Book Read Free

Test Drive

Page 23

by Marie Harte

  “Kristin, you’re not an empty head.”

  “Bullshit. I don’t want a career. I don’t want to work all the time and make my own way. I just want a family.” Tears trailed down her cheeks. “I want someone to love me for me, to accept me as I am. And I keep finding the wrong guys. I have two beautiful children, and Josh wants nothing to do with Amelia.” She hiccupped. “She’s an angel, and because of me, he won’t know her.”


  “He says she reminds him of me, his stupid mistake that thankfully didn’t cost him millions. Smart guy had a prenup I didn’t mind signing. Like Ron.” She sighed, looking sadder than Lara had ever seen her. “I wish I was like you, Lara. You don’t care what anyone else thinks. You’d work your ass off in Mom’s diner if you had to, and it wouldn’t bother you at all to work for lousy tips and come-ons from guys who view you as nothing but a piece of ass.”

  “Oh, Kristin.” She hugged her sister, and this time Kristin let her hold on.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I take you for granted with the girls because I know you love them. And it’s easier for me to live here than being on my own. I’m so hopeless. I don’t know how to get an apartment or manage my bills. And after all Dad taught us about saving a penny.” She choked on a pitiful laugh. “Maybe I was adopted.”

  “Nah. You look too much like Mom. Good try, though.”

  They both laughed, and Kristin pulled back. “I’m the big sister. I’m supposed to be the one everyone leans on. But in our family, it’s you.”

  “Not true. When I was having a hard time after high school, you helped me see there was more to life than just this.” She sighed. “I love Mom and Dad, but I’m not like them. I can’t stand that they still live here.” In a house forty years old with rundown furniture and appliances breaking every other day. Her parents seemed so content, never wanting to strive for more, for a challenge. Just the humdrum of an average life. Lara loved them like crazy, but she just couldn’t understand their mentality. And they still weren’t quite sure what to do with a daughter who wanted a higher education and who never seemed satisfied with what they had.

  But Kristin understood, far too well, apparently.

  “I can’t stand that they live here either,” Kristin agreed. “But for them it’s home. It’s not home for us. The difference is you’re working for what you want, and I’m failing to take a step beyond the door.”

  “You’re working at the diner.”

  “It’s all I’m qualified to do.”

  Lara teased, “Johnny’s dad owns a strip club. You could always work there.”

  Kristin’s eyes narrowed, as if in consideration, and Lara hastily said, “Kidding. Totally kidding. Look, Kristin. You act like you want out of your circumstances. Do you really?”

  “Yes. I don’t want to live here anymore. I want to be independent, like you.” Kristin shook her head. “Not exactly like you, but on my own like you.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Kristin paused.

  “No, tell me.”

  “I think you can help me. Teach me how to stand on my own two feet. With the money from the divorce and a house that’s paid for, I’ll be in a great spot to start over.” She wiped her tears. “It’s time for me to stop my pity party—and yeah, I’ve heard you and Mom talking about me.”


  “No, you’re not.” Kristin gave her a watery smile. “In return for all the help you’ve given me and the girls, I’ll help you.”

  “With what?”

  “With learning how to take chances. Granted, I’m not a great example, but I put myself out there hoping for love. You’re so closed off, it’s like you’ve given up on having a social life.”

  “Hey, I’m busy with classes.”

  “And watching the girls and helping the family. Let me stop you before you get started. Honey, none of us asked you to step in. You volunteer yourself all the time. I’m thankful for you, Lord am I, but there’s no one demanding you waste all your time on the family.”

  Lara was hurt. “You’re saying you don’t want my help? That you don’t want me watching the girls? Mom doesn’t like me helping out with dinners or groceries or giving Dad a hand when the heater conks out?”

  “We all love you, and we’re all happy for your help. But it gives you an excuse to be so busy you don’t have time for yourself.”

  “That’s not true. I date.”

  “Not in the last few years.”

  “What about Johnny? You met him the other day.”

  “Oh, that’s right. The sexy mechanic.” Kristin folded her arms over her chest. “How long has it been? A week?”

  “A few weeks. I’ve known him for years. Only recently it’s been getting more serious.” How serious, she still wondered. Because she was starting to fall for her “sexy mechanic,” but she had no idea what he felt for her.

  “Yeah? Bring him to lunch on Saturday. If he’s so special, he should meet the family, shouldn’t he?”

  Just what Rena had suggested a few days ago. “I guess.” Nervous at the thought of what he might think of the invitation, she hemmed and hawed about inviting him.

  “No.” Kristin shook her head. “If you like this guy, make a move.”

  “You don’t think it’s kind of soon to bring him to ‘meet the family’?”

  “He’s already met Amelia and Kay. And he hasn’t bolted yet. What’s the harm in inviting him into your life? It’s not like you have to marry the guy.”

  “I guess.”

  “I just think you should invite him if you’re serious about him.”

  “It’s only been a few weeks,” Lara protested.

  “You just told me you’ve known him for years. The way the girls talked about him, he sounds really into you.”

  She started. “They said that?”

  “Kay did. And she’s pretty perceptive. Amelia just likes him because he’s into pink and unicorns.” Kristin raised a brow. “You’re sure he’s into girls?”

  “Ha-ha.” Lara blew out a breath. “Fine. I’ll invite him to family lunch. But you’d all better be on your best behavior.”


  “Now what?”

  “You’re actually going to do it. You’ve never brought a guy to lunch. Must be love.”

  “Oh, shut up.” Lara’s face felt hot. “Now what are you going to do about Ron?”

  Kristin sighed. “I’m going to talk to him like a rational adult. Then I’m going to get my head on straight and figure out what to do with my life. Away from Mom and Dad and little sister Lara. I can stand on my own two feet. At least, I’m pretty sure I can.”

  “Well, there’s no law saying I can’t help you with the math part of all this, is there?”

  “God no. Help all you like.”

  Lara gave her another hug, and then they took a good hard look at Kristin’s paperwork, pushing Ron’s note aside.

  * * *

  Lara showed up to work at six, only to be turned away by Rena. “Hey. I’m working tonight.”

  “Sorry, honey. I’m on tonight with Sue. You’re working Sue’s shift on Monday, so you haven’t lost any hours.”

  Lara frowned. “No one told me about this.”

  “It’s a surprise,” came a deep voice from behind her.

  She spun around to see Johnny holding one long-stemmed rose out to her. “Huh?”

  Rena chuckled. “Yeah, my girl needs help in the romance department. Good luck with that, Pretty Johnny.”

  He grimaced. “I have got to get rid of that nickname before the guys hear it.” He bowed to Lara. “My lady? Your chariot awaits.”

  “My chariot? That’s funny, because I don’t think I’ve ever referred to my car as anything so regal.”

  He tugged her back outside with him amid a bunch of catcalls and hoots from the locals already parked and ready for wing night.

  Lara went with him, bemused. “I thought I was choosing our date for this weekend.”
r />   “You work too hard. Thought I’d show you a good time instead.” He put the thornless rose in her hand, and she clenched it tight, bemused at how the gesture touched her. They reached his car, and he pressed her against it and smiled down at her.

  “This is sweet.” She kissed him on the cheek. Or at least, she meant to. He turned his head before her mouth landed, and she met his lips instead.

  When she finally came up for air, she felt him thick and hard against her, his body telling her in no uncertain terms what they’d get up to tonight.

  She couldn’t wait.

  “So where to first, Pretty Johnny?”

  He gave a pained laugh and ground against her. “I want to say my bed, but we have a few stops to make before that.”


  “Yeah. Unfortunately, first on the list is Strutts.”

  She blinked. “You want to take me to your strip club?”

  “Want? No. And it’s not my club, it’s my dad’s. He hired a new GM, finally, and I have to drop off some paperwork. But right after that, we’re on our way to funville.”

  “Is that a euphemism for your penis?”

  He chuckled and ushered her into his car. “It should be, shouldn’t it?”

  “Hey, my car.”

  He circled to the driver’s side and got in. “Rena will get it back to your place tonight. Hers is in the shop.”

  “She’ll need my keys.”

  “She told me she has an extra set.”

  “You really did plan this out, didn’t you?” Mystified, she sat next to him, excited and ready for some fun. Because if he could top that fantasy in his garage, walking bowlegged for the rest of her life might be worth it.

  “I did.” He leaned close to kiss her again. “Man, I love kissing you.”

  She sat back and stared at him. His amazing body, that sexy tattoo, and his deep green eyes. His full lips she wanted to taste all over again. Lethal, desirable, and so damn sweet. She felt like a woman teetering on the edge of discovery, and it scared her to death that she might be falling in love with the man.

  She blurted, “You’re invited to family lunch tomorrow.”

  He froze in the act of turning the key and glanced over at her. “Family lunch?”

  “Yeah, that thing I do every weekend? I’m inviting you to it.” She shrugged, trying to project a casual tone into her voice. “It’s no big deal if you’re busy. But I spend most Saturday afternoons with my family, and my sister said I should bring you.”

  “Wants to look me over, eh? Make sure I’m not messing with her sister, is that it?”

  “No.” Lara shook her head. “I mean, I don’t think so. It’s not a big deal, really. I’m sure you have better things to—”

  “I’d love to come. I can drive us, since you’re sleeping over tonight.”

  She blinked. “I am?”

  “Hell yeah. You don’t think I’m going to lure you into my bed then let you go, not after being without you for so long?”

  Which for him had been four days. “Oh, well, in that case, I guess I should pack a bag.”

  “You won’t need any clothes.” He gave her a thorough once-over, then started the car.

  She flushed, feeling hot and turned on and shy, all at the same time. “Oh.”

  He grinned. “Buckle up, baby. You’re in for a wild ride tonight.”

  Chapter 17

  Strutts wasn’t at all what Lara thought it would be. Yeah, it had neon lights and women wearing little to no clothing. She’d never seen so many full, perky breasts in her life. The clientele surprised her too. She’d expected creepy, leering jerkwads. A lot like the guys at Ray’s, only without the charm of familiarity. And yeah, she saw some of that. But mostly she saw corporate types, college guys, and halfway decently dressed men trying to wind down, as well as women in the crowds. Dressed women, who didn’t appear to work there.

  “Not as scummy as you’d thought it would be, huh?” Johnny handed her a fruit juice and sat down with her at a table. He refused to go next door to the bar where he worked, not wanting to leave her alone for a second.

  “I admit I’m pleasantly surprised.”

  One of the topless girls walking by holding a tray spotted Johnny and lit up like a Christmas tree. “Hey, Johnny.” She came by and leaned down to give him a hug. “We’ve missed you.”

  She was cute, dark-haired, and bosomy. The short-shorts she wore showed off her tight ass, abs, and thighs. Not a jiggly ounce on the girl except for her flawlessly sculpted breasts.

  Johnny had the grace to flush and gently pull away. “Hi, Dory. Dory, this is Lara. Lara, Dory.” He stood. “Hey, I need to go find my dad. Can you sit with Lara while I’m gone and keep the sharks at bay?”

  Dory winked. “Sure thing. Go on.”

  Johnny flashed an apologetic smile at Lara and left before she could ask him not to go. It was one thing to visit a strip club with her date by her side, but another to sit with a topless woman who liked to give him hugs.

  The woman’s smile faded after Johnny left, and her cool appraisal settled over Lara. “So you’re Lara.”

  “Um, yeah.”

  “I’ve heard all about you.” She turned to another woman and waved her over. A pretty blond wearing pasties and a G-string sauntered to the table.


  “Jenna, this is Lara. She’s here with Johnny.”

  “So. You’re Lara.” Jenna’s eyes narrowed. “You’d better be good to our boy.”

  “What?” Their boy? Johnny looked older than both of these women.

  “Johnny’s a good guy. He looks out for us, treats us like family,” Jenna explained.

  Dory nodded. “When my Bobby turned three, Johnny gave me some extra bucks to get my kid a present.”

  “He’s always doing stuff like that.” Jenna sat with them, ignoring the wolf whistles around them. “He acts all tough, and he’s a god with that smile. But he’s golden deep down, a gentleman to his core.” Jenna pointed a red manicured nail Lara’s way. “When he announced he had a girlfriend, you could see the stars in his eyes. And that ain’t like Johnny.”

  “If he’s so great, why isn’t he dating one of you?”

  Dory snorted. “Johnny isn’t a guy to mess around at work. And he views us as family. Always taking care of the girls.”

  “Got Bubbles some time off so she could go to her old man’s release.” Jenna nodded. “Makes sure Jack knows what we need before we need it. He’s a great guy. So don’t mess with his head, you hear me?”

  “What makes you think he won’t be messing with mine?” Fascinated didn’t begin to describe this conversation. She might have imagined the girls being angry with her for taking away their man. Not being so protective of him.

  “Because you’re Lara,” Jenna said, a bit cryptically.

  “But I—”

  Johnny returned, out of breath. “Sorry, didn’t mean to take so long.” He gave Jenna and Dory a smile. “Ladies.”

  “Be good, Johnny.” Dory grinned. “But not too good. Nice meeting you, Lara.”

  “Yeah. Have fun, you two.” Jenna stood and sauntered back into the crowd.

  “You okay?” Johnny pulled her with him toward the exit.

  “I’m fine.” And confused.

  Foley entered, followed by Sam. “Yo, J.” They saw Lara, and their eyes widened. “Lara?”

  “You gonna dance?” Sam asked with a straight face and held out a wad of bills. “I’m so glad I brought extra.”

  “Asshole,” Johnny muttered and kept himself between Lara and his friends as they passed through to the outside.

  She waved at them, and the guys waved back and smiled.

  “Sorry about that,” he apologized. “I dropped Dad the files he needed. God forbid he accept a downloadable spreadsheet.”

  “Not a fan of computers?”

  “No, and it’s biting me in the ass. I have to make sure his new GM is computer literate. Save him and the girls a major headache in the long

  They left the parking lot, headed only Johnny knew where. “You’re a big help to your dad, aren’t you?” She’d met Jack Devlin at Ray’s, of course. A dissipated, older version of Johnny, no doubt from a hard life. From all accounts, Jack Devlin had buried his wife young and raised a troublemaker all by himself.

  “I love the guy. He hasn’t always made the best choices in life, but then again, I haven’t either.”

  “How long has he owned the place?”

  “Ten years. Before that he worked at clubs like it. I grew up around women who take their clothes off for a living. At first I was intrigued. But like I told you, nudity wears thin after a while.”

  “No pun intended,” she said, and they both laughed.

  “Did it freak you out in there? I saw Jenna and Dory looking kind of intense.”

  “Just warning me to be gentle with you.”

  He turned bright red. “They did not.”

  “They did.” She put her hand on his leg, bemused by his tension. “Hey, I think it’s nice they worry about you. You said you’re all a big family, right?”

  “I guess I did. But don’t worry. We’re not super close. You don’t need to worry about Jenna and Bubbles coming to Thanksgiving dinner with their double-Gs.”

  Lara gaped. “G? Really?”

  He nodded. “Personally, I think more than a handful is overdoing it. But tits—I mean, breasts—sell out the club.”

  “So how come you don’t want to work with your dad? You’ve been helping out. I bet he’d love it if you guys worked together, to hand over the reins of the business to his son.”

  Johnny shook his head. “No way. For one thing, there’s constant drama over there. Too much estrogen.”


  “I’m serious. And two, I love fixing cars. I’m good at it, and it’s fun even though it’s work.” He shrugged. “I’m happy where I am.”

  She watched him. “But do you ever think about owning your own garage? About being the boss?”


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