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Devils: Cutthroat 99 MC

Page 53

by Evelyn Glass

  “Why are you helping me so much?”

  He paused as he thought about it. Why, indeed? “The only reason I can give is because I want to. I like you, Shayna. I like you a lot. More than I probably should given that I’ve only known you for a couple of weeks.” He shrugged. “I can’t explain why, exactly, but you make me want to do things for you…” he let the sentence fade away as he smiled at her, “…and to you,” he added to keep the mood from becoming too heavy.

  She licked her lips, unsure of what to say. He had the same effect on her and she wasn’t sure what it meant. Infatuation? Certainly. Lust? Absolutely! Love? She wasn’t sure about that. Certainly not love in the way her parents loved each other. But there was something there she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

  She gave him a crooked grin. “You make me want to have things done to me. But that’s for later. How about we clean up and I introduce you to your pool?”

  By the time they were done policing the kitchen, the sun was setting and the landscape lighting was on, giving the backyard an ethereal glow. He flipped a switch by the door to the backyard and four powerful lights blazed to life in the pool, the faint waves making the light bounce and dance.

  “What kind of music do you like?” he asked.

  “I usually listen to country, but anything that isn’t heavy metal or rap is fine.”

  He nodded. “I’ll be out in a moment.”

  She watched him cross the room to the large television and power up the electronics before she turned and stepped outside. It was noticeably cooler than earlier and she breathed deep. She was still bothered by what Conor had said at dinner, but in a good way. It felt like everything was moving so fast, but she didn’t want to slow down.

  She was stripping out of her shirt and pants when a swingy jazz began to play. She could tell the general direction the sound was coming from but the speakers were so well hidden she couldn’t see them. The music reminded her of Sinatra, Bennett and the Rat Pack, and it fit the house and her mood perfectly.

  She was pulling off her shoes when Conor stepped out. “Nice,” he said before he reached out, pulled her to her feet, and pulling her in close began to steer her around the patio with the music. They danced through the first two songs before she wriggled out of his arms.

  “It hardly seems fair that I’m out here dancing in my underwear while you are still dressed. What will the neighbors think?” she teased.

  “That I’m one lucky son of a bitch? Okay, fine,” he said when she grinned and made a flicking movement with her finger. He stripped down to his underwear, adding his clothes to hers. “Happy?”

  “Very,” she purred, stepping back in close. Pressed in close, his hand in the small of her back they moved gracefully around the patio.

  Neither was a great dancer, but managed to avoid stepping on the other’s feet, and the rest didn’t matter. As the music paused between tracks, he kissed her, a slow meeting of their lips that lasted well into the next song before he pulled slowly back and began move with her again.

  As the song ended, she stepped back, placed her glasses on the table and pulled his hand gently as she stepped to the pool. She paused at the edge to remove her bra and panties before stepping into the water and wading out until the water was deep enough for her to duck under and swim. The water was perfect, beautifully clear and warmed from the desert sun. As she popped up, the water just under her chin, she looked for Conor, seeing his rippling form under the water a moment before he rose in front of her.

  With a smile she moved in, drawing herself higher out of the water as she wrapped him in her arms, the water sloshing over her breasts in a most-appealing way. He surrounded her with his arms, pulling her in tight as their lips met, their tongues engaged in their own embrace.

  “Have you ever made love in a pool before?” she breathed as their lips parted.


  “Want to?”


  She smiled and pulled him in tight as his lips kissed her neck and shoulder. This would be another new experience for her and she longed to feel him inside.

  He took a couple of steps toward shallow water, his lips never leaving her skin. He wanted her so badly that he could think of nothing else, his world focusing down to this single moment. In the pool she weighed nothing and he tipped her back, her hand going to his cock and steering it into her. As he entered her they groaned together, their lips coming together in frantic kiss, his passions feeding on hers.

  She groaned, so overwhelmed with excitement that his slow insertion nearly made her come. She pulled herself tight to him and held him with fierce strength, her face twisting in a mask of erotic anguish as he drove into her again, then again. She whimpered, wanting to cry her pleasure to the world but unable for fear of being heard. He slammed into her again, his grunt of pleasure shredding her control.

  “Fuck…” she breathed as he thrust into her again. “I’m coming. Please, don’t stop,” she mewled, the eddies from their movement acting like a lover’s caress.

  He drove into her again, forcing himself as deep as possible as she shivered and keened softly, wrapping her in his embrace as she fought through her pleasure. He held her until, with a great gasping sigh, she relaxed, then emitted a low giggling growl as another hard shudder passed through her. It was, perhaps, the single most erotic sound he’d ever heard a woman make and it made his blood rush.

  She found his lips and kissed him furiously. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d come so quickly, if ever, but she could tell there was a lot more from where that came from and she hoped he was up for a good, long fucking. He had steamrolled her every time they made love, but not tonight. Tonight she was going to have him begging for mercy.

  She began to squirm in is arms and he let her go. He wasn’t anywhere close to done pleasing her, and smiled as she bounced on her toes, leading him to the shallow end. He thought she was leading him out of the pool, but his smile grew wider as she stopped on the steps, and pulled him down as she settled. With a smile that promised great pleasure to come, she positioned him as she wanted, sitting him on the extra wide first step with his elbows resting on the coping.

  Watching him lean back, his smile, the way the water caressing every bulge and valley as it trickled off his body, the way his cock poked out of the water as she held him erect, ratcheted up her excitement. She settled over him, his passage into her making her eyes close and her head tip back in pleasure. Oh…my…God that feels good! I’m going to fuck the shit out of him! She opened her eyes and tucked her chin to her chest as she smiled at him, placing her hands on his chest as her hips began to move.

  She had him pinned back on his elbows. He was reasonably comfortable, but with her hands pressing him back, he could do nothing save allow her to use him for her own pleasure. Her gasps and grunts, the rhythmic splashes as she rode him, the way her breasts moved, water cascading off her as she splashed, but most especially the look of ecstasy on her face sent a deep thrill through him.

  She saw him grimace, his face twisting in pleasure, his hips flexing under her as he began to growl. She felt him try to rise but she pushed him harder back then fell forward, pressing herself into his chest, using her weight to pin him. She continued to pound him into her, her breath starting to come in great heaving gasps, but she couldn’t stop, not now. Her orgasm was coming, and coming hard.

  He gritted his teeth, trying to hold on, but she was fucking the hell out of him, her breath hot on his neck and shoulder as her quiet gasps of pleasure twisted him up. “Ah…shit…stop! You’re going to make me come!” he growled, trying to rise up again.

  “Come on, baby…come on, baby…come on, baby,” she gasped, pressing harder into him. She wanted him to come so she could keep on fucking him right through his climax, the thought of her shredding him with pleasure drawing her own orgasm closer.

  “Ah…fuck!” he snarled, flinging his head back as he exploded inside of her. She continued to thrust on him hard and
fast, the climax searing in its intensity. With a soft cry, he forced his hips up, his legs quivering with effort as he battled his pleasure. He lifted her out of the water, his body becoming stiff as his orgasm raged, and still she fucked him.

  He went so deep, lifting her as he pressed up with his legs until his body was horizontal, every muscle taut and exposed, his soft cries of pleasure destroying her. Her rapture was close as she increased the power and speed of her thrusts, her muscles straining to rip her apart, and still she fucked him.

  He fought the urge to scream into the night, the pleasure so intense he burned in the heat of pleasure.

  Her orgasm rolled over her, devastating and unstoppable in its power. She wanted to announce her pleasure to the world, the need to remain quiet increasing the power of her orgasm and making her need to cry out that much stronger. Biting down on her voice, unable to completely contain it, she emitted a soft wail, throwing herself upright as she spasmed. Her back arching, she moaned long, low and deep as her hands traveled her body, trying to damp the fire that was consuming her.

  Her pounding hips finally still, he collapsed back into the pool with a splash, gasping in relief. His orgasm had been hard, but was nothing compare to what she’d done to him after he came. He didn’t know how long she’d fucked him after he came, but it felt like hours, months…years.

  She collapsed, falling to his chest as the aftershocks of her orgasm made her twitch and shudder, panting in relief. She desperately wanted to be held, so she forced herself upright, pulling at his shoulders. He sat up, his cock still deep inside of her as his arms wrapped her and he laid his head against her chest, her arms closing around his head and back to hold him to her. They sat together, their only movement his lips softly caressing her breasts until he softened and fell from her.

  “Take me to bed and hold me?” she whispered.


  Neither moved, not wanting to break this special moment, but finally Shayna rose and stepped from the pool. They dried each other, no words necessary or spoken, kissing and touching gently until he pulled her towel from her hand and dropped it on the table with his. He could clean up in the morning.

  He took her hand and led her to the bedroom. The lamps in the pool caused light to dance on the walls and ceiling as he turned back the linens. As they tumbled into bed, she noticed the mirror wall again and smiled as he tucked in behind her in a comfortable spoon. Another night, she sighed as she closed her eyes and allowed sleep to take her.

  He laid quietly, eyes closed, drifting in that time before sleep when everything seemed so clear. It didn’t seem possible, not after only two weeks, but he had to admit that he might be falling for her. After so many women, was it possible she was the one? He took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he smiled. He didn’t know, but as he coasted into sleep, Frank Sinatra crooning that he felt so young, he was looking forward to finding out.


  Beast thought it ironic that Sinatra was singing as he went to sleep, and was still singing as he woke, and he wondered how many times the playlist had cycled through last night. He didn’t care as the upbeat swinging melodies fit his mood perfectly.

  Shanya was still comatose, a knee curled to prop her up slightly. He thought about waking her so they could finally have some good old-fashioned morning sex, but changed his mind. He eased out of bed, put on some boxers, then tiptoed to the kitchen, silently shutting the door behind him. He was going to whip up some breakfast, they were going to eat it in bed, then he was going to eat her alive.

  He pulled out the omelet fixings, shredded cheese, ham, onion and green pepper, and efficiently diced them. He then cracked the last of his eggs, three each into two quart-size freezer bags, sealed them, and gave them a good shake to blend the eggs. He opened the bags, scraped half of the filling contents into each bag before giving them a couple of turns to mix, then pressed all the air out and dropped them into boiling water.

  While the eggs cooked, he tidied up outside and put Shayna’s glasses in the bedroom so she could find them. The eggs were almost done, and he was waiting on the toast to pop, lip syncing into a butter knife with Tony Bennett, when his phone rang.

  “Good morning, Lisa!”

  “I’m glad you’re in a good mood this morning.”

  “Ah, shit,” Beast said, picking up on Lisa’s tone. “What’s happened?”

  “The clubhouse was broken into last night. I came in to clean up the guest suite and I can see where someone broke out a window.”

  “Are you inside?” he asked, his blood running cold.


  “Don’t go inside! Forget the suite and go home, okay? You can do it tomorrow, but let us check it out first.”

  “Okay. I didn’t know what to do, so I called you.”

  “You did good, Lisa. Don’t worry about it. Just go home, now, in case they’re still there,” he said before he hung up the phone. “Fuck!” he snarled, pulling the eggs from the boiling water and buttering the toast. He slid an omelet onto a plate, added the toast, and a glass of orange juice, put it all on a lap tray with a fork, and carried it into the bedroom, setting the tray on the floor while he woke Shayna with kisses.

  “That’s nice,” she mumbled, rolling over for a proper kiss. “Come back to bed,” she breathed as he broke the kiss.

  “Can’t. Have to go.” He bent and retrieved the tray and set it on the bed. “But I made breakfast.”

  She groaned as she stretched. “I’d rather have you for breakfast. Why can’t you stay?”

  He grimaced and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Someone broke into the clubhouse last night. I need to go check it out. But I won’t be gone long.”

  She huffed. “One of these days we’re going to fuck in the morning.”

  “That was the plan for today, right after breakfast. But this shit is almost behind us, and when it is, we’ll get our morning workout, I promise.” He kissed her slowly then rose. “Stay in the house. If you need anything, call me. Eat before it gets cold,” he added, pointing at the tray.

  She picked up the tray and set it in her lap. “Thank you. But I’d still rather have you.”

  As Shayna ate he quickly dressed, kissed her goodbye, then wolfed down the remaining omelet, burning his mouth in the process, washing it down by drinking directly from the orange juice jug. Finished, he called Hightower and filled him in, then mounted up and roared off into the quiet of a Sunday morning.


  Beast was the first to arrive and immediately saw the broken glass. The burglars were probably long gone even before Lisa arrived, but he pulled his pistol, just in case. He unlocked the door and eased inside, flipping the lights on.

  The main room appeared untouched except for the glass in the floor and he moved slowly through the clubhouse, his weapon at high ready. He heard the angry bellow of a Harley at full chat, waiting until Hightower joined him, his weapon also at the ready.

  “They’re probably gone,” Beast said as Hightower stepped up beside him.


  “Nothing looks touched here. Let’s check the chapel.”

  They moved cautiously to the chapel, the room where the club conducted business, Hightower pushing the door open from the side as Beast stepped into the door, ready to kill the first person he saw, but the room was empty. He stepped in and flipped on the light.

  “Bollocks,” Hightower said as he stepped into the large room with the enormous wooden conference table.

  At almost three feet tall and two feet square, and weighing over a thousand pounds, the safe squatting in the corner of the room was far too heavy to move without special equipment, but someone had obviously had a go at it. The safe was a late 1800s piece Bear had picked up for the club. Ten years ago Animal had it restored and it was thing of beauty in its high-gloss black paint with the Desert Reapers emblem and pin-striping painted in gold. It had done its job, but it was a little worse for wear. The dial had been broken off, t
here were scratches where the thieves had tried to pry the door, and a deep gouge from what appeared to be a drill bit.

  Beast gave the safe a pat in a silent compliment for a job well done. “I’ll give you one guess who’s responsible for this, but let’s check the cameras.”

  Hightower shook his head in disbelief. “Do they really think we keep that kind of money in there?”

  Beast shrugged as they walk to the DR Security offices. “Probably not, but even a few hundred thousand probably looks pretty good to them right now.”

  The DRS offices had the latest state of the art electronic security that would contact the police, but the clubhouse only had cameras. They were clean now, but nobody wanted cops showing up at the clubhouse unannounced, even for a burglary.

  They entered the server room and Beast called up the cameras for the clubhouse, dragging the slider backwards until he found what he’s looking for. He entered the time code for the other eight cameras, splitting the displays across two monitors, and started them running in sync.


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