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Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Page 980

by <unknown>

  Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin, two Cultivators of the human race, had turned into members of the Pangu Clan after they were assaulted by certain crab-shaped monsters that injected some sort of 'venom' into their body!

  At first, it seemed to be something utterly unbelievable.

  However, on second thought, it was not theoretically impossible!

  The civilization of mankind and the Pangu civilization shared a child-parent relationship. Such a theory had been proved by many facts.

  By the estimation of the historians, archeologists, and biologists of the Star Glory Federation, the original human beings were probably a brand-new species that the Pangu civilization refined with a certain type of ape after implanting the genes of the Pangu Clan, the Nuwa Clan, the Kuafu Clan, the Zhurong Clan, the Gonggong Clan, and other primeval species into the subjects.

  Although the Pangu Clan's purpose was to create a cheap and useful tool, they did endow the 'tools' with their own genes.

  Therefore, it was possible that the gene segments of countless primeval species were included in the gene strands of human beings!

  The newborns of human beings all had a chance to experience atavism, in which case they would grow long hair all over their body or a tail resembling that of a monkey.

  Then, if such atavism could be controlled precisely, was it possible to activate the gene segments of the Pangu Clan hidden deep inside the gene strands of human beings and turn them into 'dominant genes' so that human beings could mutate into members of the Pangu Clan by the atavistic force?

  There was also another possibility. Perhaps, the human beings that had been regarded as 'tools' in the beginning had a very weak genetic connection with the Pangu Clan, and they could not be transformed.

  However, before the Pangu Clan perished, it was very easy for them to raise a certain batch of special 'human vehicles' and implant all the genes of the Pangu Clan after they were highly compressed into the gene strands of human beings!

  As those human beings lived and reproduced, naturally, they would pass on the highly-compressed genes of the Pangu Clan generation after generation. The descendants of every generation would be the carriers of the entirely of the Pangu Clan's genes!

  After hundreds of thousands of years, those carriers had been scattered throughout the entire universe along with the expansion of the civilization of mankind. After the carriers were injected with special 'activation drugs', the seemingly meaningless 'junk genes' hidden deep inside their gene strands would suddenly be triggered and unleash all the power of the Pangu Clan, transforming human beings into members of the Pangu Clan!

  Was it a plausible possibility?


  At the very least, Li Yao was well aware that, despite the profoundness of the biotechnologies of the Blood Demon Sector and their in-depth research on the genes of human beings and demons, more than ninety-five percent of one's genes were considered 'junk genes' or 'blank genes' whose usages and functions were unclear!

  It meant that, to pass on the normal body functions of a human being, the other five percent genes would suffice!

  Then, why did the ninety-five percent of the genes appear inside the cells of human beings? Were they really 'garbage' and 'blank'?

  Or were they hidden for a highly dangerous purpose that human beings had not recognized yet?

  Li Yao trembled coldly in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more he thought that he was approaching the truth.

  Yes. He knew why the Pangu Clan had established a weird laboratory deep below the surface of the Ancient Sages Sector!

  It was for succession!

  Just like the Blood Stripe Virus' 'possession of civilization' and the Monument Plan that Gui Suishou had raised, the Pangu Clan had been trying everything that they could to continue their civilization!

  According to the theory of the Imperium of True Human Beings and the current situation of the universe where human beings played an absolutely dominating role, the Nuwa civilization and human beings must have won the God-Sealing War hundreds of thousands of years ago, and the Pangu civilization had been completely suppressed and wiped out!

  Since the sages of the Pangu Clan had left eight volumes of the Book of Revelation as the heritage of their civilization, was it possible that they had other plans to pass on the tinder of their civilization?

  It was highly likely.

  Even a hundred years ago in the Star Glory Federation, a tiny force that had only three Sectors, experts had brainstormed and come up with almost twenty plans to save the civilization when faced with the unavoidable catastrophe, and the plans had been carried out at the same time.

  Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Pangu civilization was doubtlessly the king in the universe. When they were faced with destruction, they must have had more than one plan of succession!

  Since the situation back then had not been in the Pangu civilization's favor, they would have hidden in the corners of the universe for a hundred thousand to two hundred thousand years, like the seeds in the form of spores and the insects going through hibernation, until the universe was peaceful again and the time was right. Then, they would be revived and rebuild their civilization!

  It was a very reasonable and practical idea!

  The Book of Revelation was the first plan to realize the idea.

  Sealing the members of the Pangu Clan inside the hibernation capsules in the hope that they would survive hundreds of thousands of years with the pulsar and other powerful celestial bodies as the energy sources was probably another plan.

  The shortcomings of the two plans were very obvious.

  The Book of Revelation would not necessarily fall into the hands of appropriate candidates. Even if the new species did grasp the content within the Book of Revelation, they could still barely be called the reincarnation of the Pangu civilization. Such a method was merely more of consolation.

  The hibernation cabins were too large in size and required the incessant supply of spiritual energy. They were too eye-catching.

  Hundreds of thousands of years could be a long time. Who knew what kind of unexpected changes would happen halfway?

  Chances were that the members of the Pangu Clan would finally wake up from a prolonged hibernation only to discover that their limbs and torso had been cut off and that their head was preserved in a glass tank being studied by another super civilization!

  It would certainly be an awkward situation!

  Neither of the two plans were very reliable. So, the Pangu civilization certainly had more plans!

  For example, encrypt and pack up the key gene segments of the Pangu Clan through sophisticated methods and transplant them into the gene strands of human beings, which would be their vehicles while they were in hibernation!

  Then, raise the hybrids of spiders and crabs that boasted remarkable survival and hibernation abilities and could automatically secrete 'activation drugs'!

  Once the time was right, the monsters would be released to attack human beings.

  As long as the 'activation drugs' were injected into the bodies of human beings by the monsters, the mysterious genes that seemed 'useless' and 'blank' at the end of the gene strands of human beings would reveal their brutality and ruthlessness, swallowing all the features of human beings that had existed earlier!

  Human beings would be turned into the Pangu Clan!

  The civilization of mankind would be replaced by the Pangu civilization!

  Or rather, the so-called civilization of mankind was merely made of 'servants' and 'slaves' who watched over the universe temporarily for the Pangu civilization while the latter was lying dormant for hundreds of thousands of years!

  Li Yao spat hard in his heart.

  If his guess was correct, it was indeed a most horrendous plan!

  However, it seemed that the plan had only just been initiated and was merely in the preliminary experiment phase.

  Right. Covered by the dark nebula, the Ancient Sages Sector was a natural sec
ret chamber in the universe. It was a most suitable Sector for their crucial, clandestine experiments!

  However, no matter how inconspicuous the Ancient Sages Sector might have been, it had eventually been located by the Nuwa civilization.

  According to Li Yao's speculation, the fleet of the Nuwa civilization that Long Yangjun's previous life belonged to, after hearing that the Pangu Clan was running such terrible experiments in the Ancient Sages Sector, was determined to destroy the laboratory and smother the plan while it was still in the cradle.

  Then, there was the scene that Li Yao and the other Nascent Soul Stage Cultivators were looking at.

  The Nuwa warship pierced through the shell of the Pangu Clan's laboratory. The elite warriors on the two sides had a fierce battle and died with each other.

  Judging from the traces on the spot and the experiences of the two Divinity Transformation Stage Cultivators, the warriors of the Nuwa Clan must have accomplished most of the aims. They had demolished the laboratory, sabotaged the plan, and completely sealed the laboratory from the outside.

  However, they had failed to destroy the room where the most critical 'activation beasts' were raised. So, countless 'activation beasts' that could transform some of the human beings into the Pangu Clan were still hibernating underground.

  Li Yao did not know how the war ended exactly. Perhaps the Pangu civilization had been suffering a losing streak and had no time to care about this particular laboratory, and the weird interference and blockage in the dark nebula outside of the Ancient Sages Sector prevented the Nuwa warship from sending a message out.

  All in all, as the Pangu civilization and the Nuwa civilization perished with each other, the civilization of mankind grew up independently, and the Ancient Sages Sector was gradually forgotten.

  Then, hundreds of thousands of years later, Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin, two Divinity Transformation Stage Cultivators, had a fierce battle in the Land of Eternal Night, and the battlefield happened to be right above the Nuwa warship.

  Chapter 1510: Doorkeeper |

  "If that's the case, Long Yangjun's background is easy to explain," Li Yao said to the mental devil in his head. "During the time of the God-Sealing War, Long Yangjun's previous life was an important person on this Nuwa warship or even the entire fleet. For example, she could've been the captain of the assault team.

  "The fleet of the Nuwa Clan discovered the Ancient Sages Sector that was hiding deep inside the dark nebula by accident during a patrol. It might've even figured out the secrets about the Pangu Clan's plan of succession by luck!

  "However, for various reasons, they were deeply mired in the swamp. They were not able to jump out of the dark nebula nor send a message back to their base.

  "Well. The dark nebula at that time was probably still very thick, enough to completely block this place from the rest of the universe."

  In his one-hundred-year hibernation, Li Yao had observed that, as time went by, the density of the dark nebula was actually slowly dropping. In another ten thousand years, the dark nebula that was covering the Ancient Sages Sector would probably have entirely disappeared.

  On the other hand, hundreds of thousands of years ago, the density of the dark nebula must have been unbelievably high, and there would have been the most powerful interference. If a warship accidentally jumped in, it would have been practically impossible for the warship to jump out.

  Li Yao had once discovered a star map of the primeval era on Kunlun. On that particular star map, there was not a dark nebula around the Ancient Sages Sector.

  Therefore, the 'dark nebula' was probably an 'artificial blackout' that the Pangu civilization had constructed by taking advantage of the magnificent power of the celestial bodies in the universe. It was a military defense array designed to protect that top secret plan of succession!

  When the 'array of darkness' was first activated, its intensity must have been at the highest point. It was perfectly normal that the messages could not be delivered!

  All in all, whether because the messages could not be delivered or because the army of the Pangu Clan stationed on the planet had discovered them and might move the laboratory while they were waiting for reinforcements, the Nuwa fleet that Long Yangjun had been in made the decision—they would launch an assault on the Ancient Sages Sector alone!

  "The attacks of the Nuwa fleet almost annihilated all the soldiers of the Pangu Clan in the Ancient Sages Sector and destroyed the majority of the Pangu Clan's laboratory. The breeding base at the bottom level was the only thing left behind.

  "This Nuwa warship has been suppressing the breeding base ever since. Long Yangjun's previous life left a seed when she was dying, hoping to continue fulfilling her responsibility in distant future!

  "On the one hand, she sent messages to the mother port persistently and reported the situation here, hoping that the messages could be delivered after the dark nebula outside grew thinner.

  "On the other hand, perhaps she was also playing the role of 'guardian' and 'sentinel'. She needed to remind the latecomers who arrived here of what happened in the past and what kind of horrifying existences were hidden in the underground laboratory!"

  Li Yao thought quickly and reflected on his speculation.

  There were certainly many errors in the details, and he would have overlooked a lot of things, but that should be the gist of what had happened in the beginning.

  In such a case, there would be a perfect explanation as to why 'the second generation of Long Yangjun' was launched out of the Nuwa warship in an escape capsule.

  Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin, two Divinity Transformation Stage Cultivators, were probably not enough to wake up the captain of an assault team of the Nuwa civilization.

  However, they had broken the barriers, barged into the Pangu Clan's laboratory, and even released the most terrible 'activation beasts', turning themselves into living individuals of the Pangu Clan!

  There must have been certain rune arrays and magical equipment to detect the individuals of the Pangu Clan inside the Nuwa warship. After the warship discovered the invasion of the Pangu Clan, it urgently woke up Long Yangjun, who was in the fetus state, and launched her out of the warship after pouring some random, obscure information into her head.

  Then, it charged the communication magical equipment with all the spiritual energy that it had accumulated for probably hundreds of years and sent out another warning to the mother port billions of lightyears away for the last time!

  Perhaps, in the hundreds of thousands of years in the past, the Nuwa warship had sent out warnings to the outside world countless times, but because of the interference of the dark nebula, all the warnings had vanished on the long journey in between.

  But this time, the dark nebula was finally thin enough to allow the warnings to pass through.

  The warnings were immediately perceived by the Nuwa fleet's past mother port, which was the Heaven's Origin Sector and the Flying Star Sector today!

  Then, the many stories including the Star Glory Federation's shock and Li Yao's voyage in the dark nebula began!


  After figuring out all the critical parts of the whole event, Li Yao took a deep breath in relief. He was sweating hard but felt extremely comfortable!

  "Help me examine it. Are there any major flaws in my deduction?" Li Yao spoke to the mental devil. Before it replied, Li Yao frowned. "No. There's another question that hasn't been answered yet.

  "In the past tens of thousands of years, it's obvious that some other Cultivators once entered certain cabins on the Nuwa warship. Otherwise, the rumors about the Divine Palace wouldn't have spread in the outside world, and it would've been impossible for the locals of the Ancient Sages Sector to create the Thousand Stars Tray, which can parse the map core of the Divine Palace!

  "Then, it is quite odd. Why did the Cultivators in the past hundred thousand years not open the seals or get injected by the 'activation beasts' with the drugs?"

  Li Yao felt that his hea
rt was very uncomfortable, like a cat was scratching it even if there was only a tiny loophole in his theory.

  "It is not a very important flaw," the mental devil replied. "There are two possibilities.

  "Firstly, the Pangu civilization could've set a time limit when they devised the 'plan of succession'. For example, the plan would not be activated until fifty thousand years or a hundred thousand years later. They did not want to wake up too early, in case they exposed themselves when the universe was still under the absolute control of the Nuwa civilization.

  "Therefore, before the designated time, all the 'activation beasts' would be kept in the hibernation or spore state. They would not come out and cause any trouble.

  "However, this isn't a very plausible possibility, and I'm more in favor of the second one. The activation beasts wouldn't bite just anybody. They would only the targets that were strong enough to be transformed into beings of the Pangu Clan!"

  Li Yao was dazed for a moment, "Strong enough to be transformed into the individuals of the Pangu Clan? What do you mean?"

  "Literally what I said," the mental devil replied matter-of-factly. "Normal human beings are only slightly above two meters tall at most, while the members of the Pangu Clan can be more than ten meters tall or even larger. Do you think that growing from a human being into a member of the Pangu Clan won't consume spiritual energy?

  "As powerful as the Pangu Clan might've been, it would have been impossible for them to make things out of nothing. They would have had to abide by the conservation of energy. So, during the process where human beings are transformed into members of the Pangu Clan, astronomical spiritual energy must be consumed!

  "If such spiritual energy cannot be absorbed from the outside world, they would have to count on the reserve within their body!

  "To put it simply, it is impossible for ordinary people and low-level Cultivators to bear the crazy consumption when their gene strands are activated for them to be transformed. Chances are that their body and soul will be drained, and they will end up being a mummy halfway through the transformation!


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