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Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Page 801

by <unknown>

  Li Yao planted a lot of crystal bombs as well as many attack rune arrays that could be detonated abruptly by his telepathic thoughts on the folds of the land.

  The Fire Ant King, on the other hand, looked for soil in the canyon and sprayed numerous seeds.

  The seeds of the demonic plants whose genes had been optimized after generations rooted and sprouted instantly. Their roots extended deep into the ground, and they would grow into vines full of venomous thorns in a few hours.

  Even Professor Mo Xuan had deployed a few crystal cannons inside the crevices.

  They had to consider the worst-case scenario in which they were forced to confront the Immortal Cultivators in Kunlun. If so, this place would the battlefield for their last attempt!

  After finishing everything, Li Yao found a cave on a hill through Neltharion.

  He retrieved the items prepared by Guo Chunfeng from his Cosmos Ring. Then, he placed the items inside the cave one after another. The cave was soon decorated into a messy, temporary residence.

  He even found a place downwind outside of the cave, dug a canal, and poured some of the thoroughly-sealed feces into it.

  The Fire Ant King and Professor Mo Xuan frowned and watched him deploying the trap suspiciously.

  But Li Yao simply grinned at him. After finishing everything, he returned the empty containers and the wooden boxes into his Cosmos Ring. He slapped his hands in great satisfaction after making sure that there were no loopholes.

  Right now, it appeared that the cave had been resided in for a year and a half, or even longer.

  After everything was done, the three of them continued moving forward.

  The metal reactions up front were getting more and more intense. Buzzes each higher than the last were echoing from Li Yao's crystal processor, as if a high-quality, open-air mine had been discovered.

  "Over the cliff in front of us, we will arrive at where the metal reactions and the spiritual waves are most intense. Take care, everybody!"

  Flying in midair was too eye-catching. Li Yao, Professor Mo Xuan, and the Fire Ant King all landed and jumped forward while jetting.

  The terrain there was even harsher than before, as if dozens of unprecedented earthquakes had taken place in a row. The cliffs were completely vertical, and the discrepancy in elevation was easily thousands of meters. The peaks of the mountains were hidden by the purple clouds, leaving everybody with the feeling that they pierced into space.

  Placed in the middle of the broken folds, Li Yao felt that he was an ant finding his way out in a labyrinth constructed by the deities.

  The precipices that protruded high from the ground were essentially walls as smooth as mirrors. History of millions of years had left ineffaceable traces on them. For many of the walls, the colors from top to bottom were obviously different because they belonged to different eras.

  Like three mountain climbers, the three of them struggled to crawl over the folds, getting closer and closer to their destination.

  There was only the last fold in front of them. It was almost ten thousand kilometers long, and one could not see the end of it. The altitude difference was more than seven thousand meters. It was quite overwhelming.

  Li Yao was adjusting the mode of his crystal suit and planning the increase the output of the power rune arrays when Professor Mo Xuan suddenly exclaimed, "Look over there!"

  Narrowing his eyes, Li Yao looked at where Professor Mo Xuan was point, only to discover that a guy seemed to be squatting and staring at them in silence several kilometers away from them.


  Li Yao shuddered so hard that the bones all over his body were constricting. He unsheathed the Blood Moon Dragon Hunting Saber quickly and set the resolution of his crystal cameras to the highest before he observed carefully!

  It was indeed a human-shaped object, but it was deeply embedded into the stone wall and seemed to have been dead for a long time.

  Li Yao stretched out his telepathic thoughts and perceived no sign of a living creature. More or less relieved, he looked at the Fire Ant King. The two of them grabbed their weapons and carefully drew close while protecting Professor Mo Xuan.

  The stranger seemed close to them, but it took them almost twenty minutes to reach there.

  They were actually dozens of kilometers away from the stranger upon their encounter. The reason the stranger had appeared close to them was that the human-shaped object was unbelievably huge!

  It was a giant more than a hundred meters tall.

  Most of his body parts were deeply buried into the rocks, making him look like a man who was drowned in mud. The body parts that were exposed to the air were either broken or dehydrated into dry mummies.

  However, it was not difficult to fathom the awesomeness of the giant when he was alive based on the bones that were thicker than crystal trains and the skull that was full of holes and horns and looked like a super heavy crystal tank!

  His bones were covered in a majestic armor, which was in a similar style to the armor of the ancient Cultivators. However, after studying the fractures of the armor carefully for a while, Li Yao found that there was more to it. At least thirty different types of metal had been added to the armor in different layers. Also, tubes that looked like capillary vessels were between every two layers. They could easily increase the speed of spiritual energy circulation by hundreds of times. There were also structures that looked like nerve endings. Li Yao could not discern their purpose at all.

  "The armor that seems to be in a vintage style actually adopts many technologies that far exceed those employed in modern crystal suits. The tubes of spiritual energy and telepathic thoughts have been built into a system that resembles veins and nerve network, covering the entirety of the armor!

  "The enormous armor looks like a huge beast, but its senses are extremely keen. The subtlest change to any part of the armor will immediately be fed back to the giant's brain!

  "What an incredible product!"

  Li Yao was greatly amazed.

  "The hands of this giant are particularly large. His fingers are all more than two meters long. It is similar to the 'super finger' that we scanned in space a moment ago. They must've been the same species!" Professor Mo Xuan was deeply impressed, too. "There are indeed many species of giants in the legends.

  "For example, in the tale of Kuafu chasing after the sun, the giant 'Kuafu' was able to drink up a lake without stopping, and when he drank from the rivers, the rivers would be drained.

  "If the hundred-meter-tall giant was a member of the Kuafu Clan, such a tale might not be too much of an exaggeration."

  After that, the three of them were caught in a weird silence while they stared at the giant who was believed to be a member of the 'Kuafu Clan'.

  Although they were well aware that the stranger was made of flesh and blood, too, and essentially the same as themselves, and that too enormous a body size was more of a burden than an advantage on a planet of a high gravity, they still could not hold back their urge to worship him when they were standing in front of the toe of the giant who was a hundred meters tall.

  It was a natural instinct carved to their gene strands in the deepest part of their cells, which they had to resist with their strongest willpower.

  Beep! Beep! Beep!

  The mystic rays that pierced into the stone walls gave back more information. Still more human-shaped and animal-shaped objects were embedded in the ground.

  A long time ago, a fierce battle had taken place there. After the battle, with the passage of time, all the relics had been buried in the ground and sunk deeper and deeper.

  It was not until recently when Kunlun suffered a heavy collision, which ripped apart the land and twisted the crust, that part of the battlefield was heaved to the surface again with the tectonic movements. It was why such an enormous 'war fresco' made of innumerous remains had been created!

  To their surprise, the three of them discovered that the dead body of another giant was right inside the rock
stratum behind the giant that they had found first.

  The two parties seemed to be on opposite sides because the giant to the back was holding a weapon that looked like a drill and pierced it into the abdomen of the first giant, causing his internal organs to break apart!

  After such a long time, the internal organs were, of course, no more, but the shocking cracks on the bones were indicative enough of the force of the strike!

  "Was one of them a warrior of the Pangu Clan while the other a warrior of the Nuwa Clan who 'betrayed' them?"

  The idea made their hearts pound. Operating in person, Li Yao shattered the rocks that surrounded the two giants and gradually exposed them to the air.

  The two giants were actually hugging each other in a posture that suggested they had killed each other at the same time.

  The giant at the back was smaller in size, approximately seventy meters tall, and he was fully buried in the rock stratum. That was why he had escaped their attention at first.

  The 'little giant' was also covered in a vintage armor. The two sets of armor appeared to be in a similar style, except that the armor of the 'little giant' was more delicate and flawless. There was not any trace of a dead body at all.

  "That's not right!"

  Under the strangle of the 'big giant', the 'little giant' was already twisted and deformed.

  However, Li Yao never found anything similar to a dead body from the shocking holes. Wherever his eyes reached, he could only see metal components and transmission tubes that had been melted with the rocks.

  Moreover, even on the fracture of the right arm of the 'little giant', which had been cut off from the shoulder, there was no hint of bones at all. The shoulder was filled up with magical equipment components.

  "This… this is not armor!"

  Chapter 1225: God-slaying! |

  Li Yao and Professor Mo Xuan looked at each other and reached the same conclusion.

  The two of them were both experts of crystal suits. However, such an obvious conclusion could be drawn by any ordinary person with functional eyes.

  An armor was always worn on a body. They were essentially clothes made of metal. Of course, they had to be hollow. Otherwise, where could the body be stuffed?

  Even the super heavy armor that was relatively thick, say, the 'Ares Extensions' that the Cultivators plugged outside of their crystal suits, had to be hollow, however thick they were!

  The limbs and torso of the 'little giant', however, were utterly occupied by all kinds of magical equipment components. There was absolutely no room for a body.

  Such a structure indicated that it was not armor but a certain super-large metal puppet or artificial body.

  "Are you serious? Such a huge war puppet?"

  Li Yao was greatly amazed. If every floor could be considered to be three meters high, a war puppet seventy meters tall would equal to a build of more than twenty floors.

  It was far beyond the imagination of the two refiners. Such a size was so unbelievable that it seemed more fit for a movie.

  "How was such an enormous war puppet maneuvered anyway?"

  Li Yao and Professor Mo Xuan became ever more curious. They dug deeper into the rock stratums. Thankfully, after the violent collision, the crust of Kunlun was seriously twisted, and the rock stratums were not solid at all. Very soon, they dug the torso of the little giant out of the rocks.

  It was not until this moment that they got a clear view of the fight of the two giants.

  While the weapon on the little giant's left arm, which looked both like a drill and a knuckle, impaled the big giant's chest, the big giant extended his hand into the chest of the little giant and ripped everything inside apart.

  Broken metal components could be seen from the twisted gaps. The transmission tubes were also in such a mess that they looked like broken veins and nerves.

  "Huh. This part is empty. There's a space here!"

  Li Yao discovered a very irregular gap on the chest of the little giant, which did not seem to be caused by external force but looked like a structure resembling a hatch. It was now slightly open because of the twisted structures nearby.

  Li Yao tried opening the hatch, but the little giant had been fully melted into the rock stratum and lost its activity. If he used any more strength, it might have broken apart.

  Li Yao did not dare to crawl into the gap recklessly, either. So, he deployed Neltharion to investigate on behalf of him and then projected everything that its crystal cameras captured to the midair.


  In feeble light, Neltharion rushed here and there inside the chest of the little giant. Very soon, it entered a secret chamber. After the scanning of the mystic light, what appeared in front of them was an egg-shaped seat, and the one sitting majestically inside was…

  A human being!


  Li Yao, the Fire Ant King, and Professor Mo Xuan exclaimed at the same time!

  They could not be mistaken. It was definitely a human being!

  Because of the eons of burial in the rock stratum, under the scourge of spiritual waves and minerals, he had gradually decayed like the 'little giant' outside.

  However, the features of all his bones, including the skull, spine, ribs, and pelvis, were almost identical to those of modern human beings!

  Everything that could suggest his identity, including his clothes, had been vaporized into powder. Inside the secret chamber, there were no controller or levers at all other than the egg-shaped seat.

  The guy was merely sitting cross-legged and raising his head to the ceiling in a weird posture.

  From his extremely twisted jaws, they seemed able to see the fury and magnificence from when he had still been alive!

  The scene struck Li Yao and the rest of them into bewilderment like lightning. For three minutes, not only were they unable to utter a word, it was even barely possible for them to breathe!

  "A human being less than two meters tall, who was a real compatriot exactly like us, piloted a super large war puppet more than sixty meters tall and killed a dominating giant almost a hundred meters tall who was wearing heavy armor!"

  The fact made their eyes bloodshot and their hearts race. Their blood was flooding crazily inside their veins and was almost pouring out of their pores!

  The Pangu Clan! The legendary deities who founded the universe and who could change the stars!

  But they had been killed by an insignificant human being!


  That was real god-slaying!

  For a moment, Li Yao remembered the resolute, thought-provoking, proud declaration again.

  "Human beings are the strongest fighting species in the sea of stars!"

  In that moment, Li Yao could not have felt prouder that he was a member of the civilization of mankind. Hot liquid filled his eyes for reasons he did not know.

  We are human beings. When we are on a rampage, we can even kill a deity!

  Crazy roars echoed at the bottom of Li Yao's heart!

  "I never expected that I would see something so incredible one day!"

  Professor Mo Xuan was not back to himself until three minutes later. Staring at the super-large war puppet, which was twenty floors high, he mumbled, "Before, I always thought that crystal suits were the most perfect single magical equipment in a battlefield and that war puppets more than ten meters tall meant nothing!

  "Once a war puppet is more than ten meters tall, it will be faced with a bunch of tricky problems. Its own framework may not be strong enough; it will be discovered and barraged by the enemy easily; then there are the dynamic conductibility issues, the issues about the transmission, and feedback of telepathic thoughts… All in all, it is just a super large pile of garbage. The larger, the worse!

  "Therefore, except for in movies and virtual games, we have never developed war puppets more than ten meters tall but always regarded crystal suits as 'kings of magical equipment'!

  "But right now…

  "Hehe. Seeing such a bi
g guy here, I feel that I was wrong. I have lived my life for nothing!

  "What kind of 'kings of magical equipment' are crystal suits? Such super-large war puppets, which can be maneuvered by one human beings and yet blow up a deity, better deserve to be called the kings of magical equipment that dominate the sea of stars!"

  Li Yao did not know what he should say.

  The material science, studies of spiritual energy, and theories of structure that were involved in such a super-large war puppet far exceeded the knowledge of the Star Glory Federation and even the Star Ocean Imperium. It was completely different from the war puppets that they had developed before.

  However, he found empathy in Professor Mo Xuan's declaration that he had lived his life for nothing.

  After discovering that such a twenty-floor-tall war puppet, which could even kill a deity, had actually been maneuvered by an insignificant human being, Li Yao found it impossible to contain his own desire. He could not help but fantasize about how incredible it would be if he could be its pilot and thereby become a king of destruction that slayed everybody and everything standing in his way, dominating the universe!

  Compared with such a war puppet, any crystal suit would be… too thin!

  I'm definitely going to pilot it!

  Li Yao's eyes were burning with lust, like a hungry wolf that was coveting a yummy chicken from the other side of the iron gauze. He roared in his heart, I will be piloting such a real king of magical equipment one day!

  As if affected by his excitement, itching feelings came over from the Cosmos Ring. Little Black was calling him.

  Li Yao was dazed for a moment. Then he set Little Black free from the Cosmos Ring.

  The lazy fatty was quite unusual today. It rolled around in midair for a moment. Then, after it saw the 'little giant', it was suddenly glittering in brilliance, as if it had been refreshed.

  Eagerly, it flew to the little giant and extended several sticky tentacles from its round body, jabbing and poking. It even took a circle the control capsule in the chest of the little giant.

  While Li Yao was greatly baffled, it returned slowly as if in frustration.


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