up forever? It’s tempting. Without too much emotional involvement, no one can rip my goddamn heart out the way Sylvia did. Do I want to be in my sixties and still date around? No fucking way.

  I want to build a family, the way my parents did... eventually. And here lies the problem. If I want a family, I need to let a woman in, which I’m not ready to do. That’s a conundrum I can’t solve. As the CFO of Bennett Enterprises, I pride myself on being able to solve any problem by use of logic. When it comes to my love life, logic hasn’t helped one bit.

  Pippa’s voice snaps me from my thoughts. “You haven’t had a serious relationship in a while. It’d be good for you.”

  “Oh, and you’re an expert on that?”

  Pippa flinches, her chin trembling. Sebastian glares at me. Damn me and my impulsivity.

  “Sorry, that was a dick thing to say.” I shake my head. “What happened with Terence wasn’t your fault. I’m not implying that.”

  “I forgive you,” Pippa says. “You always put your foot in your mouth.”

  “Ah, nothing like my sister handing out compliments,” I mutter to myself. “Though I do deserve this one. Alice, please don’t join Pippa’s matchmaking game.”

  “I have no idea what you mean. I met Nadine a few times, and I like her,” Alice says simply. I know on the spot she is honest, and I can see why she likes Nadine. From my brief conversation with her, I could tell she’s fiercely determined, competitive, and hardworking. She shares many traits with Alice.

  “So there’s no chance you’ll want to date Nadine?” Pippa insists. “Ever?”

  “No.” I’m lying through my teeth, and Pippa sees right through me. I’d be more convincing if that woman weren't so damn sexy, and meeting her hadn’t been such a shock. Her energy is infectious, her courage to pursue what she wants endearing.

  Touching her back sent a jolt straight to my groin. Stepping closer to her, her womanly scent aroused me further still. She smelled like oranges. Nadine has an innate sensuality, unlike anyone I’ve encountered before.

  Which is why I should stay away from her. Ava’s the only close friend Nadine has here. Knowing my family, this means they’ll embrace her wholeheartedly, and include her in family events. If I were to date her, things would become complicated fast. I only do temporary, and that wouldn’t be fair to her. I have a hunch that Nadine has had enough complications in her life; she doesn’t deserve one more. I want her to feel happy here.

  “Well, it was nice of you to offer to help her with the real estate agent,” Pippa says. “The agent is Alex, right? I bet he’ll ask her out.”

  Thinking about Alex makes my blood boil. He’s a great agent, yes, but he’s a dick to women. He won’t lay his paws on Nadine; I’ll see to that. Damn it. I have no business being territorial with her. She’s not mine. But that doesn’t mean I’ll let anyone take advantage of her.

  “I’ll make sure Alex won’t attempt anything.” That’s why I offered to go with her to meet him. If I’m honest, I also wanted an excuse to see her again soon. Which goes right against my plan to keep my distance. Way to go, Bennett. . .

  “How chivalrous of you.” Pippa smiles smugly as the waiter brings the round of drinks we ordered. After he leaves, my sister tells me, “Nadine also plans to sell very sexy lingerie in her shop in addition to evening dresses.”

  I spit out my wine. “Now, why would you tell me that, Pippa?”

  She grins devilishly. “So you can let your imagination run wild. If you dated her, maybe she’d even give you a private show.”

  Women in sexy lingerie are my kryptonite, but Pippa has no business knowing that. I don’t share these details with my sisters. One of my dear brothers ratted me out. My money’s on Blake, one of my four younger brothers. That bastard.

  I swallow hard. “She wouldn’t.”

  “Yes,” Pippa says triumphantly while Alice clinks a glass with her.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, dumbfounded when even Sebastian laughs.

  “You’ve fallen right into Pippa’s trap,” he explains.

  “You admitted you’d like her to give you a private show,” Pippa says.

  “I have blood running through my veins, Pippa. And I’m a man.” I drop my head in my hands. Team Logan: 0. Team traitorous Bennetts: 1. These girls will be my undoing. “You could’ve given me a warning,” I tell Sebastian.

  “Why? It’s so much more fun seeing you fall right into their trap.”

I raise my eyebrows, and Sebastian holds his palms up in defeat. “I didn’t have a hand in this. But I’m enjoying the outcome.”

  “You’ll pay for this, brother,” I warn him. Alice and Pippa grin. Just by looking at my sisters, I can tell they won’t give up their matchmaking plan.

  I’m definitely a dead man.

  Chapter Three


  I wake up at seven o’clock on Monday, even though we’re meeting the realtor at eleven. Logan and I exchanged numbers on Friday at dinner, and Saturday he texted to inform me his friend Alex can meet us today. I’m so excited I can’t lie down for another minute. For years, I’ve been planning, researching, and saving for my dream. Things are about to get real with this meeting, and it’s nerve-wracking.

  At eight o’clock, my phone chirps. My stomach somersaults when I realize who the sender is.

  Logan: Big day. Ready for it?

  A huge smile spreads on my face as I type back.

  Nadine: Yesssss. Absolutely! I can’t wait!!!!!!

  Logan: I swear I can feel your energy through the phone.

  My smile is out of control now. I might’ve overdone it with the exclamation marks, but I am so damn excited.

  Nadine: Any tips for the meeting?

  Logan: Nah, just bring your smile. It’s beautiful.

  Oh, my. This man is a charmer, and I love it. Taking a deep breath, I remind myself that he’s off-limits, and reply as professionally as possible.

  Nadine: Thank you for joining me.

  Logan: My pleasure.

  For some reason, his words send a jolt of heat right through my center. Way to go, Nadine. As I shower, I admit to myself there is another reason for my enthusiasm: seeing Logan again, which is silly. If there was ever bad timing to fantasize about a man, it’s now. I have to focus one hundred percent on my business if I want it to stand any chance. Still, I’m glad he’s coming with me to meet the realtor. Logan’s confidence in my idea on Friday was like fuel for my dream; I can use some more of that today. Besides, that man is some serious eye candy. The fact that I don’t want to involve myself with anyone right now doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate his sexy ass.

  After I shower, I inspect my business plan for a while then dress in a suit. I still have some time left before I have to leave, so I call my mom. She picks up quickly.

  “Hi, Mom!”

  “Morning, sweetie.”

  As always, I breathe a sigh of relief when she sounds happy. For as long as I remember, Mom has suffered from depression, coming in episodes. Sometimes she was happy, and sometimes she wouldn’t rise from her bed, or even talk. When I was five, my father left us. We never heard from him again, and sorrow crippled Mom for years. Between the lack of access to medication and the stigma associated with the illness, she could barely hold a job.

  Friends and family helped for a while then stopped, saying Mom should “get over herself,” as if she was bratty, not sick. Growing up, I worked odd jobs in our small town in North Carolina. I did everything from mowing lawns to carrying mail or bagging groceries. I took care of us the best I could. When I was a junior in high school, things changed. Mom sought out treatment. Then she married Brian, and he’s the best man I know.

  “Hun, are you there?” Mom’s voice resounds.

  “Yeah, sorry. I got lost in my thoughts. I wanted to tell you that I’m seeing a realtor today. He’ll help me find a space for my shop.”

  “I’ll keep my fingers crossed.”

  “Thanks. I’m excited, but also scared.” This is something I wouldn’t admit to anyone but Mom. “What if it doesn’t work out?”

  “You can always come back home. Jack said you could always have your job back if you wanted to.”

  I gulp. “Yeah, that’s right.” Jack is my last boss. He said he’d hire me back in a second if I wanted to. That’s my fallback plan. If I can’t make the store profitable enough to be able to take care of Mom and Brian after they retire, I’ll return to North Carolina and take Jack’s offer. My soul would die bit by bit in that job, but at least I have a plan B.

  “I’m sure it’ll work out, though,” Mom says. “You worry too much.”

  “Yeah. I’m a professional worrier.”

  Worrying was all I did before Mom started taking medication, found a stable job, and Brian. It was the first time in forever that I didn’t have to worry about going to bed hungry, or about sleeping without heat. It’s been more than a decade since Brian entered our lives, and a small part of me still fears he’ll bail on Mom eventually, like Dad and the rest of our family did.

  I’ll never be able to shake off those hard years when I took care of us, when there was no one to count on, and I never felt safe. I learned my lesson... or at least, I thought I did. I let my guard down with Thomas, and that was a big mistake.

  “I’ll let you know how it goes, Mom. I have to leave now. Say hi to Brian for me.”

  “Will do.”

  An unpleasant knot settles in my throat as I leave my apartment. Shaking my head, I push away the negative thoughts, bringing back the smile I promised to Logan.

  This better work out. I simply can’t fail.


  A lovely early autumn morning greets me outside. The sky is a beautiful pink, interspersed with stripes the color of amethyst. I take the weather as a good omen. Smiling, I head toward my destination. My smile morphs into a grin as I approach the realtor’s office downtown, and an amalgam of smells overtakes my senses: magnolias, cypress, and the occasional whiff of Chanel.

  I’m supposed to meet Logan in the park in front of the realtor’s office. I arrive with a few minutes to spare and find Logan sitting on a bench. Sweet Lord, he’s wearing a suit again, and he is perfect. I’m sure he’s mouth-watering no matter what he wears, but something about seeing him in a suit and cufflinks turns my knees weak. He exudes power, without losing the mouth-watering factor.

  “You’re here early,” I tell him. He looks up from his smartphone, his dark eyes scanning me, resting on my mouth for a brief second. I wet my lower lip, averting my gaze when heat creeps up my cheeks. I haven’t blushed in ages, yet here comes this man, making me feel like a college girl with nothing but his eyes. Rising to his feet, he hands me a small paper bag and a coffee cup I hadn’t noticed.

  “I bought you a coffee and a chocolate croissant.”

  “Wow, thank you,” I say. “I love chocolate croissants.”

  Opening the bag, I take out the pastry and bite into it then sip from my coffee.

  “I know. I asked Ava.”

  “That’s very considerate of you, Logan.” Warmth fills me, and it has nothing to do with the hot liquid I downed. It’s been a long time since a man bothered to do something this nice for me. He nods, clearly proud of himself. “Is this part of your plan to show me you’re safe and trustworthy?” ‘Cause the safe part isn’t working. My body hums in his presence, and he hasn’t even touched me today. I hope he doesn’t, because I’m not sure I can take it.

  “That too, but I thought there’s no better way to start this day than by eating your favorite breakfast. After all, today your dream will go from the planning stage to the real stage.”

  I can’t believe he grasps how important this day is for me. I want to hug him but control myself, offering him a smile instead. Logan Bennett isn’t just eye candy. He’s a sensitive, kind eye candy.

  I’m doomed.

  I stand in front of him while I nurse my coffee. Logan’s eyes travel up and down my body with appreciation, resting on my hips and breasts longer than polite. Something tells me he doesn’t do polite, or anything anyone would expect of him. I’m convinced Logan only does what he wants, and I find that incredibly sexy. Still, I wish he’d disguise his flirty look. I’ve been squirming since I arrived, my chest heaving up and down with labored breathing, and I need to compose myself before we go in.

  At five to eleven, we enter the realtor’s office. He is all smiles while Logan introduces us.

p; “Nadine Hawthorne,” I say, shaking hands with Alex briefly.

  Alex must be in his mid-thirties, and he’s an attractive man, but as he gawks at me, his predatory eyes make my skin crawl.

  “Have a seat, both of you,” Alex offers. “Logan told me a bit about your idea. I need more details. Have you already thought about an area? Do you have any specific requirements?”

  I tell him that I’d like the shop to be on a central venue—maybe Union Square or Sacramento Street—and describe the size I’m thinking about. He prods me with more questions, and then shows me pictures of some available spaces on his computer. It’s clear he knows what he’s doing.

  My heart beats faster as I imagine my beautiful shop coming to life in one of those places. When Alex mentions the price range, my enthusiasm plummets. Shifting in my seat, I take a furtive glance at Logan, and then tell them my budget. Alex raises his eyebrows while Logan’s lips form a hard line.

  “I’ll be honest with you,” Alex says. “It’ll be hard to find something in good shape with your budget, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try. I have some cheaper options, but I warn you, they’ll need some renovations.”

  “I was expecting renovations. Owners can be persuaded to agree to a lower rent if the place is rundown.”

  We spend about an hour admiring more spaces on his computer, but nothing fits my requirements.

  “Let me do some more research,” Alex says eventually. “I can come up with a few options by tomorrow morning.”


  “Now, it’s twelve thirty. I say it’s lunch time. Logan, I suppose you’re busy as always, but Nadine, would you like to eat with me?”

  I open my mouth to say no, but Logan answers for me. “Actually, I promised Nadine to take her out for lunch. Just the two of us.”

  The two men engage in a battle of stares, and I’m torn between laughing at Alex and scolding Logan. Amazing how a hot look from Alex makes my skin crawl, but one from Logan has an entirely different effect on me; like making me want to unbutton his shirt, and check if his abs are as chiselled as I imagine, his arms as strong. All very appropriate thoughts to have in a realtor’s office, of course. I swear to God, the alpha vibes coming off Logan turn my brain to mush.


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