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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

Page 83

by Charlotte Sloan

  Suddenly, her father appeared, taking her hand. He whistled, getting the attention of the entire room. They were blanketed in silence. He looked at the crowd surrounding him before yelling out, “Ah! Here is the lady of the hour, my lovely daughter, Zaria!” She looked at her father curiously. Zaria was still perplexed. It was strange for her father to make a fuss about her. Usually, he liked to keep all the attention to himself. Something was definitely amiss.

  Zaria felt herself being pulled toward the grand staircase in the middle of the room. They started walking up the stairs. Zaria could feel her father’s hand crush hers as if to keep her from running away. As Zaria climbed the stairs with her father she noticed a foreign looking man standing at the top of the steps. He had dark skin, hair, and eyes, unlike anyone from Araeldania. She wondered where he was from and what he was doing on Araeldania.

  At the top of the steps, Luke grabbed the man’s hand as well. Luke was now standing between the strange man and Zaria, like some sort of buffer. Zaria took the moment of silence to look at the crowd below her. They looked at her expectantly, as if waiting for her to do something as if they knew something she didn’t. She then quickly glanced over at the man, not liking the look of him. What was going on? It was only moments before her father announced the news that it hit her. She felt like there was a twenty-pound boulder in her gut. No… this couldn’t be happening.

  “Hello, people of Araeldania! As you all may know we have gathered here today for a wonderful occasion.” He paused a moment, looking at the crowd, a smile plastered on his face. He took a deep breath, for dramatic effect, before continuing, “I am pleased to announce, as your ruler, that tonight my daughter is officially engaged to Prince Oliver of the Great Mokha Islands.

  Zaria stood there in a state of disbelief. Was this really happening? No, this had to be some sort of sick nightmare. Prince Oliver? Who was that? She had never heard of him before in her life, how was she supposed to marry him? She had never spoken a word to him. She didn’t know anything about him! How on Earth would she marry him?

  As Oliver got down on one knee, placing a very expensive diamond ring on her finger, Zaria could do nothing to stop him. She could only look at the ring numbly. No… this couldn’t be happening. She didn’t love this man! She loved another. How could she marry someone she didn’t love? She needed to find Ryder immediately.

  But, before she could run away, Oliver stood up, smirking down at her. He was much taller than her, making her feel uncomfortable. Before she could stop him he had his lips pressed against hers, kissing her hard. His rough skin pressed down harshly against her delicate lips. She was almost sure her lips would bruise. He pulled her closer, his hand creeping into her hair, tugging on it, making her hurt. The kiss intensified much to Zaria’s dismay.

  He finally pulled away only when Zaria felt like she was about to suffocate. The crowd went wild. They were cheering on the island’s new power couple. They thought it was a time to celebrate, a happy time, they had no idea this would make their princess very miserable.

  She didn’t want this. She wanted to wash her mouth out with soap. She wanted to rid herself of this horrible memory. She wanted to run to the stables and fall into Ryder’s arms. She wanted to disappear.

  Chapter 2

  Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Zaria managed to sneak away from the party. Outside she chucked off her high heeled shoes and started to run. She ran as fast as could, feeling like if she slowed down, even a little bit, everything would come crashing down around her. She had to get to him. He would be the only one that would know what to do.

  Zaria kept running past the point of exhaustion. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime of running, the stables finally came into sight. There.

  Zaria had been in equestrian sports ever since she was a young girl. It was the only thing she had to look forward as she grew up with a father that did nothing but neglect her. It was this equestrian love that brought her to Ryder and how they became best friends.

  Ryder was the man that took care of all the horses. He had been an orphan from some unknown country who had washed up on the Araeldania shore. Zaria’s father had given him a job in the stables from a very young age. Now he was head stable master and took care of all the horses by himself with only a few sub-workers working under his wing. He was only about twenty years old. No one knows what his actual age.

  Ryder was now sitting alone in the stable loft, his home, eating a lowly dinner of bread and butter. He wasn’t paid much for his job and so the only time he had anything more than bread was when Zaria brought him something from the Araeldan mansion. He sighed a bit now, wondering what she was doing. He could hear the party’s music and wondered if she was having fun. He hoped she was; she deserved it. He wanted her to be happy.

  He suddenly dropped his bread when there was a pounding on the stable door. Ryder had no idea who it might be and so quickly raced down the stairs in order to open the door. It was late, so it seemed odd that anyone would need him so urgently.

  Before answering the door, he quickly wiped his hands clean. To his surprise, he opened the door to a panting Zaria. His eyes went big at the sight of her. He definitely wasn’t expecting her.

  Ryder had the biggest crush on the beautiful princess. They had grown up together and as time went on his love for her only increased. She had been his only friend when he found himself all alone in a strange new world where he could understand no one. She had been kind and compassionate to him from the very beginning and he would never forget it. It was inevitable that he would fall in love with her. He had no idea she felt the same way.

  “Can… can… I please come in?” Zaria’s voice was shaky and Ryder could immediately tell something was wrong. He nodded quickly, moving out of the doorway.

  “Of course, Zee, what’s wrong?” He asked, concerned, letting her inside and helping her climb the stairs to the loft where he sat her down on the bed, one of the only pieces of furniture he owned. She looked pale and was breathing raggedly. Ryder got up and offered her a cup of water, which she accepted eagerly. She gulped down her water and then took a few minutes to compose herself.

  “Oh… Ryder… the worst thing ever just happened to me…” She hugged him tightly, burying her face into his chest. She clung to him desperately, never wanting to let go. Ryder gently rubbed her back, not knowing what else to do. He stroked her hair, gently, his chin laying on the top of her head as he held her in his arms.

  After a while, Ryder couldn’t take it anymore. He had to know. “Zee… please, sweetie, tell me what happened.” He whispered softly as he looked into her beautiful eyes. He hoped she would tell him what had happened. He hoped he would be able to help somehow. It killed him to see her like this. He had to get to the bottom of this.

  Finally, she pulled away, looking a bit more composed. However, she didn’t say a word much to Ryder’s disappointment. Instead, she held out her hand. Ryder immediately noticed the dazzling diamond ring around her finger.

  “Whoa! What is that thing? It’s huge!” Ryder’s eyes were huge, staring at the ring. He grabbed her hand suddenly, moving it this way and that, in order to examine the ring. He had never seen such concentrated wealth before.

  “It’s… it’s an engagement ring…” Zaria answered softly, looking at him. She didn’t know what else to say. Words no longer wanted to obey her and so her lips spewed out only the truth. She felt like her whole world was turning upside down and she was clutching at nothingness as she descended into a bottomless abyss.

  “Oh…” Ryder’s face fell. An engagement ring. Then that meant… Ryder’s world came crashing down around him as he felt his heart break into a million pieces. How could this be happening to him?

  Chapter 3

  Ryder couldn’t believe it. Maybe he had heard her wrong? But he knew exactly what Zaria had said: an engagement ring. How could Zaria just flaunt a ring in his face? Could she not see that he loved her, loved her dearly, more than anyone could ever
love anyone else. How could she be so inconsiderate of his feelings? He looked down, unable to do anything else.

  Zaria noticed Ryder’s demeanor fall and instantly knew a dark storm was brewing in his mind. He must have thought she wanted to marry someone else. He had no idea that the marriage was arranged by her good for nothing father. He had no idea that she wanted to marry him.

  “Ryder… listen to me… please…”

  “Look, Zaria, I am not going to just sit here and listen to you talk about how much you love this guy… I can’t. I can’t listen to that… not when I love you!” Ryder blurted out suddenly as he got up and turned his back to her.

  She couldn’t believe her ears. Had he just said he loved her? Zaria had dreamed of this moment countless times before, but she had never imagined it would be like this. She could tell he was hurt. He loved her and he thought she loved someone else. She needed to tell him.

  “Ryder… please… look at me… please.” Zaria begged, wanting to see his handsome face. She was scared to touch him as if the slightest touch might be enough to make him crumble into a million pieces.

  “Why? Why don’t you leave and be with your fiancé? You obviously don’t need me!” Ryder continued to avoid Zaria’s gaze, angry tears forming in his eyes. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He knew this day would come at some point, but he didn’t expect it to happen so soon. He was a fool to think he had a shot with her. He was a stable boy and she was a princess, what did he expect? He was angry at himself for wasting so many years on a false dream.

  “Please… Ryder… I’m begging you… don’t do this.” Zaria continued to beg. Her voice was shaken from the tears slipping down her cheeks. Ryder could tell by her voice that she was crying, but he dared not look at her. He wouldn’t show weakness now.

  Zaria didn’t know what to do. She needed to tell him how she truly felt, but the words wouldn’t come out. “Ryder…” Zaria moved forward, her hand reaching out to touch him, praying he wouldn’t crumble. She watched as he suddenly whipped around and pinned her to the wall, snapping.

  “What!? What the hell do you want from me, Zaria? Do you want me to listen to how much you love this guy and how I’m nothing but a dumb stable boy? I thought, maybe, you had feelings for me, but now I know I was nothing more than a damn fool!” Ryder’s voice was full of venom as he shook with emotion. He could feel himself getting red in the face with anger. He was scared. What was happening to him? He had never been this rough with anyone before. What had gotten into him? Yet, his body wouldn’t let go of her.

  “Ryder… listen to me… please.” She paused a moment, looking up at him with big blue eyes. “I love you.” Zaria’s voice was nothing more than a faint whisper as she spoke those three fateful words. She looked at him, praying he would believe her. She desperately needed him to believe her.

  Ryder’s face instantly softened. What? What had she just said? Had Zaria, princess of the Araeldan Empire, just expressed her love for him? Ryder couldn’t believe it.


  “I love you,” Zaria repeated once more. She knew her feelings for Ryder were true. She needed and wanted to express her love to him. Ryder, after all, had the right to know her true feelings.

  “You… you love me?” Ryder stuttered, dumbfounded. He couldn’t believe it. Zaria loved him? He felt like he was dreaming.

  She nodded before giggling a bit. His eyes lit up in pure happiness before he suddenly picked her up off the ground and twirled her around with glee. He squeezed her tight, making her giggle with excitement until she had to push him away. Had he squeezed her any harder he would have squished her.

  “Zee… you don’t know how happy this makes me…” He smiled at her before it hit him. If she loved him, then how was she engaged? A serious look developed on his face before he set her down on the bed, looking at her.

  “Zee… I don’t understand.” Zaria looked at him curiously. What could he not understand? Did he not believe that she loved him? Doubt started to surround Zaria as she bit her lip. She feared his answer as she asked, “What… what don’t you understand?” Her voice was soft as she looked at him, eyes filled with doubt.

  “If you love me, like you say you do… then how do you have that ring? How are you engaged? Why did you say yes?” He looked at her, searching for answers in her eyes. He took a hold of her hands gently squeezing them in his, awaiting an answer. He watched as her face fell and she sighed, as if about to cry.

  “I… I think my father arranged it. You know that party that happened today? Well… I thought it was just some sort of business party or something… but when I entered the ballroom everyone cheered, louder than usual, and then my dad took my hand… and the next thing I know some Prince Oliver was down on one knee putting a ring on my finger… It all happened so fast… I couldn’t stop it… I’m so sorry Ryder.”

  Zaria laid her head on his chest, feeling the tears rush down her cheeks. She didn’t want to marry some stranger. She wanted to be with Ryder, forever, not someone she had never met before. She had grown up with Ryder. She loved him. It wasn’t fair that her father was forcing her into a marriage she didn’t want. It wasn’t fair that her father could even make these decisions for her.

  Ryder held her close, looking down at her. An arranged marriage. Zaria didn’t want this and Ryder couldn’t let it happen. One way or another he would find a way to be with Zaria and make her happy. He wouldn’t rest until they were together.

  “Zee… I don’t know how… but I promise you that we will be together in the end... For now, I need you to play along with the arranged marriage thing. We will figure out something, a way to run away together.” Zaria’s eyes grew huge. Run away? Could she really run away with him?

  “This is… if you want to…” Ryder’s voice was soft as he realized she could reject him. She could easily pick the man that had given her the giant ring over himself. It would probably be the right decision for her, but Ryder didn’t want her to be with someone else. He wanted her to choose him even though it would probably ruin her life as she knows it. He knew he was being selfish but how was he supposed to live without her?

  “What are you saying? I love you… of course I want to be with you.” Zaria suddenly said before leaning forward and kissing his lips for the very first time.

  Chapter 4

  It was surprise after surprise. Was Zaria really kissing him? He smiled before pulling her closer as he pressed his lips into hers. He had dreamt of his moment countless times before. He had never imagined it would actually happen. He had never felt this way before and he never wanted the feeling to go away.

  Gently he pushed her down until she was laying on his bed. He continued to kiss her, gently, as he stroked her hair and caressed her face delicately. He loved this woman and nothing else mattered. He promised from that moment onward he would cherish and love her for all of eternity.

  The kiss began to intensify as their suppressed feelings crept out for the first time. Zaria’s hands tangled into Ryder’s thick curly hair as she continued to kiss him, harder now. She didn’t care if this was inappropriate behavior for a princess. She didn’t care. She loved him and she would be damned if anyone tried to stop her from loving him.

  Overcome with the passion she felt for him as she kissed him her fingers tangled in his hair, she pulled him even closer, pressing their lips together firmly. They were kissing passionately now, getting out of breath. Soon enough it was too much. To Ryder’s disappointment, he felt Zaria pull away, panting.

  “Mmm… Ryder… I’ve been waiting my whole life to do that…” She looked at him, her eyes bright with excitement. Ryder looked down at her chest, seeing it flutter with her rapid heartbeat. He started to grin like an idiot when he realized that the beautiful princess before him truly did love him. He beamed with pride at the thought.

  “You know… I’ve loved you from the very first moment I laid eyes on you.”

  “Just because I told you I love you doesn’t mea
n you need to start reciting fairy tale nonsense in order to impress me.”

  “No! It’s true! You were beautiful, absolutely beautiful. You were the only person that was kind to me. Everyone else treated me differently because of the way I looked, but not you. You cared for me when no one else did. You made me feel loved when everyone else made me feel like an outsider. You were my angel Zee.” Ryder blushed as he expressed his true feelings. He knew he sounded sappy, but he didn’t care.

  Zaria blushed deeply when she heard his words, wondering if they were true. Had he really loved her that early on? Had she? She had always loved him as a friend but when had that love turned romantic she couldn’t remember. Zaria didn’t care, all that mattered was that she was sure she loved him now. It was finally time to act upon that love.

  Without a second thought, she leaned up and kissed him again. The kiss was passionate and deep. She was no longer shy. She wanted him, like nothing else. Ryder could sense the desperation in her kiss and kissed back with the same type of need before picking her up and laying her down on his bed and getting on top of her, still kissing her hard. He felt her trying to take off his shirt and suddenly stopped.


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