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Come Share My Love

Page 40

by Carrie Macon

  “Where is Gran V?” asked Zaria.

  “I’m right here. I think I found the perfect dresses. It was a cream dress with no sleeves, a jewel neck with front pin tucks and a wide lace skirt. “Isn’t it lovely?” she insisted.

  “Wow. It’s beautiful,” Shyla remarked.

  “But it’s still not the same color as Miss Shyla’s, Gran V.”

  “Not for tonight, Silly Willy, for church. Shyla it looks like you will have to search for their dresses for tonight. I’m a little pooped.”

  “That’s fine. I saw another little shop on the third floor the other day next to the Fragrance Boutique. I thought we’d go there on our way out. Meanwhile, Mervyn’s Department Store is having a huge sale on summer clothes and shoes. Let’s go in there, you can relax while we shop and then we can get the girls a treat and then on the way out I’ll get the dresses.”

  “That sounds good. It’s been awhile since I’ve been out shopping like this but I’m having a good time.”

  “So am I.”

  When Shyla took her purchases to the counter she was surprised at the amount of her bill. She’d spent less than five hundred dollars on two little girls four pairs of shoes, socks, tights, under garments and seven outfit’s a piece. That wasn’t even half of what she would have paid for her own dress. She was very proud of herself.

  “My goodness Shyla what did you buy?”

  There were at least eight bags hanging from their hands.

  “Not nearly enough. They have a great sale going on in there. I kind of wish I had drove my own car up here. There were some things I would have wanted for my house.”

  I asked you not to spoil them.”

  “Now Mama V, would I do something like that?”

  “Yes you would, and so would everybody else.”

  “Well I’m not. You’ve already warned me. Besides we didn’t even go near the toy section and I only let them pick out their shoes. I picked out everything else. Come on. Just one more shop to go. You and the girls can sit up here and have an ice cream or a drink while I’m next door checking on the dresses.” They all agreed and were on their way.

  As promised Shyla went into The Lil’ Princess Boutique and found the perfect dress for tonight’s festivities. In fact, she found several perfect dresses and she didn’t stop and just buy two, she bought three for each of them, leaving the cashier with a smile on her face and a sales slip of two-hundred and fifty dollars. Still nothing compared to what she would have spent on herself. Shyla also ran into the jewelry store and picked out a cute pair of diamond earrings for them both.

  When Shyla came back with her purchases Mama V had her arms folded across her chest.

  “I thought you were getting just two dresses?”

  “I was but there were so many to choose from and I’m not spoiling them. That would have required that I buy out the whole store.”

  Just then a woman came by admiring the little group. She smiled at Shyla and then at the girls. “Ma’am,” she said. “I have to tell you that you have the most well-mannered and darling little girls. They are beautiful. And I can see where they get their smile from.”

  Shyla was shocked when they girls and Mama V said, “Thank you.” Then both girls gave Shyla a kiss on the cheek.

  “You are so precious, bye now,” she waved taking her leave when the others bid her a good day.

  “Well that was very nice of her,” said Mama V.

  “Yes it was,” Shyla agreed. Some people aren’t that polite but in Napa they all seem genuine.

  “Are those our cranberry dresses?” Zhaniya asked excitedly.

  “Yes,” Shyla said just as excitedly.

  “Can we see them?” asked Zaria.

  “May we,” corrected her grandmother.

  “May we see them?”

  “Yes sweet pea, you may.”

  Shyla showed them the first two dresses. They were nice, very nice but neither were the cranberry dresses that they were looking for. Shyla quit teasing them and showed them the one that they would be wearing that evening. She took off the covering and the twinkles in their eyes were like diamonds. This wasn’t just any dress it was the dress. It was like cranberry in color, Mauve according to the shop owner, ankle in length and flared out like a peasant dress. It had a ruffled trim accents neckline, collar ruffles tacked in place and the sleeve length was just at the elbow with a slight flared cuff. It tied in a bow at the zippered back.

  “Oh Shyla, it’s beautiful. Zackary is going to love it.”

  Shyla didn’t respond. She was too busy taking in the reaction of the girls. They were all over Shyla.

  Mama V stood back and watched the exchange between her two granddaughters and the woman that loved her youngest son. She silently prayed that things would work out for the both of them. Those two little girls needed a mother who would love them and look after them and keep them in her protection just as their father needed a loving and caring wife by his side, a wife that thought of family first.

  Shyla interrupted Mama V’s daydream, but she hadn’t known.

  “Mom we’re ready to go. Did you need to get anything for yourself?”

  “No baby, I have everything I need. I’m just glad you found these dresses for the girls. How much do I owe you?”

  “Not a thing. This was my treat.”


  “You said it was okay. I did this because I wanted to and you don’t have to tell Zackary either. This is my treat to them. Please?”

  “Okay Shyla it’s your treat but when we want to do something for you, don’t you deny us.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Miss Shyla we got you a drink,” said Zhaniya.

  “Thank you my princess and it has plenty of ice, too. Again I thank you.”

  They left the mall and headed back to Napa Acres. They had just about six hours to enjoy a small snack, a good nap and a shower before they had to get ready for tonight. They still had to do something about their hair. Shyla would worry about hers later. She would comb the girls and tie it up before they took their shower.

  When they returned, Zackary, his father and Felton was sitting on his porch. Shyla tried not to think about it or look their way but one of the girls yelled, ‘daddy, daddy,’ and it was hard not to.

  “Can I go to see my daddy?” Zaria asked.

  “Just as soon as we get you out of your car seat sweetheart you can go see your daddy.”

  “Yes ma’am.” As soon as Shyla let her out of the seat she was ready to go. She had Shyla by the hand. “Are you going to see my daddy too, Miss Shyla?”

  She bent down to the little girl’s level. “No sweet pea. I have so much to do right now and I’m very tired. I’ll see him tonight, but you have a good time okay.”

  “I will.” She hugged Shyla around the neck and Shyla hugged her back. “I love you, Miss Shyla.”

  “I-I love you, too, princess.” Those were the best words that Shyla had heard since coming to Napa.

  Mama V came around the car smiling. She had heard what her granddaughter had said and she couldn’t agree more. Zhaniya too wanted a hug and kiss from Shyla, and she got it.

  Big Zack looked over to his son, seeing that he too was looking on as his daughters treated Shyla like she belonged to them and vice versa. He slapped him on the back and told him that everything would work itself out, to just be patient.

  Zackary really hoped more than anything that his father was right.

  “I’m going to take the girls to their dad. Why don’t you go inside and rest.” She saw the lone tear that fell from Shyla’s eye.

  “What about the bags?”

  “I’ll send the men over you can take in the dresses for tonight and tomorrow and whatever accessories they will need, if you like. Everything else will go over to Zack’s.”

  Shyla nodded. Just as well she didn’t want to see Zackary anyway.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Big Zack and Mama V escorted Shyla and the twins to the ball.
When they walked in the rest of the Trellis clan was already in attendance. As they walked in all eyes were on Shyla. She had song beautifully a few nights before and everyone enjoyed it. She was scheduled to sit with Zackary at his table, with her cousins, but because of their falling out earlier the day before, she didn’t feel comfortable being in their company.

  Zackary’s mother insisted that she attend. Zachary’s twin daughter’s Zaria and Zhaniya had met her and grew attached on the spot. It didn’t surprise him to see that his three year old daughters had taken to her so fast. They normally stay to themselves and shied away from strangers but Shyla was different. And he knew that without a shadow of doubt she was the one. What would he do if he couldn’t make amends with her? He did not want to think about what he would do without her in his life. They had made progress and now they were back to square one only this time more feelings were involved.

  “Hi Daddy.” the girls said at the same time as they were walking to their seats.

  “Hi my princesses,” he picked them both girls up, giving them equal amounts of kisses and hugs.

  “Daddy, look at our pretty dresses,” said one twin.

  “Do you like them daddy?” said the other.

  “Yes I do, precious,” he smiled broadly.

  “Shyla picked it, daddy.”

  “She did? That was very nice of her. Did you thank Shyla?”

  “Yes daddy. She said the color was cranbrary, just like hers.”

  “You mean cranberry?”

  “Yes. That’s what I said daddy, cranbrary. Like the juice.”

  “Isn’t Shyla’s dress pretty daddy? It’s cranberry too.”

  He looked over at the other table where Shyla sat and smiled. “Yes sweetheart. It’s very pretty.” All the while he was thinking that he wanted to take her home and rip that dress off of her, make love to her with reckless abandonment as they had two nights ago. Zackary didn’t want to be at the ball. He wanted to be home making love to his woman. Oh how he wished he could turn back the hands of time and start yesterday morning all over again. He would ignore the jealous feelings he had towards his brother when it came to Shyla. He would not compare her to Gloria, his ex-wife. He would treat her like the goddess she was, the woman who set his soul aflame. Now it was probably too late. How could he have been so stupid? He’d have to find a way to make it right, though. He had to find a way.

  “Daddy, are you sitting with us?” His daughter Zaria asked.

  “No sweetheart. You are going to sit with grandma and grandpa tonight. Okay?”

  She nodded. “What about Shyla, daddy?”

  “She’s going to sit with you too.”

  “Oh goodie,” the twins chimed.

  “You better go take you seats.”

  They both kissed his cheek. “Okay. Bye daddy.”

  “Bye, daddy.”

  “Bye, babies.”

  “Bye Auntie Essie. Bye Uncle Felty.

  “Bye.” They both hummed and chuckled. The girls never called them Essence and Felton.

  “They are so precious.” Essence said.

  “I know.” Zackary looked at her with wonder in his eyes. “Have you talked to Shyla since earlier today?”

  “No.” Essence sighed. “Your mom said to just let it go for now. Give her some time to collect herself.” She shook her head. “The thing is I know my cousin better than anyone and it isn’t that easy for her to collect herself. So I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon.”

  Zackary shook his head but was in agreement. “Neither, do I.”

  “Even though Shy isn’t a person who treat others bad, she hold grudges. When she hurt, she really hurt. If you hurt her she reminds you of that hurt. She wears her feelings on her sleeve. It’s so easy for her to get hurt.”

  “Felton said the same thing and I can see that.” Zackary said.

  “She said she was leaving right after the fireworks tonight.”

  “I figured she would. I know she promised mom that she would help her out.”

  “Yeah, she doesn’t like breaking her promises. Which leads me to believe that she will stay pass then.”

  “Why do you say that? What do you know that I don’t?”

  Essence pointed. Zackary looked in the direction of his parents table.

  “Do you honestly think she wants to disappoint Zaria and Zhaniya? No she wouldn’t. And after the things they were saying today, after knowing her for a few hours, heck a few minutes, they’re not going to let her out of their sights.” Essence looked on. “Just look at the chemistry between them. They act as though she’s been in their lives for a long time.”

  “Yes. My girls seem to be able to recognize the good people from the bad people.” He watched on as his daughters and Shyla played with one another. They sat on her lap one at a time and gave her kisses as she’d given them.

  The night went on smoothly. There was no problem until the girls wanted Shyla to dance with their father. She had already danced with them.

  Zackary watched as Shyla showed his girls how to do the cha-cha and then as they both took turns slow dancing with her and then the three of them together. She smiled the entire time. He wished he had been up there with them. That was supposed to be his family, his daughters and his woman.

  “Shyla you can dance with daddy now.”

  “Oh sweetie, maybe later. My feet are really hurting me right now, maybe later.”

  Zhaniya looked sad, but she had an idea. “You can take your shoes off. He won’t step on your feet.”

  Shyla chuckled.

  “He won’t. I promise.” The look in her eyes was priceless, so innocent. Daddy wouldn’t step on your feet.”

  No but he’ll step all over my heart, Shyla thought silently.

  “Sweetie, daddy hasn’t asked me to dance. Maybe he’s too tired.”

  “You could ask him to dance. I’ll go get him.”

  “Zhaniya? No!” Shyla tried to grab her but the child was too fast. Shyla turned around in her seat seeing at least ten pairs of eyes on her, most smiling. She had to smile back or she would seem rude.

  “She’s fast,” Big Zack said.

  “Very fast,” Shyla nodded and smiled back.

  Mama V patted her hand. “Everything will work out dear. You just wait and see.”

  Shyla continued to smile. That’s all she could do.

  Zhaniya was pulling Zackary toward their table when Shyla looked up.

  “Come on daddy. Walk faster.”

  “Yes Madame Zhaniya.”

  She nudged her father. “Ask her daddy. Ask Shyla to dance.”

  “But you have to take her shoes off first daddy because her feet hurt.” said Zaria.

  “I can take off my own shoes, Zaria. I don’t need any help, sweetie.”

  “But daddy wants to help you right daddy?”

  “Right, Zaria.” Zackary sat down and helped Shyla undo her shoes while he continued to look into her face. She stopped altogether and looked in the opposite direction.

  After disposing of her shoes Zackary stood. “Shyla will you dance with me?” he reached for her hand but she didn’t take it right away. She reached out and then pulled back and began to wring her hands together like she was nervous.

  Zaria took her hand and placed it in her dad’s then kissed her cheek. “He won’t step on your feet. Tell her daddy.”

  Zackary smiled and whispered. “I won’t step on your feet.”

  Shyla shook her head. These two little girls were too much. They’d have them off and married if they had the time to plan it. She wasn’t so sure they hadn’t already.

  Shyla stood and allowed Zackary to escort her to the middle of the dance floor. No words were said but Zackary knew that that’s where they were meant to be. It didn’t matter to Shyla though. She would not let this man get within twenty feet of her heart again.

  “Shyla, I would like to apologize for the things I said yesterday.”

  “I don’t want to hear any of this Zackary.
I’m only dancing with you because that’s what the girls want. Not for any other reason than that.”

  “Shyla we just can’t leave-”

  She dropped her hands and stopped dancing. She had looked around at the tiny little faces that were like their dads, both smiling in their direction. She returned to the dancing position.

  “Zackary I really don’t want to spoil this moment for the girls, so I would rather not discuss or hear anything about yesterday or today or anything that would ruin this for them. They wanted us to dance and that’s the only reason we are out here, for them.”

  There was such finality to her statement. He nodded and when the song ended so did their dance. It’s a good thing too because Connie came up behind Shyla and tapped her on her shoulder. She was cutting in.

  “He’s all yours.” She turned and walked away.

  “Thanks.” Connie said, while wrapping her arms around Zackary’s neck.

  Why had he gotten the feeling that Shyla meant that like she didn’t want him?

  Zhaniya ran over to where the couple was dancing. She patted Connie on the leg and waited for her to acknowledge her. When she did she let her have it.

  “Hey. You can’t dance with my daddy.” She pushed between the two of them.

  “Niya! It’s okay sweetie.”

  “But daddy-”

  “I said it was okay. We can dance with everyone.” Zhaniya had tears in her eye.

  “But Daddy.” His little girl was upset. This wasn’t good.

  “Connie will you excuse me. I need to dance with my girls.”

  “Sure. We’ll pick up on this later. Bye Zhaniya.”

  She hid her face in her father’s pant leg.

  Connie kissed Zackary on the lips wiped off the lipstick smudges and walked away.

  Zackary picked up Zhaniya and danced with her in his arms. “What’s wrong cupcake? Why are you crying?”

  She grabbed him by the face. “Daddy you’re only s’posed to dance with Shyla and me and Zaria and Gran V no one else.”


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