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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

Page 121

by Charlotte Sloan

  However, she also noticed the distinct lack of Kieran. She peered around the room and could not see him or any sign that he had left. His armor was still laying on the floor where they had left it the night before. She listened closely to the birds and the trees and heard his voice coming from outside too.

  She slid out of the bed and made the way quietly to the window. The panes were obscured by the ivy slightly and distorted by time, but she was able to make out Kieran, still shirtless, standing in the clearing in front of the cabin. Standing where the men had stopped the night before at the log was something she had never seen before.

  A tall woman sat atop a white horse, the mane was braided like Kieran’s hair and it’s musculature was defined, even through the distorted window. It was a magnificent horse. One that any warrior would be proud to own or even take care of. The woman was also flanked by a few soldiers that looked similar to the ones that had chased them the day before. She could have been wrong, but the one standing beside her seemed like the one that had spit at them.

  The woman was dressed in leather armor, similar to Kieran’s and the other men, but across her shoulders was draped a fine cape, the kind that showered power and prestige. Except, instead of being made from the normal materials, appeared to be made out of vines, just like the kind that grew over Kieran’s house. The crest on her chest piece also seemed to be made out of a finer material than Kieran’s which had clearly seen some wear and tear. She held her nose in the air as she spoke to Kieran.

  “My scouts reported that you have one of them in your cabin.” She looked towards the cabin and Clara ducked down, still listening closely. She didn’t think that she could see her, but she didn’t want to risk it. “Bring her out to me.” Clara held her breath and waited for his response.

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that, m’lady.” Clara let out a sigh of relief and peeked back through the window to see her response to being denied.

  “You know she is one of them, and you are sworn to protect the forest, yet her people continue to desecrate it.” Kieran nodded and responded.

  “This is true, but she is unlike the others. She cares about the forest, I have seen her countless times among the trees, she respects-” the woman on the horse cut him off by merely raising her hand.

  “You’re allowing your emotions to get in the way.” She began to turn the horse and walk away when she looked over her shoulder. “You have until the end of the day to bring her to me. Or I’ll lift the seal from your house and let them turn her.” As she said that, the soldiers who had appeared peaceful up until that point smiled, revealing the razor sharp teeth again. Clara stared at Kieran who stood defiantly as they walked away. He turned and looked at the window immediately.

  Clara quickly ran and returned to the bed. She jumped in and pulled the blanket to her chin, just as Kieran entered. He closed the door behind him and looked at her as she pretended to be asleep. He walked over to her and reached down quietly. He playfully slapped her cheek slightly and laughed.

  “I know you’re awake and that you watched that whole exchange.” He walked back towards the table and reached for the loaf of bread that sat on the table from the night before. “We need to get you out of here.” Clara threw off the blanket and sat up. She yawned and leaned against the wall that the bed was up against.

  “But I don’t want to leave.” Kieran ate the piece of bread he had torn off and stared at her, unblinking. “This is where I belong, I know it.”

  “It’s not up for discussion. I can’t protect you against their army.” He tossed her a piece of bread. She caught it and ate it, again she was overwhelmed by how delicious it was.

  “So, then I’ll come back tomorrow to see you again.” Kieran shook his head as she finished speaking. “Well I’m not leaving you then. They can just kill us both.” Kieran stood up abruptly and darted towards her. Her eyes could barely track him as he crossed the room. He grabbed her under the arms and lifted her up easily, pinning her to the wall.

  “I said it wasn’t up for discussion. You need to be safe, and that isn’t here. They’ve spared me once, they certainly won’t be as kind to my kin again.” Clara looked down at him and smiled.

  “Is this turning you on, because it’s turning me on.” Kieran dropped her back down onto the bed and walked across the room, collecting her dress up from the floor. He tossed it towards her, but she swatted it away. Instead, Clara wrapped herself in the blanket and walked towards him, her bare feet padded on the floor as she walked. She walked up behind Kieran, who was breathing heavily. She kissed him on the back and reached around, wrapping him in the blanket.

  “I think I have a plan,” she whispered.


  Clara had touched up her dress so that when she arrived home to her father he would not think the worst had happened although it nearly had. It also freed her up to run a bit faster on her escape. Kieran had been worried about other warriors stalking them, but they made it to the edge of the forest without any problems. She held him tightly as he turned to leave. He kissed her and promised that he would keep his word and execute his side of the plan while she was gone. She watched as he disappeared back into the woods for a moment and turned to run towards her home.

  The few people that were awake at this point in the morning waved as she ran passed, a few gasped at the state of her dress, but she didn’t have time to stop. She rounded the corner towards the Great Hall and came face to face with her father. He looked her up and down a few times, his mouth agape. His bushy black eyebrows pushed up and he began to try to form words, but she was the first to speak.

  “Father, I have the answer to all our problems. I just need you to listen to me.” Her father shook his head and returned to his senses. He took a step back and spun her around, taking her appearance in again.

  “What happened to your dress?” He pulled off his cloak and handed it to her to cover herself. She pushed it back towards him. She had gotten used to having her legs exposed and didn’t want to have to cover herself when there were more pressing matters.

  “There will be time for that later, we need to discuss my future husband. I’ve just met him and we need to act quickly. The long wait is over, I swear. This man will-” A small voice chimed in from behind her.

  “I actually don’t believe we have met, Clara.” She stared at her father before turning around, his eyes were wide and pled for her to go easy on him. She turned around slowly and looked down at a short, portly man standing in front of her. His arms seemed abnormally short for body and his legs were like two stumps with boots attached to them. His face was red and his cheeks were ruddy in a way that was adorable for a baby, but not a grown man. He was clearly attempting to grow facial hair as well, but was failing miserably. She slowly turned back around to her father who began to stammer.

  “Whatever that is,” she looked over her shoulder, “ is not my future husband.” Clara said it through gritted teeth as she glared at her father. Her father quickly ushered the man away. The short man loudly grumbled but turned and waddled away towards the stables.

  “Dear, he has a very successful trading route that he will route through our village. We need this business and he will only make the deal if he marries into the family.” Clara stood and stared at her father, her eyes burning a hole through to his very core. “Clara, darling, you understand. We’ve spoken about this countless times. Sometimes we don’t get what we-” Clara held up her hand to stop him and began to speak, but a man shouted from the wall surrounding the town.

  “Sire, there’s an army amassing in the woods. It’s like nothing we’ve seen before.” Clara laughed and pointed towards the forest, snapping her fingers.

  “My destiny is to stop that from happening.” Her father pushed passed her and ran towards the gates. He stared out towards the forest and saw the same tall woman mounted on her white steed that Clara had seen not long before. All along the tree line stood an army. Some of the men were mounted on horseback, others stood between
them with swords and bows drawn. Her father shouted to the man on the wall.

  “Can you count how many?” There was a pause while the men on the wall talked amongst themselves.

  “At least two hundred in their first line, there’s no saying how many beyond that though. The forest is too dense.” Clara’s father searched for his horn, which hung from his belt. He grabbed it and blew twice, announcing that the warriors were to prepare for combat.


  Clara jogged after her father as he strode through the town, she tried to get his attention as he rallied the men in the town to take up arms. Most men were staggering out of their homes, still drunk from the night before, clothing was either not on, or it was on incorrectly. Her father swore under his breath as the men all met in the Town Square. Clara finally caught up with her father to make her case.

  “Father, listen to me. I know that this can come to a peaceful conclusion, just listen to me.” She tugged at his arm and turned him to face her. She could see the look of panic on his face as he looked at his men. “These men don’t need to die. I’ve seen these woodland men fight, and these jesters would be cut down in an instant. Look at our warriors.” She motioned towards a man who pulled his axe from his doorframe, but strained so hard that he vomited and fell back asleep.

  “What do you intend to do?” He asked exasperated. “You’re my daughter and I’ve done my best for you. I don’t wish to marry you off as a peace token. It makes us look weak and it puts you in danger. If something goes wrong, there is no saying what this man can do.” Clara looked at her father who was breathing heavily at this point.

  “You’ve been an amazing father and role model, it’s why I’m doing this. I’m not only doing it for me, I’m doing it for our name.” Her father seemed to calm down, but was still concerned.

  “I don’t even know this man. I wish that I had more time.” Clara reached out to console her father.

  “He saved me twice now. He will be a good man. He was once a great warrior like you, and he will protect me, just like you have.” Her father looked into his daughter’s and spoke carefully.

  “So, what is this deal we are making?” Clara smiled at him and began.

  “I will marry the keeper of the forest. We will ask for a section of forest to harvest for wood, under the pretense that we will replant what we take. In return we offer them an army that can travel outside the forest. If there is anyone that harms the forest, our warriors will wipe them out for them.” Her father stood and thought about her request. “Not to mention this would increase our value as a town. We could have harmless travel through the forest. No other town can offer that.” He sighed loudly and looked at his daughter again.

  “Go change your dress, we have a fairy queen to meet.”


  Clara had never given much thought to what she wore, because it never seemed to matter. She would get attention regardless of her clothes. However, she knew that she would hopefully be proposed off to Kieran today and wanted to make her father proud and Kieran happy with this deal. After she decided on a fitted white lace dress, she stepped outside of her room and greeted her father.

  Her father had changed out of his warrior garb and had replaced it with his finest clothes. There was gold lining throughout, and if it weren’t for the slight bulge in his belly, he would be as attractive as he was when he was a young man. With tears in his eyes he held his hand out for her.

  “I wish your mother could see this. She would be so proud of you.” Clara smiled and kissed her father gently on the cheek.

  Together they walked through the village, as the townsfolk stood and watched in admiration. As a collective town they knew it was hard to see her go. Clara and her father neared the gate when the small man that she was supposed to marry stepped forward, blocking their path.

  “Sir, we had a deal. It was I that was supposed to win your daughter’s hand.” Clara’s father stopped and looked at this man and considered his words carefully. Without warning he punched the man. As his fist connected, the man’s jaw made a sickening popping noise and he fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

  “My daughter is no prize to win,” he turned and looked at two of the nearby men who stared at him wide eyed. “Make sure he finds his way out and can never find his way back in.” Clara beamed up at her father as he continued to walk forward, out through the gates.

  They started to cross the field and the woman on the horse raised a hand and made a twirling motion. The army, in unison, took ten steps back, disappearing although into the dense woods. Clara attempted to catch a glimpse of them but they were practically invisible. The only man that remained was Kieran, who stood by the side of the woman’s horse. As they got closer Clara noticed that he had polished his armor, the once worn crest now appeared to shine in the sunlight. Once within speaking distance Clara’s father lowered himself to a knee.

  “Forest Queen, I thought you were merely a tale told to me as a child to scare me out of the forest. It’s an honor.” He looked up at her and continued. “And may I say that the stories don’t truly capture your beauty.” The woman who only appeared to know how to talk down her nose, lowered that nose and spoke to Clara’s father with respect.

  “Your reputation precedes you, sir. We of the forest have had our eyes on you for a while. We are impressed.” She turned and looked at Kieran who held out his hand. She took his hand and he helped her off her horse so that she was level with everyone else. “Kieran has brought it to my attention that your daughter has thought of how to strike a deal between our people.”

  Her father nodded and turned to look at Kieran who stood a few steps behind the woman. As soon as Kieran made eye contact he took a step forward and kneeled in respect to her father. He rose up and her father noticed the sword. He leaned back and whispered to his daughter that his sword was one that was spoken about in stories, only to be wielded by those deemed worthy by the gods. He smiled and turned his attention back to the queen.

  “She just enlightened me on the deal as well.” He reached behind him and pulled Clara up so that she was standing beside him. “What say you?” The woman thought for a moment and reached behind her. With her long, bony fingers she grabbed Kieran’s arm and pulled him forward.

  “We will allow you and your men to log the two acres that are nearest your southern wall.” She pushed Kieran forward so that he was standing on the line between field and forest. “My men will make sure that it is constantly cared for.”

  “There will always be a garrison of men ready to act at any moment.” He squeezed his daughter's arm and kissed her on the forehead. He gently prodded her forward towards Kieran. “Just call from this horn and they will come.” As Clara made her path towards Kieran her father slowly walked towards the queen. As he got close he knelt down and held his horn up to her. The horn was ornate, engraved with precious stones and made out of a shell. She told him to rise and he did.

  “And with this marriage, the first bond between forest and mortals will be made.” She took the horn from Clara’s father and held out her hand. He took it and kissed the single ring on her hand. She curtseyed for him and she leaned over and whispered to Kieran. “I will lift the mandate of immortality that you originally took.” Kieran thanked her just as Clara stepped up and embraced him. “I will also lift the binding spell I placed on you so that you may leave the forest for short trips with your wife.” Kieran nodded and looked back at Clara who had her arms wrapped around his chest.

  “My wife,” he said with a smile. As soon as they kissed, the townsfolk from behind them erupted in applause. Her father clapped for her and wiped away a tear that fell down his cheek. The men of the town clashed their swords against shields and Clara could hear kegs of ale being tapped.

  Not to be outdone though, Kieran’s clan released doves to fly from the forest canopy like fireworks and cries of joy could be heard throughout the forest. Clara searched for the faces and found them, soft and smiling at her, their teeth normal, pea
rly white. She looked back at Kieran, who kissed her again and swung her up into his arms. “Let’s go home.”


  Sins of a Viking

  Karla ended up spending her eighteenth birthday like she spent most of her other days. She woke up before the sun rose and took her father’s old bow out into the woods behind the village. She was always the first one in the village awake, but there was something about being alone in nature that make her so content. Karla always knew that she was an independent woman and she was dreading her future now that she was considered a “woman.”

  Ever since she was young her mother and father had made it known that their intention for her was that she would be married to a Viking warrior in either their own town or a neighboring town if there was some kind of peace or trade agreement that she could be a part of. It was how her own parents were wed and they spoke of it with such reverence and grace that it almost made her sick. She couldn’t understand how anyone could stand to not have a say in their own future. Karla decided from a very early age that she would be different.


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