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Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Page 627

by <unknown>

  Yuchi Ba roared at the top of his voice, "Warriors of the Blade of Chaos, just now, God Chaos demonstrated his power. It is our turn to demonstrate our determination! Show those guys the sharpness of the blades of God Chaos!"

  Suo Chaolong rolled his eyes. He hated the babbling 'traitors' of the demon race even more than he hated the federal soldiers.

  Yuchi Ba waved his saber while laughing. "Suo Chaolong, have you not witnessed the power of God Chaos with your own eyes? Did you not say just now that you would be a believer of God Chaos as soon as he gave you a miracle?"

  Suo Chaolong blushed but shouted in rebuttal. "That doesn't count. It was just an explosion of a malfunctioning rune array from forty thousand years ago! How can you convince me that it is a miracle of Chaos? Hehe. It will only count if—"

  Suo Chaolong suddenly stopped talking and crouched into the size of a cat, dodging the attacks of two soldiers of the Nether World Watch. Then, he jerked up again, and his sharp blade drew an almost perfect arc that flashed past the enemies' necks!

  "—if such an explosion takes place for a second time!"

  Suo Chaolong licked the blood on his blade and finished the sentence.

  After saying that, he looked around somewhat anxiously.

  Shouting and yelling were still everywhere. The tough performance of the few experts was not enough to reverse the failing fight. Many captives had been beaten back underground, and the surface of the earth had been filled up by the blackness of the soldiers of the Nether World Watch.

  "Look!" Suo Chaolong said miserably. "No gods are going to save us. Not the gods of demons, not the gods of human beings, and not the so-called God Chaos that you believe in. They are all unhelpful. Our doom is inevitable!

  "However, killing so many enemies before our death is definitely worth—"

  Suo Chaolong bit his tongue heavily for a second time.

  Han Tuhu, Yuchi Ba, and countless other captives and soldiers of the Nether World Watch were all blown into the air.

  The one second when they were airborne was extremely long. They seemed to be bugs that were frozen in amber.

  Looking far ahead, they could see that large rocks were soaring into the sky like fireworks and blossoming.

  The intense smoke was rising slowly in the shape of a mushroom, as if a volcano that had hibernated for ten thousand years had been awakened at that second.

  Then, they heard a deafening noise rushing out from underground, like a dam had collapsed and a flood was raging!

  "…" Han Tuhu.

  "…" Suo Chaolong.

  "Suo—Suo Chaolong," Yuchi Ba stuttered, "are you sure that you are not a loyal believer of Chaos?"

  Chapter 946: All Looted! |

  "Cough! Cough!"

  The floor where the interrogation chamber was located seemed to have just experienced a hurricane before it was sabotaged by magma again. One third of the floor had collapsed. Countless soldiers of the Nether World Watch turned into charcoal before they had the chance to scream, and the charcoal was burnt to ash in 0.1 seconds. Even the ashes were blown away to all directions. They had been completely vaporized!

  The soldiers of the Nether World Watch that were still alive all suffered serious internal injuries because of the blast. Just like fish that had surfaced too quickly in a deep ocean, their bodies were expanding fast, with drops of blood leaking out of their pores. Their brains were shaking violently at a high speed inside their skulls, and they could still hear humming noises!

  Li Yao and the Fire Ant King coughed hard as they got to their feet again. Looking at each other in bewilderment, they discovered that both of them were now blocks of charcoal, and the demeanor of a Nascent Soul Stage Cultivator and a demon emperor was entirely gone.

  "Let's go!"

  The Fire Ant King knew that they were too short on time for him to complain. Lu Wuxin might reinforce the control center with the main force of the Nether World Watch at any moment. Every second they had right now was extremely precious!


  The two of them turned into two streaks of brightness and darted toward where the interrogation chamber used to be. The place appeared to be a furnace that had just exploded. The high temperature of almost a thousand degrees melted all materials into translucent glass.

  They looked downward from the edge of the collapse, only to discover that the ten or so floors below them had been entirely pierced through, as if a cone-shaped well whose bottom could not be seen was there. Miserable screams were echoing nonstop from the floors below, as if the hole was the entrance to hell.

  After glancing at each other, the two of them both jumped down and accelerated to their top speed.

  Even if the bottom was really the hell, they would still march forward unstoppably!

  As far as their eyes could reach, almost every soldier on every floor had been shocked by the explosion and was staggering while holding their head.

  Li Yao took the chance to retrieve a lot of crystal bombs and smoke grenades from his Cosmos Rings. In a moment, the entire 'Nether World' was enshrouded in hazy fog, seriously jamming the sight of the soldiers of the Nether World Watch. The continuous explosions of the crystal bombs blew up countless architectural materials and blocked the hole that pierced through all the floors.

  Although the ruins were not solid enough, the enemy would still have to waste a lot of time in finding the hole that was buried below the ruins after they came back to themselves!

  Li Yao and the Fire Ant King broke into the minus nineteenth floor!

  With Li Yao's thorough survey of the entire 'Nether World' and his precise calculation, the distance of the explosion had been delicately manipulated. The cannonball had not been detonated until it reached the minus eighteenth floor. The torrents of metal shrapnel at super high speeds were like meteors that pierced through the defense rune arrays and left a hole the size of a basin.

  For the super experts who could freely control the muscles and bones all over their bodies such as Li Yao and the Fire Ant King, such a hole was good enough!

  What was even better was that the intense stun that the cannonball burst out heavily wounded all the soldiers of the Nether World Watch on the several floors nearby. They suffering from brain concussions, and their stomachs were uneasy. They did not have any combat ability for now!

  The elites of the Nether World Watch, including Lu Wuxin, Despot, and Swirl, had been distracted by the riot of the captives. Never could they have foreseen such a dangerous person like Li Yao lurking deep inside the 'Nether World', even being able to crack the 'Venomous Scorpion Bone Biting Shackle'.

  Right now, inside the control center, it was mostly the operators of the biochemical brains and the crystal processors. Even though they had luckily survived the blast, their combat ability was close to zero in the eyes of Li Yao and the Fire Ant King.

  The few experts in the demon king stage were still stunned because of the explosion and became the primary target for the duo.

  Shua! Shua!

  Li Yao and the Fire Ant King turned into two streaks of redness and drew devastating lines of death in the vast control center. Most of the soldiers of the Nether World Watch had been slain before they realized what was going on!

  Ten seconds later, there was nothing but dead silence inside the control center!

  The two of them finally took a deep breath in relief and observed the brain and heart of the 'Nether World'.

  Since a lot of crystal processors and biochemical brains, which required an enormous space to cool down, had been stored in the place, it was like a very special temple.

  At the center of the place was a humongous biochemical brain that was more than twenty meters in diameter, which was essentially a huge mountain of meat. Countless biochemical nerves extended from the depths of the brain and connected to various smaller biochemical brains. Then, thinner biochemical nerves protruded out of the smaller biochemical brains and docked to the heads of the operators of the Nether World Watch.

  Outside of the biochemical brain, a circle of crystal processors had been deployed, which had triggered almost a hundred light beams to help manage the biochemical brain.

  Outside of the control center, hasty footsteps and sounds of weapon were drawing close.

  The soldiers of the Nether World Watch that were guarding outside finally came back to themselves. Hearing the miserable screams inside the control center, they rushed to the rescue!

  The Fire Ant King dashed to the top of the biochemical brain, his thick tail waving here and there behind him. Suddenly, a bone spur appeared at the end of his tail and pierced into the main biochemical brain brutally!

  Rattling noises were echoing nonstop, as if he was injecting something into the biochemical brain. While communicating with the biochemical brain, he shouted, "I am trying to hack the biochemical brain right now in order to gain control over the defense system of the 'Nether World'. Can you hold back the enemy for one minute? If not, thirty seconds!"

  Li Yao turned to the door of the control center, which was now wide open, and took a deep breath, falling on one of his knees. His left arm suddenly bulged to three times the original size before it suddenly began burning furiously. The crystal in his hand was like a rising sun. After a bellow, he launched the 'Cell Obliteration Cannon'!

  The ten or so soldiers of the Nether World Watch who were about to get into the door were pierced by the attack instantly. The attack continued moving forward and led to an intense explosion outdoors!

  "What did you say?"

  Li Yao had been too focused on the activation of the 'Cell Obliteration Cannon' to notice what the Fire Ant King was saying.

  "… Nothing. Keep it up."

  Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi!

  His tail was piercing deeper and deeper into the main biochemical brain, and the main biochemical brain was shaking more and more violently. A soul-stirring battle seemed to be continuing unseen.

  A moment later, the Fire Ant King cursed. "I almost breached the defense of the main biochemical brain, but it has deployed a dozen new barriers with the computational ability of the crystal processors nearby!

  "Do you know how to crack the barriers of crystal processors?"

  Li Yao kicked a soldier of the Nether World Watch that was as gigantic as a behemoth while he planted three crystal bombs into the gaps of the enemy's armor with his toe.

  The soldier knocked back a few of his companions behind him like a cannonball. When he rolled to the narrowest place at the door, where the soldiers of the Nether World Watch were densest, he exploded.

  Li Yao glanced at the types, distribution, and flow of the tubes of all the crystal processors around the main biochemical brain. Then, he raised his left hand again and shot the 'Cell Obliteration Cannon' seven times in a row, blowing seven crystal processors into smithereens!

  "I know a thing or two," Li Yao said.

  "…They are really cracked now!"

  Ten seconds later, the Fire Ant King gained control over the defense system of the 'Nether World' temporarily!

  An iron gate weighing dozens of tons fell from the main pathway. Almost a hundred defense rune arrays were shining and melting together at the same time!

  It was the security mode of the highest level for the control center and designed to be activated only when the 'Nether World' was under large-scale attacks. After it was activated, even if a demon emperor was on a rampage outside, it would still take them at least twenty minutes to blow up the defense rune arrays.

  Right now, the only loophole was the hole in the ceiling.

  However, the hole was too small and could only allow one individual to pass through at a time. Whoever dared to enter the room through the hole would essentially be feeding themselves to Li Yao and the Fire Ant King.

  "Ha!" The Fire Ant King laughed. "As it turns out, quite a few teleportation arrays have been hidden in this place, some of which even lead to the docks of the devilish warships!"

  "Of course," Li Yao said. "In case of a large attack, the important figures in the control center must find a way to get out of here at quickly as possible. They cannot wait and do nothing before they are captured. The secret teleportation arrays are definitely necessary!"

  The Fire Ant King cracked his knuckles. "Excellent. In the ten minutes to come, the control center will be ours!"

  He closed his eyes and focused his attention on the main biochemical brain, searching for Elder Nether Spring's most confidential plans and files.

  Li Yao, on the other hand, was observing the advanced crystal processors nearby, his eyes shining.

  "Valiant Warrior IX, Haiyan VII, Rapid Dragon IV. Well, well, well. All of them are the top-tier crystal processors of the Star Glory Federation that only the large sects and crystal suit centers have the privilege to purchase.

  "Huh. What's this one? A Light Devil III?

  "I remember that it is the mainframe crystal processor in several large war bases of the federal army. It is a top secret of the federal army, too. Besides, when I left the federation ten years ago, it was only Light Devil II.

  "Elder Nether Spring does have a lot of connections. He can get access to such a cutting-edge mainframe crystal processor!

  "Right. The 'Venomous Scorpion Bone Biting Shackle' is already a piece of magical equipment of national importance. Also, judging from the details of the key chips, it was refined by Jiang Shaoyang himself. Therefore, such magical equipment could never be manufactured, and there is only a limited number of them.

  "But now, Elder Nether Spring has got one of them. How did he do it?"

  It was not a good time to ask questions now. As a crazy fan of crystal processors, with so many state-of-the-art crystal processors of the Star Glory Federation in front of him, there was only one thing Li Yao could do.

  Take them all!

  Like locusts passing through a farmland, Li Yao took out all his Cosmos Rings and stored all the crystal processors that were smaller in size. As for the mainframe crystal processors that were larger, he simply dismantled the most critical computation chips and the storage chips and packed them all!

  In a moment, all the super advanced crystal processors that Elder Nether Spring had gathered over more than ten years were looted by Li Yao!

  Chapter 947: Frost Storm Flowers, Spurt! |

  Looking at the empty control center, Li Yao couldn't have felt more satisfied. He then deployed a lot of crystal bombs sordidly on the debris of the mainframe crystal processors that he could not take away, ensuring that not even half a cooling rune array would be left for Elder Nether Spring. Finally, he turned around and checked the Fire Ant King's progress.

  The Fire Ant King's tail was thicker and thicker. Round watermelons seemed to be flowing from the main biochemical brain into his body.

  In the end, after quivering for a moment, a bright gray ball that looked like an egg surface on the 'prefrontal cortex' of the main biochemical brain.

  "He's got it!"

  Li Yao was refreshed. He knew that the structure of the biochemical brain differed from the structure of the crystal processor in that the former was made up by a lot of biochemical units for different functions. The gray 'egg' that had just shown up now was apparently the memory and storage unit for the biochemical brain!

  The top secrets of the 'Nether World' were definitely stored inside the unit!

  "Let's go!" Li Yao roared at the Fire Ant King.

  The bombarding noises outside of the defense rune arrays were getting more and more intense, mixed with the sound of a certain hard-working drill. Li Yao extended his telepathic thought out of the room through the hole in the ceiling and perceived that hundreds of soldiers of the Nether World Watch had gathered outside of the control center.

  "Hold on a second!"

  The Fire Ant King stored the memory unit of the main biochemical brain away but did not remove his tail. Instead, he continued communicating with the main biochemical brain with his eyes half closed.

  "What are you doing?" Li Yao
was baffled.

  "I am communicating with the demonic plants outside of the captive camp and trying to control them," the Fire Ant King answered casually, his voice so hollow that it sounded like from somewhere far away. "The demonic plants are a certain frost mutation of 'Storm Flowers'. They can spurt out spores that contain a huge amount of freezing spiritual energy, which makes them the most fatal air defense weapons.

  "Many captives have the ability to fly. Elder Nether Spring must've deployed a circle of Frost Storm Flowers outside of the captive camp in case they flew away.

  "However, right now, it is a devilish warship that is flying in the air!"

  Li Yao was slightly dazed, but then he noticed the situation at the north of the island.

  While the Fire Ant King and he were on a rampage in the depths of the 'Nether World', the elites of the Nether World Watch seemed to be in a dilemma, not sure whether they should suppress the riot of the captives first or reinforce the control center immediately.

  The devilish warship was still floating in midair and only shifted its direction to the 'Nether World'.

  The Fire Ant King's soul power crawled into the depths of the main biochemical brain through the nerves on his tail. Then, with the vibration and enhancement of the main biochemical brain, it flowed toward the 'Frost Storm Flowers' at the north of the island along the biochemical nerves. He and the demonic plants seemed to be integrating!

  Li Yao was surprised. "You can control the demonic plants?"

  The Fire Ant King smiled. "Have you forgotten who I am?"

  Li Yao was dazed. Then he suddenly recalled the countless communities of demonic plants that he had seen when he arrived at Void Turmoil City.


  On the devilish warship in the sky of the captive camp, the faces of Lu Wuxin, Despot, and Swirl could not have been more terrible.

  "A huge explosion has taken place inside the Nether World. The test field for new weapons has been entirely wrecked. Several floors below have been penetrated. A lot of soldiers have been killed or wounded!"

  "The center of explosion is the interrogation chamber where the Fire Ant King is locked!"


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