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Page 5

by Layla Wilde

I leaned down and kissed it, letting my lips slide down to her thighs. I spread her legs gently, kissing her inner thighs, making sure to avoid her pussy so I could tease her a bit longer. I could smell her desire as her juices started to flow out of her, soaking her panties. Occasionally, I would reach up and rub the material into her already sensitive mound, hearing her moan with pleasure as she ground her hips into the air.

  “Hunter…” she whispered. I looked up at her, my head just inches away from her quivering pussy. Our eyes locked, and I felt my heart skip a beat. God, she was beautiful. I smiled at her innocently as if I’d been doing nothing naughty.

  “Yes?” I asked, raising an eyebrow in her direction.

  “Stop. Teasing. Me,” she said through breathless gasps.

  I chuckled. “Alright.” To tease her further, I pulled on the waistband of her panties, letting them dig into her soft flesh. I jerked my hand so they rubbed against her. She moaned, biting her lip before she gave me a dirty glare. “Alright. I’ll stop.”

  Sneakily, my fingers made their way behind her to squeeze her ass cheeks. She gave a little yelp of surprise as I pinched her ass, making her jump. I seized the opportunity and grabbed her thighs, pulling her legs over my shoulders. I grinned wildly at her.

  “You devil,” she said. I could see her chest heaving with excitement. Inside my pants, my cock was dying for freedom, but I ignored it, determined to make Victoria feel like never before.

  Suddenly, I ripped off her panties and tossed them to join her dress in the corner of the room. I leaned forward, letting my tongue graze her engorged clit. I flicked my tongue, watching her wiggle in my arms.

  With my tongue still flicking over her clit, I reached into our night stand and pulled out a bottle of lube. Her eyes followed it for a moment, widening with surprise as she raised her eyebrow in my direction in slight question. I grinned at her around a mouthful of pussy. I opened the bottle with one hand, the other slowly roaming her body, easing any tension she might have felt at the sight of the lube. I managed to get some on my finger, my mind racing with the thought of how she would react to what I planned to do to her.

  I held her close, my hands spreading her ass cheeks apart so one of slick finger could sneak into her tight, puckered asshole. She moaned loudly at the intrusion. Her moans grew even louder as I eased another finger inside of her, making sure to use as much lube as necessary to ease the process.

  I felt her tighten around my finger and chuckled. “Relax, baby. Let me make you feel good…” I cooed at her, returning to kiss her inner thighs.

  She groaned at my incessant teasing. She wanted me to get it over with, but at the same time, I could see that she loved it. Her chocolate eyes were ablaze with excitement, and she couldn’t keep them off me.

  I pushed my fingers a little deeper until they were knuckle-deep. She kept moaning, the sound ripping through me and throwing my hormones into a frenzy. My cock grew desperate for release, my tip sensitive from rubbing against the fabric of my boxer briefs. Feeling like I would explode if I didn’t let myself have her, I quickly unbuttoned my pants as I buried my face in her warm folds.

  Her juices tasted divine as my tongue pushed deep inside her, licking and sucking in the way I knew she loved. I twisted it around and lapped at her nectar, loving the taste. I let my tongue move in and out of her, tongue-fucking her until she cried out in pleasure, her fingers tangled tight in my hair, pulling me in deeper until my nose was pressed against her mound. Still, I didn’t stop. I wanted to hear her scream my name.

  With my cock standing at attention between my legs, I pressed another finger against her back entrance, letting both of them go deep inside of her. I hooked them around, causing her to buck her hips and groan loudly. Her head tilted back, pushing her tits into the air. With my other hand, I reached up and grabbed one, giving it a firm squeeze.

  “Hunter!” she cried out, her thighs tightening around my head, threatening to crush it. I ignored her though she continued to scream my name, her head jerking with pleasure. My tongue dove deeper, tasting every precious drop of her juices. I was addicted. I couldn’t get enough. I lapped viciously, pressing closer and closer, trying to go deeper until I almost couldn’t breathe. My lips wrapped around her clit, sucking her hard, making her scream out my name until I was sure that even the neighbors could hear.

  Finally, I pulled away, my face drenched. I grinned wildly at her. She collapsed onto the bed, panting. She had been so close to coming, but I had ripped away at the last possible moment, leaving her frustrated and wanting more.

  “Hunter… please,” she begged, looking at me with desperate eyes.

  “Tell me how much you want it, gorgeous,” I whispered, letting my fingertips run along her body. I felt her shiver at my touch.

  “I want you so badly,” she answered almost immediately. “I want to feel you inside me. I want you to love me like never before…” Her words were sincere as she grabbed me and pulled me on top of her.

  My raging cock pressed against her slick entrance. My lips collided with hers as we made out, my tongue sliding into her hot mouth. Our fingers tangled together before I thrust myself deep inside her. She gasped, and I groaned as her pussy tightened around me. Her slick walls were quivering. She had me in a vice grip. I didn’t move for a while, my balls nestled against her soft ass.

  Our heartbeats melded together before I felt her gyrating her hips urging me to move. Her eagerness set me on fire. I started to pump in and out of her, holding her down as my fingers played with her sensitive clit, flicking it back and forth as she howled with pleasure, her nails running down my back. I kept going, my stamina limitless after almost a year of playing professional football.

  I fucked her for all I was worth, letting her feel every inch of my throbbing cock deep inside her. I could feel my tip pressing against her cervix as I continued to make love to her, holding her tighter and picking up speed. The friction between us heightened, lighting a fire between our legs.

  “I’m going to come!” she cried out suddenly, her legs wrapping around my waist like she never wanted to let me go. I continued with shallow thrusts. My balls tightened, and I knew I was drawing toward the edge.

  “Come for me,” I whispered into her ear, nibbling her lobe. Her pussy quivered at my command. Her nails dug deep into my back. A soft hiss escaped her lips as she arched her back, her body tensing.

  I felt her climax. I gasped as her juices ran over my cock, soaking it. She even managed to drip onto the bed. She collapsed in my arms, panting for breath as my mind exploded with pleasure. I couldn’t stop myself from coming inside her, my hot cum coating her insides. I grunted and collapsed on top of her, taking her instantly into my arms. I didn’t even bother to pull out, leaving my cock buried inside her for a minute longer.

  She didn’t seem to mind as she laid her head on my chest, a satisfied smile on her face. “You really do think I’m beautiful…”

  “You’re the one that came up with the silly idea that I didn’t.” I kissed the top of her head. “I love you, Victoria, and you’ll always be beautiful to me.”

  *** THE END ***


  Time flew by. Lila was four, and I didn’t even know how it had happened. One day I was changing her diapers, and the next, she was learning how to read picture books. How was she growing up so fast? How do I make it slow down? I thought about the last few years as I dressed her for the big game.

  “Mommy, where are we going?” she asked me. She kept playing with her pigtails, spinning them around her little finger. “Where’s Daddy?”

  “I already told you, pumpkin. We’re going to the Super Bowl. It’s the biggest game in football—you know, the game Daddy plays. He’s already there with his team, so we’re going to go and cheer him on,” I explained.

  “Does that mean I get to bring my pompoms?” she asked excitedly.

  I nodded, and her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. She dashed out of my grasp and ran to her toy chest, nearl
y falling inside as she looked for her pompoms. I laughed as I watched her struggle to reach them. Even though she had grown quickly as a baby, her height had come to a halt. She was going to take after me in the vertically-challenged department.

  “Got them!” she said triumphantly, holding them in her hands. She started to chant and dance around the room, coming up with rhymes on the spot. I laughed at her antics.

  “Alright, Miss Cheerleader, save it for the game. We have to finish getting you dressed so we can go. You don’t want to be late, do you?” She shook her head vigorously, her pigtails whipping back and forth. I managed to tame the little ball of energy long enough to get her into her pink National jersey and beanie.

  “Mommy, is Daddy going to win today?” she asked me innocently.

  I hugged her tight. “He will if you cheer loud enough.”

  She nodded. “I’m going to be the loudest so Daddy can’t lose! I’m going to be his number one fan!” she exclaimed, her face one of pure concentration as she thought about what she could do in order to ensure her father’s victory.


  The stadium was buzzing with excitement. I had never seen so many people in one place. The Nationals were playing the Zeppelins, and there was a clear divide between the fans. I hurried through the crowd to the front row where Hunter had reserved seats for Lila and me. He knew we liked to be right in the middle of all the action. While the rest of the football wives sat in the VIP suites, enjoying champagne and white glove service, we preferred to be amidst all the fans, enjoying the magical atmosphere.

  All that was separating us from the field was a railing and a four-foot-high panel, displaying advertisements. I eyed the stairs leading down to the field. Maybe at the end of the game I could surprise Hunter by sneaking out there.

  Lila followed my gaze and giggled. “Are we going to visit Daddy after the game?”

  “Maybe, pumpkin. Depends on whether he wins or not,” I explained.

  She pulled out her pompoms as if to remind me that he couldn’t lose in her presence. I laughed at her enthusiasm before reaching into my bag and handing her a juice box. As she slurped, I watched the TV cameras and various other personnel tramping around the field, making sure everything was in order before the big game.

  Lila sat in her seat, absorbing everything with fascination. She had been to plenty of football games, but this one felt different. The stadium was fuller than it had ever been. Every single seat was taken. In the front rows, there were hundreds of men in suits, looking dead serious, while upper rows were occupied by excited fans covered in body paint, showing off their team support. In the middle of the field, mascots were running around, rallying up the crowd, getting them ready for the reveal of the teams.

  Lila’s eyes sparkled with diamonds. The Nationals came out, and Lila squealed. “Daddy!” She stood up in her seat and waved frantically to him.

  He spotted her and blew her a kiss. Ever the center of attention, she dramatically started sending them back to him. He gave her two thumbs up, and she responded by brandishing her pompoms. Hunter smirked, knowing his personal cheerleader was ready to cheer him on until her face turned blue.

  He looked at me, our eyes locking. I smiled, blowing him a kiss for good luck myself, as I always did before a game. Satisfied he had all the luck he needed, he jogged to his teammates, huddling for some last minute pep talk.

  The stakes were high, and everyone was at the top of their games. Tom Brady made a few good passes, but the Zeps had a killer offense in this year’s lineup, shoving through the front lines and leaving the Nationals struggling to keep up. They kept trailing behind by a couple of points.

  Lila screamed, “Go, Daddy, go!” Her little face would redden with anger when the other team scored a touchdown. “Meanies!” she would shout at them, raising her fist angrily in the air, like she was capable of intimidating them.

  “Lila,” I said, pulling her onto my lap.

  She looked at me quizzically. “What is it, Mommy?”

  “Daddy can’t win if you keep focusing on the other team. You have to cheer Daddy on if you want him to win.” I leaned in close and whispered in her ear. “Chant interception.”

  “Intra…cep…tion?” she asked, having some trouble saying the word. I nodded, tapping her nose.

  Determined, she got on her chair and started to chant the new word I had taught her. All around us, people started to slowly pick it up, chanting it as well. Hunter looked at us, and I grinned. Every single Nationals fan was chanting with my little girl.

  My phone buzzed at that moment with a Twitter notification. Nationals fans going crazy for number thirteen, Hunter Baxley. Will he do the impossible and intercept the nearly invincible Zeps lineup? #NFL #Superbowl #HBaxley My phone didn’t stop there. It continued to vibrate as social media exploded with the excitement of the game.

  It was the Zep’s fourth down of the fourth quarter. They were down by five points, and if they got a touchdown now, they would win. My eyes remained locked on Hunter, knowing this was his moment of glory. I held my breath, my heart rampaging in my chest. This was what he had been waiting for his whole life.

  Their quarterback tossed the ball to a nearby player, thinking they could fool the Nationals. Quickly, they were aimed to sack the player with the ball when in a last ditch effort, he threw it down the field at one of his teammates. It was headed right for him, but Hunter managed to get to it first. He jumped high into the air, hugging it into his body. He tumbled as he hit the ground, a little shaky on his feet. The whole stadium gasped, thinking he would fumble, but he held onto the ball tightly. The Zeppelins were shocked and didn’t move for a second. The whole world had stopped, and everything worked in slow motion.

  Abruptly, Hunter dashed towards the end zone, leaving the Zeppelins in his wake. There was a clear opening. He ran as fast as he could as rival players sprinted after him, trying to catch up, but he was much too fast.

  “Go, Daddy, go!” Lila screamed, jumping up and down in her seat. “Goooooooooo!” She squealed so loud almost everyone could hear her.

  Hunter sped up at his daughter’s urging, though I was sure he couldn’t have heard it. No one could catch up to him now. He nearly crashed into the goal post in his excitement. He slammed the football into the ground, jerked his helmet off, and screamed with a surge of adrenaline. His team rushed toward him, surrounding him as everyone celebrated. The Nationals had won the Super Bowl!

  As Hunter was swept up by his teammates, I grabbed Lila and pushed through the excited crowd. We rushed down the stairs. The security guard who stood there gave me a reprimanding glance. I flashed him my VIP badge around my neck, and he nodded at me, recognizing me as a player’s significant other. Lila followed close, her eyes bright.

  Once Hunter was back on the ground, he instantly spotted us. He hurried over to us, grabbing Lila. She giggled. “Good job, Daddy,” she said. He chuckled and placed her on his shoulders. I looked up, smiling widely, knowing this was everything he had ever dreamed of.

  He held onto Lila’s little legs and ran a lap around the field with everyone cheering him on. The crowd went wild. When he had finished his victory lap, he hurried to me, took my hand, and pulled me onto the middle of the field. I blushed at all the attention, the television cameras, the crowd.

  He held my hand, pulling me to the center of the stage where Tom Brady held their trophy high above his head and said a few words to the crowd. Hunter walked up to him and snatched the mic from his hands. “Sorry,” he said, seeing his shocked expression. “But this is important.”

  Everyone stared at us. My face hurt it was so red. Lila giggled. “Hello, everyone!” Hunter called into the mic. Everyone cheered when they heard the champion of the game. “I am so proud to be a part of this year’s winning team, but that’s not why I’m stealing the show right now.” His voice was laced with excitement as he looked at me and squeezed my hand harder than ever. “I have a very important announcement to make.”

  I furr
owed my brow at him. “What are you doing?” I hissed at him. Lila smiled, playing with her father’s hair, enjoying the attention even though she had no idea what was happening.

  “Ladies and gentleman, I’m happy to say that I’m the father of this beautiful little girl.” He pulled Lila off his shoulders and held her in his arms. “She’s the light in my world and makes me smile every single day.” The crowd awed. The camera crew moved in for a close-up of Lila’s smiling face. She hugged her father, and everyone melted. “But there’s this other girl who has claimed my heart, long before Lila was even born…” His eyes rested on me.

  My heart skipped a beat. I tried to think straight, but it was impossible. My cheeks felt like they were aflame. “Hunter… what are you doing?”

  He smiled at me and put Lila down. She looked at him. “Now, Daddy?”

  He nodded at her, and she giggled, reaching into the tiny pocketbook she had been adamant about bringing even though I told her not to because she might lose it. She rummaged in it for a moment before pulling out a small black box. “Thank you, pumpkin,” he said, and kissed the top of her head.


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