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Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Page 1464

by <unknown>

  Fearful Claw was totally on fire, turning into a giant burning ball rolling everywhere on the ground.

  Fiery Sorceress was greatly exhausted after hitting the enemy with the critical attack. Her speed was lowered briefly.

  From the furious fire on Fearful Claw's body, however, dozens of damp tentacles where acids were dropping suddenly darted out and tied up the limbs of Fiery Sorceress, dragging her to the direction of Fearful Claw brutally!

  It was a new technique unrecorded by the intelligence. Nobody foresaw that Fearful Claw's abnormal arm could explode and split into dozens of tentacles that were more than ten meters long!

  More devil huntresses leaped close, trying to chop off the tentacles and rescue Fiery Sorceress.

  From inside the anonymous hospital, tremendous hideous members of "Thirty-Three Limits" also emerged and clashed with the intruders in the goriest way!

  Five hundred meters from the battleground in the twenty-seventh district, there was a building that was established next to a cliff.

  Neither of the two parties engaged in the fierce battle noticed that the window of the inconspicuous, gray building slightly opened, allowing a piece of magical equipment that looked like a flower to extend out.

  The flower slowly blossomed and turned into an antenna that was aimed at the anonymous hospital. When the "petals" shivered softly, the telepathic thoughts that had been enhanced were immediately delivered to every corner of the anonymous hospital.

  The other side of the antenna extended into the building and was connected to an operating table in the shape of a cocoon. Li Yao was lying on the operating table, surrounded by mild nerve buffer liquids, with a ring of tiny metal slips stuck to his head.

  On every metal slip the size of a fingernail, there were a plethora of super-tiny rune arrays that he had carved in person.

  He was engaged in a more fierce and soul-stirring battle on a different battlefield.

  Lying inside the cocoon-shaped cabin that was as warm as the womb, the quakes and explosions around him seemed to be gone. The twenty-seventh district was dissected into clear, transparent maps, allowing him to scrutinize every building, every firing point, and every tube within three thousand meters.

  It was a shame that Dongfang Renxin would never make such a lousy mistake. The anonymous hospital, despite the ostensible shabbiness, did not have any ventilation tube or a sewer that could allow a human being to crawl through.

  Also, the reformists were full of talents and experts. The mission was too critical for Li Yao to sneak into the location in secret on his own.

  Right now, he was separating his attention and controlling a hundred and eight super-tiny mechanical spiders at the same time, making them crawl to the crystal bombs deployed near the anonymous hospital.

  The super-tiny mechanical spiders were exactly the model that he used to deal with Long Yangjun a few days ago.

  Their main purpose was never to attack but to help Li Yao invade the places that were uninvadable for human beings to sabotage or survey.

  It was even safe to say that they were the "banes of crystal bombs" that Li Yao had produced specifically for this mission.

  Under the cover of the vehement attacks of the main troop, the super-tiny mechanical spiders crawled into the underground tubes through the gaps like little bugs and approached the locations where the crystal bombs were planted.

  Inside Li Yao's brain, a hundred and eight 3D pictures popped up, as if he had been divided into a hundred and eight parts himself.

  To blow up the entire anonymous hospital and the evidence inside into smithereens certainly required abundant crystal bombs.

  Such crystal bombs would release extremely feeble spiritual waves to the outside world even when they were in the hibernation state. The experienced bomb experts could easily distinguish them from common magical equipment.

  It was needless to say that Dongfang Renxin must've activated the self-destruction devices now that the anonymous hospital was under attack. As a result, the spiritual waves were even more intense, allowing Li Yao to locate all the crystal bombs immediately.

  At this moment, Dongfang Renxin and the highly-influential elder of his family were both in the hospital. Naturally, they would not blow themselves up together with the hospital.

  But Li Yao estimated that such a clandestine place must have short-distance teleportation arrays leading to the outside world. After Dongfang Renxin and his companions successfully evacuated, he would certainly blow up the hospital and even the entire twenty-seventh district without caring for anything else.

  He had to race with time!

  "What a delicate toy!"

  Maneuvering the super-tiny mechanical spiders, Li Yao observed the crystal bombs that were deployed around the anonymous hotel from close up and complimented sincerely.

  It had been a long time since he last saw such beautiful crystal bombs.

  They were in the oval structure, like the shell of a snail, with a surface as smooth as a mirror. At first look, there was no place for any dismantling tools to work on at all.

  Inside the crystal bombs, the most sensitive sensors must've been installed too, and even the feeblest quake would've been perceived.

  Also, the dozens of crystal bombs were connected to each other both through wires and wirelessly. When any of them was damaged, the other crystal bombs would immediately go into the countdown to be detonated.

  It was almost a flawless self-destruct device. Even a specialist in crystal bombs such as Li Yao felt tempted by it.

  "It's quite challenging. Even though I have advanced into the Divinity Transformation Stage, if I want to completely dismantle such a self-destruction device, it will still take me… one minute!"

  The metal vesicles on the backs of the hundred and eight super-tiny mechanical spiders were suddenly opened at the same time, spurting out bright green mists of ice to the shells of the crystal bombs that were as smooth as mirrors.

  The shells of the crystal bombs were immediately covered in a layer of vague heptagonal frost, which was completely different from the regular snowflake.

  What was stored inside the metal vesicles on the backs of the super-tiny mechanical spiders was a material named "Jade Dragon Marrow". Li Yao had only produced it by mixing twenty-seven kinds of low-temperature drugs according to a certain ratio.

  The moment it encountered air, it would immediately turn into icy mist and lower the temperature around to minus a hundred degrees so that most of the materials in the environment would be inactive. It also boasted a particularly impressive effect on the suppression of the spiritual waves of crystals.

  One might even say that it was a special gas that was both "cold" and "inert".

  Although every tiny mechanical spider could only carry one drop of the Jade Dragon Marrow, it was enough to freeze the sensor inside a crystal bomb.

  In the next second, Li Yao held his breath and remotely controlled the mechanical spiders to crawl on the frozen shells of the crystal bombs.

  A group of the mechanical spiders was stuck to the shells of the crystal bombs with the sucking discs at their abdomens, while the other spiders nearby used their sharpest blade limbs to draw perfect circles, cutting holes on the shells of the crystal bombs.

  Putting the shells that had been cut out aside, all the super-tiny mechanical spiders crawled in through the holes and entered the crystal bombs.

  Chapter 2295: Living Bloody Hell! |

  From the perspective of the super-tiny mechanical spiders, the inside of every crystal bomb was a bizarre, enticing new world.

  The crystal wires that were as thin as hair shimmered in vague light, constituting the veins and bridges of the new world. The chips were constructed on each other in the most believable way and formed complicated mazes. The rune arrays shaped the spiritual energy into different splendid forms and blossomed deep inside the mazes like translucent flowers of energy.

  The new world that seemed to be alive was also so sensitive and fragil
e. Even if it was slightly frozen by the "Jade Dragon Marrow", it was still like a tower of sand hung by a thread. The whole world might collapse at the slightest touch.

  Now, it was time for Li Yao to do his best!

  Li Yao took a deep breath inside the cocoon-shaped cabin, and the pores all over his body slowly expanded. Countless tiny bubbles popped up from the nerval buffer liquids. Around the ring on his head, the bubbles evolved into foams and flowed out of the cocoon-shaped cabin.

  Li Yao's telepathic thoughts were boosted to the maximum when they flooded to the nearby hospital like an overwhelming river.

  All the super-tiny mechanical spiders jumped agilely at the same time, like phantoms made of crystals dancing crazily on the tip of a saber.

  Going deeper and deeper, the mechanical spiders dissected the sensors and the detonation chips of the crystal bombs in absolutely accurate and synchronic movements as if it were a surgery, without even an error of 0.01 threads in any movement. While removing the chips, the spiders also needed to further spray "Jade Dragon Marrow" to freeze the deeper parts of the crystal bombs.

  While the Jade Dragon Marrow froze the sensors of the crystal bombs, it would also disrupt the telepathic thoughts of remote control. Only a bomb expert in the Divinity Transformation Stage such as Li Yao was capable of doing the operations in such a harsh environment.

  Dismantling dozens of crystal bombs was a huge burden on the soul. Even Li Yao had a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

  He was not holding anything in his hands, but veins were protruding on the backs of his hands. His fingers were also trembling, with feeble noises coming from the joints.


  Li Yao mumbled. Dozens of scarlet chips vaguely popped up inside his brain, as if he had pushed aside the petals and saw the hidden pistils inside.

  They were the central trigger chips of the crystal bombs.

  As long as the dozens of central trigger chips were frozen and removed at the same time, it would be possible to prevent the self-destruct devices from being activated.


  Li Yao suddenly rolled his eyes quickly, and he vaguely had a sense of danger. He felt that things shouldn't be so simple.

  "The guy who planted the serial crystal bombs must've been an expert among experts. The polishing of the shells of the crystal bombs, the deployment of real and false wires, and the structures of the control chips are all flawless. Barely anyone can break such a thorough defense.

  "But his methodology seems to be too straightforward. There is not a single trap here at all? It does not befit the style of such an expert.

  "There must be something more to it!"

  Li Yao stopped at the last moment. Considering carefully, he released the super-tiny mechanical spiders for reconnaissance again.

  "If I were in his shoes, how would I have set up such a set of self-destruct device that was of paramount importance?"

  Li Yao retrieved the map and the structural graphs of the environment near the anonymous hospital again, considering the problem from the perspective of the designer of the self-destruct device.

  The underground city of the capital was teeming with people in the first place. Cave buildings that were like beehives and ant nests could be found in every corner possible.

  Since it was a secret institute, there was little room for retreat and counterattack.

  Therefore, the room to deploy the self-destruction device was also highly limited. The design couldn't have been too magnificent.

  Most of the crystal bombs had been discovered and controlled by Li Yao. If there was any hidden crystal bomb, it must have been planted in the most vulnerable place on the structure of the anonymous hospital in order to blow up all the evidence. In that case…

  "It's right here!"

  Li Yao found the last crystal bomb in an extremely inconspicuous tube below the anonymous hospital.

  The crystal bomb was planted in an extremely treacherous place at the axis that supported the entire twenty-seventh district. Once it exploded, it might result in the collapse of the entire underground city. Tremendous rocks and metal structures would fall brutally. Not only would the anonymous hospital and the twenty-seventh district be completely buried, but the underground towns further away would be affected too. Eventually, the whole underground chasm would be buried by the landslide.

  If that happened, the innocents that would be buried alive would be more than a hundred thousand!

  In order to destroy the evidence, they did not hesitate to drag hundreds of thousands of people to die with them—Li Yao gained a deeper understanding of the brutality of the Immortal Cultivators.

  Li Linghai's team failed to detect the crystal bomb beforehand because it was covered in a shell made of special metal materials and sealed by complicated barriers. Also, it was in the hibernation state itself.

  Li Yao investigated for a long time and discovered that the trigger system of the crystal bomb was rather interesting. The dozens of crystal bombs outside would send an extremely feeble wave to it every ten seconds. As long as it received dozens of waves at the same time, it would remain in the hibernation state.

  As long as it did not receive the signals from other crystal bombs in time, it would explode immediately without any hesitation, blowing up the supporting axis of the entire underground city and raising a chain reaction to destroy all the crime evidence as well as the lives of hundreds of thousands of people!

  Li Yao narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth without him knowing it.

  The design of such a vicious self-destruct device alone was a reason good enough for him to catch the monstrous doctor Dongfang Renxin and crush the Dongfang family!

  Now that he had found the trigger system of the last crystal bomb, it would be much easier from there.

  Li Yao went back and studied the dozens of crystal bombs that he found earlier. As he expected, he discovered a group of tiny signal transmission tubes in the deepest part of the bombs, which would send out a certain wave every ten seconds. Also, the wave from every crystal bomb was different. It seemed to be some sort of code or password.

  All the signal transmission chips were connected to the control chips of the crystal bombs. If the control chips were dismantled or terminated, the signal transmission chips would be burnt up at the same time and stop sending the waves.

  Due to the urgency, Li Yao did not have the time to simulate dozens of different signals.

  Pondering for a moment, he reconstructed the circuits of the spiritual energy of the crystal bombs by cutting the signal transmission chips to the control chips and connecting them to new routes.

  It was a way to deceive the signal transmission tubes and mislead them into thinking that they were still connected to the main routes.

  After finishing the critical step, Li Yao was finally able to take a long breath in relief and start the final dismantling work.

  A hundred and eight super-tiny mechanical spiders were activated at the same time, spinning the "pistils" inside the crystal bombs and plucking all of them.

  The self-destruction device was destroyed!

  Li Yao leaped up from the cocoon-shaped cabin and spat a mouthful of nerval buffer fluids before grinning.

  He gestured Li Jialing to fetch a bowl for him while he turned on the communication channel unhurriedly.

  As he expected, the communication channel was filled with the anxious roars of Yue Wushuang, Tu Zhengdao, and the rest of them.

  Li Yao smiled and said, "The self-destruct device has been cracked. You may attack boldly without worries now!"

  After he said that, the flames and explosions from the anonymous hotel were immediately intensified to a new level.

  The secret studies that Dongfang Renxin had been conducting in this place were clandestine and even kept from a lot of people within the Dongfang family.

  Therefore, although it was defended by the experts such as the "Thirty-Three Limits", it was still impossible for Dongfang Renxin to su
mmon a few crystal suit legions to garrison the place openly.

  The reformists, on the other hand, had dispatched all the elite troops for the long-prepared arrest, even giving up a lot of bureaus on the ground. They were obviously determined to accomplish their goals.

  The impasse between the two parties did not last long when the arrest team of the reformists broke into the gate of the anonymous hospital and pushed further into Dongfang Renxin's secret institute.

  Tremendous pictures inside the secret institute were delivered to Li Yao's portable crystal processor in real time through the surveillance cameras on the crystal suits of the arrest team, allowing him to get a glimpse at a full picture of the man-eating place.

  Inside the frozen containers, all kinds of abnormal, bizarre-shaped organs were soaked inside the suspicious nutrition liquids. There was no telling whether they came from humans or from alien beasts at all.

  Many organs were connected to crystal wires, which were fluctuating as if they were alive!

  There were also the brains of dozens of human beings that were connected to the bloody spines, the end of which slowly protruded like an egg in the dark gold color, suggesting that they were the brains, spines, and "cores" of the experts in the Core Formation Stage!

  The devastating and disgusting pictures made Li Yao feel like vomiting.

  The picture was a hundred times more ghastly than the scene he saw in Elder Nether Spring's laboratory in the Blood Demon Sector where human beings were transformed into demons!

  At the end of the secret institute was an operating room.

  On two platforms that looked like both operating beds and devilish altars, two young people were lying unconsciously. However, one of them was locked by barriers tightly, unable to move at all.

  His skull had been opened, and his brains had obviously shrunk, as if everything inside, from the spiritual root to the soul, had been pumped away and transmitted to the brains of the other young person.

  The other young man, who looked rather elegant, was wide-eyed with spreading pupils. He had already died.


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