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Cupid Stupid: Return to Cupid, Texas

Page 8

by Sylvia McDaniel

  * * *

  Taylor met the girls at Valentino's Bar and Grill. The last time they'd been here had been the night they danced drunk in front of the Cupid statue. Tonight would end differently.

  "We're all together again," Meghan said hugging her.

  "Where have you been?" Kelsey said. "I don't see you very often."

  "Working. I don't leave the restaurant most nights until after ten. By that time, I'm exhausted."

  They sat at a table in a quieter area of the bar and gazed at each. "I'm not letting you girls talk me into anything foolish tonight," Meghan said. "I'm still paying for that stunt."

  "Me too," Kelsey said.

  "What about you, Taylor. Ryan still coming around?"

  They both looked at her expectantly. "Occasionally, he comes into the diner. But tell me about you girls."

  No way would Taylor discuss Ryan with Kelsey. Not now. Maybe not ever, but at this moment, she didn't want to know what happened between her and Ryan. She feared he and Kelsey had sex while they were together in school. The thought of being with a man who'd slept with her friend was well...icky. So she wanted to be oblivious for as long as possible.

  "Coach Max and I are battling it out. The man has some nerve. He's still mad at me about high school. I don't understand."

  Taylor shook her head. "Men."

  "I think from now on we should all forget that we knew each other back then and start fresh. We've all changed. I have," Meghan replied.

  "Not me," Kelsey said. "I'm still the spoilt little princess or at least my brothers think so. You'd think I was nine years old instead of twenty-six. But now the idiots are pushing me toward Cody. My oldest brother told me he would make me a fine husband. Like that's going to make me want to go out with the man."

  "I thought you liked him," Taylor said.

  Kelsey sighed. "I do. I just don't want anyone to push me, especially my family. He's their best friend. It would be like me convincing one of you girls to marry one of my rowdy siblings."

  Meghan laughed. "Your brothers are handsome men, but they're a little too bossy for my taste."

  "Nice guys, not for me," Taylor responded laughing. "I know too much about them."

  "Exactly," Kelsey said. "Do you want to date a man you saw running around in his Superman underwear, playing games? Not an image that gets me all hot and bothered."

  "But you're interested, aren't you?" Meghan said.

  "Meghan, you are way too perceptive," Kelsey said with a sigh. "Abs of steel, a trim waist, and the darkest emerald eyes that when they look at you, seem to start a fire in your belly. But I'm fighting this all I can. My family loves him. That's a strike against him right there."

  Taylor laughed, wishing she could share her new feelings, knowing it would ruin the evening if she did. "I'm happy for you."

  "Don't be happy for me. Warn me, tell me to run."

  "Tell Ryan--" Meghan stopped. "Speaking of the devil, there he is."

  Taylor's head almost spun around in a complete circle as she glanced behind her.

  "Hello, ladies," he said. "I hope you girls are staying out of trouble. Don't let Taylor convince you it's a great night to dance around the Cupid statue," he said.

  She frowned and shook her head. "Hardly. Someone promised to arrest us if we did that again."

  "I'll be waiting down the street with handcuffs if you want to test me," he said as he tipped the edge of his hat and walked away. "Duty calls."

  Kelsey watched him walk away while Taylor refused to turn and glance at him. She wanted to. Oh, how she wanted to know if he was watching her. She wanted to run out after him and tell him to meet her at her house at midnight. She wanted to pull his luscious mouth down to hers and explore it one more time. Picking up her phone, she started typing.

  "I'm so glad you didn't start dating him," Kelsey said.

  Taylor jerked her head up from her lap where she was just about to send a booty call message.


  "In high school, he partied a little too much. Part of the reason we broke up," Kelsey said.

  But that was years ago and people grow or go off the deep end or even go backwards. Earlier they'd discussed how much everyone had settled down in the years since school.

  "You need to find someone to date," Meghan said staring at Taylor. "We're both busy and I don't like the idea of you being alone."

  Taylor sighed. "I don't have time for a boyfriend. We've all changed in the last seven years, hopefully for the better. I'm more responsible now. I don't want to be the person I was at eighteen. I want to be someone unique. Someone better."

  Pausing, she didn't send the text. She waited. Why was she letting the fact he and Kelsey were once together rob her of a chance for happiness? Maybe the time had come for them all to get over being young and stupid. Maybe this was part of growing up, accepting a person for who they were today.

  Twelve o'clock my house. She sent the text, wanting to see him again. Missing him so much, she ached.

  He replied. I'll be there.

  Chapter 7

  Ryan's body warmed, his dick grew hard at the sight of Taylor's text message. He got off work at ten and that gave him plenty of time to go home, shower and prepare for his date. Though he knew it was only a booty call.

  He didn't like hiding from everyone. If they were going to have a relationship, he wanted it out in the open for people to see, otherwise it appeared tainted.

  He'd experienced that feeling once and never wanted to go there again. Not even for Taylor.

  Hours later, he rolled off Taylor and pulled her in next to him. She snuggled up against his chest.

  "That was wonderful," she said her breath coming out ragged.

  "Not bad," he said, wondering if she really meant it or if she was using him for sex. It had never happened to him before, but he longed for so much more with her. And currently, he wasn't getting what he needed.

  "So tonight was just a booty call," he asked.

  She raised onto her elbows and glanced at him, her brows furrowed. "What makes you think that?"

  "Did you tell your girlfriends we're dating? We're in a relationship?"

  He watched her bite her lip, and knew she hadn't. Flipping over to her back, she stared up at the ceiling. "I'm not certain what we're doing."

  "We're having sex on a regular basis. This is the third time this week," he said. Part of him felt hurt she would keep them secret from the people in the small town. He didn't like sneaking around like they were having an illicit affair.

  "Are you complaining?"

  "Hell no. But it's not right. I don't want to be your booty call guy. I don't want to hide from your friends. I want to take you out and show you off."

  "That's because you don't have to worry about losing friendships. I do."

  Sitting up in bed, frustration pulsed through his veins. "I want to be a normal couple. I don't want to sneak over here at night."

  "You're not," she said. "I told Jack about us."

  "But you didn't tell Kelsey or Meghan."

  "No, I didn't," she said getting up and grabbing a robe lying on a chair nearby. "I'm waiting for the right time."

  Why was he arguing with her over this? Once she told Kelsey, she would unload all the details of their break-up and then Taylor would learn about his lie. The tension and growing vexation between them couldn't be good.

  Rising, he pulled on his underwear and pants. "It makes me think I'm being disrespectful to you. It makes me think I'm using you and I never would do that. I care too much about us."

  At the door, she turned and walked back to him. She slipped into his arms and he wrapped them around her. Warmth spread through him like fire and he wanted to take her back to bed, but the time had come to leave.

  "I don't think you're using me. I'm just not ready to tell the world. I want to make certain this is going to work. You have to remember, I'm the girl who until a year ago, was engaged to be married. I don't want to make another mistake."

nbsp; How could he argue with her when she used logic? In a twisted kind of way, she was protecting both of them. In a small town, the gossips could torture you. She wanted to be absolutely sure before they went public and let the rest of their friends know they'd found each other.

  But he wouldn't wait much longer. Concealing seemed wrong and he wanted nothing to do with anything unseemly.

  "Soon," she said. "I promise you once I'm convinced, we'll let everyone know we're a couple."

  Part of him wanted to shout to tell the world that Taylor was his girlfriend, while a smaller part realized his history with Kelsey would cause them trouble. Lots of trouble. So why did he continue to push the boundaries?

  Because he cared.

  * * *

  Two days later, Taylor saw Jack come through the door of the restaurant. For nearly a week, they hadn't been able to talk. She walked out of the back and hurried to his table. "Good morning," he said, smiling at her. "You look all bright and chipper."

  "The sun is shining, we've had some rain, and I'm hoping spring is on the way," she said.

  “Calving season started and I’ve already lost two babies. I just hate losing the babies. Makes the momma cows very sad. Makes me feel bad for them.”

  “Oh dear,” she said and sank into the chair across from him.

  “It’s part of being a rancher, but still, it's damn frustrating when you don't understand why Mother Nature took the little one.”

  ”How did your wife help you handle disappointments like this whenever they happened."

  He laughed. "She cried whenever we lost one of the animals. I would hold her while she sobbed. Afterwards, she would get the ice cream and fix us banana splits. Margaret got down, but she never stayed there. Right up till the time they gave her the cancer diagnosis. Then she wasn't depressed, just sad. She kept telling me she was worried about leaving me behind."

  "You've done all right," Taylor said not really sure, but wanting it to appear she thought he was a strong man. He gave that appearance anyway.

  Shrugging, he looked down at the plate the waitress had placed in front of him. "I do all right. While I appreciate your company and the restaurant's cooking, I miss Margaret's. I miss her chicken enchiladas. The woman's food could rival any diner."

  She smiled. "I'm here all day and yet I'm so tired on the weekend from working, I don't cook. There's nothing like a home cooked meal."

  "How did you do in the storm the other night. That was quite the doozy."

  Taylor glanced at the older man. She needed someone to confide in. Someone other than her girlfriends who would never understand. She felt so confused about Ryan.

  "Ryan came by and took me home so I didn't have to walk," she said with a sigh.

  Jack's brows rose. "That was a heavy sigh. What happened."

  With a flip of her hair, she told him about how Zeus had almost drowned and how Ryan risked his own life to save her dog. The dam seemed to break and she confessed to Jack while drying Ryan's clothes the electricity went out and somehow they found themselves in her bed.

  Normally, she wouldn't tell a stranger about her love life, but Jack was a friend. A confidant, and at this moment, she desperately wanted a friend to help her feel less perplexed.

  "So why so pensive? Do you regret being with Ryan?"

  Closing her eyes, she thought about their time together and knew it wasn't regret that had her unable to sleep at night.

  "No, I miss Ryan. I want to spend more time with him. He fills a missing space in my heart, and that both excites and frightens me. We've seen each other nearly every night this week."

  Nodding, Jack finished his eggs and pushed his empty plate away. "So what's holding you back?"

  "My friend Kelsey, she used to date Ryan."


  "She hates him. She's warned me about him."

  "Have you ever asked her why she's warning you about him?"

  "I'm afraid. I'm not sure I want to know. Whatever it is happened when they were dating in high school. I asked my other girlfriend, Meghan, but she had no idea."

  He shook his head. "You need to talk directly to Kelsey. You need to learn what happened before you go much further."

  Taylor picked up her coffee and nodded her head. "I know. I know, but I'm frightened of what I'll find out. I have put this off as long as possible. I like Ryan a lot and I don't want it to end. But I also realize he's getting frustrated because I won't allow him to go public with our romance."

  "Sometimes fear of the unknown is worse than what you find out. Deal with the problem so you don't lose Ryan."

  * * *

  Taylor glanced around the table at her two friends. Since they'd all returned to town, they were making it a habit to have dinner or drinks at least once a week at Valentino’s Bar. The country music twanged in the background as they sat around reconnecting.

  "Anyone want to go to Dallas with me day after tomorrow?" Kelsey asked. "I've got to attend market and I could use the company."

  "Can't," Meghan said. "I've got school."

  "I would love to, but I have to stay here and run the restaurant," Taylor said with a sigh, knowing she missed her parents being here to help keep their business going. But they deserved this winter away. Soon, they would be retired and while she wished the other members of the family would help out, she didn't really anticipate that.

  "We should plan a girls’ trip," Taylor said, knowing her employees could handle the restaurant for one night without her.

  "Yes, spring break is coming up in the next week. Let's go to the spa," Meghan said. "I'm feeling the need to get rid of some old dirt."

  Kelsey laughed. "Would that dirt go by the name of Max?"

  "Hell, yes," Meghan said shaking her head. "The man knows how to wind up a girl. I can't believe he's inserted himself into my life again after all these years."

  "You're welcome," Taylor said, knowing she was the reason Max was back in Meghan's life. Part of her felt guilty that he'd been the one to pick her up the night they did the Cupid Stupid routine, but the other part thought Meghan still loved him. And if that was true, she hoped they could work things out.

  "Okay, so one week from this Saturday we're going to the spa for spring cleaning," Kelsey said.

  "I'll make sure my employees know they are in charge," Taylor said, a trickle of excitement going through her at the idea of the three of them spending the day together.

  "I'll make the appointments and the hot massage guy is mine," Kelsey said.

  "Great! She's already laying dibs on the only man we'll see," Meghan said.

  "Do you want him?"

  "No, but it seems you always get the hot, sexy ones," Meghan replied.

  "Girls, I don't want him either, so Kelsey can have him," Taylor said.

  Kelsey laughed. "I'm the only one who doesn't have a hunk chasing after them and you guys get upset because I called dibs on the masseuse?"

  A frown formed between Meghan's brows. "I don't have a hot guy chasing after me."

  "I don't either," Taylor said, appearing surprised.

  Kelsey shook her head. "Meghan's been complaining about her ex being back in her life, and you," she turned and faced Taylor. "I've heard rumors that a certain sheriff in town is hot on your trail."

  "Not mine," Taylor said, knowing it was a complete lie. Her cheeks grew warm just thinking about the night she'd spent with Ryan. She'd never had such a great sexual experience in her life. Never, and yet, she was afraid of getting permanently connected to yet another lawman.

  "Then why is his patrol car seen a lot of nights in front of your townhouse?"

  Nothing was secret in this town. Nothing. "Because he often walks me home or takes me home from the restaurant. I am carrying the night’s receipts with me."

  "Why don't you drive," Meghan asked.

  "I could, but look outside. I'd have to put a lot of nickels in those parking meters because there is no parking in the back. Not unless I want my car sideswiped by a delivery truck."<
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  Kelsey stared at her intently like she could see inside and knew she was lying. Somehow she needed to change the discussion. "He's trouble, Taylor."

  What could she say? She wanted to ask Kelsey what happened between them that left her so bitter. But they were in a crowded restaurant filled with her clients who sometimes had large ears and even bigger mouths. This conversation was more appropriate in a small quiet setting. Besides, the only thing happening between her and Ryan was sex. A lot of really great sex. Nothing permanent or even temporary other than using each other’s body.

  And her conscious immediately twinged, sending a shudder through her.

  "Our sheriff has been doing his duty by making certain I arrive home safe and sound. Nothing more. Not like Miss Meghan who is sitting over there with one of the greatest NFL players chasing her."

  "He's retired. And he's nothing more than a high school football coach who I share a disturbing past with."

  "And he'd like to make it your future as well," Kelsey said.

  "Maybe. But maybe not. Either way, it doesn't matter because I don't want a future with him. We have too many trust issues to try to resolve and I'm over him. What about you, Kelsey? You've not said how your brothers reacted to hearing you were streaking through town."

  A heavy sigh released from her. "I'm not certain what is going on. My brother’s friend Cody picked me up, remember? But so far he's kept quiet. You know, if he wasn't my brother's best friend, he might be kind of nice. But dealing with my brothers is way more than I want. Yet, Cody is a nice guy. He's been coming over and helping me in the shop."

  "Whoa, there," Meghan said. Her brows drew together in a frown. "You've known this man for twenty years and you're telling me he's suddenly a nice guy? Last time we were all together, you were talking about his Superman underwear."

  "Well, he's nice. He even kissed me the other day, but I could never get seriously involved with him. He's my brother's best friend. They would know all our business."

  Meghan shook her head. "Not buying it. You like Cody, but you're afraid."


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