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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

Page 117

by Charlotte Sloan

  King George lowered his hand and instead of arrows falling from the skies, the archers fell on the hilltop, dead. George waited a beat and then spun his horse around irritated. However, his tune quickly changed when he saw that another mounted knight, and small army stood atop the hill. Both of the twins began to cheer loudly and back away towards the edge of the trees once more. Alistair was the one that spoke.

  “Alas, George, it would appear like we get away again. I’d ask you to say hello to my mother, but you’re not going where she is.” Alistair held up an open hand and clenched his fist closed, just as Maura had seen him doing in the tent. A volley of arrows flew through the sky from the hilltop as the few remaining soldiers tried to scatter. Each of them was pelted with a number of arrows and fell to the ground.

  Alistair and the twins made it back to the forest in time and watched as the arrows pierced through King George’s armor and he fell to the ground, crushed under the weight of his own horse. They walked forward through the field that was now littered with arrows on top of the dead bodies and were greeted by King Henry as he rode down the hillside. Both of the twins kneeled as he approached and even Alistair seemed to show him respect.

  “My knights have won me yet another kingdom. What could you want this time, you already have too much gold to spend.” King Henry’s voiced boomed over the field and Maura heard every word of it as she walked towards the field herself. Alistair looked at the twins, both of whom nodded.

  “We wish that you respect the dying wish of the late King George.” Maura gasped, confused as to what Alistair could possibly mean. King Henry also looked at him with a puzzled look on his face. “You see, your Highness, his last decree was the Maura would be his wife and queen.” He turned and motioned for her to step forward. “There is an entire township that heard his decree and would vouch in the favor of the new queen.” The twins nodded in agreement.

  “So, you would have it that this woman take the throne?” King Henry’s expression had changed from one of confusion, to pure excitement. Alistair slide his arm behind her back and held her in close.

  “I’m already a knight, I know the court well enough. I could advise her.” He turned to his brothers, “and we already have the King’s Guard begun as well.” He looked back up towards King Henry. “It is the only option that makes sense.” King Henry turned his horse around and began to walk away, but turned and looked over his shoulder.

  “All hail the Queen,” he exclaimed. Then, in a terrific cry the soldiers on the hill all began to chant, “All hail the Queen.” And thus, the rule of Queen Maura began.


  A Viking’s Temptation

  Matthew and Angela were the idyllic love story. They had grown up together their whole lives and had always toyed around the idea of being together. Everyone in their town had said that they were going to end up together, but the two of them played it off. That is, until Matthew’s father passed away and he inherited the farm. The only place that Matthew was able to find solace was in Angela. They spent all their time together after his death and under a year had passed before they were engaged to be wed.

  Their wedding night was a passionate affair. Everyone in the town carried them through the streets after they exchanged their vows and carried them right up to their doorstep. Matthew lifted Angela up into his arms to the pleasure of everyone in attendance and they marched inside for a night filled of love making that neither of them would soon forget.

  Nor would the nearby neighbors who said that the amount of raucous noise that they made woke up their livestock. However, they were happy and that was what was important. Time passed and they grew together, and Matthew could feel the love slipping away from him. Instead of allowing them to fall apart into a simple cohabitation, Matthew vowed to win Angela back.

  “Angela, what would you say to not working the fields today,” Matthew asked over their breakfast. He continued to spread jam over his bread as he watched Angela’s expression change. She had started with a fairly deadpan expression which altered to one of confusion.

  “We have things that need to be done, we can’t just take a day off.” Angela looked up to see his smiling face. She had to admit, it had been awhile since she had seen him smiling that much and it was almost a shock. The whole time they had been growing up he was always the kind of guy that would do anything to make her laugh. However, this didn’t seem like some kind of prank either, he seemed fairly serious. “Are you being serious?” Matthew nodded, chuckling to himself.

  “We’ve worked nearly every day for the past month. It’s worn me down, I have to imagine it’s at least starting to wear you down as well.” Matthew set down his bread and walked across the room towards her. “I know you’re much stronger than me, but please, I could use the break.” He slid his hands in under her arms and pulled her to his chest. “Can’t we just spend the day in bed?” He leaned in to whisper the next bit. “Like our wedding night.” Angela laughed and tried to pull away playfully, but Matthew’s strong arms held her in close.

  “Matthew, there is work to be done, you know that,” she exclaimed pulling free. Angela ran across the room avoiding Matthew’s attempts to grab her. They were both laughing and dodging each other in the kitchen for a few minutes before Matthew mounted the table and dashed at Angela, knocking her to the ground, wrapped in his arms.

  “Please, Angela. Sometimes I wonder if you’re my wife or my taskmaster.” Angela laughed and nuzzled into his arms, her hands and fingers wrapping themselves around his muscular forearms. Her own arms were delicate, but strong and toned where his were large and built for manual labour. She had worked on the farm for some time now, but she knew that she longed for a place where her nimble fingers could sew and do delicate work.

  “Of course, my husband,” she emphasized the last word to show that was truly interested in being a wife today. So, as little as she wanted to, she pulled herself free once again from his arms and stood up. Making her way around the kitchen she began to shoo Matthew out of the room. “If you would like to merely lounge around all day then we shall, however, once I lay in that bed I don’t want to get out.” Matthew looked at her, still confused why he was being ushered out of the room. “You need to wash yourself and I need to make food, now go get ready.” Matthew smiled and as Angela turned around he quickly lashed out, spanking her across the ass. She let out a light yelp and laughed, getting ready to work.

  Matthew walked out into the small garden that was just off the back of their house and he made his way towards the wooden bucket that they left out for the rain water. He personally didn’t think that he smelled that bad, but if washing off would help his chances on winning back the full love of his wife, he was willing to do it. He grabbed the bucket and doused a small rag into it, wringing it out to get rid of any excess water. Dabbing it over his body, he stared inside his house through the small window and watched Angela making her way through the kitchen.

  He had always thought that she would only be a friend. She was the girl that had always been there, through the good and bad, but neither of them had ever made the first move. Neither seemed to think that it was worth risking the friendship, however, after he married her he realized how foolhardy that truly was. Their friendship was only strengthened upon the introduction of romance. But while their friendship had grown over the years their lust for one other dwindled. As he looked in through the window he studied her body.

  She had a beautiful face with petite features. A small, mousey nose that she would shake when she thought hard about anything. Her ears were small as well, but she was able to make them move. Her blue eyes were gorgeous and could catch the light in the morning in the most spectacular way. Her arms were toned and her shoulders were pure muscle. However, that had only come about from working on the farm with him. Her breasts were still perky and her butt had only gotten better from all the lifting around the field.

  As he sat, he realized that she had always had these things, but the fact was that he
merely hadn’t had the time to fully appreciate them. If it weren’t for all the work that they had been doing, this wouldn’t have ever been a problem. And that was when he knew exactly what he must do.

  Matthew stood up and tossed the rag aside back into the bucket. He grabbed a few leaves of mint from one of the small herb pots near the door and chewed it a few times to freshen his breath and then he rubbed it quickly over his neck. He crossed back into his house and was standing at the entrance to the kitchen. He looked in and saw that Angela’s hands were covered in flour, her hands kneading dough into shape to be placed into the oven. Without hesitation he pulled off his shirt and bounded into the kitchen, spinning Angela around to face him.

  She let out a small squeal of fear, not sure what was about to happen, but Matthew’s lips locked into hers so that she wasn’t even able to let out more than the one confused yelp. Her body was rigid and tense for a moment but immediately turned to pudding in his arms as she allowed her body to relax. One of his strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her into him.

  His other cupped the back of her head and drew her in for a stronger, more passionate kiss. Her hands, still covered in flour, clawed at his naked back. The flour mixing with his still wet skin forming lines of wet flour across his body. Matthew tore away from the kiss and Angela gasped, finally trying to finish her original thought.

  “What’re you doing, Matthew, I was in the middle of-oof!” Matthew began to kiss Angela’s neck as she spoke and reached down, picking her up and setting her down on the counter so that they were eye to eye. She was still dressed in her sleeping gown and he slid his hands in underneath it, his calloused hands were gentle to her thighs as he now began to nibble at her neck. Angela attempted to speak, but couldn’t seem to form any words as Matthew licked and kiss at the small beads of sweat that were forming on her neck. “Oh, forget it,” she said before moaning.

  Angela knocked over the wooden mixing bowls that she had been using, flour and eggs spilling over the counter. Matthew took a step back and pulled her legs and ass forward so that she was partially reclining on the counter, her legs up and open. Matthew held her legs in the air as he lowered himself, kissing her inner thighs.

  He shifted his hands so that with one hand he was holding both of her feet aloft and with his other hand he gently inserted his middle finger into her already wet pussy. Angela was a sucker for surprises and nothing got her wetter than being caught off guard.

  Matthew leaned further down, his finger still sliding in and out and began to tongue Angela’s clit which was out on display for him. As soon as the tip of his tongue began to tease her, Angela’s hands flew to the side, doing their best to reach and grab onto something. Her fingers clawed through some of the ingredients she had on the counter and the concoction became a strange combination of things, but she found a hold and didn’t let go. His tongue flicked harder and faster as her nails dug into the countertop, her breathing becoming much more labored. With each flick of the tongue her moans grew louder and louder.

  After a few minutes of Matthew eating her out, Angela reached down and, her hands covered in ingredients for bread, pulled him away. She panted for a few moments, trying to catch her breath so that she could speak while Matthew continued to finger her slowly.

  “Let’s move this upstairs,” she said through labored breaths. Matthew, his finger still gently sliding in and out of her pussy, smiled at her. He stood up and slid his arms under her body, picking her up without breaking a sweat. Her legs wrapped around his waist, his hands firmly holding her butt up so that she was fully supported. She giggled as he began to walk towards the stairs but let out a small shout as they passed the open door to the outside. “Close the door, but grab me some water, I need to wash off before we go upstairs.”

  “My tongue will be sufficient in cleaning you off, I guarantee it.” Matthew and Angela both coyly looked at each other, but Angela pushed herself away, falling gracefully to the floor where she quickly ducked outside and washed off the various things she found herself covered in. Matthew followed her out, his erection clearly outlined in his pants as he watched Angela pour a bucket of water over her body. The cold water perked her nipples up instantly and she quivered as it rushed over her pussy. As she finished Matthew reached out and once again grabbed her, lifting her to her feet.

  However, instead of lifting her fully into the air he merely picked her up and moved her, resting her back on the table that was in the center of the room. Her back arched against the wooden slab as Matthew untied his britches and allowed them to fall to the floor. Angela wanted to look up to see Matthew’s expression, but she couldn’t pull her eyes away from his cock. It throbbed menacingly as he took the last few steps towards her. Matthew’s calloused hands slid her legs apart and pulled her so that her ass was just on the edge of the table, her pussy fully exposed for him.

  Matthew then deftly slid inside her, causing her to let out a long and sustained moan, his dick seemingly endless as he slid further and further inside her. Angela felt him coming close to the end and reached out, her fingers making contact with his chest and digging in slightly. He then pulled back out slowly and began to thrust his erect cock back inside her continuously. With one hand she grabbed at his chest hair, the other gripped the edge of the table. Her tits bounced with each pulse from his crotch.

  Grabbing her hand, Matthew forced it down towards her clit where she began to rub herself to the point of climax, her finger making small circles, her own cum mixing in with his saliva from eating her out. As she was about to cum, Matthew pulled out. Angela’s body was shook with a euphoria that she had never felt before and her legs and arms quivered, her neck and face were flush.

  Matthew took a step back and began to walk towards the stairs, his finger, and the look in his face, ushering her to follow him. Angela stood on her legs, uneasy, but followed Matthew up the stairs. Her body was still convulsing slightly with each step and as she reached the top of the stairs she saw that Matthew was waiting for her in bed, his dick still hard.

  The rest was a blur for the both of them, but as they laid together in bed resting, their fingers and limbs intertwined, a scream pierced through the room. Matthew and Angela calmly turned to face one another, but neither moved a muscle more than that.


  The screams echoed through the village and reached the open window of Matthew and Angela’s room. They sat in the bed still, naked under the cotton sheets. Angela’s fingernails dug into Matthew’s chest as more screams of terror began to erupt from throughout the town. Angela attempted to hold Matthew down into the bed as he rose up.

  His bare feet padded on the floor as he made his way to the small window. The glass was smoky from the way it was made but he could make out a few different shapes through the distortion. There were large brown figures sprinting through the nearby town seemingly chasing the screaming townspeople.

  “Matthew, what is it,” Angela asked, her voice shaking as the screams continued to pour in through every bare space in the house. Matthew merely stood at the window and tried to figure out exactly what was happening, but he was unable to really distinguish anything. “Matthew, Matthew?” Her voice trailed after him as he ran down the steps, still naked towards the front door. He grabbed a leather and fur jacket off the hook next to the door and wrapped himself in it quickly as he threw open the door.

  Matthew opened the door to find that a large portion of the town was on fire. The thatched roofs of his nearby neighbors were completely ablaze and he watched as the local townspeople fled the fires, not even attempting to put out the blazes. Matthew looked back up the stairs to see Angela clutching a blanket to her chest, her pale skin catching the glow of the fire from the window causing her to seem almost ablaze herself. Matthew shook his head, confused.

  “From the window they looked like they were being chased by wild animals,” Matthew looked back towards the town. “But no animal could set fires.” Angela walked cautiously down the steps so tha
t she was standing next to Matthew. He cinched the jacket around his waist so that it would hold without him needing to physically hold it and he stepped outside into the panic.

  He turned around and looked Angela in the eyes. “Close and lock the doors. All of them.” He glanced over his shoulder. “If someone comes to the door don’t open it unless it’s me.” He began to slowly walk away, grabbing a small hatchet from the front of the house that he used as a multi-tool. “I’ll recite our vows if it’s me.”

  Angela watched as Matthew walked away. As soon as he was about twenty feet away she slammed the door shut and quickly ran throughout the house, closing the latches on all the doors and windows. She made her way back towards the center of the house and the kitchen and upon standing there for a moment another scream nearly shattered the windows. Angela reached for a small knife that was on the counter and shifted under the stairwell, locking herself behind the small door that was there. While all of this was happening though, Matthew was chasing the screams.


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