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Page 4

by Kol Anderson

  He didn’t understand but I could smell his fear and that was enough. He was more beautiful than ever with that fear and the tears and the silent pleas, and I wanted to do things but I stopped myself. Because I wanted to do more than just take his virginity, and I wanted to do more than just make love. The depths of my desire were hard to fathom. He had no clue, but after today he would be on the journey to understand.


  The backs of his thighs were exposed to me now. Watching him through the barrier of a TV screen was one thing but seeing him now, exposed, and vulnerable and right in front of me was a whole other level of emotion. Mace was holding his legs down and his large hands were weighing down on the boy’s calves. His jeans were almost to his knees, and giving me a great view of his naked ass.

  My cock was so hard it was impossible to contain myself. The boy was still squirming, struggling with Stoll’s hold on his shoulders. Stoll was grinning. He was a good subordinate, he had always been loyal and respectful. Mace and Stoll were the two people I trusted with my life. I knew they would only follow orders, no more no less. And that’s exactly what they were doing now. I wanted to see the boy’s cock, see what it looked like but now wasn’t the right time for it. I moved the bat over Jake’s ass and he froze.

  “I want nothing more than to fuck you raw,” I said to Jake. “Just look at that ass, how could anyone possibly move past you without getting a taste of this?”

  I could hear Jake’s shallow breaths. They were loud and coming faster now as he waited in anticipation of my next move. “My cock would love to get inside you…” I let the wide end of the club rest over Jake’s hole. Virgin fucking ass, ready to be wrecked. “But,” I continued, “I don’t think you’re ready for me yet.”

  Saying this I handed the club over to Mace and grabbed Jake’s hair once again, forcing him to look at me.

  I watched Mace pushing the widest end of the bat against Jake’s ass, and it took him mere seconds to shove that thing up the boy’s hole, and Mace wasn’t going to be deterred by anything. The first round of screams that came from Jake’s throat became etched in my memory. His throat was going to be raw by the time I was done with him.

  He was in pain.

  The kind of pain a certain wide structure causes inside your body when a heavy guy like Mace shoves it without mercy.

  The kind of pain you remember for the rest of your life.

  The kind of pain that never goes away.


  My cock jumped inside my pants when his screams touched that primal part of me, I felt it in my gut. Mace shoved the club further with another sharp thrust and didn’t stop until Jake had stopped screaming.


  Mace let go of the boy’s legs. There was no need for it. Stoll stopped holding him down and came to stand next to me. I walked over to Benner, who was still in shock and a weeping, groveling mess. “Jake’s mine, don’t you ever forget it,” I said. “I’ll maim him, destroy him, break his fucking bones if I have to, if you or anyone tries to get in the way.”




  The last thing you need at the end of a trying workday is more work.

  I was buried under a heap of paperwork when the double doors to my lab burst open. I’m not used to having intrusions, that’s the nature of my work and even the man I work for allows me my privacy for the most part. Which is why the unexpected interruption was infuriating. I was about to tear the intruder a new one when I saw someone walking in with what I hoped was an unconscious body, being carried in two heavy arms and the arms belonged to Mace. An emergency concerning Mace and Weldon was never a good sign. But I knew the reason they had brought him here and I knew the protocol was to keep my mouth shut and my wits about me. Mace set the boy down on the exam table installed right in the middle of the lab. I took my stethoscope from the desk that I was working on and walked over to the exam table with some trepidation, hoping it wouldn’t turn out to be a dead guy.

  The sight of that face stopped me in my tracks. The only reason I didn’t say a word was because I knew it would mean trouble that I wanted no part of. “Who is this?”

  “One of the new kids,” Mace explained. “His name’s Jake.”

  I didn’t like how this evening was turning out. I qui

  ckly checked the boy’s vitals. “What happened to him?”

  Mace grinned. “Weldon happened.”

  I wanted to sucker punch the guy but it wouldn’t be useful. There were torture marks all over Jake’s body, his chest was especially affected but something told me there was more. “Fix him, Doc. And if you’re looking for injuries you should probably aim a little lower.”

  There was nothing I could do about Mace’s lack of empathy. For now, I was more concerned with saving the boy than anything else. I took off his jeans and put on my surgical gloves, to check for any damage. Besides a few minor bruises around the genital region, everything looked fine. I turned him over. More damage, marks, and more bruising, but the lower I went the more fear I had of discovering something. Maybe I didn’t want to find out what was wrong with him. But I had to get a handle on my emotions, for the boy’s sake. It didn’t help that Mace was getting impatient. I had no choice. Whatever it was the only way to deal with it was facing it—the sooner I figured out what was wrong with him, the sooner I could begin treatment, the better it would be for him.

  A preliminary assessment of the perianal region revealed the damage. There was the telltale bleeding, a sure sign that the lacerations were relatively severe, if not life-threatening. It was nothing a few sutures couldn’t fix. That is not to say that it was a good thing by any definition of the word but knowing these people, it could surely have been worse.

  “What’s the verdict, Doc?”

  I searched the medical cart for the kit. “I have to stitch him up,” I told Mace. I knew how much he hated that sort of thing so seeing him uncomfortable made me feel just a little bit better. I wasn’t going to let him sit this one though. They did this to him, they might as well see the extent of the damage and suffer through some minor surgery.

  “Hold him down,” I instructed Mace. “If he moves he could get hurt.” Mace complied, which was unusual because our traditional equation involved Mace giving instructions from Weldon and making me go along with whatever sick scheme they had going on. I gently cleaned out Jake’s wound, washed it with disinfectant. “Are you going to tell me how this happened?” I asked, seeing that Mace was trying not to look at me. It was ridiculous to see him having a phobia of watching me do the surgery, considering the kind of awful things these people did.

  “You really want to know, Doc?”


  “Will it help with fixing him?”

  “It might.”

  “Well, okay then. Weldon used a baseball bat.” Just the sound of it made me sick to my stomach. Just thinking about what that boy must have been through, made me want to kill this bastard standing next to me and the rest of the people who had a hand in this, especially Weldon.

  “Isn’t he a little too young?” I said, for lack of better arguments.

  “Weldon thinks he’s the right age.” That was Mace’s way of asking me to keep my thoughts to myself. After that I stayed mostly silent, not just because of Mace but also because I wanted to do my job carefully. Despite being exhausted after a hard day at work, I felt like I was going on a hundred caffeine injections. Mace alternated between watching me work and grimacing at the gory sight, but at least he was there and Jake didn’t wake up throughout the procedure which was just as well.

  It took me an hour, but when I was done, I got a fresh syringe from one of the containers, removed the plastic wrapping and filled it with antibiotics. I gave the first dose to Jake, and checked his vitals again. He was out like a light now, which meant he wasn’t suffering, but I was dreading the time he would wake up. He had no idea the kind of pain and mental trauma he was looking at the minute he op
ened his eyes. Worse, was the thought that I might not be there to help him through it all. He would just be locked up like one of those kids these monsters kept in their cells, dead to the world and lost to everyone but Weldon and his men.

  “Would you believe his father brought him to us?” Mace said out of nowhere. I briefly recalled the bruise that was on Jake’s face the other night when we first met and I briefly recalled him talking about his father being a jerk. That was the reason he didn’t want to go home. Maybe if he hadn’t gone home, this wouldn’t have happened. Maybe if I’d bothered to get him help before he sneaked out of the apartment, this wouldn’t have happened.

  “You know the father?”

  “He sold the kid to Weldon,” Mace said. “And probably thought better of it and tried to get him to leave. You know what Weldon thinks of people who try to escape from him. The father had it coming if you ask me, but the kid… well… what’re you gonna do, huh? Life ain’t fair.” I wanted to retort that this wasn’t life being cruel, this was them. Instead, I questioned him more on the father. His willingness to discuss the matter of Jake’s Dad made me think he didn’t like the man much and it wasn’t like Mace to have scruples. “Where’s the father now?”

  “Weldon has the boy’s whole family,” Mace blurted out. “A younger brother who Weldon keeps in the special wing and the father. I think Weldon just wants assurance. He might let them go, and keep Jake, who knows? Or he might let the father go.”

  “How old is the brother?

  “Fifteen I guess.”

  By now I was seriously dying to punch someone in the face. These boys in a place like this—it wasn’t right. “I’ll take him back to Weldon,” Mace said but I stopped him. “You can’t do that!” I protested. “He needs to be here. I must keep a check on him. His vitals are not so great, and he needs to be under observation for at least forty-eight hours in case something goes wrong.”

  Mace looked like he was trying to make up his mind about whether he believed me. “You can take him if you want,” I said. “But if anything happens to him it won’t be on me.”

  “Twenty-four hours,” Mace said, and I felt relief. “Twenty-four hours and then we take him back, Doc.”

  “Fine. Come by tomorrow. We’ll talk.”

  Watching Mace walk out the double doors was satisfying because I didn’t have to worry about keeping a straight face. I checked Jake’s vitals again. His temperature was a bit high but other than that he seemed to be doing good. Good being a relative term here. Lying there on the exam table, he looked weak and helpless. I felt awful. What had that kid done to deserve this? Just because he happened to have a shitty father who couldn’t protect him? I couldn’t sit still and wait for him to wake up, I had to do something.

  I needed to find out more about them.

  He was mine for twenty-four hours but then what? How would I convince Mace or Weldon to continue keeping him here? Oh God, this boy was in for some fucked up shit.

  I lowered my hand to touch Jake’s face. I was treading dangerous territory. So many things could go wrong. What possible good can come of me getting close to him? For one, Weldon would never allow it. If he had a thing for Jake there was no way I was going to be left with anything but a mess on my hands. But on the other hand, I couldn’t stop myself from feeling what I felt. Maybe I was just as bad as Weldon in some ways. I was being selfish. I wanted Jake and that’s the reason I was helping him, wasn’t I? I couldn’t tell anymore. These people did this to him and there was nothing I could do.

  I was working for the Devil himself—so what did that make me?

  Jake’s eyelids fluttered.

  Memories from the night of the overdose came back. The fear and the need to be there for him, how angry I’d been at Zach, but I’d done nothing to help him besides taking him home and making him sleep in the guest room. But I still remember the fear I’d experienced that night, it was etched in my memory just like today was going to be.

  I thought I’d lost him that day.

  I thought I might never see him.

  It was almost laughable!

  Life is funny.

  And the joke is on you.


  The first time I woke up I was in so much pain it was like someone had been playing with my insides by cutting them out of my body and then forgotten to put it back in. Apparently, that’s what it feels like to get to the brink of death. I don’t remember much now, but I remember the hazy scene in front of my eyes, people… or maybe one person… was he a doctor? I could see his white garb and there were lights in this room and it smelled like a hospital. My brain couldn’t register much besides the excruciating pain.

  “Jake,” I heard that voice but didn’t have the strength to see who had spoken. There was so much noise inside my head, I couldn’t think straight. I felt sick. Nauseous, and my throat was dry and scratchy. I could hear myself screaming but I couldn’t stop. I think I must have tried to get up because the pain got worse and someone held me down. I tried to blink to make out the features… I would have seen them if it wasn’t for that haze. And then that fog slowly lifted, making everything more visible in its wake. I could see where I was, the beige surroundings and the antiseptic stench that always made me nauseous was all around. Someone was trying to keep me down. I blinked again and managed to see the outline of a face that seemed familiar but I couldn’t remember why, so I kept staring at him until it dawned on me.

  “You!” I said in between the screams and he gestured for me to be silent.

  “Keep your voice down,” he said. But that just made me more confused and anxious and I wanted to get away. “Let me go!”

  So, he placed a heavy hand over my mouth to shut me up.

  I continued screaming but he grabbed a syringe and the next think I knew, I felt the prick of a needle on my neck. I was panicking but within moments I felt the darkness descending.


  I checked my watch for the hundredth time and time seemed to be slugging by so slow it felt like it was standing still. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was now keeping Jake here for the twenty- fifth hour and I had no clue what I was supposed to do if Mace came to get him because the twenty-four hours he had allocated were officially over.

  Jake twisted his body and I was standing right next to him within seconds. When he woke up this time, he was calmer. “Jake?”

  He stared at me and I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “Are you okay, Jake? Talk to me.”

  “Where’s my brother?” Jake wanted to know. “Where’s Colton?”

  All that effort he must have had to do to manage speaking through everything, all the pain and the medicated fog, and he was still more worried about his brother. “Colton’s fine, Jake. He’s not the one who needs help right now.”

  “Where’s my brother!” Jake screamed this time and I hoped I wouldn’t have to sedate him again.


  He broke into tears. “Please tell me where he is! Please, let me see Colton! Just once! Please! Let me see my brother! Please, Trey!”

  Oh God, I wasn’t programmed to handle this level of distress in someone I deeply cared about.

  I could see he was drowning. Hanging by a tattered, fine thread. Anytime now, that thread would give under the weight of his pain and drop him into the abyss waiting for him at the other end of Weldon’s torture.

  All I wanted was to save him. “Jake,” I said calmly this time. “I can help you. I can help you see your brother, but this isn’t the way to do it. I need some time. To figure things out. This is new to me too!”

  “I just need to see him…” whatever emotions Jake was finally letting himself feel were coming down in the form of a storm. He couldn’t stop crying, I could tell. He was hysterical and agitated and both these things pointed to the severely traumatized state his brain must have been in, an attempt to cope with all that had happened to him in the span of a few days. He needed time to adjust.

  But more than t
hat he needed someone to help him through this. “Jake, you will see your brother again.”

  “You’re lying,” he cried. “You work for them, don’t you? What is this place anyway!”

  “I can’t talk about it.”


  My heart broke for him.

  All I wanted was to take him away, be someplace he could be safe from everything, including me. “Jake…”

  “I’ll die here.”

  “You won’t die because I won’t let you.”

  He still hadn’t stopped being hysterical. “I just want to go home.”

  I wished there was a way I could take his pain away but that wouldn’t be easy considering the situation we were both stuck in.

  My phone rang and it was Mace, texting me to let me know that he was nearby and coming to pick Jake up. Naturally, Jake started freaking out when he found out. I was without a doubt the worst person on the planet because I couldn’t stop it from happening.

  “You’re free to leave this place, Trey. You’re not trapped like us, so why can’t you do something!”

  I couldn’t explain to him that physical chains weren’t the only things that could restrict a person, that a guy like Weldon had everyone on a leash. I didn’t think Jake would understand and anyway, this wasn’t the time to discuss my story with Weldon.

  “What does he have over you?” Jake asked when I couldn’t respond. But I couldn’t respond to his current question either.

  “I’m sorry, Jake.” The minute I finished speaking, the double doors opened with a loud burst, Mace's telltale grand entrance. “You can’t tell anyone we know each other,” I whispered to Jake and he looked confused for a second. “Just trust me.”

  “Hello, Doc!” Mace walked in and saw Jake was up.


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