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Bad Patient: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 6

by Tanner, Natasha

  I looked up at her and her eyes got big.

  "He didn't already ask you that did he, Jess? Did he ask you to help him escape from the hospital?"

  "No, no," I said as I look back down at my drink. "I just feel really bad for him, you know? I don't really even know why I'm talking to you about it, it's silly."

  The bartender brought our drinks and Madonna waited until he left to continue the conversation.

  "I don't know, Jess. I think you need to be really careful. I mean, you've had a really hard time over the last year and I think you might still be vulnerable. I don't want to see you get hurt or go to jail over this guy. I mean, you're not falling in love with him or anything are you?"

  "Of course not. Don't be silly," I said a little too emphatically. "Look, I don't even know why I brought this up. I guess I just felt a little confused. I mean, as much as we all like to think it, most things aren't as black-and-white as they seem. I guess I just wanted to get a little perspective. Don't worry about me. I'm totally fine."

  "Yeah, you're right. And it sounds like there's not much of a future with this guy anyway. I mean, even if he doesn't go to prison he'll be in jail for a while until he goes to trial and whatnot. And if he does somehow manage to escape from the hospital he'll be on the run for the rest of his life probably. So either way he's kind of a losing proposition. Besides, if he was so down on his luck that he decided to pull a robbery in the first place why would you even be interested?"

  "Well, I'm not only interested in a guy for his money, Madonna," I said, sounding a little more defensive than I had intended. "But, yeah, you're right. I just need to forget about him and let the cops take care of everything. I'm starving. Are you ready to order some food?"

  "Definitely, this place has awesome Cuban food."

  I was glad Madonna had dropped the subject so quickly. Now I knew that there was no way I could tell her how I was really feeling. I had to make this decision all on my own, and I was pretty sure that I had already made it by the way I skirted the subject with Madonna.



  "Good morning, Jess. I was just going over Mr. Carmichael's chart with him," the doctor said as Jess walked into the room and stood at the end of my bed.

  "It looks like the new antibiotics that we started him on have done really well. I'm going to order a couple more tests, but he might be able to leave the hospital in a day or two. I don't want to jump the gun though. We'll just see how things go today and I'll make the decision this afternoon or tomorrow morning," the doctor said. She was talking about me, but she was looking at her tablet and I had a feeling that I wasn't anything more to her than the set of numbers that she was holding in her hand.

  I didn't really care though because Jess was here. The minute she walked into the room I felt like my day had finally begun. I had nothing to look forward in my entire life anymore except her presence in my room. And just knowing that she was in the building on duty had the power to make me feel better.

  "That's so great, Brody. I'm really glad to hear that you're getting better," Jess said as she smiled down at me. I was happy to see the kindness in her eyes again instead of the tears that had been there yesterday. I had hoped all night that she didn't think I was just a despicable criminal that was using her. I didn't know what I was doing anymore, I was so scared and so confused, but for some reason it really would have killed me if I thought she hated me.

  "We're going to need to get Mr. Carmichael up and around a little bit today and tomorrow. He may still be a little weak, but we need to make sure that he's okay to leave. I'd like you to do five minutes of physical therapy with him every two hours today and walk him around. If he can stand and walk a little by tomorrow, we should definitely be able to release him in the next couple of days. I think you're going to come out of this okay, Mr. Carmichael," the doctor said to me as she patted me on the arm then turned and left the room.

  I felt like I had just been awarded the blue ribbon for sucker of the year. It seemed like everything that lady had done had been more for herself than my benefit, but I didn't know what I was expecting. She was just doing her job and as far as she was concerned I should be happy that I was leaving the hospital, even though that meant I would be going straight into a cell from here. I had no interest in trying to rationalize her patronizing behavior though. She helped keep those assholes out of my room and that was more than I could ask for.

  "So how are you feeling today, Brody? You look a lot better," Jess said with that beautiful smile of her's. I was really relieved to see that she didn't look anywhere near as worried or upset as she had yesterday. Even though it made me feel better to see her smiling like that, I still had no idea how to get myself out of the deep shit that I had gotten myself into.

  "I'm feeling better," I said, not sure if I should even bring up what happened yesterday. I didn't want to freak her out again, but I was still desperate. "I ... I want to apologize for what I asked you yesterday, Jess. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have put you in that position. I just wasn't thinking very clearly and I was scared.

  I was the one that made the mistake and I need to pay for it, even if it is with the rest of my life. I don't want you to throw your life or your career away for someone like me. And I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I did anything to ruin your life or make you hate me ..."

  "I don't hate you Brody. I don't hate you at all. And I don't think you're a bad guy. I wish I could do something to help you. I really do," she said as she came closer to the head of the bed. "But you're right I would be throwing my life away if I tried to help you escape. I don't see any way around them finding out that I helped you and then they would be after me too."

  "Well, I'm pretty sure I could make it look like I was holding you hostage and that I had forced you to help me escape. Then they couldn't blame you for anything," I said as I looked into her eyes. I was walking a fine line and I knew it. But I had to get out of that hospital.

  "I don't know what I'm even talking about," I said as I looked out the window. "I don't even know how I would get these damned cuffs off my wrist anyway."

  "I would probably have to get the key off the guard out there," she said in almost a whisper. I turned and looked at her and saw in her eyes that I might just have a chance.

  "We would have to come up with some kind of plan, Jess. You would have to get the key off of the guard. I don't know if I can ask that of you. I don't even know if I'm worth it, Jess."

  "Don't say that, Brody. Of course you're worth it. You're worth it to me," she said as she held my cuffed hand. Do you really think you could pull something like that off? Make them think that you held me hostage?"

  "Well, it's an idea. Pretty much my only idea. But I can't believe how fucked up this is. It's just my luck to wind up in a hospital with a bullet in my gut, getting pinched for someone else's crime, and then to top it off, I have to ask the woman of my dreams to help me escape. Having to ask you to do this makes me feel like the biggest loser on the planet."

  "What do you mean, the woman of your dreams? Are you pulling my leg? You don't have to lie, Brody. I would prefer it if you didn't ..."

  "I'm not lying, Jess. But none of it matters anyway. I know you wouldn't want a man like me. That's what makes it all so horribly ironic. I've met and fallen in love with you, Jess, but I know I can't have you. I'm just a low life criminal. A guy who was down on his luck and wouldn't be a prize for any woman, even if he wasn't on his way to prison. I can't ask you to stay with me and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want anything to do with someone who's going to be on the run for the rest of his life.

  Look, I'm just feeling sorry for myself is all. I don't expect you to help me Jess, but if you do you won't have anything to worry about. I will make sure it looks like you were my hostage and after that you won't ever have to see me again. I promise."

  Jess stood there for a long time not saying anything. She kept her eyes down and continued to hold my hand and then finall
y brought those beautiful lashes up and her eyes met mine.

  "But what if I wanted to see you again?"

  "Does that mean you want to go through with it?"

  She looked at me for a long time like she was trying to convince herself to do something but I didn't know which thing it was. I hoped against hope that she would want to help me, but I knew that no matter what it probably wasn't going to end very well for the both of us.

  "Yes, I'll help you, Brody."



  "Well, we have to work really fast now. I mean, I'm feeling better and better all the time. Those antibiotics really kicked ass on whatever was going on in my body and I can't fake being sick. The doctor said she might even release me tomorrow."

  "But she also said that the next day was a possibility too. I'll talk to her and make it sound like you aren't up for being moved yet. I'm sure we can keep you through tomorrow. I can also stall the test results. I'm the only one that has access to your chart while I'm on my shift so if I order hard copies but don't enter them into the computer no one else will and Dr. Maxwell won't know the results."

  "So, then this is going to have to happen tomorrow night. There's no way I can risk trying to stall another day. We're going to have to get everything set up tomorrow evening and be ready to get me out of here after it quiets down."

  "But what are we going to do? How are we going to get you out of here?"

  "Well, the main things we have to worry about are getting that cop out of the way and getting these cuffs off of me. After those two things are taken care of it should be a piece of cake. You just have to get me out of the hospital and away from here. I'll just be a patient you're moving and ..."

  "Wait, Brody. What you mean out of the way? You don't mean you're going to kill him? I can't be a part of that, Brody. I want to help you but I won't be part of any murder."

  "No, I won't have to do anything like that. You just have to get him in here and over to the bed. Say that you need my cuffs unlocked so you can get me up for some physical therapy and to practice walking. After he unlocks the cuffs, I'll grab him around the neck just long enough to put him out. Then we'll cuff him to the bed and leave him in here. Maybe tape his mouth shut so no one hears him," I said as I got more and more excited. I was feeling so much better that I almost wanted to jump out of the window right then but I knew it didn't even open more than a couple of inches. Plus, I was still cuffed to the damned bed.

  I just had to be patient. This was going to work. Jess was a smart girl and I felt like I could trust her. I knew everything was going to work out.

  "We won't have much time so everything will have to be set up ahead of time. I'm going to need some clothes and shoes. I'm pretty sure I can't leave here in the clothes I came in with."

  "I still have my husband's clothes in my apartment. I think they should fit you."

  "Ok, that's great. So, then I'll need a wheelchair and something to cover my face, like a surgical mask maybe or some gauze. I'll take the gun off the cop so it'll look like I got ahold of it somehow and used it on you. After I get dressed you'll just wheel me out to your car and then we'll drive away. Is there a back exit you can park near? So that not too many people will be coming and going and your car will be close to the building?"

  "Yeah, there's an entrance on the east side of the hospital. I can park in the lot over there, no problem."

  "Ok, great. So it sounds like it's going to be pretty simple once we get the cop out of the way."

  Jess looked at me in a daze and I was afraid for a second that I was losing her.

  "Are you ok, Jess?"

  "Then what? What will happen after we leave?"

  "We'll just keep driving. I don't know, that's too far ahead for me to plan right now. We just need to get to that point and then we'll figure it out, ok? We just need to make this as simple as possible right now. Don't worry about what's going to happen after, just focus on what we're going to be doing tomorrow night," I said as I squeezed her hand. "It doesn't matter where we go, does it? It'll just be you and me and we can figure it out together."

  She smiled and looked down at the bed but then got a panicked look on her face.

  "But Brody, what about your injury? You still need to be on antibiotics and you'll need painkillers."

  "Do you think you can get those for me?" I asked, knowing that would be tricky. It's the one thing that might make her look suspicious. She was starting to look scared, like this was more than she signed on for, but I was so close. If she wouldn't get the drugs, I would just have to risk it without them.

  "But won't they think I had something to do with it, then? They'll know you didn't follow me in there with the gun."

  "You just tell them that I threatened you. That I had the cop's gun and I told you that if you didn't come back with the drugs that I would start shooting up the place. No matter what they ask you, all you have to do is say that I threatened you. You got that?"

  "No matter what who asks me? Where do you think I'm going to be? You're not just going to leave me on the street somewhere, are you?"

  "Of course not, Jess. I don't even know if I can drive right now. I'm just saying that in case something does happen ... in case we get pulled over or caught somehow. If anything ever happens, I want you to put all of the responsibility on me. Blame me for everything. Scream and yell and tell them that I dragged you by your hair and forced you to do everything at gunpoint. I don't want you taking the blame for any of this.

  And who knows, after we've been together for a while you may just want to come back to your old life. It might not take you very long at all before you get sick of hiding out with me.

  To be honest, a part of me feels like I should just leave you out on the street somewhere. If you come with me there's a much greater chance that you'll just be ruining your life, that they'll know that you're staying with me by choice. But I'm a selfish guy. I want you to be with me, Jess."

  "Really?" she said with that sweet smile of hers, but her eyes looked concerned, like she was worried about my true motives. But I knew that no matter what was going on right now, no matter what I was doing to get out of this place, I knew that what I was feeling for Jess was real. Not that it mattered in the long run. But at least I knew that I wasn't a total monster.

  "Yes, really," I said as I looked into her eyes. I reached my hand up and touched the soft skin of her cheek and pushed some stray hairs out of her eye. "I want to be with you, Jess. I know I don't have anything to offer you right now, but I can make a life for us, I know I can. If you just trust me and stick with me ..."

  My words were cut off by Jess's soft lips touching mine. Her kiss started off so soft, like she was testing the waters, unsure of what she was doing. But then when her mouth covered mine and her tongue entered my mouth and her hands wrapped themselves around my neck I felt a surge of heat flood through my body. I wanted more than anything to rip her clothes off and feel her body straddling mine.

  I wanted to feel the soft warmth of her body moving with me and grinding against me, taking away my fear and filling that space up with her kindness and beauty. I wanted to know that she was always going to be there, that her soft touch and shy smile would never leave my side and that somehow we would both be stronger together than we had ever been apart.

  Suddenly she broke away from me and I was left gasping for breath with a rock hard throbbing cock.

  "Dr. Maxwell might come in," she said, her face beautifully flushed and her eyelids lowered.

  "That's ok. We'll have plenty of time for that," I said with a smile, wanting to convince myself more than anyone that that was true. "I want you with me, Jess."

  "Do you really?" she asked, looking at me like she still wasn't sure if she could believe what I was saying to her.

  "Yes, Jess, I do want you with me. As crazy as it sounds, I think I've actually fallen in love with you. I didn't think that would ever be possible for me. I thought maybe I just wasn't capable of loving anyon
e, but I do Jess. I can't imagine leaving here without you. I just don't know if I'm doing the right thing by asking you to come with me."

  "Why don't you let me worry about that," she said with eyes that sparkled intensely. "So, what else do we need to do? Have we covered everything?"

  "Well, you're going to have to be on the night shift tomorrow. Can you arrange that?"

  "I don't think it will be a problem. I'll make some calls this morning."

  "Ok, let's go over this one more time. You tell me what you're going to do."

  "I'll come in at eight p.m. for the night shift with some clothes and shoes for you."

  "You'd better pack some things for yourself too, but don't make it look like you packed. Just bring a few things, some clothes and your toothbrush."

  "I might need a little bit more than that," she laughed, "but I'll pack very light. I'll park at the east entrance and bring our clothes in and put them in my locker in the nurses' lounge. Then I'll go into the meds room and get the antibiotics and some pain killers. I'll also grab some supplies for your wound and a surgical mask and I'll put everything in the bag. Then I'll come in and see you and sometime after that, around midnight, I'll go and get a wheelchair and put the bag on the chair under a blanket. I'll bring it to the room and tell the guard to come into the room with me."

  "Yeah, tell him you need him to uncuff me and you need his help getting me up out of the bed for my exercises."

  "Then while he is unlocking the handcuffs I just wait behind him until you ... choke him?"

  "Yeah, don't look so worried, Jess. It'll be ok. I can handle one guy. Besides, he'll be caught off guard. He won't be expecting me to do anything while you're there. Don't worry about it."

  "Ok," she said with a smile. "I'm just nervous."

  "I know you are. I'm sorry I'm doing this to you. If there was any other way ..."


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